
Should the U.S. sit and a let it happen or start bombing now?

U.S. shouldn't say anything about others nukes31%31% - 40
The U.N. should provide warheads to those who want them2%2% - 3
We should just nuke them now.25%25% - 33
We should cease all foreign aid and fund Star Wars40%40% - 51
Total: 127
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

venom6 wrote:

arabeater wrote:

venom6 wrote:

WW1=Getting a lot of money from Eu...you guys sold them bombs and weapons
WW2=Same thing happend again...money and again money
VIETNAM=Testing new weapons and it was during the cold war...enemy was Russia
IRAQ=Usa needs Oil what means money and thats the only thing why they attacked iraq in 2003.Mass destructive weapons...where are they ? Lies all lies...it was a fake reason to start war for OIL...
So stfu..
First of all there was no EU in WW1. Germany vs. rest of Europe.
Next, we gave weapons and supplies to England (who BTW was our ally) at a very low cost. How did we profit in WW2 at all. We were fighting all over the world spending millions of dollars and then were nice enough to help rebuild the countries we had destroyed.
Vietnam was fought to help stop the spreading of communism and stop the VC from killing innocent civilians in S. Vietnam.
Last but not least Iraq. Show me where we have taken any of the oil from Iraq. We buy the oil from Iraq. We do not steal it. I have personally guarded these oil fields in Iraq and can tell you the only people that were taking it were Kuwaiti oil companies that purchased it from Iraq and Iraqi oil compnanies that were taking it to be refined so it could be sold to the US. We have found WMD's in Iraq you twit but for some reason nobody has made a big deal about it. I'll even give you some links. So stfu!

http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Jun2006 … _5547.html
Yes in Iraq the goverment is in conntact with Usa and they will sell u the oil for minimal prize.
Yeah it was also in a film...the Tanks went on ground in Iraq and after the tanks the engineers were looking where to find oil so they can start pumping it out...and bring it home..

Vietnam:Again it was a strategical war for the us to test all kinda weaponst and chemical shit.You know that there are places today in vietnam where nothing is growing in the forrest ?
Because usa used all kinda shitty chemical weaponst...good testing by ruining the earth there.
Please tell me what film this is. I am interested in seeing these tanks sending oil home directly from Iraq. Like I said I have personally guarded these sites and have never seen the US directly take any oil from the oil pumps. As far as Vietnam I admit that some of the weapons we used were wrong (Agent Orange and Napalm)
but thats not the reason we went to war and suffered almost 60,000 dead soldiers. We had to try and stop the spread of communism.
+156|6941|space command ur anus
yes attack them and get pulled into another quagmire
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

venom6 wrote:

Omg in the first WW Germany,Italy,Austria,Hungary,Bulgary,Romania were fighting against the Uk,France,Russia so you fail by saying only germany against the whole Eu.
After the Lusitania was shoot by german submarines the Usa also joined WW1.And u also should know that the Lusitania was transporting guns,ammo to the Uk so it was a reason to shoot it.
The Usa got money from the 1st and 2nd WW...rebuilding germany ? Yes and germany had to pay to France and the Uk who paid money (loan) back to the Usa so your country just Win from the 2 wars.

I can give you links too...you know read some other websites not the usa ones only...one sided propaganda.
Im european and belive me I know it mostly better.
Ok what I meant to say was Germany was the primary country fighting against the rest of Europe ( not the EU). Yes the US made money from rebuilding Germany but somebody had to rebuild it and at the time who else was capable of doing so? Nobody. England was in ruins and France was not in position to either. So that birden fell into the US's hands. Which is an added bonus for the US. Yea the UK and France owed us money for all the tanks and planes we gave them. Whats wrong with that? What do you expect us to just give it to them? Thats bad buisness dude. It just so happened to be that way man. Even if we didnt get involved in WW2 we still wouldve made billions off of it because England needed planes and tanks along with the French. Who else was capable to supply them? Nobody. Just ask the English if they minded the US supplying them with food and military supplies during the Battle of Britain? Im sure they would be thankful.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

herrr_smity wrote:

yes attack them and get pulled into another quagmire
I say attack now to blow up their nuclear facilities just like Israel did to Iraq back in the 1980's.
I say the US should develop sharks with laser beams and a weather control device.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-11-05 10:26:40)

O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

You guys are so stupid.  Yes, there would still be strife in the world.  However, at least we can quantify other reasons, such as greed, politics, or even fighting over a woman.

