Eh... I'll give you that one. I agree with a lot of what Olbermann says, but I just wish he wasn't so snide about it. It gives the wrong impression.The_Shipbuilder wrote:
Really?Turquoise wrote:
He's basically the left's Bill O'Reilly. I see Olbermann as no better or worse than Bill.
I'm no expert on either man, but the only thing they seem to share is a common appreciation for the ratings of polarity. They've both clearly chosen sides. To me the key difference is that Olbermann radiates intelligence, whereas O'Reilly does not. O'Reilly seems to revel in telling people what to think and trying to make anyone who disagrees with him look stupid, whereas Olbermann doesn't employ the same "tuff guy" schtick.
OK so every 10,000 people you talk to only 1 of them has directly been affected by the current administration? Thats still alot of people. What has been done to the country still affects a shitload of people, whether you know about them or not.JOJOBA wrote:
noone has still given me a specific thing that he has done to them to hate him. i came up with a reason to dislike Clinton, surely there has got to be someone out there that has been physically kicked in the ass by Bush? this is interesting. so far, its all been about what he has "done to the country" nothing about doing things to individuals. but maybe i missed something?
Plus on a large scale I would argue the state of the country is a more important thing than the state of the individual because what happens to the country eventually affects the individual.
I guess i'm a terrorist...
old but very relevant to this discussion.
The title is misleading.
That is extremely relevant. I was outraged when I saw that the first time.Reciprocity wrote:
old but very relevant to this discussion.
ZOMG HES SO FUNNY!!! I'm glad he could compress the deaths of thousands of soldiers, trillions of wasted tax dollars, and the decline of traditional US into a single joke. What a douchebag.
its shit like that, just pisses me off. Seriously, show a shred of respect for the president. its pathetic that nobody can show any respect to the president, because of 2815 soldiers died in a 5 year span. what about Vietnam? how many soldiers died? a lot. and did Nixon get worse approval ratings than Bush? i dont know, i'd have to check that. what about WWII? how many soldiers died? everyone loved FDR. and the Civil War. how many people died in just one day in the Civil War? however, Lincoln was one of the most beloved presidents in this countries history. i just ask everyone, please do not be so disrespectful, even if you cannot stand the president. i see it as very rude and unnecessary. put yourself in his place. im sure you wouldn't like being called a douchebag on a regular basis.What a douchebag.
Last edited by JOJOBA (2006-11-02 21:06:09)
hmm, let me clear my throat. FUCK OUR PRESIDENT. gimme a reason to respect him.JOJOBA wrote:
its shit like that, just pisses me off. Seriously, show a shred of respect for the president. its pathetic that nobody can show any respect to the president, because of 2815 soldiers died in a 5 year span. what about Vietnam? how many soldiers died? a lot. and did Nixon get worse approval ratings than Bush? i dont know, i'd have to check that. what about WWII? how many soldiers died? everyone loved FDR. and the Civil War. how many people died in just one day in the Civil War? however, Lincoln was one of the most beloved presidents in this countries history. i just ask everyone, please do not be so disrespectful, even if you cannot stand the president. i see it as very rude and unnecessary. put yourself in his place. im sure you wouldn't like being called a douchebag on a regular basis.
why are you such an asshole?Reciprocity wrote:
hmm, let me clear my throat. FUCK OUR PRESIDENT. gimme a reason to respect him.JOJOBA wrote:
its shit like that, just pisses me off. Seriously, show a shred of respect for the president. its pathetic that nobody can show any respect to the president, because of 2815 soldiers died in a 5 year span. what about Vietnam? how many soldiers died? a lot. and did Nixon get worse approval ratings than Bush? i dont know, i'd have to check that. what about WWII? how many soldiers died? everyone loved FDR. and the Civil War. how many people died in just one day in the Civil War? however, Lincoln was one of the most beloved presidents in this countries history. i just ask everyone, please do not be so disrespectful, even if you cannot stand the president. i see it as very rude and unnecessary. put yourself in his place. im sure you wouldn't like being called a douchebag on a regular basis.
He is correct, no matter what anyones opinion on it is.

Is it funny that the president dismissively jokes about finding weapons of mass destruction? Should I respect him for being cute at the expense of American soldiers lives?
Last edited by Reciprocity (2006-11-02 21:14:21)
I can see where you are coming from, but I think you'll find that our president really is as vapid as the media presents him.JOJOBA wrote:
its shit like that, just pisses me off. Seriously, show a shred of respect for the president. its pathetic that nobody can show any respect to the president, because of 2815 soldiers died in a 5 year span. what about Vietnam? how many soldiers died? a lot. and did Nixon get worse approval ratings than Bush? i dont know, i'd have to check that. what about WWII? how many soldiers died? everyone loved FDR. and the Civil War. how many people died in just one day in the Civil War? however, Lincoln was one of the most beloved presidents in this countries history. i just ask everyone, please do not be so disrespectful, even if you cannot stand the president. i see it as very rude and unnecessary. put yourself in his place. im sure you wouldn't like being called a douchebag on a regular basis.What a douchebag.
