This thread has been opened to allow discussion of the topic of moderation and the rules of conduct of this forum:

The Rules wrote:

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  12. Use the Edit button to make spelling corrections, add information, or otherwise change your posts. Duplicate posting only serves to further muddle up threads with more posts than are necessary.
  13. Post "stacking" or "bumping" is generally discouraged. If no one cared the first time, they probably won't care the second and third times.
  14. Help other members assist you with your problem by posting all relevant information about the problem you are experiencing. The more information you provide, the more likely you will get a helpful response.
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  17. No duplicate accounts. You only need one. Households are exempt, but you better let a mod know first.
  18. Abusing karma will result in a temp ban. (If you think what you are doing is questionable then dont do it cause you will be banned for "Abusing the Karma System")
  19. Do not impersonate forum moderators or other BF2 players, be yourself. If there is a problem with a topic/post click the "Report" button on the bottom right hand side of the post, a moderator will take care of it A.S.A.P.
I would like to draw your attention to the emboldened text above: "Remember, however, that these rules are enforced and imposed upon our discretion." How far should a moderator be allowed to go in exercising his own 'discretion'? Can such 'discretion' impinge on free speech in the forum? Can 'discretion' become 'opinion-based discrimination'? I know of several recent examples where, IMO, it has already. Should there be a system of '1st warning->2nd warning->temp-ban-> perma-ban' or should a moderator be entitled to perma-ban at his own 'discretion' with impunity?

I ask these questions because a) moderators play an important role on any forum and b) forum members are equally important and their enjoyment of the forum is directly affected by the moderators.


Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-31 05:15:40)

i think a single mod should not be able to perm ban,
like a mod voting system, has to have at least 2 mods to say ban im hes a *****.


the bf2s forums are diverse funny and sometimes quite informative, but the amount of d***heads on here make me want to nuke half the population.
its not the argumentative ones, there usually quite good, its the lame mofo's that post /fail or ur thread sux.
these are pointless indiviuals and need to be perm banned and maybe even castrated. hmmm, sounds like a plan.

CameronPoe wrote:

Should there be a system of '1st warning->2nd warning->temp-ban-> perma-ban'
There is. However posting vulgar images or insulting admins would probably jump the user straight to a ban. Whereas, an insult to annother member would only give the user a warning.

Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6859|Doncaster, UK
I agree that it should really take a majority vote on behalf of the moderators to perma-ban someone but temp-ban should be available with immediate affect. If someone is abusing the forums in such a way that they need to be banned the necessity to seek a concensus vote from the rest of the moderators before banning him/her in anyway leaves an awful lot of time for said wrongdoer to do wrong.

A temp-ban as an immediate action with the right to appeal seems the right way to go about it and then the moderators can discuss the issue, come the a considered verdict and then either lift the temp-ban or perma-ban someone should they warrant it.

EDIT: Edited to keep in line with the serious nature of the topic.

Last edited by DoctorFruitloop (2006-10-31 05:47:21)


liquidat0r wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Should there be a system of '1st warning->2nd warning->temp-ban-> perma-ban'
There is. However posting vulga images or insulting admins would probably jump the user straight to a ban. Whereas, an insult to annother member would only give the user a warning.

Would posting vulgar images, as a long standing member of the forum free of previous incident, jump you straight to a perma-ban?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-31 05:26:46)

BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6940|Los Angeles, California, US.
I'm assuming this has something to do with Ikarti?
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator

DaReJa wrote:

I'm assuming this has something to do with Ikarti?
This is a thread for talking about things generally. If we were to talk about specific examples then I would have to talk directly with those in question. I think this needs to be discussed in the open.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-31 05:31:01)


DoctorFruitloop wrote:

I agree that it should really take a majority vote on behalf of the moderators to perma-ban someone but temp-ban should be available with immediate affect. If someone is abusing the forums in such a way that they need to be banned the necessity to seek a concensus vote from the rest of the moderators before banning him/her in anyway leaves an awful lot of time for said wrongdoer to do wrong.

A temp-ban as an immediate action with the right to appeal seems the right way to go about it and then the moderators can discuss the issue, come the a considered verdict and then either lift the temp-ban or perma-ban someone should they warrant it.
the polite way of saying what I did.
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6940|Los Angeles, California, US.
The Examples just seem, So, Similar.
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator

CameronPoe wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Should there be a system of '1st warning->2nd warning->temp-ban-> perma-ban'
There is. However posting vulgar images or insulting admins would probably jump the user straight to a ban. Whereas, an insult to another member would only give the user a warning.

Would posting vulgar images, as a long standing member of the forum free of previous incident, jump you straight to a perma-ban?
Possibly, possibly not. It would depend on the moderator i suppose

It is probable that if a longstanding respected member deiced to post some pr0n he might get told to go away for three days.

If it was a new(ish) member? I would delete his post and check his history. If had a relatively clean record id probably just remind him of the rules.
Cowboy from Hell
The final decision on a perma ban is on the admins.  I received a perma ban by a mod, then talked with Chuy, and he immediately unbanned me, because as in his on words the mod went too far with you.
If this about Ikarti he should try to talk with Chuy, he really is a cool guy.

liquidat0r wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

There is. However posting vulga images or insulting admins would probably jump the user straight to a ban. Whereas, an insult to annother member would only give the user a warning.

Would posting vulgar images, as a long standing member of the forum free of previous incident, jump you straight to a perma-ban?
Possibly, possibly not. It would depend on the moferator i suppose

It is probable that if a longstanding respecte member desiced to post some pr0n he might get told to go away for three days.

