Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles
Things are not looking too good for the Republicans, just barely a month ahead of mid-term elections.

First you have spy agencies releasing reports that the Iraq War is creating more terrorism than it's stopping.

Then you have one of the best-known journalists in the US - the guy who helped to uncover the Watergate scandal - writing a book based on hundreds of interviews with White House staff and other leaders describing the administration as dysfunctional and faction-ridden, and President George Bush as "intellectually incurious".

Then you have Republican representative Foley flirting with underage congressional pages over email, asking them to measure themselves for him. Not to mention that top-level Republicans are being accused of covering up his gay pedophilic tendencies, with investigations pending.

Foley's IMs with underage congressional pages wrote:

Maf54: To be honest, I am a little to interested in you. So that's why I need to back off a little.
Teen: Ya slow things down a little im still young... like under 18. don't want to do anything illegal... im not 18.
Maf54: cool... dont forget to measure for me.

Another message:

Maf54: do you really do it face down
Teen: ya
Maf54: kneeling
Teen: well i dont use my hand...i use the bed itself
Maf54: where do you unload it
Teen: towel
Maf54: really
Maf54: completely naked?
Teen: well ya
Maf54: very nice
Teen: lol
Maf54: cute butt bouncing in the air

Another message:

Maf54: You in your boxers, too?
Teen:   Nope, just got home. I had a college interview that went late.
Maf54: Well, strip down and get relaxed.

Another message:

Maf54: What ya wearing?
Teen:  tshirt and shorts
Maf54: Love to slip them off of you.

And this one:

Maf54: Do I make you a little horny?
Teen:   A little.
Maf54: Cool.


Maf54: I'd drive a few miles for a hot stud like you.
Usually it's the hapless Democrats who are the ones screwing up and falling apart just before elections (not to mention after elections as well). What's going on here?

Fortunately, Republican voters can take solace in the fact that Bush and Rove never fail to be men of wit:

The SMH, paraphrasing Woodward's new book, wrote:

Mr Bush and his senior adviser, Karl Rove, for instance, enjoy fart jokes, which they tell each other sometimes in the middle of Oval Office meetings.

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Fortunately, Republican voters can take solace in the fact that Bush and Rove never fail to be men of wit:

The SMH, paraphrasing Woodward's new book, wrote:

Mr Bush and his senior adviser, Karl Rove, for instance, enjoy fart jokes, which they tell each other sometimes in the middle of Oval Office meetings.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US
zomg bush bashing it's all clinton's fault reagan was the greatest stay the course against the islamofacists
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA

ghettoperson wrote:

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Fortunately, Republican voters can take solace in the fact that Bush and Rove never fail to be men of wit:

The SMH, paraphrasing Woodward's new book, wrote:

Mr Bush and his senior adviser, Karl Rove, for instance, enjoy fart jokes, which they tell each other sometimes in the middle of Oval Office meetings.
i wanna know the jokes
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6804|Menlo Park, CA
Bush IS fantastic!!! Love that guy! I voted for him twice, and I'd do it a third!!
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker
People aren't stupid enough to vote for Democrats who refuse to take a strong stance to defend our country.  They don't care about anything else if they don't feel safe.

FOLLOW THE THREAD OF word and deed from leading Democrats since 1968. It isn't hard to see a philosophy of appeasement at work. They would easily fit Churchill's definition of "acts of submission, not merely in pride and sentiment, but in material matters."

* 1968 -- Minority Plank defeated at Democratic Convention calls for withdrawal from Vietnam.

* 1971 -- A young John Kerry testifies to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that "we cannot fight Communism all over the world, and I think we should have learned that lesson by now." He goes on to accuse his fellow soldiers of a long list of "war crimes."

* 1972 -- Senator George McGovern proposes unilateral withdrawal from Vietnam.

