"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.
I've just about had it with the politics in my high school. Every day I get pounded by both ends of the political spectrum by students/faculty/whatever and I'm started to get pissed off. This may just be my own personal opinion but does anyone else agree with me in saying, "I'd like to learn in school not be pounded by political propaganda." Schools are no place for it, thoughts? By the way I searched and didn't see anything other posts devoted to just this topic.

Let me just sum up what I'm talking about.
Politics + Learning = No.

Last edited by Sgt_Sieg (2006-11-03 04:13:04)

+385|6804|Northern California
Yep, sex education, religious based things (including creationism), and child psychology (and other such classes) should not be in schools...but they are.  And the teaching of politics is no exception, unless some basic rules of bias are followed.  Pitty.
+51|6841|Land of the free
Teachers are not supposed to talk about what side of the spectrum they are or what you should be. It might influence your opinion.
"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.

Phantom2828 wrote:

Teachers are not supposed to talk about what side of the spectrum they are or what you should be. It might influence your opinion.
Too bad that doesn't stop them. There is a difference between "not supposed to" and "don't" sadly enough.
+102|7015|New York
Welp, then tell them to teach you and STFU and teach.

My son tells me that the teachers are pretty tilted to the left in his school, I in turn told him, that if he were EVER pressured or persecuted by any teacher or student for that matter, because of his Unbias or some times right slanted views, that hes to tell me and ill be taking care of that one. So far ive been lucky, They actually teach in the school for now. Im waiting on 9th grade.
+271|7069|United States of America
One of my teachers expresses her views often... She's a vegan, liberal, is very stereotypical, animal rights acitvist, blah blah blah.  Today for math we had a sub, who was all into animal rights, just like my other teacher, and when we would pick fun at each other she would get pissed.
My school is pretty devoid of national politics. I know which of my friends thinks what, and thats all there is really. I'm thankful for it.
Black Panzer Party
+184|7035|Eastern PA
Everyone has opinions, if you don't appreciate theirs, argue your own.
+53|6783|Little Rock, AR


Yep, sex education, religious based things (including creationism), and child psychology (and other such classes) should not be in schools...but they are.  And the teaching of politics is no exception, unless some basic rules of bias are followed.  Pitty.
Why shouldn't sex ed be taught in schools?  I agree that only academic studies of religion should be taught in schools, but why shouldn't psychology?  Politics is an incredibly important part of history, which should be taught in schools.  Politics should be taught, but I agree with the original post that it shouldn't be about what your teacher thinks, it should be about the issues and what the different parties think about the issues, so students can come to their own informed decisions.
+271|7069|United States of America

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Im waiting on 9th grade.
Don't worry, nothing has happened to me yet in HS. The only thing that has is odd teachers like those I mentioned. Luckily she doesn't force her views down my throat, she just expresses them.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7143|Denver colorado
When i talk about it its called this thing called 4 corners.. we go to agree,disagree,strongly disagree and strongly agree. I totally have the winning hand in all the debates. But i do hate it when morons try and tell me whats up.


Yep, sex education, religious based things (including creationism), and child psychology (and other such classes) should not be in schools...but they are.  And the teaching of politics is no exception, unless some basic rules of bias are followed.  Pitty.
What does sex education or child psychology have to do with politics? Sex ed is very important.
+124|6735|My room
Politics is an illusion.
"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.

Masques wrote:

Everyone has opinions, if you don't appreciate theirs, argue your own.
That's what I'm talking about. I don't want to go to school to argue over opinions, I want to go to school to get an education!
less busy
+586|7148|Kubra, Damn it!

kilgoretrout wrote:

Politics should be taught, but I agree with the original post that it shouldn't be about what your teacher thinks, it should be about the issues and what the different parties think about the issues, so students can come to their own informed decisions.
+226|7056|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
you will have the opinion that you school gives you and be grateful - no room for independent freethinkers in the education system young man..
Claymore magnet
i had that at my high school, we had both our runners for goverment today, i didnt go to the debate but im sure it was pretty cool
in reference to schools, even if you eradicate the overt political agendas espoused by teachers or whatever, you will nevertheless still be in the thrall of "politics" because the very way in which the education system is structured is based on a set of political beliefs and ideologies. In other words, there is no "natural" way for schools to work, and no "natural" set of core curriculum materials that should be taught to any given student regardless of gender, race or creed. if you are fed up with the political currents running through your experience of learning, then - as someone said above - you have to argue your own position back.
+0|6847|Bismarck, AR
I think that schools should have debate clubs in order to be outlets for those argument kind of things, but it should be kept out of the classroom beyond that.
Cheeseburger Connoisseur
The closest i get to politics in school is history and the fact that the in power state government has a say in the syllabus. Neither of these have much bearing on the issue of politics as there are a lot of interest groups that pressure the board of studies and government to keep it down the line - so a labor government doesnt really get to glorify labor governments and dirty the image of the opposition of the past in the history class, with the same applying to a coalition government.

