Early voted for him. What -you'd vote for Davis? That guy is terrible. 2nd worst attendance.. He would roll back all of the tax credits. Lt. Gov. Jones is a joke too. I know his son.
You know I vote Rep most the time but the insurance companies own Crist.
. Even NK and our pals China, who Along with Russia will dominate the world. Russia will reunite as one, Take over the entire middle east, wipe out Israel, team with china, and then your peachy liberal life as you know it will be forever gone. you can then truly use your insane Sig for real. But you wont think its a party then comrade.
umm, last time i checked, communisim is liberalism. they are both left wing.
. Even NK and our pals China, who Along with Russia will dominate the world. Russia will reunite as one, Take over the entire middle east, wipe out Israel, team with china, and then your peachy liberal life as you know it will be forever gone. you can then truly use your insane Sig for real. But you wont think its a party then comrade.
umm, last time i checked, communisim is liberalism. they are both left wing.
Actually... liberal is being used in this context to refer to classical liberalism. Western liberalism amounts to living in a free society -- both socially and economically. Communism is left-wing, but that's a bit different.
For example... China is very socially conservative (moreso than most Republicans), despite having a left-wing government.
Since when did MSNBC grow a pair? I honestly have never seen the media call the president out in such a blatant way before. Can't wait to see the pissing match that starts over this.
its bullshit assholes like that guy who are turning the portion of America that cannot think for themselves, against the president. people need to come up with their own stance and position in politics, and not listen to some biased media bitch that tells them everything like its the truth. that asshole deserves more than a bitch slap, he needs to have his face shoved in the ass-cracks of every patriotic person in this country.
It's part of the freedom that you can say what ever you want about your goverment, be it true or not true. Your response to this suggests that your someone who doesn't really care what your president does and just do what he tells you to do. It isn't freedom if you have to respect your president no matter what he does.
I love how he tried to bash McCain about the woman running for Senate in Illinois. What he did not tell you that the Dems choose her because she was an Iraqi War Veteran. They choose her so that they can say that they are supporting troops. This is according the CNN
From an outsider looking in. The current shenanigans on Capitol Hill make your Politicians look like a load of school children fighting in the play ground. Serious politics? Its a charade. It would be laughable if only it wasn't a scrap to control the country with the largest sphere of influence over the rest of the world.... that just makes it plain scary. I am sure there are good politicians but they are over shadowed by the mud slinging punch and Judy politics.
From an outsider looking in. The current shenanigans on Capitol Hill make your Politicians look like a load of school children fighting in the play ground. Serious politics? Its a charade. It would be laughable if only it wasn't a scrap to control the country with the largest sphere of influence over the rest of the world.... that just makes it plain scary. I am sure there are good politicians but they are over shadowed by the mud slinging punch and Judy politics.
Most Americans know this. It becomes especially evident every 2 years.
i guess i just dont get it. dumbass in the video didn't tell me anything. So answer me this all you Bush haters... What did president Bush do to YOU PERSONALLY, that was SOOO BAD, that you have to be the most disrespectful assholes in the world towards the president?
#1 Lied to me and you on the reason for invading Iraq. Do you remember the three reasons for invading
#2 He's taken away yours and my civil liberties in relation to the rights of habius corpus.
#3 He's made it much more difficult for me and you to travel abroad without the threat of death.
#4 He's killed almost 2900 of yours and my fellow Americans, maimed several thousand more for his agenda.
#5 He's made you and I look like idiots every time he gets on a world stage. The rest of the world thinks," This is the leader of America" What's the rest of the country like.
#6 In the bill recently passed he's placed a clause in there to prevent him and his administration from ever being prosecuted for war crimes. Why?
i guess i just dont get it. dumbass in the video didn't tell me anything. So answer me this all you Bush haters... What did president Bush do to YOU PERSONALLY, that was SOOO BAD, that you have to be the most disrespectful assholes in the world towards the president?
#1 Lied to me and you on the reason for invading Iraq. Do you remember the three reasons for invading
#2 He's taken away yours and my civil liberties in relation to the rights of habius corpus.
#3 He's made it much more difficult for me and you to travel abroad without the threat of death.
#4 He's killed almost 2900 of yours and my fellow Americans, maimed several thousand more for his agenda.
