UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

CameronPoe wrote:

My final remark regarding the video is this:

The people who are 'radical islamists' are nutters and they have to be dealt with. Dealing with them using bombs and bullets CREATES MORE OF THEM. People don't become radical islamists for no reason. We must address the reasons why it is on the rise. The west supporting Israel gives the leaders the perfect excuse to galvanise their subjects against us. Meddling in the middle east and supporting dictators is another reason. WE MUST CHANGE OUR WAYS. When we have it will die away. When someones standard of living improves they are less likely to engage in stupid acts of self-sacrifice and conversion to radical islam because ALL HUMANS ARE BY NATURE SELFISH (to varying degrees). Nobody would join the IRA these days because we have it too easy. Life is too comfortable because the oppression has been taken away to a large extent (in Northern Ireland that is). Do the same in the middle east and you will get the same result. My recent trip to Turkey was very enlightening. The Turks have it good. Their standard of living is just like ours. Turkey is just like Europe or USA, and yet it is an islamic country. Women in hijabs walk hand in hand with their boyfriends down the street, kissing and cuddling, wearing trendy modern clothing. And yet when the call to prayer comes everyone gets their prayer mat out. We need to improve the lives of those in the midst of radical islam and remove the impediments to improvements in their lives so that they can become the New Turks. The Turks made their own country. We need to let them do the same. They'll sort themselves out in the end if they aren't being exploited or meddled with by western powers. We just need a few modern Ataturks!

If remnants of this cult remain then we annihilate them with brutal force.

THIS RABBLE POSE LITTLE THREAT TO THE WEST. What do you think we are? Pansies? Did we not come through WWI? WWII? We are made of sterner stuff. You guys need to stop fucking quaking in your boots. This anti-islam propaganda is reaching nazi era anti-jew proportions and it frightens me. It frightens me more than radical islam that's for sure.
Damn you, please disregard my previous post.  My post was directed toward:
1) Establishing blame doesn't accomplish anything
2) The video was specifically targeted towards a specific group, which was expanded in your comments
3) My post was too early
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
I thought I'd post my thoughts on extremists...but then I remembered I have.  Since this has cropped up again, I thought I'd link it in:

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

CameronPoe wrote:

The people who are 'radical islamists' are nutters and they have to be dealt with. Dealing with them using bombs and bullets CREATES MORE OF THEM. People don't become radical islamists for no reason.  We must address the reasons why it is on the rise.  The west supporting Israel gives the leaders the perfect excuse to galvanise their subjects against us. Meddling in the middle east and supporting dictators is another reason. WE MUST CHANGE OUR WAYS. When we have it will die away. When someones standard of living improves they are less likely to engage in stupid acts of self-sacrifice and conversion to radical islam because ALL HUMANS ARE BY NATURE SELFISH (to varying degrees). . . . We are made of sterner stuff. You guys need to stop fucking quaking in your boots. This anti-islam propaganda is reaching nazi era anti-jew proportions and it frightens me. It frightens me more than radical islam that's for sure.
Once again you're advocating isolationism as the solution.  It doesn't work.  Since using bombs and bullets don't work against radical Islamic terrorists who aim to kill us, what does?  Talking?  Laying down arms for bullshit diplomacy while we're getting killed because the terrorists haven't laid down their weapons?  Not a solution I'm going to sign up for.  I am not "quaking in my boots" either, our military is more than capable of taking care of these nutjobs if we'll let them and recognize the threat that exists.  But you don't want to use bombs and bullets. I'd much rather take the hurt to them now than be forced to fight them closer to home later.  We need to fight radical Islam, not hope it goes away.  Even if the west eliminated every kind of support for Israel and never touch another grain of sand in the Middle East, radical islam will still exist.  Improving people economically will stop terrorism?   Oh, you were serious.  Money is the solution? That's just funny.  They're getting tons of money from Iran and they're spending it on weapons.  W E A P O N S.

This is not anti-Islam propoganda: I oppose homicidal radical Islamic nutjobs, not all of Islam.  You're attempting to throw that on myself and those of us who want the nutjobs wiped out.  Nice try, though.   The fact that you're more afraid of those of us who support the elimination of radical Islam (which will never be at peace with us) than of radical Islam itself mystifies me.

Stingray24 wrote:

Once again you're advocating isolationism as the solution.  It doesn't work.
Backing off does not have to mean isolationism. You are being too extreme. We do live in a global village after all.

