+269|6745|Marlton, New Jersey.

^AgentHawk wrote:

Your a retard you sensless bastard!


But seriously, "retards" get away with everything. I have a kid at school who is retarded and at one time in his life, 7th grade, he CHASED AFTER ONE OF MY FRIENDS WITH AN EXACT-O KNIFE in art class AND NOTHING HAPPENED WITH HIM BUT A SMALL TAP ON THE WRIST! No suspension or anything, detension, nothing! All my friend asked for was one of those fancy crayons. This kid has been in numorus fights and the other kid always gets suspended.

Iam glad you brought this up because TODAY, in 11th grade...yes he is still in school...he flipped out and threw a chair at someone because they told him he was last chair and he had to move over TWO FUCKING SEATS! He stormed off crying and just stayed in the little office separating two class rooms the whole time and just sat there picking his fucking nose! The teacher did nothing because he is afarad of what the school board will do to him if he punishes this fucking mainiac!

Me and my two buddies are waiting for a chance to fucking level this kid! Every day we look for a chance to deck him. I don't care if we get expelled! We have been dealing with him for 6 LONG FUCKING YEARS. This year we have had it, if so much as touches us a little we will level him out!


To answere your question: NO FUCKING WAY!
How is it possible that through 6 years you were in the same classes he was.  Odds are pretty rough.  Unless you live in a town with a small high school?
+385|6652|Northern California

^AgentHawk wrote:

He is more likly to kill someone than the general class. He should be in a special school with other people like him. A regular person would think twice about killing someone over a crayon! Iam scared to shit about this kid because if he goes off on me and wants to kill me for God knows what reason, he wont think twice, he wont stop until another emotion gets in his head thats not anger! Fuck, I don't whant to die at the hands of him, he should be in another school.
Seriously, think about this for a minute.  If there's a kid in your classroom who has limited mental capacity, and has disorders enough to possibly warrant being isolated (with others like him in a more supervised environment), why then would you want to attack him and kill him for something he's doing of harm to others, or yourself?  Surely you can distinguish between subduing him and protecting someone else rather than wanting to kill him because of his illness?

I had this very situation in a high school class room in 1989.  A mildly wacked out kid who many knew had some social disorders remained in class with the other kids.  One day, he freaked out because of the torment other asshole kids were giving him..he went with a pencil and tried stabbing one of the kids (cool, right?).  Well, when some other classmates saw this, they simply subdued this guy (full nelson and limb locked on the floor).  Done, problem solved.  He's outta there, nobody killed or beaten.

Now I can imagine you in that classroom taking a chair and pounding on him till he's dead.  Brilliant humanity there pal...
+269|6745|Marlton, New Jersey.


Wow, appalling.  Some of the comments here suggesting to kill, sterilize or do other cruel things to the "people" are just insane (emotions aside).  Way to be part of the human race yourselves you fucking animals (emotions present).

What do mentally retarded people contribute?

Are they required to contribute?  You're not, why should they be special?  Contribution, unfortunately is optional in this world.

And yes, Mentally handicapped people DO contribute considerably to others.  If you have a minimal amount of maturity, respect for human rights, and maybe some sensitivity, you would see that their influence on non-handicapped persons is to be grateful for what you have.  Ever heard the phrase "don't take things for granted?"  If you do take things for granted, then yes, their purpose is voided.  But there's other contributions they make.  Having worked with 14 semi-ambulatory mentally incapacitated men, I've come to these conclusions on their benefit..or "contribution."

1)  They allow the people taking care of them a chance to serve.  Serving others is a priceless attribute of a healthy, thriving society.  It also makes you feel good while giving comfort and benefit to the one served -- regardless of their ability to recognize it right away.

2)  They teach those without such handicaps to be grateful for what they have.  Having a sense of worth or purpose is what drives the greatest citizens of any society regardless of their professional or societal status.

3)  Professionally, they also offer what non-handicapped people offer depending on the depth of their incapacitation.  Some of you loser don't even have a job, and you're criticizing a mentally retarded kid who has a job at a car wash or at a mcdonalds who is able to make loan payments and help his family eat dinner.  They're not at the top of the professional food chain by any means, but they are doing alot with what they have..that's called being "admirable" which is lost to others who don't understand difficulties as well as they do.

4) They are inspiring.  Even without being able to communicate verbally, if you've spent time with them and see their growth, it is inspiring.  This attribute alone is what makes them worthy to coexist with others. 

