+5,233|6842|Global Command
All that he had to do is deliver them to the local jihadist with a cargo freighter on hire to deliver it to one of our ports.
     He was funding the families of suicide bombers; I always thought that was reason enough right there.

And Cameron, in that delightful attempt to turn things around you bring up a good point. Perhaps the mistake America made was waiting too long to initiate military action.
+226|7056|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
All that he had to do is deliver them to the local jihadist with a cargo freighter on hire to deliver it to one of our ports.
listen to yourself, as I say desperately grasping at straws..
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

lowing wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

lowing wrote:

They are dying because they are being purposely targeted by terrorists. THey are being killed by far greater numbers ON PURPOSE, than they are by the coalition on accident.

By the way, since you did not refute the MAJORITY of my post I will assume you can't.
I didn't bother since you stil don't see the point in my original post...

It aplies to all nations. Finland has not taken part in wars after WW2 (except peace keeping), have you heard of a terrorist attack here? If you make poor, religious, simple people as angry as they now are, they respond with terrorism.
Finland fought in WW2 to basically save their own skins, they didn't do much, if anything for the cause in general.  Which would lead me to believe that if attacked Finland would defend its self, just like WW2. Which then leads me to beleive, if 911 occured in Finland it would fight back. Please allow us the same concideration. By all means though, sit back and do nothing to help anyone else. History dictates that is what Finland is best at. I won't hold my breathe for the next big contribution Finland will offer to better the world.

Also, I didn't "miss your point", I dispute the fact that you had one.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm very pleased about the US making the world a better, safer and free-er place.

Btw, you can do other things to help others than to fight wars!
And the example was about my own country since, guess what, it's the country I know the most about. Oh my...

Btw, what cause should Finland had been fighting for?

Last edited by Gawwad (2006-11-04 08:54:22)

Stop reading this and look at my post
3rd month of the U.S. bid to quell violence and build democracy in Iraq,
They've done anything but...

CameronPoe wrote:

ATG wrote:

" If you tollerate, or finance terrorist cells and activities that lead to attacks on American interests, be prepared to endure regime change. "

    I say it's a lesson that needed to be learned.
More accurately:
" If you tollerate, or finance terrorist cells and activities that lead to attacks on American interests, be prepared to endure more radical islamists than you can shake a stick at setting up shop in your homes, streets, towns and cities. "
Hey Cam, glad ya like my quote. If you want you can add, "and any other country that refuses to stand up terrorism."

I didn't know my position on the fucked up ME or fucked up Africa is such a shocker..........I am only backing you up in your belief that we should mind our own business in world affairs. Especially since countries like Ireland and Finland do nothing for the world themselves except sit back and criticize those that do.

Last edited by lowing (2006-11-04 12:40:24)


Gawwad wrote:

lowing wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

I didn't bother since you stil don't see the point in my original post...

It aplies to all nations. Finland has not taken part in wars after WW2 (except peace keeping), have you heard of a terrorist attack here? If you make poor, religious, simple people as angry as they now are, they respond with terrorism.
Finland fought in WW2 to basically save their own skins, they didn't do much, if anything for the cause in general.  Which would lead me to believe that if attacked Finland would defend its self, just like WW2. Which then leads me to beleive, if 911 occured in Finland it would fight back. Please allow us the same concideration. By all means though, sit back and do nothing to help anyone else. History dictates that is what Finland is best at. I won't hold my breathe for the next big contribution Finland will offer to better the world.

Also, I didn't "miss your point", I dispute the fact that you had one.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm very pleased about the US making the world a better, safer and free-er place.

Btw, you can do other things to help others than to fight wars!
And the example was about my own country since, guess what, it's the country I know the most about. Oh my...

Btw, what cause should Finland had been fighting for?
Well since the whole world fought for the a free Europe, it could be nice if you helped others do the same when they need it. but hey, that is just me being crazy.

also as far as contributions to the world ( other than wars) do you really wanna compare the generosity of the US to that of Finland??