Stingray24 wrote:

Since using bombs and bullets don't work against radical Islamic terrorists who aim to kill us, what does?  Talking?  Laying down arms for bullshit diplomacy while we're getting killed because the terrorists haven't laid down their weapons?  Not a solution I'm going to sign up for.
Actions work, not words. They have zero trust in the west and why would they - all we've done is cause them pain and support their enemies and their brutal dictators. We need to demonstrate a new 'western' attitude free of hypocrisy and balanced towards all parties and players.

PS Decent homeland security will prevent 'getting killed' by 'terrorists' that 'haven't laid down their weapons'. Newsflash: THERE WILL ALWAYS BE TERRORISTS AND THERE WILL ALWAYS BE WEAPONS FOR THEM TO WIELD. What you are proposing is perpetual war. No thanks.

Stingray24 wrote:

I am not "quaking in my boots" either, our military is more than capable of taking care of these nutjobs if we'll let them and recognize the threat that exists.  But you don't want to use bombs and bullets. I'd much rather take the hurt to them now than be forced to fight them closer to home later.  We need to fight radical Islam, not hope it goes away.  Even if the west eliminated every kind of support for Israel and never touch another grain of sand in the Middle East, radical islam will still exist.  Improving people economically will stop terrorism?   Oh, you were serious.  Money is the solution? That's just funny.  They're getting tons of money from Iran and they're spending it on weapons.  W E A P O N S.
Hilarious reasoning on your part. Nice one. Who are these 'nutjobs'? Where do these 'nutjobs' live? Are you sure you can kill every last single 'nutjob' in the world with your bombs and bullets? It's easy to kill a man, it's almost impossible to kill an IDEOLOGY. Treat the CAUSE not the symptom. What prompts people to turn to radical islam? I know blowing the shit out your relatives can drive you to desperate measures. Your bombs and bullets idea is for END-GAME. We are not at end-game yet. We are at fault and they are at fault. We need to remove any excuses they have for their ridiculous behaviour to absolve us of guilt when we CAN THEIR ASSES. You are being premature man. I don't know where you're from but if you saw Northern Ireland decades ago against what it is today you'd have a little faith in my theory. Blind hatred has subsided because people have become comfortable in life. We're all humans. You think muslims come from Venus or something? They want the same things we do.

Stingray24 wrote:

This is not anti-Islam propoganda: I oppose homicidal radical Islamic nutjobs, not all of Islam.  You're attempting to throw that on myself and those of us who want the nutjobs wiped out.  Nice try, though.   The fact that you're more afraid of those of us who support the elimination of radical Islam (which will never be at peace with us) than of radical Islam itself mystifies me.
This is propaganda 101. I take a great interest in group psychology. It's not even subtle. They could have done much better. THe music is really spooky though - where do I sign up for the military?
ph33r me 傻逼
+40|6734|Melbourne, AUS
CameronPoe ftw.
I would like to point out that Muslims are humans, just like everyone else here in the West. They are not crazy aliens that hunger for your blood. It is simply human nature to become opposed to countries or institutions they believe are oppressing them.
Tell me, have any of you (especially those "omg raghead mofo!!!111" ppl) analysed the impetus behind the devastating 9/11? Or do you dismiss it as the completely random act carried out by mentally handicapped, brainwashed "nutjobs"?
think on it. It's easy to feel hate, and harder to see the deeper roots of the issue.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6804|Menlo Park, CA

Its obvious that there are people who want to destroy our way(s) of life.  It is up to us to recognize these people, understand the threat, and devise a policy to confront it.  I remember during the 30's and early 40's that the governments of Europe and the USA saw Hitler, and dismissed him.  He HADN'T attacked yet, and all he was doing was spewing hate propaganda.  Well, the muslims HAVE attacked, they have killed thousands of people, and are threating to kill more on a daily basis!!! Yet you liberals think that this is simply American or Western propaganda to smear the muslims.  Running away from this threat is going to get more people killed, confronting it won't. 

We need to confront the radicals, whether that is through military force, or diplomatic force.  But we cant dismiss these types of videos as propaganda or as cam calls it "Israeli production".  This world is not a "utopia" and never will be!! What dont you liberals understand about that???? But if you allow these types of people to continue to brainwash younger generations like the radicals like to do, the problem will continue to go in circles.  Its gone in circles since the early 20th century. . . . and especially after 1948. . . . If anytime we need to take this threat seriously, it is TODAY, NOW!!!!

