So, I gots me some problems, I really got to sort them out before i can "pull the lever" again. I know it may also be happening to some of you other guys out there, and I thought I'd look for some input as to how you may be dealing with it.
them thar damned republicans, so they started coming back in '96, with the help of the Newt started making some well needed changes as far as the direction the country was headed, throttling back spending (at first), tax cuts, the whole "contract with america" thing. however, as of late, they've started behaving more and more like, well, democrats. Lotsa spending, major jumps in governmental controls, dissenters that seem to be paying more attention to the critscisms of Sat Night Live than they do the party policies. The thing is I want them to remember why I voted for them in the first place. So at first I thought, maybe I should start voting for the libertarians a little more than usual and stick with my incumbent representative (democrat jim marshall, who i did vote for last time). Maybe punch the repubs in the nose, wake em up, let them know I'm sick of them getting all wishy washy and playing by the daily poll numbers instead of sticking to a longterm strategy for the nation. remind them that "appealing to the enemy" usually ends up in your defeat.
Then, over the past few weeks, some stuff was going on that got my attention. The budget deficit took a dramatic downfall and finally started heading in the right direction (I know there were some major and unavoidable contributing factors to its rise, but damn it was getting ridiculous). More repubs stepped up to support securing the borders outright (why is there even a question about that) and leaving the "illegal alien amnesty" school of thought. The economy continues to grow, despite a long awaited drop in the housing market. Tax revenue is up with the tax cuts, and there is more and more talk of making them permanent. Lastly, and the oddest of all, I saw a commercial for Jim Marshall (my dem representative) attempting to smear his opponent, it brought up two things. the fact that his opponent voted against minimum wage (may as well lower everyone else's pay instead), and that he supported a "23% national sales tax on EVERYTHING". I say odd because it was an attempt to smear Mac Collins, but actually got me more interested in voting FOR him. That last part is what caught my ear because that is how they try to fight the "fair tax" supporters, by running around and telling everyone "it'll increase the cost of everything by 23%!!!". Which is blatantly untrue, but most people don't know that, nor do they have the initiative to look into it themselves ( ).
and lastly, I just don't know how I can put up with a shrieking harpy like pelosi at the helm of the house, and the thought of tweedle-dee (D-Mass.) and tweedle-dum(D-Mass.) and dingy harry reid ending up at the heads of powerfull senate committees.
In summation, I'm torn between maintaining my support for my usual candidates, and hoping their recent change in attitude is a permanent thing, and that they won't re-pussify before the '08 race (imminently more important). Or do I give the dems a chance to remind everyone why we got sick of them in the first place, hoping they'll shoot themselves in the foot before '08, and pray to god they don't leave those people in Iraq to fend for themselves or tie up the next 2 years with ridiculous and unfounded impeachment trials and investigations. I've never been a party line voter, but am tempted to be this year just to keep Pelosi out, even if that means voting against Marshall.
Just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues.Unfortunately, you cannot post anonymously and your name will be visible, but don't worry, it happens to lots of guys.
them thar damned republicans, so they started coming back in '96, with the help of the Newt started making some well needed changes as far as the direction the country was headed, throttling back spending (at first), tax cuts, the whole "contract with america" thing. however, as of late, they've started behaving more and more like, well, democrats. Lotsa spending, major jumps in governmental controls, dissenters that seem to be paying more attention to the critscisms of Sat Night Live than they do the party policies. The thing is I want them to remember why I voted for them in the first place. So at first I thought, maybe I should start voting for the libertarians a little more than usual and stick with my incumbent representative (democrat jim marshall, who i did vote for last time). Maybe punch the repubs in the nose, wake em up, let them know I'm sick of them getting all wishy washy and playing by the daily poll numbers instead of sticking to a longterm strategy for the nation. remind them that "appealing to the enemy" usually ends up in your defeat.
Then, over the past few weeks, some stuff was going on that got my attention. The budget deficit took a dramatic downfall and finally started heading in the right direction (I know there were some major and unavoidable contributing factors to its rise, but damn it was getting ridiculous). More repubs stepped up to support securing the borders outright (why is there even a question about that) and leaving the "illegal alien amnesty" school of thought. The economy continues to grow, despite a long awaited drop in the housing market. Tax revenue is up with the tax cuts, and there is more and more talk of making them permanent. Lastly, and the oddest of all, I saw a commercial for Jim Marshall (my dem representative) attempting to smear his opponent, it brought up two things. the fact that his opponent voted against minimum wage (may as well lower everyone else's pay instead), and that he supported a "23% national sales tax on EVERYTHING". I say odd because it was an attempt to smear Mac Collins, but actually got me more interested in voting FOR him. That last part is what caught my ear because that is how they try to fight the "fair tax" supporters, by running around and telling everyone "it'll increase the cost of everything by 23%!!!". Which is blatantly untrue, but most people don't know that, nor do they have the initiative to look into it themselves ( ).
and lastly, I just don't know how I can put up with a shrieking harpy like pelosi at the helm of the house, and the thought of tweedle-dee (D-Mass.) and tweedle-dum(D-Mass.) and dingy harry reid ending up at the heads of powerfull senate committees.
In summation, I'm torn between maintaining my support for my usual candidates, and hoping their recent change in attitude is a permanent thing, and that they won't re-pussify before the '08 race (imminently more important). Or do I give the dems a chance to remind everyone why we got sick of them in the first place, hoping they'll shoot themselves in the foot before '08, and pray to god they don't leave those people in Iraq to fend for themselves or tie up the next 2 years with ridiculous and unfounded impeachment trials and investigations. I've never been a party line voter, but am tempted to be this year just to keep Pelosi out, even if that means voting against Marshall.
Just wondering if anyone else is having the same issues.Unfortunately, you cannot post anonymously and your name will be visible, but don't worry, it happens to lots of guys.