Last edited by lowing (2006-11-04 12:37:30)


lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

ATG wrote:

" If you tollerate, or finance terrorist cells and activities that lead to attacks on American interests, be prepared to endure regime change. "

    I say it's a lesson that needed to be learned.
More accurately:
" If you tollerate, or finance terrorist cells and activities that lead to attacks on American interests, be prepared to endure more radical islamists than you can shake a stick at setting up shop in your homes, streets, towns and cities. "
Hey Cam, glad ya like my quote. If you want you can add, "and any other country that refuses to stand up terrorism."

I didn't know my position on the fucked up ME or fucked up Africa is such a shocker..........I am only backing you up in your belief that we should mind our own business in world affairs. Especially since countries like Ireland and Finland do nothing for the world themselves except sit back and criticize those that do.
LOL. 'Do nothing'! Finland is at the forefront of mobile phone technology and Ireland is at the forefront of various aspects of the IT and electronics industries and has been a major contributor to the arts. Both contribute more per capita than the US in terms of overseas financial aid. The Niall Melon Township challenge - an Irish venture - occurs each year whereby several hundred Irish men and women take voluntary leave from their own work to go to South Africa and build 2000 or so houses out of their own pockets so that poor African families can have more than just a shack and have things like running water and electricity (just one example of our 'doing nothing'). Ireland is one of the most charitable countries on earth. When we do things for others we don't kill tens of thousands of people while we're doing it. We create - you destroy.

You're god damn right we should our governments should mind their own businesses internationally, save to unconditionally and selflessly donate funds to those less well off than us.

You seem preoccupied with the fact that 'doing' stuff for others must involve tanks and carbines.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-11-04 12:52:26)


CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

More accurately:
" If you tollerate, or finance terrorist cells and activities that lead to attacks on American interests, be prepared to endure more radical islamists than you can shake a stick at setting up shop in your homes, streets, towns and cities. "
Hey Cam, glad ya like my quote. If you want you can add, "and any other country that refuses to stand up terrorism."

I didn't know my position on the fucked up ME or fucked up Africa is such a shocker..........I am only backing you up in your belief that we should mind our own business in world affairs. Especially since countries like Ireland and Finland do nothing for the world themselves except sit back and criticize those that do.
LOL. 'Do nothing'! Finland is at the forefront of mobile phone technology and Ireland is at the forefront of various aspects of the IT and electronics industries and has been a major contributor to the arts. Both contribute more per capita than the US in terms of overseas financial aid. The Niall Melon Township challenge - an Irish venture - occurs each year whereby several hundred Irish men and women take voluntary leave from their own work to go to South Africa and build 2000 or so houses out of their own pockets so that poor African families can have more than just a shack and have things like running water and electricity (just one example of our 'doing nothing'). Ireland is one of the most charitable countries on earth. When we do things for others we don't kill tens of thousands of people while we're doing it. We create - you destroy.

You're god damn right we should our governments should mind their own businesses internationally, save to unconditionally and selflessly donate funds to those less well off than us.

You seem preoccupied with the fact that 'doing' stuff for others must involve tanks and carbines.
Please show the articles that give Finland the credit for inventing wireless phone communication technology. Or really anything else.

AMerica, NOT Ireland is the most generous country in the history of the world Cam, and that does not even include PRIVATE donations from our citizens.

Your idea to unconditionally give to countries less fortunate than ours is naive to say the least. If a country is in crisis it is for a reason, and that reason usually stands between given aid and the people it is meant for.

You go build homes in Africa, and you feel all warm and fuzzy, how many still stand after a few years of war?

Also, Finland may be trying to improve on the cell phone,cuz god knows they are way too big and need more shit put on them, but they are working with technology invented guess where????

Last edited by lowing (2006-11-04 13:15:16)


lowing wrote:

Please show the articles that give Finland the credit for inventing wireless phone communication technology. Or really anything else.

AMerica, NOT Ireland is the most generous country in the history of the world Cam, and that does not even include PRIVATE donations from our citizens.

Your idea to unconditionally give to countries less fortunate than ours is naive to say the least. If a country is in crisis it is for a reason, and that reason usually stands between given aid and the people it is meant for.

