stat padding is for girls
Earlier this year I bought myself a nice new 350z, with the full Nismo kit and limited edition "gunmetal" silver paint.

I had the car fitted with a thathcam cat 1 alarm and an RAC trackstar tracker  system.
Further to this, whenever I left the car for longer than 6 hours, I took out two fuses and a relay making it impossible to start without them being replaced...

So, I go away for a weekend, leaving the car in my garage.

I come home and find that the garage is open and there's no car.

Phone trackstar and get them on the case... who say they cannot locate the tracker anywhere in the UK... nice.

Earlier this week, I get a letter from the police stating that my car had been found in belgium.
Both the VIN and engine number had been replaced with fakes.
The only thing that led to the car being discovered was when the new owner of my car went to get a "knocking noise" from the suspension checked over at a Nissan garage.
The strut was a Nismo strut and the serial number on it was tied to my car, which was flagged as stolen on their system.
Further checks found more serial numbers that matched mine, and the VIN and engine numbers did not belong to a valid Nissan.
Hurrah.. my car was found...  with 12,000 more miles on it, with a new red paint job, and a nice cigarette burn in the passenger leather.

At the bottom of the letter, the police said they retrun the car to me, if I paid for shipping and storage costs from Belgium!!!

Obviously I turned this down.. lol

Anyway.. the real point of this thread is as follows:

I'm informed my car was stolen "by demand" by an organisation involved in stealing cars to order.
The police have recently arrested three people who were caught attempting to steal a Ferrari from a business carpark.
These three admitting stealing 3 other cars in the last six months from my area, including my car.
(my 350z, an Evo 8 and a merc)

Normally, I'd expect the theiving scum to end up behind bars for their "shopping" trip, but oh no...

Because although they admitted to the other 3 cars, there's no PROOF that they did do it, and because the three caught were all under 18, they were only prosecuted for the one attempted theft, but as minors...

In their trial, they "admitted" they were threatened by "immigrants" to steal the cars, otherwise they would be killed and their houses burned down.
When asked to identify the "immigrants" they said they couldn't, as they never met them.. they were just told to take the cars to a specified place, where someone would give them the cash for it.

So, what punishment did they get for thier crimes?

Jail time? don't be daft.
Suspended sentence? lol.. no.

They each got 4 hours community service... and that was that.

What I dont understand is.. the goverment keeps saying there's no respect anymore and hands out stupid things such as ASBO's... (which is a subject for another topic)

but when it comes to something serious like "organised crime" and "car theft", "young offenders" get nothing meaningful in the way of punishment.

Heck, if I was caught nicking my sister's sweets when I was a kid, my mum would hand out a punishment more severe that having to pick up litter on the side of a road for four hours..

Some "people" argue that people under the age of 18 don't really know what they're doing, and so shouldn't be held fully responsible for their actions (hence not being tried as an adult), but if you ask me, these little c*nts knew exactly what they were doing and should face the full punishment for doing so.

I don't care if they gave the police information about the "immigrants" they were working for, nor do I care if they were "forced" into doing it...
If someone threatens your family, then you go to the police.. simple as. (not that I believe they were threatended at all)

On top of that, we're not allowed to know the names of the offenders, yet they get to know my name, address, Date of Birth etc, as it's all given during the trial!
How rubbish is that?

This countries judicial system is becoming far to "PC" to be of any use and things in this country will NEVER get better until the government get off their soap boxes and actually try to address the problems they preach about.

I'm Gibraltarian by birth, and although that grants me a british nationality and the right to live hear in England, only the lack of finding a job that pays as much as I'm on now back home in Gibraltar is keeping me in the godforsaken, sh*theap of a country.

(Don't get me wrong.. this country USED to be great, but with all the "PC" crap and reluctance to do anything about the rising problems caused by the "youths to today", it is on a (not so) slow and steady downfall)
© 2009 Jeff Minard
Great story dude. +1. Atleast they found your car.
stat padding is for girls

mafia996630 wrote:

Great story dude. +1. Atleast they found your car.
yeah, but I'd already claimed on insurance (which obiously makes my next insurance price skyrocket!), so the insurance company took the car (and of course, raised the cost of my insurance claim by paying for the storage and transporation of the car from belgium to the UK)...

I love how you're the victim and yet you're the one footing the bill for everything. Our legal system sucks ass TBH, IMO all costs should be differed from you to them to be paid when they're working, but companies don't like waiting for their money so I doubt that'll ever happen .

You get your car ruined and a shit load of costs, they scratch their arse for a few hours and carry on with life... Justice done indeed lol, it's laughable.
stat padding is for girls
spot on...
I hunt criminals down for a living
Sorry to hear that. If I had the time to spare i would offer to take your car to you, but I can't.
It's not only a problem in the UK, but it's the same in Europe: all criminals should be treated as an adult from 16 yo, no exemption.
Beter luck next time.

I have an old Dodge Ram with one unpainted front sidepanel. It was built in the 80's. Nobody ever stole it.
+102|7015|New York

gell1981 wrote:

usual story thou!! what happened to young offender prisons???? maybe the gov should watch Scum and revert back to the old times!
From what i gather, And this is from friends accounts of the goings on in the UK. The governmat has taken a stand and has said that there is to be no more prisons built. At the same time, the ones that are used are VERY overcrowded. According to them, the gang problem there is out of control, they are aquiring more and more handguns and the violence has gone up two fold. So they tell me, the govt wont persue any type of jail time for these youth, because theres no room to house them. But at the same time, Say a little old lady cant pay her tax, She would be arrested and have to server jail time for such an offense.