Watch the special olympics once.  Be human, don't be a gay little child and giggle because of the way they look or act, and try to see some of the things i've mentioned above and you'll see their value.
Thats cool, 1, 2, and 4 state that we just USE them for the benefit of us.  If they have the capacity to know whats going on, this will just sadden their lives more.
+385|6652|Northern California

eagles1106 wrote:

Thats cool, 1, 2, and 4 state that we just USE them for the benefit of us.  If they have the capacity to know whats going on, this will just sadden their lives more.
No more than our employers use us to benefit them.

And if they have the capacity to know what's going on, then they'd not have diminished capacity..and they'd be happier..even if they knew they were helping us retards live more fuller lives.  And that's what 1-4 denote..they are blessing us by their presense.  You read that wrong.  If you think a recovered retard would be mad that he was "used" for helping non-retards, then I dont think you understand things well.  Not that there's recovered retards...

Sgt.Scream.MDK wrote:

I cant comment on what the mentally handicapped contribute to society, but I can tell you there are plenty of mentally sound individuals that do not contribute to society.
tru to that, we have some sort of class for them at our uni. not sure what they do, but they do gardening around campus sometimes.. more to say to that then the poor people i have to catch the bus with who are travelling between the payment center and home/pub.

CameronPoe wrote:

Nobody has to contribute anything to society. Fullstop. What's your point?
What? Are you the grammar partrol? I know I don't have the best grammar, and I'll admit that. So, will you admit to being a douchebag? Fullstop. What's your point?

1927 wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

1927 wrote:

If you were genuinely serious about this perhaps you would of been back to answer us or any of the comments made since your post was created.

Forgive me if your the other end of the world and its the middle of the night or whatever.
I posted when I went to sleep, and once again a tad later, now it's in the morning. And I'm about to sleep again.
Look forward to hearing a constructive responce when you awake.  Sleep tight hope nothing goes wrong as you sleep and you wake up as you went to sleep.  Accidents do happen in your sleep and it would be a shame if some tragic accident happened to you which resulted in you getting the "Psp death penalty" because now you may require to rely on others for the rest of your life.

Don't take anything in this life for granted, appricate what you have and ffs dont belive "that'll never happen to me".  The people who belive that often find it happens to them.
@1927: If you actually read the first post, you'd of known that I wasn't for killing them at birth, or anything of the sort, I asked for your opinion on the subject. But, meh, "Internats: Serious Business"
Calmer than you are.

kr@cker wrote:

leaving malformed babies on the mountainside to be eaten by wolves as the ancient greeks did.
Actually this happened in a particular city only, Sparta (the second largest after Athens at the time) and what they did was throw the kids down a canyon.

Creator of this thread, what do you contribute to society? What? You play BF2 all day and spend your daddy's money? (= nada = bottom of canyon for you)

oug wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

leaving malformed babies on the mountainside to be eaten by wolves as the ancient greeks did.
Actually this happened in a particular city only, Sparta (the second largest after Athens at the time) and what they did was throw the kids down a canyon.

Creator of this thread, what do you contribute to society? What? You play BF2 all day and spend your daddy's money? (= nada = bottom of canyon for you)
...Never said I did but never said I wouldn't either. All I asked were your opinions on it, and you've given me nothing but flak.
Calmer than you are.
Its not flak, its my opinion. Contribution to society is not a measure. If it were, all of us wasting time in these forums should be 600 feet under.

If you think otherwise, please define what makes you any better than a mentally - or otherwise handicaped person.

PspRpg-7 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Nobody has to contribute anything to society. Fullstop. What's your point?
What? Are you the grammar partrol? I know I don't have the best grammar, and I'll admit that. So, will you admit to being a douchebag? Fullstop. What's your point?
The "Full Stop" wasn't a comment on your grammar. It was for effect in the context of the previous sentence I wrote. Sheesh.
+51|6615|Peoples Republic of Portland
I'll bet 99% of the folks who vote to euthanize developmentally disabled individuals voted for Bush.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

arent 1 out of 10 people left handed?  what use do they make in a society where everything is meant for righties?  we need to start getting rid of the social plague we all know as left-handedness...
W00T = My work on statistics referenced!

However, I am surprised at the communistic-tendency people who take offense by the idea of contributing to society and the natural selection-ers who are upset by the idea of this being largely genetic. I'm happy I am not (political correctness) differently abled (with the exception of left handedness, which is FTW) but these mental conditions are a whole 'nother issue on which I shall not be commenting.