#5 He's made you and I look like idiots every time he gets on a world stage. The rest of the world thinks," This is the leader of America" What's the rest of the country like.
#6 In the bill recently passed he's placed a clause in there to prevent him and his administration from ever being prosecuted for war crimes. Why?
#7 He has insulted my intelligence for six years.
Shall I go on?
sure! then try to back up some of your accusations
#1 Lied to me and you on the reason for invading Iraq. Do you remember the three reasons for invading
Even your precious Democrats had the same information about Iraq pre-war....I mean Kerry and his ilk voted for the war. At late as Democrats like Bill Clinton in 2000 said that Iraq had WMDs.
But you probably didn't know that there were infacct WMDs found in Iraq
GATOR591957 wrote:
#2 He's taken away yours and my civil liberties in relation to the rights of habius corpus.
#3 He's made it much more difficult for me and you to travel abroad without the threat of death.
Is Bush going to kill you? I mean before Bush there were terrorists that hijacked planes...like Pan Am Flight 103 - pre-Bush. If anything I feel safer now that new security measures are being adhered to now than prior to 9/11 - granted its inconvient, but I don't mind being late if it means I arrive at my destination alive.
GATOR591957 wrote:
#4 He's killed almost 2900 of yours and my fellow Americans, maimed several thousand more for his agenda.
Are you suggesting that Bush or someone under his authority authorized those two planes to slam into the Trade Center? Or the plane that slammed into the Penagon? Or the plane that crashed on that Pennsylvania pasture on 9/11? Or are you talking about the war with Iraq, were almost 3,000 soldiers have been killed by insurgents, bathists, foreign fighters or Al Qaeda in Iraq?
GATOR591957 wrote:
#5 He's made you and I look like idiots every time he gets on a world stage. The rest of the world thinks," This is the leader of America" What's the rest of the country like.
So are you saying Bush is stupid? I mean he does have an MBA...got better grades than Kerry, and well he's president and you're not.
GATOR591957 wrote:
#6 In the bill recently passed he's placed a clause in there to prevent him and his administration from ever being prosecuted for war crimes. Why?
#1 Lied to me and you on the reason for invading Iraq. Do you remember the three reasons for invading
Even your precious Democrats had the same information about Iraq pre-war....I mean Kerry and his ilk voted for the war. At late as Democrats like Bill Clinton in 2000 said that Iraq had WMDs.
But you probably didn't know that there were infacct WMDs found in Iraq
Your definition of WMD's and the actual definition differ greatly. By your definition the US has and is using WMD's in depleted uranium.
GATOR591957 wrote:
#2 He's taken away yours and my civil liberties in relation to the rights of habius corpus.
I am talking about the treatment of prisoners act. In case you haven't read it, this act allows the President to proclaim anyone, including you and I of being a terrorist. He does not have to produce proof and can keep you or I as long as he wants without due process of any kind.
GATOR591957 wrote:
#3 He's made it much more difficult for me and you to travel abroad without the threat of death.
Is Bush going to kill you? I mean before Bush there were terrorists that hijacked planes...like Pan Am Flight 103 - pre-Bush. If anything I feel safer now that new security measures are being adhered to now than prior to 9/11 - granted its inconvient, but I don't mind being late if it means I arrive at my destination alive.
Maybe you don't travel as I do. You see we (US) are hated at a far higher degree than ever. This President and his administration has made you and I look like war mongers. You are incorrect when you say we are safer than before. I'd like to see your proof. Get out of your village a little more.
GATOR591957 wrote:
#4 He's killed almost 2900 of yours and my fellow Americans, maimed several thousand more for his agenda.
Are you suggesting that Bush or someone under his authority authorized those two planes to slam into the Trade Center? Or the plane that slammed into the Penagon? Or the plane that crashed on that Pennsylvania pasture on 9/11? Or are you talking about the war with Iraq, were almost 3,000 soldiers have been killed by insurgents, bathists, foreign fighters or Al Qaeda in Iraq?
Where do you think those insurgents came from. They weren't there before the invasion MMM maybe they just appeared. Al Queda did not have a strong presence in Iraq before our invasion. They sure as hell do now. Thank you Mr. Bush!
GATOR591957 wrote:
#5 He's made you and I look like idiots every time he gets on a world stage. The rest of the world thinks," This is the leader of America" What's the rest of the country like.
