kilgoretrout wrote:
Yep, sex education, religious based things (including creationism), and child psychology (and other such classes) should not be in schools...but they are. And the teaching of politics is no exception, unless some basic rules of bias are followed. Pitty.
Why shouldn't sex ed be taught in schools? I agree that only academic studies of religion should be taught in schools, but why shouldn't psychology? Politics is an incredibly important part of history, which should be taught in schools. Politics should be taught, but I agree with the original post that it shouldn't be about what your teacher thinks, it should be about the issues and what the different parties think about the issues, so students can come to their own informed decisions.
Does sex education in school make the student a better citizen and contributor to society? Does someone with a teaching credential have a better understanding of how to teach children better than their own parents? Does sex ed in schools (particularly the part about abstinence or avoiding STDs) work? No. No. and No.
Oh sorry, and your evidence for any of those allegations is where?
You're assuming the parents will teach the kids. Something is better than nothing. And yes, sex education makes the student a better citizen. In fact, EDUCATION makes the student a better citizen. No matter what the topic, if it it informative and unbiased, it improves their ability to be a better citizen and make informed decisions in life.
Sometimes I think you're trapped in your little bubble of a perfect world, chef.