
do you judge people by their rank?

yes, only high rankers can be good.2%2% - 10
yes, becasue with time comes expirence.35%35% - 135
no, i judge by their skill in game.38%38% - 146
no, becuase alot of times people are on second accounts9%9% - 37
i dont judge.12%12% - 48
Total: 376
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7060|Mexico City
we r talking about a video game NOT real life.

whats the problem with u Karma chameleon?, too envious of my "pixels" achievements?
"Don't post while intoxicated."

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

we r talking about a video game NOT real life.

whats the problem with u Karma chameleon?, too envious of my "pixels" achievements?
Try again, that did not make sense.

While you do, take a few moments to browse over Helpful Pics 3 - 5.

PS i think you seem confused. To help you this is what a "chameleon" is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chameleon and this is what "kills" means http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kill


Last edited by =Karma-Kills= (2006-11-07 10:34:14)

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7060|Mexico City
Karma, are u at work are at the basement of your bondage grandma ?

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

A general with 0.94 infantry is a general that uses vehicles A LOT.

During my early noob days i got tired of been raped by vehicles so i went full vehic whore.

My stats sukks?, im a templayer, sometimes u have to sacrifice yourself for your team. When i join a server i play in the team the server set me in, i dont swithc to the winning team like most people do.

My armor stats sukks?, my main objective is to neutralize enemy armors AND THEN rape ground troops. The top armor whores all the do is rape ground troops at karkand AND stay away from armors at air maps.

gold medals?, the guys with the most gold medals are stat padders, also, it means you play for yourself and not for the team. We all know that by the mechanics of the game, before last patch, medics and support guys always got away with the gold.

You dont have all the awards, how do you know they can be achieved easily (without cheating) ?

btw, your stats are not that impressive too, you play a lot in the main vanilla maps, i play ALL the maps.

bobroonie.bda wrote:

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

to get to higher ranks u have to achieve several things.

btw, your stats sukk.
Well Bennet, I've read alot of your posts lately, and decided to stay out of most of them.. But.. This one is calling the kettle black..

Your stats are horrible... You are no one to say "your stats suck"... A general with .94 infantry weapon kdr? holly crap man.. how do you not even break 1.0? So then you talk about how you like to armor whore in other posts.. But your armor stats suck to... How do you become general and still suck this bad...

You really think that awards prove something? If anything the only awards that prove anything would be gold medals.. This at least tells you how many times you've gotten 1st on a server... Which at the very least says you did better then everyone on that server X amount of times... But just about every other award can be gotten by switching kits while flying and switching kits while being in a tank.. This does not prove shit...

And by all means, rebuttle.. I would love to hear how you really think your better then I...
Yes I play the original BF2 maps.. But i do play all the Bf2 maps... Team player? 20,000 capt control points is team player..

If you were good in armor you would be able to out tank other tanks.. I do believe in that if I am in a tank my job is to kill other tanks.. But you dont seem to be to good at that either...

How do I know I can achieve all medals with out cheating.. For the fact that I did not "try" to get any of my medals.. I play to win.. But a player like you "try" to get certin medals therefor putting your stats first, not the team...  I play for my team and my medals come... I win battles.. and like you I stay on the team i was put on.. I do not team switch...

Look at my deaths per round and look at my squad leader time.. I'm the squad leader that does not die much.. therefore allowing my squad to spawn on me all the time.. Hiding and giving cover fire so my squad can take objectives more effectivly...

Back to the origanl point.. Your stats suck.. wheather you play every single map or not.. your stats suck.. You are not one to point out stats, good or bad..

My stats prove I play for my team and I play to win.. Your stats prove you play or did play for your medals..

compare.. you and I


You have more "Time" I have better KDR / accuracy / wins

You are a general because of Time, and you "tried" to get your medals..

I've earned my medals by winning battles..

.94 weapon KDR? tell me how this is better then 2.56 kdr?

armor kdr of 3.7.. my armor kdr of 7.9

You have time.. I have skill.. You have shinny stuff.. I have skill..

I have more kills = better killer
I have more flag work, defended, assisted, capt = better team player

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-11-07 10:47:52)

oBy| Back In Business
Well I often judge players AFTER first sergeant or so.. couse then u know he has been playing for some time and should maybe be good but though i often judge em by their playing. But private to gunny sergeant i just judge by their playing. couse, yeah that could be their 2nd account or like when ur rank is only showing private...[I hate EA] that dam bug , but then i judge by playing.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7060|Mexico City
that only proves you play only vanilla. play AF, SF and EF (the full times) and you will see your stats go down.

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

that only proves you play only vanilla. play AF, SF and EF (the full times) and you will see your stats go down.
No they wont.. dont kid yourself.. I have played every other BF versions but AF and EF, ( ie vietnam and 1942), I have skilled in all of them.. The map does not make the player.. The players make the maps.. My weapon accuracy will not go down because of a different map.. My strats will change to the map accordingly.