You go build homes in Africa, and you feel all warm and fuzzy, how many still stand after a few years of war?

Also, Finland may be trying to improve on the cell phone,cuz god knows they are way too big and need more shit put on them, but they are working with technology invented guess where????
2004 figures

America: 300m people. Aid: $19bn (% GNI: 0.16%)
Europe Union: 460m people. Aid: $43bn (Ireland: 3.5m people. Aid: $750m. % GNI: 0.39%)
Norway: 4.7m people. Aid: $2.2bn (% GNI: 0.87%)

So America contributes less in total than the EU and less per capita than just about every developed country. And that isn't even counting private charities in Ireland and the rest of the EU either: we're just talking about government supplied aid above.

PS What is with the fixation about war? How does that South Africa comment of yours have ANY relevance?
Black Panzer Party
+184|7035|Eastern PA

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Hey Cam, glad ya like my quote. If you want you can add, "and any other country that refuses to stand up terrorism."

I didn't know my position on the fucked up ME or fucked up Africa is such a shocker..........I am only backing you up in your belief that we should mind our own business in world affairs. Especially since countries like Ireland and Finland do nothing for the world themselves except sit back and criticize those that do.
LOL. 'Do nothing'! Finland is at the forefront of mobile phone technology and Ireland is at the forefront of various aspects of the IT and electronics industries and has been a major contributor to the arts. Both contribute more per capita than the US in terms of overseas financial aid. The Niall Melon Township challenge - an Irish venture - occurs each year whereby several hundred Irish men and women take voluntary leave from their own work to go to South Africa and build 2000 or so houses out of their own pockets so that poor African families can have more than just a shack and have things like running water and electricity (just one example of our 'doing nothing'). Ireland is one of the most charitable countries on earth. When we do things for others we don't kill tens of thousands of people while we're doing it. We create - you destroy.

You're god damn right we should our governments should mind their own businesses internationally, save to unconditionally and selflessly donate funds to those less well off than us.

You seem preoccupied with the fact that 'doing' stuff for others must involve tanks and carbines.
Please show the articles that give Finland the credit for inventing wireless phone communication technology. Or really anything else.

AMerica, NOT Ireland is the most generous country in the history of the world Cam, and that does not even include PRIVATE donations from our citizens.

Your idea to unconditionally give to countries less fortunate than ours is naive to say the least. If a country is in crisis it is for a reason, and that reason usually stands between given aid and the people it is meant for.

You go build homes in Africa, and you feel all warm and fuzzy, how many still stand after a few years of war?

Also, Finland may be trying to improve on the cell phone,cuz god knows they are way too big and need more shit put on them, but they are working with technology invented guess where????
South Africa is poor, not wartorn. I doubt such a country would be hosting the 2010 World Cup.

And as to Cam's point about Finland and technology, he never said they invented the phones, he said they're on the forefront of development. Innovation has lagged seriously in the US for some years now and other countries are leading in things like citizens with graduate degrees (per capita).

The US is definitely going through a period of stagnation.
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

ATG wrote:

All that he had to do is deliver them to the local jihadist with a cargo freighter on hire to deliver it to one of our ports.
     He was funding the families of suicide bombers; I always thought that was reason enough right there.
I understand your reasoning, but following that logic means we should conquer Saudi Arabia.  There are plenty of aristocratic families there that fund terror.  Supposedly, even Bin Laden's family still smuggles funds to him.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Please show the articles that give Finland the credit for inventing wireless phone communication technology. Or really anything else.

AMerica, NOT Ireland is the most generous country in the history of the world Cam, and that does not even include PRIVATE donations from our citizens.

Your idea to unconditionally give to countries less fortunate than ours is naive to say the least. If a country is in crisis it is for a reason, and that reason usually stands between given aid and the people it is meant for.

You go build homes in Africa, and you feel all warm and fuzzy, how many still stand after a few years of war?

