You are correct about it being in Britian. I know that it was an issue, and I thought that it was in the US. I personally have seen women working burkas where I live at. I have also seen the scarves also.jonsimon wrote:
Veils haven't been a problem in the US. That's a british thing. Personally, I've never seen one burka in all my time living in dearborn. Plenty of scarves and robes, but nothing covering the face.dubbs wrote:
I think that there are certian situations that they should not be allowed, ie getting a drivers licenses. This was an issue in the US not to long ago, because the women did not want to remove her head dress in order to take the photo. Licenses are a previledge, and if you do not follow the laws you should not have one. Also, teachers should not be allowed to wear them (at least in the US). If Christian teachers can not pray at events like Fellowship of Christian Atheletes, or Pray at the Pole, then Islamic teachers should have to remove their head dress.
I still think that even if they are wearing scarves, they should have to remove them if they are government employees while they at work. Again this is only in the US, since there are laws in the US that stated that other government officials can not deminstrate their faith while they are at work.