Last edited by DesertFox423 (2006-10-17 15:41:34)


liquix wrote:

I'll bet 99% of the folks who vote to euthanize developmentally disabled individuals voted for Bush.
LOL. I don't like to make baseless statements but I have a feeling you are 100% correct!!!

^AgentHawk wrote:

d4rkst4r wrote:

I hope you die Agent Hawk, ever thought the disorder they have might be related to them getting angry?
He announced he is getting his drivers license next month...I will now take the bus from now on...

It was my first clue when he attacked me in 6th grade. My mom works with retards and says he has a form a autism that effects emotions and makes them grow exponentially ie he fells the slightest anger he will chase my friend around with a very sharp knife in art class
Its mentally handicapped, not retarted. Before you talk why dont you think, they dont pick to have it. Your mom seems smart, maybe you should listen to her.
+51|6615|Peoples Republic of Portland

DesertFox423 wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

arent 1 out of 10 people left handed?  what use do they make in a society where everything is meant for righties?  we need to start getting rid of the social plague we all know as left-handedness...
W00T = My work on statistics referenced!

However, I am surprised at the communistic-tendency people who take offense by the idea of contributing to society and the natural selection-ers who are upset by the idea of this being largely genetic. I'm happy I am not (political correctness) differently abled (with the exception of left handedness, which is FTW) but these mental conditions are a whole 'nother issue on which I shall not be commenting.

liquix wrote:

I'll bet 99% of the folks who vote to euthanize developmentally disabled individuals voted for Bush.
How many people replied Yes for legalization of euthanasia in that recent survey brought to you by our associate from Ireland, legalization to kill a normal human so what is so bad about destroying an abnormal one?
Who said that a pole deems the morality of a thing? Not me.
+25|6813|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
one of the first things hitler did when he got power in germany was to send handicapped into houses and begin to gas and kill them, the basic idea of it was actually good enough (they don't contribute and we pay or taxes to keep them alive( a bit overproportionet but that was his meaning)) i partially agree with him I think it's wrong to keep handicapped/mental ill alive if they have a severe mental illness/handicap that prevents them from working or contributing to sociaty in a  normal way. i think he was right in some ways but he overdid it, he simply killed everybody that had a handicap. i got some points i would like to have implemented into the rules of "terminating"(if i may say it like that) the faults in the gene pool.

1. people that get a mental or handicap after the first day they got born should not be terminated and should get help from sociaty and get a benefit  from or taxes.

2. babies must be checked for mental illnesses and handicaps before they get born.

3. if the baby is positive in illnesses it must be aborted either before birth or maximal before the end of it's first day alive.

4. if the baby is not "terminated" before the end of the first day it should have the benefits as everybody else and must not be killed.

5. the persons that don't get terminated before the end of the first living day must never be allowed to breed.

6. these rules should not include all mental illness and handicaps it all depends of the severity of the mental illness and/or the handicaps (fx a kid has got oxygen cut of for a certain time but hasn't taking severe damage is allowed to live.)

I know that there is things that can be changed/added/removed in these "rules" i made and i'm open for sugestions but it's just how i feel it should be like, i'm not here to offend anybody but so i don't want you to flame me but i only want constructive responds and suggestions.

CameronPoe wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Nobody has to contribute anything to society. Fullstop. What's your point?
What? Are you the grammar partrol? I know I don't have the best grammar, and I'll admit that. So, will you admit to being a douchebag? Fullstop. What's your point?
The "Full Stop" wasn't a comment on your grammar. It was for effect in the context of the previous sentence I wrote. Sheesh.
Fine, fine I jumped to conclusions, my mistake. And here I was about to socially analyze you

Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-10-17 15:44:46)

+51|6615|Peoples Republic of Portland

motherdear wrote:

one of the first things hitler did when he got power in germany was to send handicapped into houses and begin to gas and kill them, the basic idea of it was actually good enough (they don't contribute and we pay or taxes to keep them alive( a bit overproportionet but that was his meaning)) i partially agree with him I think it's wrong to keep handicapped/mental ill alive if they have a severe mental illness/handicap that prevents them from working or contributing to sociaty in a  normal way. i think he was right in some ways but he overdid it, he simply killed everybody that had a handicap. i got some points i would like to have implemented into the rules of "terminating"(if i may say it like that) the faults in the gene pool.