Also, Finland may be trying to improve on the cell phone,cuz god knows they are way too big and need more shit put on them, but they are working with technology invented guess where????
2004 figures

America: 300m people. Aid: $19bn (% GNI: 0.16%)
Europe Union: 460m people. Aid: $43bn (Ireland: 3.5m people. Aid: $750m. % GNI: 0.39%)
Norway: 4.7m people. Aid: $2.2bn (% GNI: 0.87%)

So America contributes less in total than the EU and less per capita than just about every developed country. And that isn't even counting private charities in Ireland and the rest of the EU either: we're just talking about government supplied aid above.

PS What is with the fixation about war? How does that South Africa comment of yours have ANY relevance? … /wm630.cfm … osity.html

Oh I am sorry, Africa isn't in a self destructive battle tail spin. Simple what good does it do to build homes just to have them taken away, or destroyed in war? anyway I looked up your charity and from the site I saw, you have built 850 homes since 2003. … 444047S645 … index.html
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

lowing wrote: … osity.html

Oh I am sorry, Africa isn't in a self destructive battle tail spin. Simple what good does it do to build homes just to have them taken away, or destroyed in war? anyway I looked up your charity and from the site I saw, you have built 850 homes since 2003. … 444047S645 … index.html
By the same token, Iraq is in a self-destructive tail spin as well.

Masques wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

LOL. 'Do nothing'! Finland is at the forefront of mobile phone technology and Ireland is at the forefront of various aspects of the IT and electronics industries and has been a major contributor to the arts. Both contribute more per capita than the US in terms of overseas financial aid. The Niall Melon Township challenge - an Irish venture - occurs each year whereby several hundred Irish men and women take voluntary leave from their own work to go to South Africa and build 2000 or so houses out of their own pockets so that poor African families can have more than just a shack and have things like running water and electricity (just one example of our 'doing nothing'). Ireland is one of the most charitable countries on earth. When we do things for others we don't kill tens of thousands of people while we're doing it. We create - you destroy.

You're god damn right we should our governments should mind their own businesses internationally, save to unconditionally and selflessly donate funds to those less well off than us.

You seem preoccupied with the fact that 'doing' stuff for others must involve tanks and carbines.
Please show the articles that give Finland the credit for inventing wireless phone communication technology. Or really anything else.

AMerica, NOT Ireland is the most generous country in the history of the world Cam, and that does not even include PRIVATE donations from our citizens.

Your idea to unconditionally give to countries less fortunate than ours is naive to say the least. If a country is in crisis it is for a reason, and that reason usually stands between given aid and the people it is meant for.

You go build homes in Africa, and you feel all warm and fuzzy, how many still stand after a few years of war?

Also, Finland may be trying to improve on the cell phone,cuz god knows they are way too big and need more shit put on them, but they are working with technology invented guess where????
South Africa is poor, not wartorn. I doubt such a country would be hosting the 2010 World Cup.

And as to Cam's point about Finland and technology, he never said they invented the phones, he said they're on the forefront of development. Innovation has lagged seriously in the US for some years now and other countries are leading in things like citizens with graduate degrees (per capita).

The US is definitely going through a period of stagnation.
What exactly are they on the fore front of, in regardes to cell phones?? Ok to that point, the US will keep inventing new technology, you can figure out how to turn it into a phone/radio/cdplayer/mp3 player/camera ass wiper.

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote: … osity.html

Oh I am sorry, Africa isn't in a self destructive battle tail spin. Simple what good does it do to build homes just to have them taken away, or destroyed in war? anyway I looked up your charity and from the site I saw, you have built 850 homes since 2003. … 444047S645 … index.html
By the same token, Iraq is in a self-destructive tail spin as well.
yes it is, which is why the world really needs to get off its ass to save it instead of sitting back telling the US what shoulda happened with their fantastic 20/20 hindsite
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote: … osity.html

Oh I am sorry, Africa isn't in a self destructive battle tail spin. Simple what good does it do to build homes just to have them taken away, or destroyed in war? anyway I looked up your charity and from the site I saw, you have built 850 homes since 2003. … 444047S645 … index.html
By the same token, Iraq is in a self-destructive tail spin as well.
yes it is, which is why the world really needs to get off its ass to save it instead of sitting back telling the US what shoulda happened with their fantastic 20/20 hindsite
I agree...  we should get off our asses and save both Iraq and Africa -- internationally.