Saying that you will not do as well because you on playing on different maps is a joke... I play with Jets, helo's, tanks as it is.. So whats different? the terrain? A different jet / helo / tank? When you have the skill set, your stats will not drop.. and how much would I have to suck for my KDR stats to match yours? I would basicly have to not be able to kill anyone for 6 months straight to match yours.. Do you really think that because of a different terrain that I would not be as effective? Those are words of someone that cannot adapt..

You sir are unable to adapt. having a stat of .94 as a general is pathetic at best.. You commenting on my skill is laughable..

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-11-07 10:58:04)

+106|6695|UMass Amherst
So yeah, having played this game a couple hundred hours, I will say this: Rank for me does have meaning in regards to the fact that the person has played the game for a considerable amount of time.  They know the maps, they probably know how to play  Any more than that, you can't really tell unless you actually play with them in a squad, or they're commanding.  So I've decided to summarize the goods and bads (aka warning signs) of total noob or super player.

Good high rankers:
--Hop in a squad and use VOIP to command their squad, invite other competent players into their squad, and refrain from calling them n00bs or idiots.
--Don't go for the armor the second it spawns and kill half a dozen other guys waiting patiently for it.
--Complete objectives and support (at the least) their squad.
--Are not kill whores.  Sure you might get in nasty combat, but when they run off to go chase one oblivous sniper halfway across the map, you got to wonder who's the newb.
--Wait for their team/squad so they can fill that APC/Jeep and proceed to drop a whole squad of bad-ass onto an enemy back-point.  As opposed to running over every infantry they see.
--May have high points at the end of the round, because they are lethal with all weaponry/vehicles; their squad should have comparable scores if they're working well.
--Do commanding as they should given their high rank, and do it well (see also: no front-line commanding)
--Listen to the commander (or at least a competent one) and follow orders. 
--Forgive the teamkill for the occasional bad grenade (especially Karkand).  You've been there, and done that, you know the pain.

Bottom line: They are team players who exist to work together.  Salutes to you and your many hours of hard work. 

Bad High Rankers:
--Call people n00bs, even after hundreds of hours playing the game.  Singling out one guy who does some really stupid stuff, maybe, but not the WHOLE team.
--Will lie, cheat, kill, and steal for the Armor.  Karkand whores, you know who you are; get a life.
--Lock Squads.  'Nuff said.
--Will be vigilantes who believe they can take on the entire enemy team because they are 'godlike'.  Not only are they stupid, but extremely cocky; I pray that the enemy tank death squad all nail him at once.
--Command merely for the points.  Hell, if they do nothing but whore points (Revive even if that guy is just gonna die over and over and spam ammo umpteen million times ) then they suck.
--Have spent their entire life in the protective womb of armor; when they get out on foot, they're like babies, I half-expect them to drool all over their gun, let alone fire it.
--Punish for teamkills regardless of reason.  Grow up, accidents happen.

Bottom line: These are the guys who populate the top 10 high scores *snorts*, and are probably the biggest n00bs in the entire game.  Go back to basic training, meat head. 
Tank Troll
+71|7003|London, UK
If i see an officer on the server i frequent on pop along sometimes when its full, then i ll play against em and duke it out and if we r on the same team maybe join forces

But if i see a low ranked nub giving headshots when they got a name like IRPr0 then erm hacker :@

oh yeh the person above me that said locking squads means bad high rankers i guess these two r nubs hey?

http://bf2s.com/player/44640163/ & http://bf2s.com/player/9661401/
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7051|Great Wall

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

rank + stats + awards  define the skills the player has.
I really don't think so.. I really doubt I'm worse than you.. I know players with less awards than me  and in the same time they are much better than me. Ranks mean nothing.
Take off, hosers
+24|6729|Ontario, Canada
Meh I kinda feel bad climbing the ranks with all this stereo-typing that all high rankers are jerks.
This topic seems to have no actual posts
you just make yourself sound even more stupid with every post bennet. PLEASE 1v1 me on the ground and we can settle this. btw, lawlz at me only playing 9 hrs!!!
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7060|Mexico City
No they wont.. dont kid yourself.. I have played every other BF versions but AF and EF, ( ie vietnam and 1942), I have skilled in all of them.. The map does not make the player.. The players make the maps.. My weapon accuracy will not go down because of a different map.. My strats will change to the map accordingly

yes they will idiot, you play only the main vanilla maps that are always fill with dorks that have no idea where they are and when you can make 100+ points easilly, try playing the other maps with less but more effective players and you will sacrifice spm for search and destroy actions.

Saying that you will not do as well because you on playing on different maps is a joke... I play with Jets, helo's, tanks as it is.. So whats different? the terrain? A different jet / helo / tank? When you have the skill set, your stats will not drop.. and how much would I have to suck for my KDR stats to match yours? I would basicly have to not be able to kill anyone for 6 months straight to match yours.. Do you really think that because of a different terrain that I would not be as effective? Those are words of someone that cannot adapt..

