Ok I admit I get revenge on fuckers sometimes when they blatently tk me but last night was just funny. Me and my clanmate are about to take off in a helicopter, we had already taken 4 flags on Dalian plant, took out an APC, then died while fending off their helicopter (pilot had lag and crashed us into a reactor tower or whatever those are in the middle of the map.) We jump into the helicopter again, some SpecOps comes up and plants C4 on us and blows us up then spams "Sorry" until we spawn. Obviously he wants the helicopter. So I wait for it to spawn, as he's running up to it I put a shotgun round into his back laying him to bed. I spam sorry a couple times, my clanmate and I have a laugh and we take off. When he re-spawns he got all pissy and started calling me a "fag." How ironic, that someone who would TK 2 people taking off because he couldn't get to the helicopter before us and then get pissy when he's served a bit of his own medicine.
We were having a shitty time with the helicopter, pilot was just too laggy on the server, so we gave it to someone else after that. (Then I was owning it up in an APC and BF2 crashed my computer so bad that it restarted, not to desktop but to bios, Thanks EA!)
We were having a shitty time with the helicopter, pilot was just too laggy on the server, so we gave it to someone else after that. (Then I was owning it up in an APC and BF2 crashed my computer so bad that it restarted, not to desktop but to bios, Thanks EA!)