If there was a button I could push that would eliminate all religion, including the people involved, I would do so and not lose 1 second's sleep.  And before you say anything more stupid than that which you have already stated, my mother's family is Mormon and my dad's family is Catholic.

Yes, I would become the single largest mass murderer in human history.  I would likely be condeming 90% if the worlds population to death.  But, if you were to ask me what thing I hate, the thing I dispise most in this entire world, the answer would be simple....RELIGION!!!!
I'm an atheist, but even I disagree with that.  Let's face it: religion will always exist.  You destroy one religion, and another takes its place.  I used to think that modern science would eliminate religion, but I now know that this is wrong.  Many people will always need the emotional crutch that religion provides.  Sure, a significant portion of the world doesn't need it, but these people in the Middle East do.  They're poor and uneducated, and unfortunately, religion is used to manipulate them.  However, at least most Muslims aren't homicidal.  Most Muslims just want to live their lives peacefully.

Nonetheless, since religion can be used to manipulate them in a negative way, it can also be used to manipulate them in positive ways.  If we can somehow appeal to their compassion and courage, we can gradually get them to help us find their extremists.  Granted, with the way things are going, I think continual war may eventually become an inevitability.....
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

Fen321 wrote:

lol....we should rename this part of the forum to how scared can we make ourselves and how blindly can we react to how scared we made ourselves.

Iran's nuclear capabilities are at least 10 years away...

Iran's populace does not all agree on the ultra conservative stance that the leadership has...

US does NOT have the means to assault another other nation, let alone Iran. If we can barely handle Iraq a country with 25million people how in the hell are we going to take on a country who's size is substantially bigger. 70 million people with its infrastructure through out the country...please...wake the fuck up action by us will not be plausible.
Good post...  I agree.  But you know...  one has to wonder if America bankrupting itself on warfare would make the world safer in the end.  It would change the balance of power in the world, and some of that realignment may actually turn out better than the current situation....
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

arabeater wrote:

Sometimes you atheists crack me up with the shit you guys say. Lets kill all religions! Why dont you just go join up with your local hate group and let the mass killings begin. You fucking idiot! You give atheism a bad name!
I'm an atheist who fervently disagrees with Dung Bomb.  I don't like religion, but I respect people's right to worship as they see fit.  Trust me, not all atheists are the same....
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

arabeater wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Good point, and probably true...  Russia took most of Eastern Europe right after the war.
I agree with that, I'm just sick of people saying that the US won the World War, when there were many other countries involved. Besides, no-one won the war, it was lost when it started...
I'm not saying that we won the war all on our own, im just saying that by the US having a pressense in Europe helped defeat Germany and after the war prevented the Soviet Union from taking all of Europe. Which if the US had not been there I think they wouldve done with ease.
I agree, arabeater.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

Turquoise wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

You guys are so stupid.  Yes, there would still be strife in the world.  However, at least we can quantify other reasons, such as greed, politics, or even fighting over a woman.

If there was a button I could push that would eliminate all religion, including the people involved, I would do so and not lose 1 second's sleep.  And before you say anything more stupid than that which you have already stated, my mother's family is Mormon and my dad's family is Catholic.

Yes, I would become the single largest mass murderer in human history.  I would likely be condeming 90% if the worlds population to death.  But, if you were to ask me what thing I hate, the thing I dispise most in this entire world, the answer would be simple....RELIGION!!!!
I'm an atheist, but even I disagree with that.  Let's face it: religion will always exist.  You destroy one religion, and another takes its place.  I used to think that modern science would eliminate religion, but I now know that this is wrong.  Many people will always need the emotional crutch that religion provides.  Sure, a significant portion of the world doesn't need it, but these people in the Middle East do.  They're poor and uneducated, and unfortunately, religion is used to manipulate them.  However, at least most Muslims aren't homicidal.  Most Muslims just want to live their lives peacefully.

