I'm outraged over it.
Where is the U.N. leading the way?
Where is the U.N. leading the way?
He fucked up, he should have picked on the girls then. His fault not ours. Shame on him.Reciprocity wrote:
and thank you, neocon, for congressman who fuck 16 year old boys.
Last edited by S3v3N (2006-10-04 07:58:51)
Let's take a look at that "short spike in 99".kr@cker wrote:
I don't know if you meant to, but your income graph is just of one very specific demographic, while overall income was up, and he most likely meant the Dow, at least that's what I usually refer to, I believe it had a short spike in 99 that was dramatic yet shortlived, a 1500 point or so drop immediately afterward
Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-04 10:22:42)
Yeah your sig is comedic...true the jihadis are a problem...but so are the crazy religious right trying to take us back into the dark ages. Religion is just a buncha people to lame to make decisions for themselves. Oh yeah and if history doesnt concern you...lol!ATG wrote:
I'm outraged over it.
Where is the U.N. leading the way?
I believe in security measures, am I the "dumber element"? I dislike Bush but I believe in rounding up the terrorists, not infiltrating Iraq, does that make me dumb too? Can I ask you a question? What makes you so wise to what goes on around the world? I am assuming you have served in our armed forces or something because you seem to have the answers, you just arent sharing them.golgoj4 wrote:
there is so much bs in that...i dont even know how to respond, excpet for this. Thanks for not killing 2700+ of my brothers in arms over an imagined enemy and a demented political agenda. Thanks for not making us into the terrorist by stripping our right slowly while the dumber elements in America cheered on chanting 'security'.
No man is perfect and that fact that u losers still go on about Clinton demonstrates the current lame-o tactic ala Karl Rove - Point fingers and demonize the other guy without addressing how little you stand for / ar about. Clinton was President, bush is president...why are u retard living in the past and not addressing what going on today? I got a mr fusion and a delorean if u need a ride to 2006...
Cept Saddam had a head start. You with him being the pesky ruler and alll. But Bush will catch up! I mean, torture levels are now higher than when saddam was in power...how come that wasnt on his press release...Aenima_Eyes wrote:
I thought Saddam was the one that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. . .and that's why we found all those mass graves.....IRONCHEF wrote:
So funny ATG complains to Clinton about all kinds of insignificant shit but not one important thing like "Thanks for slaughtering 100,000 Iraqis!" or "Thanks for filling the air in the middle east with the unlawful use of depleted uranium that has caused birth defects and other ailments for generations to come!" No, we see that you failed to keep your 8 year old son from watching an overinflated sex scandal. Seriously, did it effect you that Clinton got a blow job? That he wished to keep it secret instead of trying to make ammends with his humiliated wife? Or can you not think of people as people but as some sub-species because you dont' agree with them?
ATG, I'm sorry you're an angry, simple-minded, backwards thinking fool, but Clinton lieing about getting blown by a fat intern did not kill 100,000 iraqis. Clinton's "high crime or misdemeanor" that he got impeached for is hardly comparable to the shredding of "that goddamned piece of paper [constitution]" that Bush has done. It's nothing compared to purposefully planning to invade Iraq since he took office (yes, even Abrahmoff knew about it long before "diplomacy started in 2002"), which invasion has made the US and it's interests much, much more at risk of attack. And NO, Clinton's lie about a blow job is not even close to being something to frown on compared to the debt our country is in. If you can't see that, then you are a used and abused tool of a corrupt group of anti-americans also known as neo-conservative republicans. And your reward will be just.
Short spike? You're missing the forest for the trees, kr@cker.kr@cker wrote:
yes that short spike there mid 99 is what i was referring to, the one that is close to what the past few record closings have beeen
There's a link to the data right there in my post. You can click on it.kr@cker wrote:
the graph you got looks different from the one I saw on the dow's site, there it was a more pronounced spike than the one you're using, where are you getting these?
The_Shipbuilder wrote:
Let's take a look at that "short spike in 99".
Ok you apparently missed what I said so i wil put it in bullet form:deeznutz1245 wrote:
I believe in security measures, am I the "dumber element"? I dislike Bush but I believe in rounding up the terrorists, not infiltrating Iraq, does that make me dumb too? Can I ask you a question? What makes you so wise to what goes on around the world? I am assuming you have served in our armed forces or something because you seem to have the answers, you just arent sharing them.golgoj4 wrote:
there is so much bs in that...i dont even know how to respond, excpet for this. Thanks for not killing 2700+ of my brothers in arms over an imagined enemy and a demented political agenda. Thanks for not making us into the terrorist by stripping our right slowly while the dumber elements in America cheered on chanting 'security'.