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Please show the articles that give Finland the credit for inventing wireless phone communication technology. Or really anything else.

AMerica, NOT Ireland is the most generous country in the history of the world Cam, and that does not even include PRIVATE donations from our citizens.

Your idea to unconditionally give to countries less fortunate than ours is naive to say the least. If a country is in crisis it is for a reason, and that reason usually stands between given aid and the people it is meant for.

You go build homes in Africa, and you feel all warm and fuzzy, how many still stand after a few years of war?

Also, Finland may be trying to improve on the cell phone,cuz god knows they are way too big and need more shit put on them, but they are working with technology invented guess where????
2004 figures

America: 300m people. Aid: $19bn (% GNI: 0.16%)
Europe Union: 460m people. Aid: $43bn (Ireland: 3.5m people. Aid: $750m. % GNI: 0.39%)
Norway: 4.7m people. Aid: $2.2bn (% GNI: 0.87%)

So America contributes less in total than the EU and less per capita than just about every developed country. And that isn't even counting private charities in Ireland and the rest of the EU either: we're just talking about government supplied aid above.

PS What is with the fixation about war? How does that South Africa comment of yours have ANY relevance? … /wm630.cfm … osity.html

Oh I am sorry, Africa isn't in a self destructive battle tail spin. Simple what good does it do to build homes just to have them taken away, or destroyed in war? anyway I looked up your charity and from the site I saw, you have built 850 homes since 2003. … 444047S645 … index.html
You do realise that SOUTH AFRICA is a COUNTRY in which there is no war?

PS Can you not understand that proportionally speaking the US is NOT as generous as the rest of the world? Not to mention the fact that it actually gives less than have the amount of aid the EU gives.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-11-04 14:06:46)


Turquoise wrote:

lowing wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

By the same token, Iraq is in a self-destructive tail spin as well.
yes it is, which is why the world really needs to get off its ass to save it instead of sitting back telling the US what shoulda happened with their fantastic 20/20 hindsite
I agree...  we should get off our asses and save both Iraq and Africa -- internationally.
Kinda hard to focus on what the Us is supposed to do when people like Cameronpoe says mind our own business, but get out there and save the world.

Before you say it, the US contributes a lot more to this world than war, think about that the next time you turn the lights out in your house and get into your car to drive to the gas station to fill up for the trip to the airport while talking on your cell phone to let your wife know you are on the way. Once you get into the airport and sit and work on your computer while you wait to board your airplane to Africa to build a house. Probably using tools to do so, invented in the US as well. On the plane you can talk to the guy next to you about how worthless and selfish the US is, since you are free to do so.

lowing wrote:

Kinda hard to focus on what the Us is supposed to do when people like Cameronpoe says mind our own business, but get out there and save the world.
IMPORTANT CORRECTION: I never, NOT ONCE, ever said that any country had to go 'out there and save the world'. NOT EVER. Not even so much as hinted at it.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

2004 figures

America: 300m people. Aid: $19bn (% GNI: 0.16%)
Europe Union: 460m people. Aid: $43bn (Ireland: 3.5m people. Aid: $750m. % GNI: 0.39%)
Norway: 4.7m people. Aid: $2.2bn (% GNI: 0.87%)

So America contributes less in total than the EU and less per capita than just about every developed country. And that isn't even counting private charities in Ireland and the rest of the EU either: we're just talking about government supplied aid above.

PS What is with the fixation about war? How does that South Africa comment of yours have ANY relevance? … /wm630.cfm … osity.html

Oh I am sorry, Africa isn't in a self destructive battle tail spin. Simple what good does it do to build homes just to have them taken away, or destroyed in war? anyway I looked up your charity and from the site I saw, you have built 850 homes since 2003. … 444047S645 … index.html
You do realise that SOUTH AFRICA is a COUNTRY in which there is no war?