Nonetheless, since religion can be used to manipulate them in a negative way, it can also be used to manipulate them in positive ways.  If we can somehow appeal to their compassion and courage, we can gradually get them to help us find their extremists.  Granted, with the way things are going, I think continual war may eventually become an inevitability.....
Yea that guy gives atheism a bad name. I am a christian and dont have a problem with atheists but people like him with his "Final Solution" to all religions is an idiot. The problem with the Middle East is that they dont seperate Church from State. Their governments control all religious activity in their respective country and pretty much force what is being practiced and taught to their people. Kinda sounds familiar hmmm....Nazis.....Hating the jews. But thats just my opinion.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

arabeater wrote:

Yea that guy gives atheism a bad name. I am a christian and dont have a problem with atheists but people like him with his "Final Solution" to all religions is an idiot. The problem with the Middle East is that they dont seperate Church from State. Their governments control all religious activity in their respective country and pretty much force what is being practiced and taught to their people. Kinda sounds familiar hmmm....Nazis.....Hating the jews. But thats just my opinion.
Yep, theocracy sucks.  Unfortunately, there are some Americans who want a Christian version of it here.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

Turquoise wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Sometimes you atheists crack me up with the shit you guys say. Lets kill all religions! Why dont you just go join up with your local hate group and let the mass killings begin. You fucking idiot! You give atheism a bad name!
I'm an atheist who fervently disagrees with Dung Bomb.  I don't like religion, but I respect people's right to worship as they see fit.  Trust me, not all atheists are the same....
Oh I know theyre not all bad people. Hell I even have friends that are atheists and they dont give me shit about being a baptist. But atheists like him are giving you guys a bad name. I could care less what religion you are just dont be criticizing mine.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

Turquoise wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Yea that guy gives atheism a bad name. I am a christian and dont have a problem with atheists but people like him with his "Final Solution" to all religions is an idiot. The problem with the Middle East is that they dont seperate Church from State. Their governments control all religious activity in their respective country and pretty much force what is being practiced and taught to their people. Kinda sounds familiar hmmm....Nazis.....Hating the jews. But thats just my opinion.
Yep, theocracy sucks.  Unfortunately, there are some Americans who want a Christian version of it here.
Yea I dont want a Christian run government here or anywhere for that matter. I wouldnt like being forced to be a christian or any other reliogion. If that came to be I would probably either stop being a christian or leave the country.
+5,233|6842|Global Command
But if they are forcing you to be a christian, how could you leave or quit?
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

Turquoise wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

I agree with that, I'm just sick of people saying that the US won the World War, when there were many other countries involved. Besides, no-one won the war, it was lost when it started...
I'm not saying that we won the war all on our own, im just saying that by the US having a pressense in Europe helped defeat Germany and after the war prevented the Soviet Union from taking all of Europe. Which if the US had not been there I think they wouldve done with ease.
I agree, arabeater.
Yea alot of people forget or just dont realize that. Most Europeans dont realize that not only we helped stop them from Germany but also the Soviets as well. They wouldve taken all of Europe and had the balls to even invade the British Isles as well. Something Germany didnt have the balls to do.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

ATG wrote:

But if they are forcing you to be a christian, how could you leave or quit?
Well in that case then I would leave the country. I dont see that happening anytime soon though.

Miller wrote:

Nuke them. Then we won't have to lose soldiers from our country.
No. Instead, we'd irradiate the entire region. Great plan, giving them access to radioactive materials and an even bigger grudge. The US testing in the South Pacific and the western US is enough for me, without blowing up any more of these horrid, unnecessary bombs.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-11-05 19:02:46)

Nobody's stupid enough to nuke a country that has 10,000 nukes.
Troll has returned.

Commie Killer wrote:

Ottomania wrote:

you have nukes, others can have too. remove yours first before flaming others
We have a first use policy that states we will not use them unless they are used against us or our allies.
so japan used nukes against you? hmmm interesting
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6994|Colorado Springs, CO

Ottomania wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

Ottomania wrote:

you have nukes, others can have too. remove yours first before flaming others
We have a first use policy that states we will not use them unless they are used against us or our allies.
so japan used nukes against you? hmmm interesting
No but we didnt have much of a choice m8.
We should cease all foreign aid and fund Star Wars i think anyway
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6932|inside the recesses of your...
What sucks about that is the whole cold war thing was based on the people involved not really wanting to destroy themselves and others.  This middle east?  They don't give a crap.  They'd be perfectly happy building a thousand nukes and firing them all.  Yaaaaaay, martyrdom.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

Ottomania wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

Ottomania wrote:

you have nukes, others can have too. remove yours first before flaming others
We have a first use policy that states we will not use them unless they are used against us or our allies.
so japan used nukes against you? hmmm interesting
Well, I understand your country prefers to use more conventional means to kill lots of people.  Of course, when it involves Armenians, you just deny it....

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