* 1975 -- Democratic Congress ends funding of Vietnam War, American troops leave Southeast Asia. Years later Yale University's Cambodian Genocide Program reports that between 1975-1979 1.7 million people were murdered, 21% of the Cambodian population. A Senate Committee headed by Democrat Frank Church of Idaho investigates the CIA, an investigation described by then-President Gerald Ford as "sensational and irresponsible." Others charge Church with crippling the agency.

* 1977 -- President Jimmy Carter, safely elected after campaigning as an Annapolis graduate/Navy officer, tells America it has an "inordinate fear of communism." While the Cambodian genocide proceeds, the Soviets invade Afghanistan and set up a puppet regime in Nicaragua. American hostages are held in Iran for over a year. Carter cuts the defense budget so badly that Reagan's incoming Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger recalled not being "entirely over [the] shock at the weaknesses in our own military capability" Carter had left behind.

*1983 -- New York Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro joins the Democratic chorus opposing President Ronald Reagan's decision to send troops to Grenada. In spite of Reagan's rescue of American medical students and halting a Communist takeover, she charges, according to the New York Times, that it was "an inappropriate and precipitous use of military force." A year later Ms. Ferraro becomes the Democratic nominee for Vice-President. Her chief foreign policy adviser, according to the Times, is future Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

* 1983 -- Senator Edward Kennedy leads Democrats in disparaging Reagan's idea of shooting down nuclear tipped missiles from space as "Star Wars" -- fighting a system that only this year was invoked as a way to save the West Coast of the United States from a North Korean missile attack.

*1984 -- Walter Mondale campaigns for president on the idea that America should have a "nuclear freeze" with the Soviets. He vows to stop the "illegal war" in Nicaragua "in my first hundred days," accuses Reagan of wanting to "turn the heavens into a battleground," and ginning up an "arms race" with the Soviets. Dismissing Soviet aggression in Afghanistan, Central America and Communist treatment of Jewish dissidents, Mondale pleads for arms control. The concept of victory and ending the Cold War is never discussed.

* 1985 -- Reykjavik Summit: When Reagan walks away from a bad deal he is sharply criticized by Democratic Congressman Ed Markey for giving up "a chance to cash in on Star Wars" by refusing to trade away the entire SDI program. Later, it is this refusal that is credited with winning the Cold War.

*1988 -- Michael Dukakis runs for president opposing efforts to defeat the Communist government of Nicaragua, saying his election would not be about "overthrowing governments in Central America."

* 1991 -- By a five-vote margin the Democratic-controlled Senate votes to force Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait after he invaded the country. The majority of Democrats vote no. This includes now-Senator John Kerry, who said the U.S. was "once again willing to risk people dying from a mistake."

For five decades now, beginning with that hot August Chicago night in 1968, the modern Democratic Party has adopted the attitude, philosophy, policy and practices of appeasement. All of this -- and much more -- was well before Bill Clinton even got near the Oval Office. An office he won only when Americans understood the Cold War was finally over, believing that there were no serious threats on the horizon. Only then did a modern Democrat once again live in the White House.

In context, with this history, it just isn't hard to understand why so many Americans don't buy Clinton's defense of his failure to get Osama bin Ladin. It's also why the demands to "get out of Iraq" from Democrats, combined with impeachment threats, are increasingly understood as just the latest in a very long -- and now self-evidently very dangerous -- pattern.

A pattern of acts of submission.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2006-10-02 11:15:58)

Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

fadedsteve wrote:

Bush IS fantastic!!! Love that guy! I voted for him twice, and I'd do it a third!!
That's the most unamerican thing I've ever heard.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

Ikarti wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

Bush IS fantastic!!! Love that guy! I voted for him twice, and I'd do it a third!!
That's the most unamerican thing I've ever heard.
Yeah, supporting Bush is unamerican!  Hating him is patriotic!
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6963|Washington DC

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Then you have Republican representative Foley flirting with underage congressional pages over email, asking them to measure themselves for him.
Not that I'm on Foley's side, but the page was not "underage" ... in DC, I believe the age of consent is 16.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