So are you saying Bush is stupid? I mean he does have an MBA...got better grades than Kerry, and well he's president and you're not.
Because Daddy bought his grades that makes him smart. Comparing him t Kerry is like comparing a walnut to a peanut. Grades do not make a smart man. Actions do!
GATOR591957 wrote:
#6 In the bill recently passed he's placed a clause in there to prevent him and his administration from ever being prosecuted for war crimes. Why?
i guess i just dont get it. dumbass in the video didn't tell me anything. So answer me this all you Bush haters... What did president Bush do to YOU PERSONALLY, that was SOOO BAD, that you have to be the most disrespectful assholes in the world towards the president?
#1 Lied to me and you on the reason for invading Iraq. Do you remember the three reasons for invading
#2 He's taken away yours and my civil liberties in relation to the rights of habius corpus.
#3 He's made it much more difficult for me and you to travel abroad without the threat of death.
#4 He's killed almost 2900 of yours and my fellow Americans, maimed several thousand more for his agenda.
#5 He's made you and I look like idiots every time he gets on a world stage. The rest of the world thinks," This is the leader of America" What's the rest of the country like.
#6 In the bill recently passed he's placed a clause in there to prevent him and his administration from ever being prosecuted for war crimes. Why?
#7 He has insulted my intelligence for six years.
Shall I go on?
sure! then try to back up some of your accusations
Correct me if I'm wrong, but since the ruling of the Surpreme Court they can't be tried on crimes prior to that ruling? I mean it would be like getting punished for speeding when the speed limit was lowered by a court order after the fact - in effect the court created law by its ruling. And also the Surpreme Court left their ruling open to be revivsed by laws to clarify, legislatively, their ruling.
I still don't agree that article 3 of the Geneva Convention applies to Al Qaeda...do we want our troops to give Miranda Rights to terrorists?
"You have the right to be silent. Anything you sa...<BOOM, American soldier dead>"
I guess it if was your son or daughter that was killed by a terrorist you would still not want them to have a trial by Military Tribunal. Its too bad that the terrorists don't follow the world's rules either when they are beheading us.../cry.
Normally if this was a war between two countries, at the end of the war prisoners would be traded back. The problem with this 'War on Terror' there isn't a country or a end...so how long do you keep a terrorists in jail? If you release him he'll just kill more civilians if he's truly a terrorist.
I have no problem with Military Tribunals giving terrorists trials. If there is evidence of their crimes (hey you were found shooting at our troops on this day), then fine, kill them or lock them up for the rest of their lives. Otherwise let the sheepfarmer go.
Early voted for him. What -you'd vote for Davis? That guy is terrible. 2nd worst attendance.. He would roll back all of the tax credits. Lt. Gov. Jones is a joke too. I know his son.
Dude, Davis is far from having 2nd worst attendance. You heard him say it in the debate - he has 93 percent attendance. Lots of politicians miss votes when they run for other offices. The 2nd worst attendance is trash talk. Davis is a god damn politician, he goes to work. Any dipshit could see that. A politician doesn't spend months campaigning and millions of dollars advertizing just to get elected and say "Work sucks!" (except, maybe the president. He's taken more vacations than any other president. Besides, everyone knows it's not really him who's calling the shots, it's Cheney and the rest of his cabinet.)
You want Charlie Crist? My mom knows him, I've met him, and she's been a lawyer her whole life. He's more of a joke than any other politician in Florida. He failed the BAR exam multiple times. As Attorney General he F'ed up many more times, sometimes deliberately, such as in the Terri Schiavo situation. He deliberately stood by and let the governer take custody of her.
Any person with any common sense would vote for either Max Lynn or Jim Davis.
i guess i just dont get it. dumbass in the video didn't tell me anything. So answer me this all you Bush haters... What did president Bush do to YOU PERSONALLY, that was SOOO BAD, that you have to be the most disrespectful assholes in the world towards the president?
Ha ha ha ha. This kind of response is exactly the reason the rest of the world looks down on america.
You think you live in a democracy? You have to be joking, right???? You think you're 'free'??? You are exactly the kind of citizen the government wants. SHEEP. Are you 13 years old? It's pretty scary if you're older!!!