This topic was a 'tweener between D&ST and Not BS, Not BSs. So I put it here, mostly because of the question at the end.
I'm 1/4 Norwegian, 1/4 German, 1/4 Canadian, 1/8 Scottish, and 1/8 English. My parents have been retired a while, so they've been chasing the family tree. My Pop's family came into the States from Canada, and on my Mom's side Gramps was German, Grammar was Norwegian. They had everything tied down except for the Norwegian part. They traced Grammar thru Ellis Island, who was orphaned on the boat trip over from Norway.
So they went over to Larvik, Norway to visit the relatives, and dig thru the archives. They figured it all out. Good for them.
But then it got weird.
Mom's 2nd/3rd or 4th cousin played host, has a nice house on a bluff overlooking the fjord. After a few days they went to their vacation home in the mountains. The back deck includes a nice-sized marble inlay, with seating, clothing hooks, and a huge hot tub...all
So here's what happens:
"It's been a long day. Want to soak in the tub?"
"We didn't bring any suits."
"Oh, we don't ever use suits."
"Yeah. It's usually just family."
"But you said that you have family reunions (about 15 people)."
"Everyone gets in, there's room left over."
"And everyone's naked?"
"Yeah, why?"
"So like when your son, daughter, and their corresponding in-laws are visiting (from 18 to 35) they get in too?"
"Sure. But my daughter-in-law is Canadian, so she usually wears a robe until the last minute. But it's not too weird."
"Come on, it will be fun."
So, I don't know about you, but I do not want to see any of my family naked. Second, if it was my in-laws instead, I wouldn't want to see what my wife is going to look like naked in 20 comparing my naked mother-in-law sitting next to my naked wife. However, I wouldn't mind seeing my sister-in-law's fake boobs...
Is this normal for Europe? Am I another one of those sexually-repressed Americans because I don't really want to hang out with the ENTIRE family in the nude? And no, I live in Texas, not family tree has branches.
I'm 1/4 Norwegian, 1/4 German, 1/4 Canadian, 1/8 Scottish, and 1/8 English. My parents have been retired a while, so they've been chasing the family tree. My Pop's family came into the States from Canada, and on my Mom's side Gramps was German, Grammar was Norwegian. They had everything tied down except for the Norwegian part. They traced Grammar thru Ellis Island, who was orphaned on the boat trip over from Norway.
So they went over to Larvik, Norway to visit the relatives, and dig thru the archives. They figured it all out. Good for them.
But then it got weird.
Mom's 2nd/3rd or 4th cousin played host, has a nice house on a bluff overlooking the fjord. After a few days they went to their vacation home in the mountains. The back deck includes a nice-sized marble inlay, with seating, clothing hooks, and a huge hot tub...all
So here's what happens:
"It's been a long day. Want to soak in the tub?"
"We didn't bring any suits."
"Oh, we don't ever use suits."
"Yeah. It's usually just family."
"But you said that you have family reunions (about 15 people)."
"Everyone gets in, there's room left over."
"And everyone's naked?"
"Yeah, why?"
"So like when your son, daughter, and their corresponding in-laws are visiting (from 18 to 35) they get in too?"
"Sure. But my daughter-in-law is Canadian, so she usually wears a robe until the last minute. But it's not too weird."
"Come on, it will be fun."
So, I don't know about you, but I do not want to see any of my family naked. Second, if it was my in-laws instead, I wouldn't want to see what my wife is going to look like naked in 20 comparing my naked mother-in-law sitting next to my naked wife. However, I wouldn't mind seeing my sister-in-law's fake boobs...
Is this normal for Europe? Am I another one of those sexually-repressed Americans because I don't really want to hang out with the ENTIRE family in the nude? And no, I live in Texas, not family tree has branches.