Dismissing them and their message is dangerous and the wrong approach to successful foreign policy!
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Just listen to what the people are saying, ignore the commentary if you like. BTW I have my hands on the whole video now.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+52|7068|Christchurch New Zealand
Kmarion you are pushing shit uphill to get anyone to consider the video,
Poe had posted how ridiculous it was AND edited his post before he had time to have watched it.

They simply will not even watch the thing before they debate it, kind of defeats the purpose. SO I was thinking Id just post a thread entitled I disagree with Liberals and let them go at it, cuts out the messy bit about debating the points raised.

vedds wrote:

Kmarion you are pushing shit uphill to get anyone to consider the video,
Poe had posted how ridiculous it was AND edited his post before he had time to have watched it.

They simply will not even watch the thing before they debate it, kind of defeats the purpose. SO I was thinking Id just post a thread entitled I disagree with Liberals and let them go at it, cuts out the messy bit about debating the points raised.
vedds - I have posted at length on the content of the video from start to finish on a point by point basis. Care to read any of the rest of the thread?
+52|7068|Christchurch New Zealand
I read the rest of the thread.

Thats not my point, You posted how crap the video was 6:27 after the OP, so at best you had seen less than half the video.

At least watch the damn thing before you post the standard replies to this sort of topic

vedds wrote:

I read the rest of the thread.

Thats not my point, You posted how crap the video was 6:27 after the OP, so at best you had seen less than half the video.

At least watch the damn thing before you post the standard replies to this sort of topic
My initial reaction to it has altered little in the interim. Propaganda is blatantly obvious to most.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Nice propaganda video you got there.

Snipedya14 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Snipedya14 wrote:

Ok you made your point they are all evil people out to get us....

Whats the solution, mass genocide? Round em up and kill them?

I see scare tactics nothing more.
No sir not my point. Read the first few sentences in the video when it starts.
I see the text,

You are missing my points.

We know the problem. We need solutions. Agian is killing them the only way to deal with them? Will a physical war be effective? I dont know, I really dont think anyone knows. But instead of making a film to scare the masses, people should be giving their resources to help contribute to a fix.
Ohhhhhh I get it, THIS video is scare tactics, and tripe, but shit like Fahrenheit 911 and all the 911 conspiracy videos is gospel, made to INFORM us of the real problems.

lowing wrote:

Snipedya14 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

No sir not my point. Read the first few sentences in the video when it starts.
I see the text,

You are missing my points.

We know the problem. We need solutions. Agian is killing them the only way to deal with them? Will a physical war be effective? I dont know, I really dont think anyone knows. But instead of making a film to scare the masses, people should be giving their resources to help contribute to a fix.
Ohhhhhh I get it, THIS video is scare tactics, and tripe, but shit like Fahrenheit 911 and all the 911 conspiracy videos is gospel, made to INFORM us of the real problems.
Trust Lowing to make a counterpoint consisting solely of an assumption about what kinds of things the person he is arguing with watches at the movies.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-11-01 16:12:46)

+52|7068|Christchurch New Zealand

CameronPoe wrote:

Trust Lowing to make a counterpoint consisting solely of an assumption about what kinds of things the person he is arguing with watches at the movies.
Dont really see how its any different to you making an assumption about the video before you viewed it.

For the record, I dont care about the content, just the arrogance.
I am all that is MOD!


See, I think posting something like this (the video) defeats the purpose of what you are trying to accomplish.  Imagine if I post a Fahrenheit 9/11 video with the comment, "We need to impeach Bush."  The first twenty or so replies would be something about how Michael Moore is a fat, lazy, propaganda-spouting, America-hating liberal.
Do we need to enact change in the area?  Abso-fuckin-lutely.  Showing a video like this does nothing to promote change in a working manner.  It gets people riled up, which I think is the intention of the writer/director, not you.

lowing wrote:

Ohhhhhh I get it, THIS video is scare tactics, and tripe, but shit like Fahrenheit 911 and all the 911 conspiracy videos is gospel, made to INFORM us of the real problems.
GG on reading the entire thread lowing.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-11-01 16:15:45)


vedds wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Trust Lowing to make a counterpoint consisting solely of an assumption about what kinds of things the person he is arguing with watches at the movies.
Dont really see how its any different to you making an assumption about the video before you viewed it.