1. people that get a mental or handicap after the first day they got born should not be terminated and should get help from sociaty and get a benefit  from or taxes.

2. babies must be checked for mental illnesses and handicaps before they get born.

3. if the baby is positive in illnesses it must be aborted either before birth or maximal before the end of it's first day alive.

4. if the baby is not "terminated" before the end of the first day it should have the benefits as everybody else and must not be killed.

5. the persons that don't get terminated before the end of the first living day must never be allowed to breed.

6. these rules should not include all mental illness and handicaps it all depends of the severity of the mental illness and/or the handicaps (fx a kid has got oxygen cut of for a certain time but hasn't taking severe damage is allowed to live.)

I know that there is things that can be changed/added/removed in these "rules" i made and i'm open for sugestions but it's just how i feel it should be like, i'm not here to offend anybody but so i don't want you to flame me but i only want constructive responds and suggestions.
Wow, this is extreme. I hope your christian because your support of "terminating" a fetus might just unravel the fabric of the universe.

Last edited by liquix (2006-10-17 15:49:10)

Clear! You're good to go!
+17|6648|"Near Det.", MI

eagles1106 wrote:

^AgentHawk wrote:

Your a retard you sensless bastard!


But seriously, "retards" get away with everything. I have a kid at school who is retarded and at one time in his life, 7th grade, he CHASED AFTER ONE OF MY FRIENDS WITH AN EXACT-O KNIFE in art class AND NOTHING HAPPENED WITH HIM BUT A SMALL TAP ON THE WRIST! No suspension or anything, detension, nothing! All my friend asked for was one of those fancy crayons. This kid has been in numorus fights and the other kid always gets suspended.

Iam glad you brought this up because TODAY, in 11th grade...yes he is still in school...he flipped out and threw a chair at someone because they told him he was last chair and he had to move over TWO FUCKING SEATS! He stormed off crying and just stayed in the little office separating two class rooms the whole time and just sat there picking his fucking nose! The teacher did nothing because he is afarad of what the school board will do to him if he punishes this fucking mainiac!

Me and my two buddies are waiting for a chance to fucking level this kid! Every day we look for a chance to deck him. I don't care if we get expelled! We have been dealing with him for 6 LONG FUCKING YEARS. This year we have had it, if so much as touches us a little we will level him out!


To answere your question: NO FUCKING WAY!
How is it possible that through 6 years you were in the same classes he was.  Odds are pretty rough.  Unless you live in a town with a small high school?
We are the same age and went to the same middle school and are now finnishing highschool...is it that hard?

Did I ever say I wanted to kill him? I said I wanted to level him, mop the floor with him and punch him...not kill him...there is a difference from where I come from...

(Emotions aside) Yes.
Clear! You're good to go!
+17|6648|"Near Det.", MI

liquix wrote:

motherdear wrote:

one of the first things hitler did when he got power in germany was to send handicapped into houses and begin to gas and kill them, the basic idea of it was actually good enough (they don't contribute and we pay or taxes to keep them alive( a bit overproportionet but that was his meaning)) i partially agree with him I think it's wrong to keep handicapped/mental ill alive if they have a severe mental illness/handicap that prevents them from working or contributing to sociaty in a  normal way. i think he was right in some ways but he overdid it, he simply killed everybody that had a handicap. i got some points i would like to have implemented into the rules of "terminating"(if i may say it like that) the faults in the gene pool.

1. people that get a mental or handicap after the first day they got born should not be terminated and should get help from sociaty and get a benefit  from or taxes.

2. babies must be checked for mental illnesses and handicaps before they get born.

3. if the baby is positive in illnesses it must be aborted either before birth or maximal before the end of it's first day alive.

4. if the baby is not "terminated" before the end of the first day it should have the benefits as everybody else and must not be killed.

5. the persons that don't get terminated before the end of the first living day must never be allowed to breed.

6. these rules should not include all mental illness and handicaps it all depends of the severity of the mental illness and/or the handicaps (fx a kid has got oxygen cut of for a certain time but hasn't taking severe damage is allowed to live.)

