TODAY'S MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS have been aided by the Mexican Military!
Corroboration comes from mainstream media talk radio and blogs, so why isn't it front page news?
Thats because the politicians know that the people are not ready for a set of redefined borders and currency for North America.
The American militias are taking note, both hard left and hard right. The leftist extremist have traditionaly been involved in eco-terrorism and the right has been involved in abortion doctor murders and weapons stockpiling. Despite what the government may have led you to believe
The unorganized militia is older in American law than the constitution, and its lawful foundation can be located in Title 10 of the United States Code. and we...erm they, can be quite deadly when provoked.
I can think of no clearer time, or need for the militias to rise up and stop the madness. … anizations
I was never a conspiracy buff, but I stumbled upon a website once which I cant find now, but the gist of it was that a one world government would be orchestrated by groups like the Illuminati and Skull and bones by a process of devoiding the public of faith in their officials.
In short, the elected officials would fuck everything up so badly and things would be so out of control that the people would demand a change.
They would do it via taxation without benefit ( corrupt politicians and their lack of attention to basic responcibilties like disaster relief, ala Katrina ) engagement in low to medium level foreign engagements without end or purpose ( Kosovo, Iraq ) and general lack of stewardship. The weath would be controlled by a select few and the change would be brought about by a series of small, yet radical steps. ( 9-11, wire tapping, gun control, controlled plague and the threat small factions having WMD's.
Students and acadamia will clamor and demand the loss of their own freedom not knowing what they do in the name of liberalism.
In Mexico, our border has become such a joke that it's become a theme part feature:
The only thing we can do now legally is form political movements, stay informed and be preparred. We should do everything possible up tp the point of violence to discourage our elected officials from shirking thier duty and to the illegal aliens crashing our borders.
The end of America isn't just just a catchy title of a movie or book,
My question, is the dissolution of Americas borders a foregone conclussion and is the evidence mounting for the reality of the Illuminati?
How do you think amenesty and drivers licenses for illegal aliens will effect us when the powers that be have already done such a great job with everything?
this thread inspired by Cougar
Last edited by ATG (2006-10-08 22:04:49)