Stingray24 wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

Bush IS fantastic!!! Love that guy! I voted for him twice, and I'd do it a third!!
That's the most unamerican thing I've ever heard.
Yeah, supporting Bush is unamerican!  Hating him is patriotic!
I never said hating him was patriotic, but supporting him driving the country into the ground, do I need to spell it out for you?
Banned - for ever.
+231|7022|Wilmington, DE, US

OrangeHound wrote:

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Then you have Republican representative Foley flirting with underage congressional pages over email, asking them to measure themselves for him.
Not that I'm on Foley's side, but the page was not "underage" ... in DC, I believe the age of consent is 16.
At the very least then it's a gay teen sex scandal.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

OrangeHound wrote:

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Then you have Republican representative Foley flirting with underage congressional pages over email, asking them to measure themselves for him.
Not that I'm on Foley's side, but the page was not "underage" ... in DC, I believe the age of consent is 16.
I'm surprised the Dems don't stand up and applaud and buy Foley drinks.  They're always telling us sexual matters are personal.  A bit of homophobia mixed in there, too, me thinks.  Guess they aren't so all inclusive after all. 

Foley resigned, as should anyone who did that if the guy was underage.  I want Senator Kennedy to resign, too, in that case.  He's done far worse.  Chappaquiddick, anyone?  The Dems defend their own when they get caught in this stuff, but rip the other side.  Anyone else see the irony here?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA
hey hey now, the business with ted is just water under the bridge........

ssnort, pfft, snicker, guffaw

Stingray24 wrote:

People aren't stupid enough to vote for Democrats who refuse to take a strong stance to defend our country.  They don't care about anything else if they don't feel safe.
Thats funny you believe that garbage. Republicans push fear politics that say "youre safer but not safe" and you believe it.. then you believe Dems are bleeding heart pacifists that have no interest in defneding themselves. In short you believe ignorance.

I like how you refrenced Kerry wait didnt he goto Vietnam ? Where was Bush ?
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

People aren't stupid enough to vote for Democrats who refuse to take a strong stance to defend our country.  They don't care about anything else if they don't feel safe.
Thats funny you believe that garbage. Republicans push fear politics that say "youre safer but not safe" and you believe it.. then you believe Dems are bleeding heart pacifists that have no interest in defneding themselves. In short you believe ignorance.

I like how you refrenced Kerry wait didnt he goto Vietnam ? Where was Bush ?
I don't believe their pacifists.  I believe they're a bunch of weak-spined anti-war holdovers from the Vietnam war who would rather bash their own country than defend it . . . just to get votes.  You guys lost the last election with your guy trumpeting "I went to Vietnam" blah blah blah.  No one cares!  That's why you lost!  Oh, well, +1 for the Republicans in November!

Last edited by Stingray24 (2006-10-02 11:56:07)

Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles

Stingray24 wrote:

I'm surprised the Dems don't stand up and applaud and buy Foley drinks.  They're always telling us sexual matters are personal.  A bit of homophobia mixed in there, too, me thinks.  Guess they aren't so all inclusive after all.
Sorry bro. I don't care about sexual orientation - just breaking the law and lying. Judging from the headlines these days the Republicans seem to feel exactly the opposite.

And if you want to bring up Clinton or Kennedy, please provide a link to the page on the BF2S forums where liberal posters defended their scandals. Either way, I'm not so sure that the American people are going to care too much about a scandal that happened 8 years ago or 37 years ago.

Speaking of Clinton, Josh Bearman has a great Mark Foley quote.

Bearman via Yahoo News wrote:

"It's vile. It's more sad than anything else, to see someone with such potential throw it all down the drain because of a sexual addiction." -- Mark Foley, R-West Palm Beach, September 12, 1998, referring to Bill Clinton in the St. Petersburg Times.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

Stingray24 wrote:

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

People aren't stupid enough to vote for Democrats who refuse to take a strong stance to defend our country.  They don't care about anything else if they don't feel safe.
Thats funny you believe that garbage. Republicans push fear politics that say "youre safer but not safe" and you believe it.. then you believe Dems are bleeding heart pacifists that have no interest in defneding themselves. In short you believe ignorance.