I know that there is things that can be changed/added/removed in these "rules" i made and i'm open for sugestions but it's just how i feel it should be like, i'm not here to offend anybody but so i don't want you to flame me but i only want constructive responds and suggestions.
Wow, this is extreme. I hope your christian because your support of "terminating" a fetus might just unravel the fabric of the universe.
Please, lets not drag Religion into this...it will just make it more complicated.
+51|6615|Peoples Republic of Portland
I'm not, making a funny. Un-Lawlz?
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America
You were, somewhat slandering the religion of Christianity. I was also pointing out in that poll that contradictions were made.

Last edited by DesertFox423 (2006-10-17 16:12:34)

+51|6615|Peoples Republic of Portland
well, if he was a pro-lifer then would it not be ironic to say it's ok to terminate a child? To be completely honest, I should have said Catholic. But it was a joke, so we'll have no more of this.

PS: Thanks for pointing out my errors :*(
+385|6652|Northern California

motherdear wrote:

one of the first things hitler did when he got power in germany was to send handicapped into houses and begin to gas and kill them, the basic idea of it was actually good enough (they don't contribute and we pay or taxes to keep them alive( a bit overproportionet but that was his meaning)) i partially agree with him I think it's wrong to keep handicapped/mental ill alive if they have a severe mental illness/handicap that prevents them from working or contributing to sociaty in a  normal way. i think he was right in some ways but he overdid it, he simply killed everybody that had a handicap. i got some points i would like to have implemented into the rules of "terminating"(if i may say it like that) the faults in the gene pool.

1. people that get a mental or handicap after the first day they got born should not be terminated and should get help from sociaty and get a benefit  from or taxes.

2. babies must be checked for mental illnesses and handicaps before they get born.

3. if the baby is positive in illnesses it must be aborted either before birth or maximal before the end of it's first day alive.

4. if the baby is not "terminated" before the end of the first day it should have the benefits as everybody else and must not be killed.

5. the persons that don't get terminated before the end of the first living day must never be allowed to breed.

6. these rules should not include all mental illness and handicaps it all depends of the severity of the mental illness and/or the handicaps (fx a kid has got oxygen cut of for a certain time but hasn't taking severe damage is allowed to live.)

I know that there is things that can be changed/added/removed in these "rules" i made and i'm open for sugestions but it's just how i feel it should be like, i'm not here to offend anybody but so i don't want you to flame me but i only want constructive responds and suggestions.
Wow.  I have no words to describe how barbaric you sound.  And you say this with such ease and so methodically.  You've illustrated how people can become so desensitized to human life so as to casually discuss the killing of human beings...that, or you're 13 and haven't developed that part of your brain yet.  Do me a favor, go smack your mother and father and tell them to get started teaching you how to be part of the human race.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-10-17 16:12:13)

Clear! You're good to go!
+17|6648|"Near Det.", MI


motherdear wrote:

one of the first things hitler did when he got power in germany was to send handicapped into houses and begin to gas and kill them, the basic idea of it was actually good enough (they don't contribute and we pay or taxes to keep them alive( a bit overproportionet but that was his meaning)) i partially agree with him I think it's wrong to keep handicapped/mental ill alive if they have a severe mental illness/handicap that prevents them from working or contributing to sociaty in a  normal way. i think he was right in some ways but he overdid it, he simply killed everybody that had a handicap. i got some points i would like to have implemented into the rules of "terminating"(if i may say it like that) the faults in the gene pool.

1. people that get a mental or handicap after the first day they got born should not be terminated and should get help from sociaty and get a benefit  from or taxes.

2. babies must be checked for mental illnesses and handicaps before they get born.

3. if the baby is positive in illnesses it must be aborted either before birth or maximal before the end of it's first day alive.

4. if the baby is not "terminated" before the end of the first day it should have the benefits as everybody else and must not be killed.

5. the persons that don't get terminated before the end of the first living day must never be allowed to breed.

6. these rules should not include all mental illness and handicaps it all depends of the severity of the mental illness and/or the handicaps (fx a kid has got oxygen cut of for a certain time but hasn't taking severe damage is allowed to live.)

I know that there is things that can be changed/added/removed in these "rules" i made and i'm open for sugestions but it's just how i feel it should be like, i'm not here to offend anybody but so i don't want you to flame me but i only want constructive responds and suggestions.
Wow.  I have no words to describe how barbaric you sound.  And you say this with such ease and so methodically.  You've illustrated how people can become so desensitized to human life so as to casually discuss the killing of human beings...that, or you're 13 and haven't developed that part of your brain yet.  Do me a favor, go smack your mother and father and tell them to get started teaching you how to be part of the human race.

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