• 3,500 babies aborted daily
• 24,500 weekly
• 105,000 monthly
• 1,277,500 yearly
Total since Roe v. Wade = 47 million in the United States alone
3rd week of pregnancy – baby’s heart already begins to beat
5th week – basis for the baby’s brain, bone marrow, and nervous system are in place
7th week – baby has reflexes and can move spontaneously
8th week – face and jaw are formed
9th week – baby opens his/her mouth for the 1st time, eyes are completely formed, heart is beating about 150 beat per minute
11th week – baby can swallow, all vital organs are formed
12th week - baby can bend arms, twist wrists and elbows, clench and open fists, face becomes animated, allowing for pinching of the eyebrows or pursing of the lips
13th week – baby can turn head freely, bending of fingers now takes place
15th week – baby begins to hear and can hear his/her mother’s voice
16th week - baby reacts to visual stimulations and will use the hands to protect the eyes from external light, moves around a lot.
Development continues at an amazing pace after this, but I will stop here where the baby can hear his/her mother’s voice and use his/her hands to shield its eyes from light. This is a human being, not a blob of tissue. America is outraged over deaths in war, but cannot muster defense for the most vulnerable in our society – infants. It is a tragedy on the scale of the Holocaust yet America stands by while 3,500 babies killed in the US every day and the abortion industry profits from it. If a pregnant mother is hit by a drunk driver and her baby dies as a result of injuries from the accident, it’s a tragedy and the family mourns the death of the child. If the mother chooses to kill her baby in a hospital, it’s a “medical procedure” that a doctor makes money for performing. Anyone else see a problem here?
• 24,500 weekly
• 105,000 monthly
• 1,277,500 yearly
Total since Roe v. Wade = 47 million in the United States alone
3rd week of pregnancy – baby’s heart already begins to beat
5th week – basis for the baby’s brain, bone marrow, and nervous system are in place
7th week – baby has reflexes and can move spontaneously
8th week – face and jaw are formed
9th week – baby opens his/her mouth for the 1st time, eyes are completely formed, heart is beating about 150 beat per minute
11th week – baby can swallow, all vital organs are formed
12th week - baby can bend arms, twist wrists and elbows, clench and open fists, face becomes animated, allowing for pinching of the eyebrows or pursing of the lips
13th week – baby can turn head freely, bending of fingers now takes place
15th week – baby begins to hear and can hear his/her mother’s voice
16th week - baby reacts to visual stimulations and will use the hands to protect the eyes from external light, moves around a lot.
Development continues at an amazing pace after this, but I will stop here where the baby can hear his/her mother’s voice and use his/her hands to shield its eyes from light. This is a human being, not a blob of tissue. America is outraged over deaths in war, but cannot muster defense for the most vulnerable in our society – infants. It is a tragedy on the scale of the Holocaust yet America stands by while 3,500 babies killed in the US every day and the abortion industry profits from it. If a pregnant mother is hit by a drunk driver and her baby dies as a result of injuries from the accident, it’s a tragedy and the family mourns the death of the child. If the mother chooses to kill her baby in a hospital, it’s a “medical procedure” that a doctor makes money for performing. Anyone else see a problem here?