PS Can you not understand that proportionally speaking the US is NOT as generous as the rest of the world? Not to mention the fact that it actually gives less than have the amount of aid the EU gives.
are you counting the money the US gives to the UN, which then takes credit for the donations it gives out??

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

Kinda hard to focus on what the Us is supposed to do when people like Cameronpoe says mind our own business, but get out there and save the world.
IMPORTANT CORRECTION: I never, NOT ONCE, ever said that any country had to go 'out there and save the world'. NOT EVER. Not even so much as hinted at it.
You're god damn right we should our governments should mind their own businesses internationally, save to unconditionally and selflessly donate funds to those less well off than us.<---------CAMERONPOE.. this kinda hints at it I think. how bout you??

I am pretty sure I didn't take this out of context.......although I guess you could implement your famous, countries are not sentient beings catch all argument.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

are you counting the money the US gives to the UN, which then takes credit for the donations it gives out??
Lowing - do you notice the table of Overseas Aid contributions in the link you posted? Do you see USA in 22nd place?
Ummmmmmmmmm CAM???.....that is listed in alphabetical order, pal.

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

are you counting the money the US gives to the UN, which then takes credit for the donations it gives out??
Lowing - do you notice the table of Overseas Aid contributions in the link you posted? Do you see USA in 22nd place?
Ummmmmmmmmm CAM???.....that is listed in alphabetical order, pal.
LOL my mistake.

Do you see the non-alphabetical list of 'Adjusted Aid Numbers to Factor Private Contributions' - Ireland is above USA as are about another 15 countries (mainly Euro countries).

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-11-04 14:23:42)

Black Panzer Party
+184|7035|Eastern PA

lowing wrote:

Masques wrote:

lowing wrote:

Please show the articles that give Finland the credit for inventing wireless phone communication technology. Or really anything else.

AMerica, NOT Ireland is the most generous country in the history of the world Cam, and that does not even include PRIVATE donations from our citizens.

Your idea to unconditionally give to countries less fortunate than ours is naive to say the least. If a country is in crisis it is for a reason, and that reason usually stands between given aid and the people it is meant for.

You go build homes in Africa, and you feel all warm and fuzzy, how many still stand after a few years of war?

Also, Finland may be trying to improve on the cell phone,cuz god knows they are way too big and need more shit put on them, but they are working with technology invented guess where????
South Africa is poor, not wartorn. I doubt such a country would be hosting the 2010 World Cup.

And as to Cam's point about Finland and technology, he never said they invented the phones, he said they're on the forefront of development. Innovation has lagged seriously in the US for some years now and other countries are leading in things like citizens with graduate degrees (per capita).

The US is definitely going through a period of stagnation.
What exactly are they on the fore front of, in regardes to cell phones?? Ok to that point, the US will keep inventing new technology, you can figure out how to turn it into a phone/radio/cdplayer/mp3 player/camera ass wiper.
Nokia (the world's largest moble phone developer) is Finnish, the first fully automatic moble phone system (MTA) was invented in Sweden in 1956, the first commercial public moble phone network (ARP) was launched in Finland in 1971.

The US isn't going to be inventing anything if these trends keep up:
For example, take the US main battle tank the M1A1 Abrams, its armor (Chobham) was developed in the UK and its main weapon (M256 Smoothbore tank gun) was designed and produced in Germany by Rheinmetall AG. The only things on it that are US made are the powerplant and secondary gun (which was originally designed in WWI). Even the transmission and F240 SAW on the tank were developed in Europe (Germany and Belgium respectively).

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Lowing - do you notice the table of Overseas Aid contributions in the link you posted? Do you see USA in 22nd place?
Ummmmmmmmmm CAM???.....that is listed in alphabetical order, pal.
LOL my mistake.

Do you see the non-alphabetical list of 'Adjusted Aid Numbers to Factor Private Contributions' - Ireland is above USA as are about another 15 countries (mainly Euro countries). … ed-aid.png
I guess now that after you pointed out the US was 22nd on that chart, then found pretty high up the chart all of a sudden is irrelevant.

Yeah you got me, the US does absolutely nothing for the world compared to the great contributions of Finland and Ireland.

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