No man is perfect and that fact that u losers still go on about Clinton demonstrates the current lame-o tactic ala Karl Rove - Point fingers and demonize the other guy without addressing how little you stand for / ar about. Clinton was President, bush is president...why are u retard living in the past and not addressing what going on today? I got a mr fusion and a delorean if u need a ride to 2006...
Last edited by golgoj4 (2006-10-04 11:08:46)
we were discussing the repeated record finishes of recent years and that was the only previous time that the dow closed at a comparable rateThe_Shipbuilder wrote:
What does that have to do with anything?
I honestly did not read your reply to me because it looked long, statistacal and boring. Um, if I say something that yu already said forgive me. I did skip to the end though. What I found interesting was you asking me what "america was I raised" . I served honorably in the U.S. Marines kiddo so DO NOT lecture me about rights. I am well aware of your rights because they were provided to you by people like me. Next, I never had anything against you (for the record) I just did not agree with your stance that Americans wanting heightened national security were idiots (or whatever you said). I beleive in it because I have seen first hand across the world what happens when our guard is let down. Wake up. There is a large amount of extremists in the world who want you an I dead not because of who our president is but because we are AMERICAN. Martha fucking stewart could be our commander in chief and they still want us dead. I will NEVER be ashamed of my country, I have to much blood, sweat and tears invested in it. I am not saying you are but I am suggesting you slow your fucking role before you go out calling people idiots for wanting to be safe, no matter the cost.golgoj4 wrote:
Ok you apparently missed what I said so i wil put it in bullet form:deeznutz1245 wrote:
I believe in security measures, am I the "dumber element"? I dislike Bush but I believe in rounding up the terrorists, not infiltrating Iraq, does that make me dumb too? Can I ask you a question? What makes you so wise to what goes on around the world? I am assuming you have served in our armed forces or something because you seem to have the answers, you just arent sharing them.golgoj4 wrote:
there is so much bs in that...i dont even know how to respond, excpet for this. Thanks for not killing 2700+ of my brothers in arms over an imagined enemy and a demented political agenda. Thanks for not making us into the terrorist by stripping our right slowly while the dumber elements in America cheered on chanting 'security'.
No man is perfect and that fact that u losers still go on about Clinton demonstrates the current lame-o tactic ala Karl Rove - Point fingers and demonize the other guy without addressing how little you stand for / ar about. Clinton was President, bush is president...why are u retard living in the past and not addressing what going on today? I got a mr fusion and a delorean if u need a ride to 2006...
-Clinton Didnt invade Iraq on a false pretense. He admits to trying and failing to get bin laden...bush had him cornered and went somewhere else.
-Distraction and demonization are classic tactics of the current administration. Ask Ann Richards, John Kerry, or even a Vietnam POW John McCain. They will inform you. Or google will.
-Security is NOT the imagined rules that they give us. Its not the color coded 'how scared you should be to day' system. I have my own opinions on how security could be achieved but considering how many times i've been past the tsa with 'items' or see how they intend to 'protect us' i laugh.
-I dont think I said I was pro-terror and wanted to let them run free. And you are an idiot for somehow getting that from my post. Sorry if I am not willing to sacrafice my liberty for security so swiftly. The way I see it, they can decide im Nigerian and ship me off to gitmo the way things are going. That and the fact that its contrary to everything I belive (and the constitution). Im tired of quoting Franklin, but he said it best: Those who would sacrafice liberty for security deserve neither.
-Im wise? Thanks! thats a 1st! Maybe its all that time spent reading articles from various sources as much as possible as to whats going on in the world. I dont see myself as wise. Just the bare minimum of reason...
-'...not infiltrating Iraq...' esplain!
-the answers are infront of you. The ability to glean those answers from whats presented to you is a whole other story.
Sorry if i offended you by calling you dumb, but as an American, I take certain things very seriously. The removal of rights and the shredding of the constitution is a serious matter to me. In what America were you raised that these same things aren't important to you?
The Dow "closing at a rate"? Huh? That doesn't make sense. There is no velocity in a single data point. I think you mean "level".kr@cker wrote:
we were discussing the repeated record finishes of recent years and that was the only previous time that the dow closed at a comparable rateThe_Shipbuilder wrote:
What does that have to do with anything?
1) Abused the marketplace eh? Explain your thoughts.Aenima_Eyes wrote:
So, thanks for once again showing how Clinton and the .com faggots abused the marketplace and caused a swift drop in stocks. Then we got attacked. . .of course the economy tanked for a bit.