So your account of whats going on there is about on par with what ive been told. I thought that it was an interesting subject when we were talking about it that night(well night for me, but around 5am for them lol) But ill agree, something is very broken there and needs to be fixed.

You should fit your next cat with this, with some kind of baseball cap sensory device to set it off: … ame_Device
Positive Karma Here!
Wow, 4 hours?  I play that eqivilant of that in one Sunday....damnnn
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
what'd they do, tow it out i take it? no neighbors saw anything or did they just think you were behind on payments and it was getting repo'd?
stat padding is for girls
neighbours saw nowt.

CCTV at the end of my long round outside the post office saw my car being driven away, but the camera was so shite, and the car was only visible for a split second just after 3am on the saturday.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
*shrugs* Execute the fuckers.  They'll probably be lifelong criminals, and 3 less people on this planet is no big deal.  Who gives a fuck if they're minors?  They know right from wrong, and they can learn it in a quick and painful way.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
they must've been watching you for a while and had a case of fuses with them or maybe found out the hard way what you did on a previous attempt, maybe even gotten a tip from whoever installed the alarm and tracker.
That 70's guy
+156|6844|Sydney, in 1978
ide -1 you if i could. why the fuck would you buy a nissan when there are way better cars out there you can buy for the same money?
stat padding is for girls

Mongoose wrote:

ide -1 you if i could. why the fuck would you buy a nissan when there are way better cars out there you can buy for the same money?
I'd buy the 350z because I've owned a 240z, a 280z, a 300zx mk1, a 300zx mk2 and wanted to have owned the lot.

As for better cars, what would you recommend?

The RX8? pfft... pile of shite executive company car.

Evo 8? the 6 was the best and service every 4k? get lost.

subaru? lol

boxter? no thanks.. I'll wait till I can buy the 911 thankyou.

ANY ford? nope

ANY french car? LOL

and a Honda? I'm not 67 with a flatcap just yet...
That 70's guy
+156|6844|Sydney, in 1978
i was thinking more of a Holden Monaro (its badged as the Vauxhaul Monaro out there) and seriously japanese cars can go get fucked, european cars and some yank cars are far better than they will ever be
stat padding is for girls

30k.. for a VAUXHALL??? you deserve the -1 my friend! (and 30k is the BASE price!!!)

On top of that, Vauxhall no longer make the Monaro in this country, and support for it is limited to a select amount of garages... meaning I would have to take an 80 mile round trip to get any issues sorted.

so no.. Monaro is NOT good choice

(In Austrailia, Holden is a MUCH better company than Vauxhall is here).

As for yank tanks.. you're joking right?

Give one one decent example of a sub £30k sports car from the states that doesn't feint at the near mention of a corner?

the new mustang?.. lol...

When I've saved enough, it'll be an aston for me.. but until that time, the line of cars is clear:

Japanese sport car -> Porsche 911 tub -> Aston Martin 9.

and you'll be hard pushed to suggest that any other car would suffice (and no.. the M3 does NOT count as a sport car)
That 70's guy
+156|6844|Sydney, in 1978
why go for sports cars when you can go for muscle cars? and pre 1980 ones at that? they can piss all over those japanese things in a straight line (but then again i dont suppose you have many straight roads over there, so i guess you really wouldnt want one) but as for euopean stuff they are a far and away a better choice. but i dont know what the prices of cars are out there

Last edited by Mongoose (2006-11-19 18:48:30)

stat padding is for girls
I would LOVE a proper muscle car.... but I've not the time for repairing it when it goes wrong (which they all do sadly)

The reason I've gone for the sports car is I enjoy track racing. now I know, the 350z isn't exactly a track car, but it's something I can commute to work and back in evey single day, yet enjoy the back roads when the suns shining and the pub is beckoning

we have a few straight roads here, but the "B" roads are mainly twisty turny roads... and a muscle car isn't exactly suited to booting it around on them tbh.

Jap SPORT cars tend to be the next step above your ford focus RS and other such hot hatches, but below the likes of Porsche and the "good" jaguars I'd say.

Mercs should feature in that list somewhere, but I have no time for them

BMW has the M3 and M5... the M3 is (i believe) more expensive than the jap sports car selection, but I've got one as a company car, so... (and the M5 is about 50k I think... but I'm prolly wrong...)

Then you get the Italians and Aston Martin...

I've prolly missed a few out but hey.. that's how "I" see the market.

I guess it really needs you to live / have lived in the country where you are recommending a car purchase.
I've lived in the states and could see absolutely NO reason for having a sports car out there...
Muscle or 4 seat pickup would be my choice....

but hey... Vauxhall are pooh here
+36|6688|Florida, USA
Where do you live at?
That 70's guy
+156|6844|Sydney, in 1978
me or sk?
fuck it
Put a video camera in your garage, then booby trap it. I don't know if you have this in your country, but there is a system where you have to talk to someone over satellite from within your car in order to start it. Also, they can remote lock intruders in the car and contact the police! It is extreme overkill and probably a pain in the ass but it probably works pretty good.
stat padding is for girls
no idea if you can get that here... and not sure I'd want it... lol

having the camera would make next to no difference.
private CCTV is hardly ever used in court, as the defense lawyers just argue it out.
PLus, my main point is about the lack of punishment the bastards get when they are caught... not catching them...
That 70's guy
+156|6844|Sydney, in 1978
well import yourself a Ford F-350 and if you know ehere they live start following them where ever they go, and just to make them wet themselves, ram them a couple of times, i can almost gurantee whatever there driving will crush liek a bit of paper and the 350 wont even scratch but thats just me

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