I know where your coming from but i have never experienced it.

NSW schools FTW!
+385|6804|Northern California

kilgoretrout wrote:


Yep, sex education, religious based things (including creationism), and child psychology (and other such classes) should not be in schools...but they are.  And the teaching of politics is no exception, unless some basic rules of bias are followed.  Pitty.
Why shouldn't sex ed be taught in schools?  I agree that only academic studies of religion should be taught in schools, but why shouldn't psychology?  Politics is an incredibly important part of history, which should be taught in schools.  Politics should be taught, but I agree with the original post that it shouldn't be about what your teacher thinks, it should be about the issues and what the different parties think about the issues, so students can come to their own informed decisions.
Does sex education in school make the student a better citizen and contributor to society?  Does someone with a teaching credential have a better understanding of how to teach children better than their own parents?  Does sex ed in schools (particularly the part about abstinence or avoiding STDs) work?  No. No. and No. 

Politics, and the history thereof can be taught in school, but political opinions should not unless there is an exercise administered by the teacher, who remains unbiased, and uses the exercise to establish a lesson that people have political opinions and they should all be respected.  But this is more of an exercise onhow to appreciate free speech.  Actually debating or discussing political topics in school is not good.  Especially when our country is the dumbest in the world practically and when there's a drop out rate like we have.  There's sooo much more important cirriculum than sex ed, politics, child/family psychology (carrying a sack of flour around for a day to teach what it's like being pregnant is what I'm referencing and I got it from my child psychology class).


kilgoretrout wrote:


Yep, sex education, religious based things (including creationism), and child psychology (and other such classes) should not be in schools...but they are.  And the teaching of politics is no exception, unless some basic rules of bias are followed.  Pitty.
Why shouldn't sex ed be taught in schools?  I agree that only academic studies of religion should be taught in schools, but why shouldn't psychology?  Politics is an incredibly important part of history, which should be taught in schools.  Politics should be taught, but I agree with the original post that it shouldn't be about what your teacher thinks, it should be about the issues and what the different parties think about the issues, so students can come to their own informed decisions.
Does sex education in school make the student a better citizen and contributor to society?  Does someone with a teaching credential have a better understanding of how to teach children better than their own parents?  Does sex ed in schools (particularly the part about abstinence or avoiding STDs) work?  No. No. and No.
Oh sorry, and your evidence for any of those allegations is where?

You're assuming the parents will teach the kids. Something is better than nothing. And yes, sex education makes the student a better citizen. In fact, EDUCATION makes the student a better citizen. No matter what the topic, if it it informative and unbiased, it improves their ability to be a better citizen and make informed decisions in life.

Sometimes I think you're trapped in your little bubble of a perfect world, chef.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

Miller wrote:

One of my teachers expresses her views often... She's a vegan, liberal, is very stereotypical, animal rights acitvist, blah blah blah.  Today for math we had a sub, who was all into animal rights, just like my other teacher, and when we would pick fun at each other she would get pissed.
I had a teacher like that in high school back in the early 90's and she was very liberal. She gave us a report to do on ANY pastime we enjoyed and it was to include visual aids, why we like it, where we do it, blah blah etc. I am an avid hunter. I love it. I mostly hunt deer up in Vermont and that is what I did my project on. I put a lot of effort into it and it ended up being 20 or so pages (of written) and different pictures of the woods and terrain I frequented. I received a D- for a grade. When I asked why she told me it didnt seem appropriate for someone my age to participate in "That kind of Destructive activity" and that she clearly stated the project had to be done on something "constructive" and "appropriate". Fuckin bitch. If you hunt or whether you are against it, isnt that kind of inappropriate for a teacher to let her personal beliefs interfere with my grade/ future. Let me know what you think.
Malloy must go

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Miller wrote:

One of my teachers expresses her views often... She's a vegan, liberal, is very stereotypical, animal rights acitvist, blah blah blah.  Today for math we had a sub, who was all into animal rights, just like my other teacher, and when we would pick fun at each other she would get pissed.
I had a teacher like that in high school back in the early 90's and she was very liberal. She gave us a report to do on ANY pastime we enjoyed and it was to include visual aids, why we like it, where we do it, blah blah etc. I am an avid hunter. I love it. I mostly hunt deer up in Vermont and that is what I did my project on. I put a lot of effort into it and it ended up being 20 or so pages (of written) and different pictures of the woods and terrain I frequented. I received a D- for a grade. When I asked why she told me it didnt seem appropriate for someone my age to participate in "That kind of Destructive activity" and that she clearly stated the project had to be done on something "constructive" and "appropriate". Fuckin bitch. If you hunt or whether you are against it, isnt that kind of inappropriate for a teacher to let her personal beliefs interfere with my grade/ future. Let me know what you think.
You should have taken it to the AP or the princ.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
Eh, whatever. Maybe someday I will see that teacher in the woods taking a hippy nature walk and I'll go Cheney on her ass and have a "hunting accident". +1 Karma is a bitch.
Malloy must go

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