
CreepingDeath wrote:

I dont have basic knife because to many noobs newbs out there are so scared as I have said to go knife for knife. But instead they most take the COWARD way out. SHOOT them ..
  So no biggy..
No, you don't have basic knife because you suck at using knives, which is hilarious as hell, seeing as how you're popping off in a thread about knife fighting.  Stop trying to blow smoke up our asses, nobody's buying it.
Mass Media Casualty

I have never been in a knife fight. Someone has always come up behind me and killed me if they could. Never face to face confrontation. When I have been rushing someone though, I always get blown away, so I would do the same if someone was rushing me down.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

Tyferra wrote:

I have never been in a knife fight. Someone has always come up behind me and killed me if they could. Never face to face confrontation. When I have been rushing someone though, I always get blown away, so I would do the same if someone was rushing me down.
I agree.  And look at it this way... if it were real life and you were over in Iraq fighting, imagine some guy sprinting towards you with a knife in his hand.  You've got an M4 and body armor.  What are you going to do?  Drop your rifle, pull out your knife and counter-charge?  I don't think so.  You'd pump him full of lead.

FoodNipple101 wrote:

I think. Ha what a fool. This is a war not a PB&J competition.
And we're all into pokemon. Yay!
RKF77 <---- I can seriously say your in that age bracket of 25 or less .. I would guess most likely 23 years old.As I had said most at that age and younger now days are usially all talk and full of BS.
Never willing or able to take someone one on one like so many others now days. Never willing to fight fair or even up in one way shape or form.
  And AGAIN and final how our country have lost what once was so most important between one person to another HONOR and RESPECT . .SAD but TRUE just mostly sissyasses and PUNKS.
i pull out my knife and let him come close, then switch weapons and blow him away with my jackhammer. whats the point? it doesnt make you 'a man'. its a game. if you went to a real war and stabbed a real person with a real knife, then you'd be 'a man'.

CreepingDeath wrote:

RKF77 <---- I can seriously say your in that age bracket of 25 or less
You would be seriously wrong, and that's hardly surprising.

I've got you pegged as a 15 year-old rich kid who's not used to being strung up in front of everyone like I've done to you here.  I realize it's embarrassing, but sometimes kids like you need a lesson or two.

...and you could stand to pay a bit more attention in English class tomorrow, too.  My five year-old niece has better spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.  If you're going to pose like you're an older, wiser man, you may want to consider getting past your third-grade spelling and grammar level.

CreepingDeath wrote:

.. I would guess most likely 23 years old.
Not even close.

CreepingDeath wrote:

As I had said most at that age and younger now days are usially all talk and full of BS.
Kind of like you?  Coming into a thread about knife fights with absolutely no knife abilities whatsoever?

CreepingDeath wrote:

Never willing or able to take someone one on one like so many others now days. Never willing to fight fair or even up in one way shape or form.
I told you how to find me.  The rest is up to you...but I won't blame you for not wanting to get shot in the face.  It'd be embarrassing, because I'll be taking screenshots when I dip my sack on your dead skull.

CreepingDeath wrote:

And AGAIN and final how our country have lost what once was so most important between one person to another HONOR and RESPECT
hehehe...that's just funny.

CreepingDeath wrote:

. .SAD but TRUE just mostly sissyasses and PUNKS.
And utter morons that think knife fights in a video game actually mean anything.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|6897|Houston, TX
TO: RKF77 and Creeping Death
I've had the best time reading your posts.  Just for the record, how old are the two of you?  No insult there, just interested to see how much age actually backs up these monumental posts.  They're (the posts) funny as hell.  One of these days, one of you is going to meet the other and someone will become the official
"Fanny Bandit" of this argument.

Keep on posting,
Well  RKF77 I dont know, but i looked every where on this post and didnt notice really where you said I could come stick my knife where you most likely would want it most . .