I like how you refrenced Kerry wait didnt he goto Vietnam ? Where was Bush ?
I don't believe their pacifists.  I believe they're a bunch of weak-spined anti-war holdovers from the Vietnam war who would rather bash their own country than defend it . . . just to get votes.  You guys lost the last election with your guy trumpeting "I went to Vietnam" blah blah blah.  No one cares!  That's why you lost!  Oh, well, +1 for the Republicans in November!
Maybe, just maybe, if the Repubs would keep their nose clean we wouldn't have to continually defend this country the way we do.  We back Sadam to help him gain power in Iraq, then we give him weapons to fight Iran, which he then turns and uses on the people of his own country.  Then we have to kick him out of Kuwait.  We arm the Taliban to fight Russia, and end up getting bit in the ass on that one too.

Oh, and let's not forget about Iran-Contra.  That was a brilliant move.

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Things are not looking too good for the Republicans, just barely a month ahead of mid-term elections.

First you have spy agencies releasing reports that the Iraq War is creating more terrorism than it's stopping.

Then you have one of the best-known journalists in the US - the guy who helped to uncover the Watergate scandal - writing a book based on hundreds of interviews with White House staff and other leaders describing the administration as dysfunctional and faction-ridden, and President George Bush as "intellectually incurious".

Then you have Republican representative Foley flirting with underage congressional pages over email, asking them to measure themselves for him. Not to mention that top-level Republicans are being accused of covering up his gay pedophilic tendencies, with investigations pending.
Usually it's the hapless Democrats who are the ones screwing up and falling apart just before elections (not to mention after elections as well). What's going on here?

Fortunately, Republican voters can take solace in the fact that Bush and Rove never fail to be men of wit:
You can bet that over the next 5 weeks you will see a lot more of it brought to you by the liberal media.
1.  Only part of the report was leaked -to benefit the democrats.  The report had a bit more to it. Like the part that stated we need to win in Iraq to deter would be terrorists.
2.  That guy is irrelvent.  Before the last election he wrote a book trashing the adminisrtation.  He's trying to make a come back.  I don't buy it.
3.  Don't get me wrong.  Foly is a sad excuse for a human.  It ain't new though.  I guess he should have done what this guy did back in 83' … ex_scandal
4.  I'm glad the president can joke around at times.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Black Panzer Party
+184|7035|Eastern PA

Stingray24 wrote:

I don't believe their pacifists.  I believe they're a bunch of weak-spined anti-war holdovers from the Vietnam war who would rather bash their own country than defend it . . . just to get votes.  You guys lost the last election with your guy trumpeting "I went to Vietnam" blah blah blah.  No one cares!  That's why you lost!  Oh, well, +1 for the Republicans in November!
I recall Nixon explicitly running on a withdrawal from Vietman platform (his whole "honorable withdrawal" spiel), Reagan negotiating with the Soviets over arms limitation/reduction AND withdrawing from Lebanon following the barracks bombing, and G.H.W. Bush drastically cutting defense spending after the end of the Cold War.

Parallels can be drawn with policies advocated by current Democrats in both the policies themselves and context. There is virtually no difference.

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Maybe, just maybe, if the Repubs would keep their nose clean we wouldn't have to continually defend this country the way we do.  We back Sadam to help him gain power in Iraq, then we give him weapons to fight Iran, which he then turns and uses on the people of his own country.  Then we have to kick him out of Kuwait.  We arm the Taliban to fight Russia, and end up getting bit in the ass on that one too.