Different map different tactics, the ones you play a lot you dont need a lot of skill to master them, theyre very open, try playing ground trooper inside the iron gator, try armoring at the close spaces of ghost town with ATs around or the night maps, try aerial fights at smokescreen (no j10 advantage), try armor fights at AF...you play the EASY maps.
Your impressive KDR?, PRRRFFFFFF, i have all the awards and, you know, i killed guys to achieve them !!!, you are not even close at what i have

You sir are unable to adapt. having a stat of .94 as a general is pathetic at best.. You commenting on my skill is laughable..

your awards and commanding achievements are patehtic.
Zulu son, what!?!
+79|7098|Anaheim, CA

I judge players on skill not rank.  Though you will most often see higher ranking players in the top spots during a round . . . most high high ranking people are a-holes.  Bennet you're not helping dispatch that near fact.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7060|Mexico City
i said SKILLS

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

rank + stats + awards  define the skills the player has.
I really don't think so.. I really doubt I'm worse than you.. I know players with less awards than me  and in the same time they are much better than me. Ranks mean nothing.
Duck And Cover!
androo is in >TSC< clan he is a lil kid and complains about everything. But you are alot better then him I can tell you that Fo Sho..

So here is +1
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7060|Mexico City
name any server,
im usually online 7-8:30pm and 10:30-12:30pm GMT-5

=]-[f= ig88 wrote:

you just make yourself sound even more stupid with every post bennet. PLEASE 1v1 me on the ground and we can settle this. btw, lawlz at me only playing 9 hrs!!!
This topic seems to have no actual posts
^^^^how about right now? ill pm u server info and password

Last edited by =]-[f= ig88 (2006-11-07 11:36:49)

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7060|Mexico City
i didnt say i was not an asshole:
i will insult u if u dont teamplay or play objectically.
i will tk u for vehics if u use them as transport or are too stupid to figure out how to fight with them.

GuliblGuy wrote:

I judge players on skill not rank.  Though you will most often see higher ranking players in the top spots during a round . . . most high high ranking people are a-holes.  Bennet you're not helping dispatch that near fact.
Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7060|Mexico City
some of us "work".
im not a 35+ years old nerd sukking blood from their parents, like u.
u have a private server?, nice, but lets invite anyone around here, so we all can prove a point...if theres any.

=]-[f= ig88 wrote:

^^^^how about right now? ill pm u server info and password

Last edited by Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd (2006-11-07 11:41:36)

Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6904|Reisterstown, MD

Worst player ever.  Just stop.  Walk away...

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

No they wont.. dont kid yourself.. I have played every other BF versions but AF and EF, ( ie vietnam and 1942), I have skilled in all of them.. The map does not make the player.. The players make the maps.. My weapon accuracy will not go down because of a different map.. My strats will change to the map accordingly

yes they will idiot, you play only the main vanilla maps that are always fill with dorks that have no idea where they are and when you can make 100+ points easilly, try playing the other maps with less but more effective players and you will sacrifice spm for search and destroy actions.

Saying that you will not do as well because you on playing on different maps is a joke... I play with Jets, helo's, tanks as it is.. So whats different? the terrain? A different jet / helo / tank? When you have the skill set, your stats will not drop.. and how much would I have to suck for my KDR stats to match yours? I would basicly have to not be able to kill anyone for 6 months straight to match yours.. Do you really think that because of a different terrain that I would not be as effective? Those are words of someone that cannot adapt..

Different map different tactics, the ones you play a lot you dont need a lot of skill to master them, theyre very open, try playing ground trooper inside the iron gator, try armoring at the close spaces of ghost town with ATs around or the night maps, try aerial fights at smokescreen (no j10 advantage), try armor fights at AF...you play the EASY maps.
Your impressive KDR?, PRRRFFFFFF, i have all the awards and, you know, i killed guys to achieve them !!!, you are not even close at what i have

You sir are unable to adapt. having a stat of .94 as a general is pathetic at best.. You commenting on my skill is laughable..

your awards and commanding achievements are patehtic.
You really couldnt find anything Origanl to post? So you quoted me and changed a few things?

damn you really cannot adapt can you

haha so the map kills you because its a harder map? Your a joke general.. and you have the stats to prove it..

Do you not notice how NOONE agree's with you? No one.. Not one person..

If someone calls you a horse once, you punch him in the nose
If somone calls you a horse twice, you call him a jerk.
If someone calls you a horse three times, maybe you should start shopping for a saddle.

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-11-07 11:43:09)

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7060|Mexico City
just STFU
we r having a nice chat.

killer21 wrote:

Worst player ever.  Just stop.  Walk away...

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

some of us "work".
im not a 35+ years old nerd sukking blood from their parents, like u.
u have a private server?, nice, but lets invite anyone around here, so we all can prove a point...if theres any.

=]-[f= ig88 wrote:

^^^^how about right now? ill pm u server info and password
I wanna spectate. And then after 1v1 this kid. GLHF Bennet, you're bout to get raped.
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6904|Reisterstown, MD

*Butters voice*
Just walk away.  You can put a stop to all of this.  Just walk away and we will spare your life.  Just walk away.

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