Whether you agree or not with what the video said it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out this is just trying to divert attention from the Kerry fuck up.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I sadly have to agree. The mere fact that he is president deserves some respect, even if we don't agree with it.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
no, he lost that privilege around March of 2003.Spark wrote:
I sadly have to agree. The mere fact that he is president deserves some respect, even if we don't agree with it.
hmm. not that I'm one of those pro bush fans. but you do have to have some respect for the president...but i know bush has messed up and all that but i would have loved to see how Al Gore or Kerry would have handled 9-11 and Iraq and all that....not saying bush did a perfect job or that he is great president but cant really say that Gore would have been better in 2000.
just giving my opinion
to be honest im sick of all these politician's....they are all phony and all lie and they too busy running each other down to do people any good.
just giving my opinion
to be honest im sick of all these politician's....they are all phony and all lie and they too busy running each other down to do people any good.
Last edited by leesupport (2006-11-02 22:01:48)
Ok I just started watching this and are going to have to finish it later due to it being late here. The Kennedy footage will show you that he was shot from the back though. President Kennedy was wearing a back brace due to medical conditions, the "spray" of blood and and matter spray to front. If a bullet hits a person the spray doesn't come out of the entrance wound, it goes out with the round.CommieChipmunk wrote:
if you get a chance watch this … 9024486145
I know its long but believe me it's worth it. It'll show you why I really don't like Bush. I've seen plenty of conspiracy theorist but no one like this guy. He cites everything and has some serious credentials. He even offers 1000 USD cash if you can find ANYTHING false about his statements. Don't just wave it off as "liberal Bull shit" or whatever you want to call it
As for the drugs and wrong doings of this nation both parties and many many politicians of both parties are in the wrong and trying to blame all of it on the Bush adminstration is a farce and scape goating all of the dark deeds from under the rug on one man and adminstration. Sure Bush has done some pretty stupid things, so has Cliton and many other Presidents.
Everyone needs to know that if you listen to editorals you will only get half, or less then half of the evidence. They will steer you in the direction they want you to go. They will shield your eyes from what doesn't fit and hope that you won't find it on your own. This is true of every political parties.
Well, as many other have written on these forums in the past and this is my first time... FAIL.
What a moron. I couldn't even make it through the 2 min of it without gagging. Its Americans like that which Osama and the rest of the thugs love. That pud hasn't got a clue. Kerry is a traitor. I can't believe any ever voted for him. The democrats are in trouble and due for a surprise on the 7th.
Want more terrorism? Vote Democrat.
Want less security? Vote Democrat.
Want more taxes? Vote Democrat.
Want to downsize the military? Vote Democrat.
Want to give up your guns? Vote Democrat.
Heseuse Cristo...
What a moron. I couldn't even make it through the 2 min of it without gagging. Its Americans like that which Osama and the rest of the thugs love. That pud hasn't got a clue. Kerry is a traitor. I can't believe any ever voted for him. The democrats are in trouble and due for a surprise on the 7th.
Want more terrorism? Vote Democrat.
Want less security? Vote Democrat.
Want more taxes? Vote Democrat.
Want to downsize the military? Vote Democrat.
Want to give up your guns? Vote Democrat.
Heseuse Cristo...
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Dude don't tell me your voting for Charlie.^^
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Early voted for him. What -you'd vote for Davis? That guy is terrible. 2nd worst attendance.. He would roll back all of the tax credits. Lt. Gov. Jones is a joke too. I know his son.Kmarion wrote:
Dude don't tell me your voting for Charlie.^^
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
HM i watched a little of that movie and i agree with what that guy was saying about 9-11 that the twin towers were not the only reason we went to war..everyone knows it was cause of oil...but i however do not agree with people that say that the government or Bush cause 9-11 though. cause what would they gain for doing that cause after 9-11 everything was a mess with the stock people seem little too eager to blame bush for everything..such as Katrina...i mean come on them people were told to get out of there...does the government have to tell you how and when to do i dont really like Bush but i mean come on be reasonable some things are just not his fault....kinda wish you could go back in a time machine too 2000 and see what would have happened if Gore won..yea you can blame him for solders getting killed but how that really his fault i mean if you look at it sending solders there did help the civilians there from there leader that tutored them pretty bad....and like the guy on MSNBC said that we should just declare victory and pull all the troops out but we didn't win the war yet...and how would it look pulling out of Vietnam already makes America look not too good to other countries and no one would take America serious if they pull out of Iraq..
sorry about the long post and bad spelling but just giving my opinion here...flame on:D
sorry about the long post and bad spelling but just giving my opinion here...flame on:D
Yet another person who doesn't understand how OPEC controls the distribution of oil.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Want less fearmongering? Vote LibertarianDBBrinson1 wrote:
Well, as many other have written on these forums in the past and this is my first time... FAIL.
What a moron. I couldn't even make it through the 2 min of it without gagging. Its Americans like that which Osama and the rest of the thugs love. That pud hasn't got a clue. Kerry is a traitor. I can't believe any ever voted for him. The democrats are in trouble and due for a surprise on the 7th.
Want more terrorism? Vote Democrat.
Want less security? Vote Democrat.
Want more taxes? Vote Democrat.
Want to downsize the military? Vote Democrat.
Want to give up your guns? Vote Democrat.
Heseuse Cristo...
Want more domestic security? Vote Libertarian
Want less government spending AND less taxes? Vote Libertarian
Want to spend less on the military because it's fucking bloated right now? Vote Libertarian
sarcasm on!Turquoise wrote:
Want less government spending AND less taxes? Vote Libertarian
I prefer the don't tax and spend astronomically policy of our current Republican leadership.
sarcasm off!
I just felt like ridiculing Brinson's little rant. I'd rather spend time promoting my own party rather than demonizing another.
it was a cute little rant.