I haven't heard this song in YEARS
the intro is awsm

No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
The Shivering (Pitch and Hold In Camera Obscura Mix) by Williams. Quite lovely.

Bob Seger
I'm listening to a guy trying to play Fur Elise on a guitar and it sounds terrible... fml.
you weird weird fuck
it's like the theme-tune to a space-themed porno. filmed in the 80's. with dystopian undertones.
it's like the theme-tune to a space-themed porno. filmed in the 80's. with dystopian undertones.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
oh wait
now im listening to breakeven by the script
oh wait
now im listening to breakeven by the script
What the hell? Are you serious? That is THE FINAL COUNTDOWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNUzique wrote:
you weird weird fuck
it's like the theme-tune to a space-themed porno. filmed in the 80's. with dystopian undertones.
As for me, well:

even more what in the fuck
has this become a comedy thread
has this become a comedy thread
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Listening to Ikonika's album Contact, Love, Want, Have because last.fm told me it's like Scuba and I like Scuba's albums.

It's not as much like Scuba as I was hoping but I guess it's OK.

It's not as much like Scuba as I was hoping but I guess it's OK.
I really want to call you a retard, but it's too much fun to watch you try to insult everyone's taste in music when your own taste is that of rancid bull semen.Uzique wrote:
even more what in the fuck
has this become a comedy thread
Lots of people, including me, have similar tastes to much of Uzique's library.seymorebutts443 wrote:
when your own taste is that of rancid bull semen.
So, fuck you too.