Well, we don't have things like JROTC in germany, and all of the public schools are state-funded ( with the exceptions of private public schools, of course ).
if the school board is of the opinion that it can provide a qualified education to all pupils in the school district area, even without the JROTC program and the funding that comes with it, then so be it. It is at the discretion of the board to make that decision.
then again, if state funding is
necessarily tied to JROTC programs, that would clearly be blackmail on part of the federal government.
on a second note, after having read a couple of articles about it, like this one:
http://www.examiner.com/a-397459~Board_ … ogram.html , this one:
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1737990/posts , or this one:
http://journalism.berkeley.edu/ngno/stories/027774.html , it would seem that the JROTC programs in general are good things, and that attempts to get rid of them in SF are mostly due to the very "liberal" agenda which the SF area holds, especially with regard to the military.
After all, if you even have an openly gay member on the school board, how is he supposed to cast a fair vote ?
If it helps get some students a quality education and teach social skills and self-discipline which they otherwise would have no access to, I say keep the JROTC program.
Trying to deny those kids access to such education just because of a political agenda is truly fucked up.
I have long believed that some gay activists will stop at nothing to push their agendas through, even if it means disregarding the best interests of the people they are dealing with. SF pupils obviously benefit tremendously from the JROTC program, both educationally and with regard to important social skills.
From my point of view, the District School Board is entrusted with serving the best interests of the District's pupils, not the political agenda of one of its members.