Again, young kids, all talk but full of BS as always.. oh let me guess in/on your clan server .. yeah just like i said kids now days .. I bet your mom and dad is really going to be POed at yaa when they find out you stole thier credit card to open up a server ..
Unlike I had said in my first posting on here. I play on the CFH or IMA servers and I do alot ..
So just to give you the best chance after you post here where I can meet yaa and stick it where i am sure youll like it the most, please let me know. But you make sure you have all your other planB girls on.
Blocking my way to you. Since after all we know kids your age now days cant do it one on one. . .
Ill make you my . little @%$#& .. oh i mean my newest favorite victim . .
yeah....i love knifing and always take it like a man when someone comes up to me with a knife...

but what i hate the most is when ur about to knife someone and then ur teamate kills him and tks you

CreepingDeath wrote:

Well  RKF77 I dont know, but i looked every where on this post and didnt notice really where you said I could come stick my knife where you most likely would want it most . .
That's because you won't.  Come and me with a knife like some wannabe big shot man-child and I'm going to shoot you in the face and continue on to whatever objective I was pursuing when you briefly interrupted me with your pitiful attempt to be a big shot.

CreepingDeath wrote:

Again, young kids, all talk but full of BS as always.. oh let me guess in/on your clan server
We don't have a server.

CreepingDeath wrote:

I bet your mom and dad is really going to be POed at yaa when they find out you stole thier credit card to open up a server ..
I don't have a server, but excellent job with the elementary school-level insult.  It illustrates your intelligence.


CreepingDeath wrote:

Unlike I had said in my first posting on here. I play on the CFH or IMA servers and I do alot ..
You do a lot what?  A lot of sucking with knives?

CreepingDeath wrote:

So just to give you the best chance after you post here where I can meet yaa and stick it where i am sure youll like it the most, please let me know. But you make sure you have all your other planB girls on.
AWESOME!  Another glorious 2nd-grader insult...insinuating that me and the people that I play with are "girls".  What's next?  Are you going to say we're "icky"?  That we have "cooties"?  You left out the best "claim that they're girls" insult of them all, which would have been something about Barbie Dolls.  Jesus, you even suck at your own material...you suck at insults, you suck at knives, you suck at basic English....christ almighty, you poor stupid bastard, you just suck at life.

CreepingDeath wrote:

Blocking my way to you.
Wow, not only does basic knife own you, but so does basic sentence structure.

Again...you can drop the "I'm older and you're a kid" act.  Seriously, posing like you're older when you spell like a drooling retard is just pitiful.

CreepingDeath wrote:

Since after all we know kids your age now days cant do it one on one. . .
hehe, "now days"?  Do you mean "nowadays"?

CreepingDeath wrote:

Ill make you my . little @%$#& .. oh i mean my newest favorite victim . .
I guess we'll see.

Run along now, junior, your bullshit is growing tiresome.  Basic knife awaits you.

Last edited by RKF77 (2005-11-22 14:48:27)

Don't Flame
+20|6896|St. Paul, MN
lmao, it's fallen apart into preschool name calling

Kkookie wrote:

lmao, it's fallen apart into preschool name calling
Indeed it has, and I feel like half an ass for doing my part in the total devolvement of the thread.

But you gotta hand it to ol' Creepy there, he is pretty humorous talking smack about a skill that he doesn't possess.  Honestly, that does take balls. 
As I said .. name the server .. all smack talk no action..KIDS..
+9|6990|6,000 ft & falling......weeeee
last time i went fro a knife fight ...i fell and stabbed myself...DOH!!!!!!!!!

CreepingDeath wrote:

As I said .. name the server .. all smack talk no action..KIDS..
I've told you how to find me.  You made the threats, now you get to follow up.
HMMMMM .. this is getting old repeating myself . .kids now days never listen nor read what is said ..

ill type it real slow for you . .. NAAAAAAAAAAAME SEEEEEERRRRRRRVVVVVVEEEEER aaaaannnnd
ill be there to stick my knife in your @SS . .
Awesome, the |33t h4x0r ch1m35 in.  Lucky us.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

RFK77, and CreepinDeath.. Get past it. Creepin, you're the elder one, this kid
I'm not a kid, sport.  Quit talking out of your ass.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