It was of one very specific demo because that's what ATG specifically mentioned, and was specifically wrong about.kr@cker wrote:
I don't know if you meant to, but your income graph is just of one very specific demographic, while overall income was up
I am democrat, let's just get that straight right off the bat. Reagan is responsible for floating bonds that came due in 1990 which helped the Clinton administration. I said helped, Clinton did make cuts to improve on the start he had been given by Reagan.The_Shipbuilder wrote:
Let's take a look at that "short spike in 99".kr@cker wrote:
I don't know if you meant to, but your income graph is just of one very specific demographic, while overall income was up, and he most likely meant the Dow, at least that's what I usually refer to, I believe it had a short spike in 99 that was dramatic yet shortlived, a 1500 point or so drop immediately afterward
Under Clinton, the Dow more than doubled.
Under Bush, it's up 11%.
And why would anyone use the Dow as an indicator anyway? A price-weighted index of 30 stocks is not going to give you a true picture of the market. Compare that to the S&P 500, a float-weighted index of 500 stocks.
The more I look at the numbers, the more I appreciate what an incredible economic turnaround we experienced under Clinton. By many measures, one of the periods of greatest economic advancement in American history.
Meanwhile people wistfully eulogize Reagan as having Done So Much For The Economy. I don't get it.
Never thought I would debate a scared marine. Didnt think they existed. But here goes...deeznutz1245 wrote:
I honestly did not read your reply to me because it looked long, statistacal and boring. Um, if I say something that yu already said forgive me. I did skip to the end though. What I found interesting was you asking me what "america was I raised" . I served honorably in the U.S. Marines kiddo so DO NOT lecture me about rights. I am well aware of your rights because they were provided to you by people like me. Next, I never had anything against you (for the record) I just did not agree with your stance that Americans wanting heightened national security were idiots (or whatever you said). I beleive in it because I have seen first hand across the world what happens when our guard is let down. Wake up. There is a large amount of extremists in the world who want you an I dead not because of who our president is but because we are AMERICAN. Martha fucking stewart could be our commander in chief and they still want us dead. I will NEVER be ashamed of my country, I have to much blood, sweat and tears invested in it. I am not saying you are but I am suggesting you slow your fucking role before you go out calling people idiots for wanting to be safe, no matter the cost.golgoj4 wrote:
Ok you apparently missed what I said so i wil put it in bullet form:deeznutz1245 wrote:
I believe in security measures, am I the "dumber element"? I dislike Bush but I believe in rounding up the terrorists, not infiltrating Iraq, does that make me dumb too? Can I ask you a question? What makes you so wise to what goes on around the world? I am assuming you have served in our armed forces or something because you seem to have the answers, you just arent sharing them.
-Clinton Didnt invade Iraq on a false pretense. He admits to trying and failing to get bin laden...bush had him cornered and went somewhere else.
-Distraction and demonization are classic tactics of the current administration. Ask Ann Richards, John Kerry, or even a Vietnam POW John McCain. They will inform you. Or google will.
-Security is NOT the imagined rules that they give us. Its not the color coded 'how scared you should be to day' system. I have my own opinions on how security could be achieved but considering how many times i've been past the tsa with 'items' or see how they intend to 'protect us' i laugh.
-I dont think I said I was pro-terror and wanted to let them run free. And you are an idiot for somehow getting that from my post. Sorry if I am not willing to sacrafice my liberty for security so swiftly. The way I see it, they can decide im Nigerian and ship me off to gitmo the way things are going. That and the fact that its contrary to everything I belive (and the constitution). Im tired of quoting Franklin, but he said it best: Those who would sacrafice liberty for security deserve neither.
-Im wise? Thanks! thats a 1st! Maybe its all that time spent reading articles from various sources as much as possible as to whats going on in the world. I dont see myself as wise. Just the bare minimum of reason...
-'...not infiltrating Iraq...' esplain!
-the answers are infront of you. The ability to glean those answers from whats presented to you is a whole other story.
Sorry if i offended you by calling you dumb, but as an American, I take certain things very seriously. The removal of rights and the shredding of the constitution is a serious matter to me. In what America were you raised that these same things aren't important to you?
Last edited by golgoj4 (2006-10-04 14:51:41)
we were talking about it's maximum value at the moment, that is why i mentioned the spike in 99 which was the only point in which it closed anywhere near any of the recent recordsThe_Shipbuilder wrote:
that stuff about '99
Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-04 13:53:07)
President Clinton's' Foreign Policy, huh? what, thats an oxymoron.Shopvac wrote:
Second, How on God's green earth can you say that Clinton's foreign policy was wrong. Some idiots voted for Bush when he campaigned on a platform of "no nation building." Even "Bush the Second" said that Clinton's foreign policy was too involved. At least Clinton tried to prevent genocide in places like Albania, and in the former Yugoslav republics. Some here have suggested that The US is bordering on genocide in certain areas. I would not go that far, but where is the outrage over Darfur, and other Central African Nations where the indiscriminate violence would make Thor (the mighty god of war) vomit.