which im sure is why you beg the discussion of politics in your OP.ATG wrote:
You just can't resist pulling this thread into a Iraq war right/wrong argument, can you?JahManRed wrote:
Even more reason why the lying fucks that sent them their should be held responsible for each and every person that looses their life, on both sides.
isnt it more pathetic that you try to win this dead political argument by wrenching everyones heart first with an example of some well intentioned soldier that gave his life?
i dont know how many more ways u can be told that the middle east is completely harmless to the US, but that we entered there with incredible force and are now suffering the consequences. A MOH soldier clearly deserves our respect, but the people who have to look out their windows each day at a war torn country filled with death and violence deserve our respect much more. They did not choose for americans to drop bombs on their houses, yet here they are.
People like YOU are responsible for the deaths of civilians and the deaths of mislead soldiers because you are constantly campaigning in support of extreme violence.
If there hadn't been so many know-it-all republicans that don't mind burning schools and hospitals blabbing the way you do during election time, im sure Bush wouldn't have even come close to having power and this insane conflict would never have happened. You should personally take responsibility for your stances.
I hope you like this world where heroes are people that jump on grenades. i hope u can also occasionally see how this vision makes you a raving lunatic. the rest of us will continue to tip hats at teachers and doctors, so that you can keep playing GI Joes in good health.
If our country faces another terrorist attack, you better hope it isn't your family senselessly killed.
But then why worry? You know as well as anybody that the middle east poses no threat to you, your family, or americans, in general.