Cowboy from Hell
Science Fiction: imagine this scenario, every country votes for a candidate for President of the World, and you win.  You have the power to change anything you don't like, what would you do?
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6904|Your attic
Destroy all nuclear weapons, declare a few islands in the Maldives out of limits and have underlings do all the boring stuff while I relax.
+11|6724|In the middle of Nowhere
Lets see i would.... make all the food pizza

Towelly wrote:

Destroy all nuclear weapons, declare a few islands in the Maldives out of limits and have underlings do all the boring stuff while I relax.
+127|6971|WPB, FL. USA
Cut down all the trees so all the tree huggers either assimilate to reality or die of lack of sap

1) Declare war on Israel, both economically and militarily speaking, unless they unconditionally agree to retreat COMPLETELY to 1948 borders, recognise a fully sovereign state of Palestine in the West Bank & Gaza (with capital in East Jerusalem), return the Golan Heights to Syria and Shebaa Farms to Lebanon, pay reparations to refugee Palestinians in other countries and release all political prisoners. In return all arab nations have to leave them the fuck alone thereafter.
2) Enforce severe but sensible restrictions on the movement of global capital to ensure developing nations aren't exploited. Examine the fairness of 'Free-Trade' agreements and amend where necessary to the same end as that stated. Come down like a TON OF BRICKS on monopolies and oligarchies. Basically slow down globalisation by reworking/scrapping the WTO and IMF because quite frankly the underdeveloped world is just going to get shafted by what equates to modern imperialism. Let PROTECTIONISM be the watch-word.
3) Toughen up state-church separation rules and regulations IN ALL COUNTRIES (that includes you too, Saudi Arabia). All nations must be secular. Religion to be practiced on your own personal time.
4) Toughen up penalties for wasteful and inefficient use of exhaustible natural resources (including tough penalties for unacceptable levels of pollution). Accelerate research on alternatives to finally break the hold oil monopolies have on us, whether they be US oil companies, Venezuela or a middle eastern crackpot nation.
5) Have the US embargo on Cuba lifted.
6) Scrap the UN.
7) Catch and incarcerate Osama Bin Laden (for symbolic purposes only, it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference). Have him humiliated publicly.
8) Reprimand the USA for obvious human rights violations and Geneva Convention breaches at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. Same goes for other similar nations: China, Myanmar, Zimbabwe, etc.
9) Give Taiwan and Tibet full sovereign control over their own nations independent of China.
10) Incorporate the six counties of Northern Ireland into the Republic of Ireland.
11) Deport all illegal aliens out of USA so they'll finally stop their fucking whinging.
12) Adopt a 'Robin Hood' policy with respect to taxation to try and narrow massive gulfs between rich and poor around the world (think Scandinavian policy).
13) Grant Scotland full sovereign independence from the UK.
14) Introduce strict policies on what can and cannot be broadcast on 'News' channels. Prohibit editorials on  channels or programs wishing to be described as 'news'. Introduce rules that state that if one POV is to be aired on a news item then the opposing POV must be presented also in quick succession. Monitor all 'news' media for fairness and impartiality.
15) Introduce multi-party politics and proportional representation to all nations. Have rules and regulations drawn up that shape the way in which campaigning for political positions take place such that ALL canditates, irrespective of wealth, have equal airtime and billboard time in whatever election they are competing in.
16) Give the Basques a fully free and sovereign nation independent of Spain, to include the Navarre province.

... I'll think of more as they come up....

They haven't been methodically thought-through and I may revise/regret/retract some of those posted....

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-10-09 03:16:04)

+271|7069|United States of America
The exact opposite of what Cameron says. Okay, I agree with certain things Cameron has said, I can't keep naming the ones I don't.

Last edited by Miller (2006-10-08 16:49:41)

Back from the Dead.
"The course of action I'd suggest, is a course of action I can't suggest."
+127|6971|WPB, FL. USA

CameronPoe wrote:

1) Declare war on Israel, both economically and militarily speaking.
2) Enforce severe but sensible restrictions on the movement of global capital to ensure developing nations aren't exploited. Examine the fairness of 'Free-Trade' agreements and amend where necessary to the same end as that stated. Come down like a TON OF BRICKS on monopolies and oligarchies. Basically slow down globalisation because quite frankly the underdeveloped world is just going to get shafted by what equates to modern imperialism.
3) Toughen up state-church separation rules and regulations IN ALL COUNTRIES (that includes you too, Saudi Arabia).
4) Toughen up penalties for wasteful and inefficient use of exhaustible natural resources (including tough penalties for unacceptable levels of pollution). Accelerate research on alternatives to finally break the hold oil monopolies have on us, whether they be US oil companies, Venezuela or a middle eastern crackpot nation.
5) Have the US embargo on Cuba lifted.
6) Scrap the UN.
7) Catch and encarcerate Osama Bin Laden (for symbolic purposes only, it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference).
8) Reprimand the USA for obvious human rights violations and Geneva Convention breaches at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib.
9) Give Taiwan and Tibet full sovereign control over their own nations independent of China.
10) Incorporate the six counties of Northern Ireland into the Republic of Ireland.
11) Deport all illegal aliens out of USA so they'll finally stop their fucking whinging.
12) Adopt a 'Robin Hood' policy with respect to taxation to try and narrow massive gulfs between rich and poor around the world (think Scandinavian policy).
13) Grant Scotland full sovereign independence from the UK.

... I'll think of more as they come up....
NO, NO, spare us your views - palezz

Cameronpooh - you probably know of ways to fuck-up a wet dream

You and your cigar {probably one you got from Bill after an encounter he had with "that woman"} can both stay in that Caribbean paradise of Cuba

Cowboy from Hell
1-Fix a special tax for every country equal to the 5% of their Gross Product, then use that money to end poverty in developing countries, specially Africa, and also to rebuild Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq.
2-Wipe the UN out of the map.
3-Force Israel and Palestine to fix definitive borders and to respect 'em. 
4-Abolish organized religion.
5-Lift embargo on Cuba.
6-Legalize abortion.
7-Close Gitmo.
8-Abolish slavery in countries like India.
9-End with Corporate Monopoly.
10-Forbid sport hunting.
11-Give endangered animals the same status than humans, so anyone who kills a tiger gets the same trial than someone who kills a person.
12-Destroy all nuclear weapons and other WMD's in the entire world.
13-Forbid smoking in every public place even outdoors.
14-Judge every country leader who violated human rights, I mean all of them.
15-Lower Lamborghini's prices.

More news coming next.

Last edited by sergeriver (2006-10-08 17:53:14)

End corporate ownership and destroy the concept of corporate personage.

And uh, anything Cameron says, since I always agree with him.
+51|7087|North Hollywood
damn, if only...

Where to freakin start...

i shall ponder this...and get back to you.

The first thing I wonder is if its ok to impose my views on someone else....barring basic human rights. I dont wanna listen to you any more than u wanna listen me kinda thing.

Last edited by golgoj4 (2006-10-08 17:21:52)

16 more years
+877|6839|South Florida
1. Destroy the Walmart franchise.
2. Force all countries to abide by the 2ND Amendment
3. Do 'youknowwhat' with Carmen Electra.
4. Catch up and surpass Bill Gates in wealth

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2006-10-08 17:26:31)

15 more years! 15 more years!
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
1. Open Guantanamo Bay Amusement Park! (and declare it "The Happiest Place on Earth")
2. Get rid of the English English spellings and change "doughnuts" to "donuts"
3. Pwn all n00bs
4. Pwn those n00bs who resist
5. Change French Fries back to Freedom Fries
6. Name everything after Stephen Colbert
7. Kick all these previous World Leaders out of office
8. Play baseball while wearing a suit
9. Ponder how I was elected World Leader.
10. Be the best damn leader there ever was...somehow. I'm banking that they'll have mastered time travel by this time.

Last edited by DesertFox- (2007-06-24 22:50:45)

Cowboy from Hell

golgoj4 wrote:

damn, if only...

Where to freakin start...

i shall ponder this...and get back to you.

The first thing I wonder is if its ok to impose my views on someone else....barring basic human rights. I dont wanna listen to you any more than u wanna listen me kinda thing.
It's "If you were" not "you are".  Did you hear about science fiction?  Terminator didn't really want to kill Sarah Connor.
I would make world peace, then start a nuclear war on my last day.
+226|7056|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
Ban tractors off all roads between the hours of 7am and 7pm

DesertFox423 wrote:

4. Pwn the views of Cameron, jon, serge, Bub and such like
If only it were possible.
16 more years
+877|6839|South Florida

DesertFox423 wrote:

5. Change French Fries back to Freedom Fries
6. Name everything after Stephen Colbert
Hell yeah! +1 for Stephen Cobert!

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2006-10-08 17:40:25)

15 more years! 15 more years!
+105|6945|Lexington, KY

CameronPoe wrote:

1) Declare war on Israel, both economically and militarily speaking, unless they unconditionally agree to retreat COMPLETELY to 1948 borders, recognise a fully sovereign state of Palestine in the West Bank & Gaza (with capital in East Jerusalem), return the Golan Heights to Syria and Shebaa Farms to Lebanon, pay reparations to refugee Palestinians in other countries, release all political prisoners.
2) Enforce severe but sensible restrictions on the movement of global capital to ensure developing nations aren't exploited. Examine the fairness of 'Free-Trade' agreements and amend where necessary to the same end as that stated. Come down like a TON OF BRICKS on monopolies and oligarchies. Basically slow down globalisation because quite frankly the underdeveloped world is just going to get shafted by what equates to modern imperialism. Let PROTECTIONISM be the watch-word.
3) Toughen up state-church separation rules and regulations IN ALL COUNTRIES (that includes you too, Saudi Arabia).....
Basically be an Anti-Christ figure.  Surpise you did not add Worship Me to one of your post, but if you check Jonsimon quote, I guess that has already started.

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

1. Destroy the Walmart franchise.
2. Force all countries to abide by the 2ND Amendment
3. Do 'youknowwhat' with Carmen Electra.
4. Catch up and surpass Bill Gates in wealth
I agree with Number 1.

jonsimon wrote:

End corporate ownership and destroy the concept of corporate personage.

And uh, anything Cameron says, since I always agree with him.
Talk about being a sheeple, and not thinking for yourself.

Last edited by dubbs (2006-10-08 17:42:24)


dubbs wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

1) Declare war on Israel, both economically and militarily speaking, unless they unconditionally agree to retreat COMPLETELY to 1948 borders, recognise a fully sovereign state of Palestine in the West Bank & Gaza (with capital in East Jerusalem), return the Golan Heights to Syria and Shebaa Farms to Lebanon, pay reparations to refugee Palestinians in other countries, release all political prisoners.
2) Enforce severe but sensible restrictions on the movement of global capital to ensure developing nations aren't exploited. Examine the fairness of 'Free-Trade' agreements and amend where necessary to the same end as that stated. Come down like a TON OF BRICKS on monopolies and oligarchies. Basically slow down globalisation because quite frankly the underdeveloped world is just going to get shafted by what equates to modern imperialism. Let PROTECTIONISM be the watch-word.
3) Toughen up state-church separation rules and regulations IN ALL COUNTRIES (that includes you too, Saudi Arabia).....
Basically be an Anti-Christ figure.  Surpise you did not add Worship Me to one of your post, but if you check golgoj4 quote, I guess that has already started.
Where the hell do you get that? Israel isn't christian, 2 was completely economic, and 3 discriminates against all religions equally.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
strippers+beer=problems solved

any diplomacy needing to be done would be done with my Boeing C-5 painted hot metal flake pink filled with strippers and beer

further thought will need to be done after I've had some more beer (Sam Adams Brown Ale)

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-08 17:56:06)

Cowboy from Hell

kr@cker wrote:

strippers+beer=problems solved

any diplomacy needing to be done would be done with my Boeing C-5 painted hot metal flake pink filled with strippers and beer
Not bad at all.
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6836|Little blue planet, milky way
Without going into specifics as to HOW, this is my list:

Fix world economy - Too much imbalance here
Set max tax for individuals and companies - Noone should pay more than 30% if you're poor
Remove stockprices, shares and dividends TOTALLY - Companies need to think furhter than next quarter fiscals
Give tax breaks for reasearch initiatives - Not enough research in the world
Make basic nessecities free - Like food, water, electricity, education, health care and medication.
Nationalize companies that monopolizes any market segment purposely - Exploitation sucks !
Rework WTO and UN - Too imbalanced, and to democractic, nothing gets done
Standardize EVERYTHING - Makes trade, travel and working abroad easier
Make a plan to colonize the moon - Now THAT would be fun to see in my lifetime !
Get some research going into space exploration - Lots of cool places to go and exploit resources
Ban all personal cars that use fossil fuels - Personal transportation doesn't need 750 Horsepower !
Pass a law that requires all local laws to be put through a public hearing for at least 90 days - I hate patchwork laws
Take a nice long vacation - I need that after all the campaigning to become world leader !
make teaching evolution and the history of the universe (big bang etc) mandatory

eliminate poverty. place schools so global literacy levels reach at least 90%

enforce a global minimum wage

make all consumables priced with reference to how much it cost to make, no point in slave labour if you can only sell a shirt for 20c..

ban womens weekly type magazines, any tv show about celebrities personal lives, idol and probably religon
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida

DesertFox423 wrote:

4. Pwn the views of Cameron, jon, serge, Bub and such like
6. Name everything after Stephen Colbert
?  You DO know that Stephen Colbert is a democrat, don't you?  He trashes the right wing to hell everyday he exists...

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