Airsoft - A lot more tactics is involved than paintball. It's not simply you must get in a position to shoot another guy, not to mention that you have tubberware on top of your gun... And way to many cheaters...
Airsoft - Usually real military strategy, a lot more thought is involved, and people use cover and other things effectively as in a real war. Airsoft does not apply to the people who just want to go out and shoot people easily without tactics at all...
Not to mention all the idiots who buy cheap guns and say the shots don't hurt. I advise you guys to go airsoft at a field where the fps limits are a tad higher... Like 400fps with .2's.
When you have BB's stuck in your skin, it tends to travel a lot faster.
--- Buy good guns. Cheap one's are worthless...
Paintbal is WAY to expensive. $1000 for a gun... $80 for a hopper. $50 for a rig.
$80 for paint + admission
well, with paintball, you have soo much more fun IMHO and it can be as tatical or as gung-ho as you want to it be.
Disagree. VERY few tactics or "GUNG-HO" involved. No need to form squads, communication, hand signals and various other tactics most airsoft teams use. How do you Gung-ho with a paintball marker? It doesn't look like a real gun, nor does it reload with a real gun. Nothing beats the feeling of changing out mags under fire, or wearing that sniper suit for hours for that perfect shot. Or hiding in the bushes for the VIP to pass. Not to mention that airsoft attract better people because airsoft relies on integrity,
Thanks I'll do mine mil-sim.