For the record, I dont care about the content, just the arrogance.
Hey it pays to be an arrogant cunt. Isn't it great when you just know that you're always right!!

PS At least I dealt IN FULL with the video as requested by Kmarion. Still waiting for retorts.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-11-01 16:18:14)

I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7143|Denver colorado
Ok, I honestly don't know why Its that much of a shock to you guys to realize that their is a growing number of radical Islams. That's what the video is supposed to say.

Most of your "arguments" against their NOT being radicals is totally bullshit. I really don't see how being in denial is going to help anything. and a lot of them don't have anything to do with the actual video like:

"Ohhhhhh I get it, THIS video is scare tactics, and tripe, but shit like Fahrenheit 911 and all the 911 conspiracy videos is gospel, made to INFORM us of the real problems."


"Nice propaganda video you got there."

Explain how that is propaganda. I have NEVER seen a video like that being aired from the us government saying "LETS KILL THE ARABS" and the vast magority of clueless people will just deny that its any of the radicals fault and just blame it on how "bush is gay" (yes, I really don't respect him ether)

Please, watch the video and leave it at that. They don't tell you to join the army at the end and its not funded by the 'evil republicans' Its just showing whats up.
+226|7056|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

lowing wrote:

Snipedya14 wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

No sir not my point. Read the first few sentences in the video when it starts.
I see the text,

You are missing my points.

We know the problem. We need solutions. Agian is killing them the only way to deal with them? Will a physical war be effective? I dont know, I really dont think anyone knows. But instead of making a film to scare the masses, people should be giving their resources to help contribute to a fix.
Ohhhhhh I get it, THIS video is scare tactics, and tripe, but shit like Fahrenheit 911 and all the 911 conspiracy videos is gospel, made to INFORM us of the real problems.
Does the truth exist somewhere between the two?

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2006-11-01 16:22:29)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Amazing, death to America,death to America,death to America,bomb the UK,bomb the UK,bomb the UK, and yet I'm accused of spreading propaganda. The lady on the video is the daughter of a "martyr". One of the guys is a former PLO terrorists. They couldn't possibly have any insight could they?

It's fucking slapping people in the face and people still can't see it. What would it take?

I know it sounds crazy but when people chant by the thousands they want to kill me I listen. Stop trying to act like this is an insane idea. When someone says they want to kill you they might just be serious. Maybe there are some who are able to tolerate threats against themselves and their families. Maybe they would like to debate the cultural differences and try to sympathize and go out of their way to "understand" or cater to their wishes. But to use sarcasm to attempt to show how ridiculous our concern is does nothing to promote your views.
It's happening all over the world. They(the ones holding the guns and blowing shit up for those who don't understand who they are) are telling you it's happening yet you think it's funny and poke fun at it saying oooh I'm shaking in my boots...weak

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+32|6980|Edinburgh, Scotland

Stingray24 wrote:

our military is more than capable of taking care of these nutjobs
They're obviously doing such an amazing job aren't they.  How many American deaths so far?

It's so easy to preach war when you're not the one standing over there, and no it doesn't count if you know someone because that's just chinese whispers.  If you can honestly show me what good the American Jihad has accomplished I'll buy you a new home.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7143|Denver colorado

Kmarion wrote:

Amazing, death to America,death to America,death to America,bomb the UK,bomb the UK,bomb the UK, and yet I'm accused of spreading propaganda. The lady on the video is the daughter of a "martyr". One of the guys is a former PLO terrorists. They couldn't possibly have any insight could they?

It's fucking slapping people in the face and people still can't see it. What would it take?

I know it sounds crazy but when people chant by the thousands they want to kill me I listen. Stop trying to act like this is an insane idea. When someone says they want to kill you they might just be serious. Maybe there are some who are able to tolerate threats against themselves and their families. Maybe they would like to debate the cultural differences and try to sympathize and go out of their way to "understand" or cater to their wishes. But to use sarcasm to attempt to show how ridiculous our concern is does nothing to promote your views.
It's happening all over the world. They(the ones holding the guns and blowing shit up for those who don't understand who they are) are telling you it's happening yet you think it's funny and poke fun at it saying oooh I'm shaking in my boots...weak


I just don't see why people don't know the real problem their. I don't know how to fix it but that has nothing to do with the actuall problem.