RFK77, you started the flame kiddo,
Again, I'm not a kid, so stuff that shit up your ass.  I'm north of 30 years old, as I figured would be evidenced by the fact that I can form basic sentences and convey coherent thoughts, while Creepin' over there struggles with "yaa".   It's odd how you ASSumed the person spelling like a six year-old was the "elder".  That's REALLY funny.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Creepin is allowed to talk all the shit he wants
Ah, so he can talk all the shit he wants, but I can't talk shit back?  I wasn't aware shit-talking was a one-way street that only illiterates can travel.  Thanks for clearing that up for me.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

especially since your knife stats are almost identical.

I have 82 kills and 44 deaths with a knife...a 1.86 ratio, and I have Basic Knife.
He has 38 kills and 60 deaths with a knife...a 0.63 ratio, and he doesn't have his knife badge....AND he's got more time played.

Yeah, they're "almost identical" alright.  *eyeroll*

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Check out This Person and look at his knife stats, by your own words RFK77, this guy has rights to brag and talk smack all he wants about knife fights.
Great...and that has anything to do with this...how, again?

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Now please, no more flaming, as this thread was not ever intended for it.
Uh, you stroll in here, stirring up more shit, flame ME by calling me a "kid", and then you think you've got any room to say "no more flaming"?  Are you serious?  ROFLMAO!!

You just can't make this stuff up....absolutely hilarious.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

who said they were owned by a 15 year old richkid? I must have read it wrong.
Yeah, you must have...I have no idea what you're getting at.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

How in the hell does something someone wrote on the internet affect you? It doesnt, he's allowed to talk ALL the shit he wants.
How does ANY of it affect YOU?

How did this argument between the two of us concern you in the slightest, and considering BOTH of us were slinging back and forth at each other, how on EARTH did you presume that you should come in on one side or the other?

You still haven't addressed the fact that you're claiming that one person can talk shit, but another cannot.  I'd like an explanation for that, please.  I'm not quite sure how that works.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

So if you're HIS elder, maybe I should have directed the flame to you.
You already did.  You flamed me in your first post directed at me, and then said we should all "stop the flaming"  You're quite the hypocrite.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Here you are arguing with people HALF (1/2, 50%) of your age.
What does that have to do with anything?  A debate is a debate, regardless of the age of the participants.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Didn't you claim that character wasn't yours?
I did?  Where?   You got a reading comprehension problem?

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Liars need to have a good memory.
Tut tut.  People that try to talk shit need to get their facts straight before making themselves look foolish in front of everyone.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

it has a shitload to do with the thread "knife fights..."
No, you butted in to the flamewar and attempted to use some unrelated, random guy's stats as ammunition against me.  That has NOTHING to do with this subthread...nothing at all.  Nice try, though.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Lol at you again. You BOTH talk alot of shit.
But according to you, it's only ok when HE talks shit, right?


d4rkph03n1x wrote:

it always ends out with everyone involved looking stupid. That includes you, creepingdeath, and I.
Indeed it does.  Finally, something we can agree on.

Doesn't matter, it's over...we've all said our peace, and now we can all move on.
and me now getting the last word in .. still no server IP i really could use a good skull scrumping . .
Then again im not really into young boys . . but hey . . with a name like planB from the sounds of it, Its should of been more like planned parenthood, his parent should of used before they had him  . ..

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

The flame war has already been extinguished.
Well, it was, but it appears some people just can't grow up.

Oh well...
Umbra Acciptris
knifing some one should be quick.  If you see them with a knife, shoot him.  the only knife fights I get in are the rare ones where I am fully out of ammo (has happend a few times).  Or if some one saw me comming and goes to thier knife.  Why they do that I am not sure, but I often win these fights.
i knife... i love it i run up to ppl who shot at me armed with my lemon cutter. i only shoot ppl with knives when i see em ina knife and they kill one of my allies, and alot times i'll wax em with a defib while they are tryin to sneak up on someone else...."clear"
Mass Media Casualty

Hah! Fuck that was funny! So, who got the last word in the end?
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

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