Stingray24 wrote:
I'm curious, why is the rapture a issue? And bugging people about their personal life brings about more war? I’m confused, could you clarify?
First, the rapture is mostly a creation of the last few centuries, and only recently has become a popular notion among Protestants, but that's more of an interfaith issue. I personally find the rapture to be a nutty spin on Christianity.
How this is connected to war is psychological. When people think in terms of an impending doomsday, they act less rationally. They behave in a context where drastic action should be taken to prepare for "the end." Islamists do this by blowing up themselves to get their 72 virgins, while Christian fundamentalists exhibit it through militaristic Zionism. This form of Zionism attributes way more importance to the "holy lands" than they deserve, and it is eerily reminiscent of the same bullshit Palestinians endorse.
The rapture is just a milder context that allows Christians to entertain some false sense of superiority or enlightenment over their fellow man.
Stingray24 wrote:
Personally, I tell people about my faith not to bug them, but because I care. You may have had the experience of someone beating you over the head with Christianity, if so, that's not how it’s supposed to be done. Jesus spread his message with love and by meeting people’s needs and Christians should be doing the same thing. Christians used to have the luxury of minding our own business. A large majority went to church and our society as a whole was much more values based. Now, however, there are numerous groups trying to keep our voice out of the public square exactly because it's rooted in moral values. Times have changed and segments of our society vocally oppose Christian values. As a result, we have to speak up more in defense of the values we believe in. That’s the beauty of our free country, free speech and votes for all.
Stingray, I try not to lump all Christians into the same boat. I realize that you mean well and that you appear to take a more compassionate route to "spreading the word." I'm glad you see this communication in a more rational way. You don't seem like one of those "fire and damnation" types. That's good, and I wish more religious people took your approach.
I'm just saying that it's easy for people to take religion too far when they believe in things like the rapture. The New Testament itself is fairly consistent on its message of compassion, but for whatever reason, several religious thinkers have tried to expand on Biblical ideas, but in my opinion, most of them have twisted them in negative ways. Our future is not going to be "Left Behind." As long as people buy into that kooky series, we'll continue to slide in the theocratic direction.