CameronPoe wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

Once again you're advocating isolationism as the solution.  It doesn't work.
Backing off does not have to mean isolationism. You are being too extreme. We do live in a global village after all.

Stingray24 wrote:

Since using bombs and bullets don't work against radical Islamic terrorists who aim to kill us, what does?  Talking?  Laying down arms for bullshit diplomacy while we're getting killed because the terrorists haven't laid down their weapons?  Not a solution I'm going to sign up for.
Actions work, not words. They have zero trust in the west and why would they - all we've done is cause them pain and support their enemies and their brutal dictators. We need to demonstrate a new 'western' attitude free of hypocrisy and balanced towards all parties and players.

PS Decent homeland security will prevent 'getting killed' by 'terrorists' that 'haven't laid down their weapons'. Newsflash: THERE WILL ALWAYS BE TERRORISTS AND THERE WILL ALWAYS BE WEAPONS FOR THEM TO WIELD. What you are proposing is perpetual war. No thanks.

Stingray24 wrote:

I am not "quaking in my boots" either, our military is more than capable of taking care of these nutjobs if we'll let them and recognize the threat that exists.  But you don't want to use bombs and bullets. I'd much rather take the hurt to them now than be forced to fight them closer to home later.  We need to fight radical Islam, not hope it goes away.  Even if the west eliminated every kind of support for Israel and never touch another grain of sand in the Middle East, radical islam will still exist.  Improving people economically will stop terrorism?   Oh, you were serious.  Money is the solution? That's just funny.  They're getting tons of money from Iran and they're spending it on weapons.  W E A P O N S.
Hilarious reasoning on your part. Nice one. Who are these 'nutjobs'? Where do these 'nutjobs' live? Are you sure you can kill every last single 'nutjob' in the world with your bombs and bullets? It's easy to kill a man, it's almost impossible to kill an IDEOLOGY. Treat the CAUSE not the symptom. What prompts people to turn to radical islam? I know blowing the shit out your relatives can drive you to desperate measures. Your bombs and bullets idea is for END-GAME. We are not at end-game yet. We are at fault and they are at fault. We need to remove any excuses they have for their ridiculous behaviour to absolve us of guilt when we CAN THEIR ASSES. You are being premature man. I don't know where you're from but if you saw Northern Ireland decades ago against what it is today you'd have a little faith in my theory. Blind hatred has subsided because people have become comfortable in life. We're all humans. You think muslims come from Venus or something? They want the same things we do.

Stingray24 wrote:

This is not anti-Islam propoganda: I oppose homicidal radical Islamic nutjobs, not all of Islam.  You're attempting to throw that on myself and those of us who want the nutjobs wiped out.  Nice try, though.   The fact that you're more afraid of those of us who support the elimination of radical Islam (which will never be at peace with us) than of radical Islam itself mystifies me.
This is propaganda 101. I take a great interest in group psychology. It's not even subtle. They could have done much better. THe music is really spooky though - where do I sign up for the military?
Hey Cam,

            If war is never the answer, please explain the Irish independence that was fought for, that you are so proud of. How can you be proud of your indenpendence from England when you had to go to war to achieve it.

Does that not show that sometimes war is the only answer left?

Please stop enjoying the freedom that you bask in, if you do not support or agree with those that died giving it to you and their methods.

There is no other way to deal with readicals, it has been tried.
TIme to climb off the soap box Cam.

Last edited by lowing (2006-11-01 16:27:52)

O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina
Hmmm..  the best way I can sum this up is that Islamists and Wahhabists must be silenced or otherwise disposed of in order for the world to progress beyond this point.  Note that I'm not saying all Muslims should be dealt with this way, just the nutjobs.
+32|6980|Edinburgh, Scotland

Turquoise wrote:

Hmmm..  the best way I can sum this up is that Islamists and Wahhabists must be silenced or otherwise disposed of in order for the world to progress beyond this point.  Note that I'm not saying all Muslims should be dealt with this way, just the nutjobs.
I'm only quoting your post because it's an example of the general American consensus.

Which is:  "Kill all the muslims, they are all saying to kill all Americans".

Being perfectly honest, I think the rest of the civilised world should nuke Yankee land and the Middle East into the stone age.  We'd be doing the planet a favour.

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