If it was a new(ish) member? I would delete his post and check his history. If had a relavtivley clean record id probably just remind him of the rules.
Is there a code of conduct for moderators? Who 'moderates' the moderators, if anyone?
+306|6981|Austin, TX

There is already a system in place that is more efficient then that.

Tabs on members are kept by a "Mod History"TM system.

A mod can temp ban a user if he feels one is required by past mod history.
Perma ban notifications are sent to a admin. Mods MUST enter reasons for perma/temp bans.

Your "Voting" system would not work because most mods are not in the same time zone, or on the same sleep/work/school schedule. It would be a pain in the ass to have a member on the forums causing hell, and not being able to do anything about it without another mod.

If you fell your ban was unjust simply take down the name of the mod that banned you, and quietly PM an admin.

duk0r wrote:

If you fell your ban was unjust simply take down the name of the mod that banned you, and quietly PM an admin.
Well it is quite difficult to PM an admin if your account has been disabled, for a 'hypthetical' ban against which you were not given the chance to make your case or even apologise. There are examples of scant explanation/warning being given for a ban and not being given the chance to protest.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-31 05:39:20)

+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.

CameronPoe wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Would posting vulgar images, as a long standing member of the forum free of previous incident, jump you straight to a perma-ban?
Possibly, possibly not. It would depend on the moferator i suppose

It is probable that if a longstanding respecte member desiced to post some pr0n he might get told to go away for three days.

If it was a new(ish) member? I would delete his post and check his history. If had a relavtivley clean record id probably just remind him of the rules.
Is there a code of conduct for moderators? Who 'moderates' the moderators, if anyone?
I imagine one of the four Admins.

CameronPoe wrote:

Is there a code of conduct for moderators? Who 'moderates' the moderators, if anyone?
You could say that the admins 'moderate' us as well as us moderating 'each other'. Every time a member is banned it is discussed between mods/admins.

As for a code of conduct? Moderating here is based on more of a common sense system. Where each mod can decide how and where to act based on the fact that this is a public forum, and then discuss it with other moderators.
+306|6981|Austin, TX

CameronPoe wrote:

Is there a code of conduct for moderators? Who 'moderates' the moderators, if anyone?
Chuy, and the other admins. This is why we take special care in picking our mods. Again, if you feel you were deprived in some for or fashion pm an admin.
Cowboy from Hell

CameronPoe wrote:

duk0r wrote:

If you fell your ban was unjust simply take down the name of the mod that banned you, and quietly PM an admin.
Well it is quite difficult to PM an admin if your account has been disabled, for a 'hypthetical' ban against which you were not given the chance to make your case or even apologise. There are examples of scant explanation/warning being given for a ban and not being given the chance to protest.
You can talk with them using xfire.  That's how I talked with Chuy.
+306|6981|Austin, TX

CameronPoe wrote:

duk0r wrote:

If you fell your ban was unjust simply take down the name of the mod that banned you, and quietly PM an admin.
Well it is quite difficult to PM an admin if your account has been disabled, for a 'hypthetical' ban against which you were not given the chance to make your case or even apologise. There are examples of scant explanation/warning being given for a ban and not being given the chance to protest.
You know, there are things such as X-Fire, #bf2s irc. If you really want to get in contact with a mod/admin there are other ways then on the forums.
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6940|Los Angeles, California, US.

duk0r wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

duk0r wrote:

If you fell your ban was unjust simply take down the name of the mod that banned you, and quietly PM an admin.
Well it is quite difficult to PM an admin if your account has been disabled, for a 'hypthetical' ban against which you were not given the chance to make your case or even apologise. There are examples of scant explanation/warning being given for a ban and not being given the chance to protest.
You know, there are things such as X-Fire, #bf2s irc. If you really want to get in contact with a mod/admin there are other ways then on the forums.
Isn't there E - Mail also?
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator

DaReJa wrote:

duk0r wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Well it is quite difficult to PM an admin if your account has been disabled, for a 'hypthetical' ban against which you were not given the chance to make your case or even apologise. There are examples of scant explanation/warning being given for a ban and not being given the chance to protest.
You know, there are things such as X-Fire, #bf2s irc. If you really want to get in contact with a mod/admin there are other ways then on the forums.
Isn't there E - Mail also?
I'd say IM/IRC would be better
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6940|Los Angeles, California, US.

liquidat0r wrote:

DaReJa wrote:

duk0r wrote:

You know, there are things such as X-Fire, #bf2s irc. If you really want to get in contact with a mod/admin there are other ways then on the forums.
Isn't there E - Mail also?
I'd say IM/IRC would be better
Of course it would, , But I'm just Curious.
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
prince of insufficient light
Do we really need to be second guessing the mods in the first place? It's there forum, and they can and are going to do what they want no matter what, so the only thing to do if it puts you off so much is leave.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Do we really need to be second guessing the mods in the first place? It's there forum, and they can and are going to do what they want no matter what, so the only thing to do if it puts you off so much is leave.
I'd say that people have every right to question their ban or anyone else's ban or any action taken by a mod.
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6905|Scarborough Yorkshire England

liquidat0r wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Should there be a system of '1st warning->2nd warning->temp-ban-> perma-ban'
There is. However posting vulgar images or insulting admins would probably jump the user straight to a ban. Whereas, an insult to annother member would only give the user a warning.

So admins deserve more respect ???? than a mere forum user ???

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