Oh, and let's not forget about Iran-Contra.  That was a brilliant move.
Maybe you could be so kind as to lend your crystal ball to the CIA so that we could avoid such ugly incidents.  We backed the lesser of two evils.  What if we had done nothing and then the more evil of the two won.  Then what?
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Maybe, just maybe, if the Repubs would keep their nose clean we wouldn't have to continually defend this country the way we do.  We back Sadam to help him gain power in Iraq, then we give him weapons to fight Iran, which he then turns and uses on the people of his own country.  Then we have to kick him out of Kuwait.  We arm the Taliban to fight Russia, and end up getting bit in the ass on that one too.

Oh, and let's not forget about Iran-Contra.  That was a brilliant move.
Maybe you could be so kind as to lend your crystal ball to the CIA so that we could avoid such ugly incidents.  We backed the lesser of two evils.  What if we had done nothing and then the more evil of the two won.  Then what?
And since when was it our job to implement puppet regimes in the first place?
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

And if you want to bring up Clinton or Kennedy, please provide a link to the page on the BF2S forums where liberal posters defended their scandals. Either way, I'm not so sure that the American people are going to care too much about a scandal that happened 8 years ago or 37 years ago.
You care about breaking the law and lying?  Clinton committed perjury.  That covers both. 

I can bring up Clinton and Kennedy whether or not anyone posted about it here before or not. I'm referring mainly to the elected members of the Democratic party, not those who post here.  Though I'm sure back in the 90s they did plenty of defending Clinton.  I've seen the "Clinton got a BJ, who cares" type quote used fairly recently here, but I'm not wasting time looking for it.  I don't care what anyone posted here. That's not my point. 

This is: people remember how the Dems circled the wagons around Clinton when he got caught hanging out of his pants.  Yet they are willing to nail someone on the other side of the aisle to the wall for a sexual issue. Foley resigned, so should every other Republican, Democrat, or independent who gets caught doing things like this and/or gets caught lying about it.  If you support that stance, Clinton should've been gone and Kennedy needs to be tossed out. Period.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2006-10-02 12:25:44)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Maybe, just maybe, if the Repubs would keep their nose clean we wouldn't have to continually defend this country the way we do.  We back Sadam to help him gain power in Iraq, then we give him weapons to fight Iran, which he then turns and uses on the people of his own country.  Then we have to kick him out of Kuwait.  We arm the Taliban to fight Russia, and end up getting bit in the ass on that one too.

Oh, and let's not forget about Iran-Contra.  That was a brilliant move.
Maybe you could be so kind as to lend your crystal ball to the CIA so that we could avoid such ugly incidents.  We backed the lesser of two evils.  What if we had done nothing and then the more evil of the two won.  Then what?
And since when was it our job to implement puppet regimes in the first place?
I'll let you get top security clearance and look at the intelligence and enlighten us as to our course of action 20 years ago.  Nice Monday morning quarterbacking.  We know you'd have had the right answer if they asked you back then.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

Stingray24 wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Maybe you could be so kind as to lend your crystal ball to the CIA so that we could avoid such ugly incidents.  We backed the lesser of two evils.  What if we had done nothing and then the more evil of the two won.  Then what?
And since when was it our job to implement puppet regimes in the first place?
I'll let you get top security clearance and look at the intelligence and enlighten us as to our course of action 20 years ago.  Nice Monday morning quarterbacking.  We know you'd have had the right answer if they asked you back then.
Umm yeah.  You mean just like our current intelligence is now telling us that being in Iraq is making things worse, not better?  It doesn't matter whether it was 40 years ago, or 40 hours ago.  The point is still the same.  We continue to try and implement puppet regimes that we think we can control, and it comes back and bites us on the ass.  Like they say, true stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.
Stay the corpse
+261|6814|Los Angeles

Stingray24 wrote:

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

And if you want to bring up Clinton or Kennedy, please provide a link to the page on the BF2S forums where liberal posters defended their scandals. Either way, I'm not so sure that the American people are going to care too much about a scandal that happened 8 years ago or 37 years ago.
This is: people remember how the Dems circled the wagons around Clinton when he got caught hanging out of his pants.  Yet they are willing to nail someone on the other side of the aisle to the wall for a sexual issue.
Sorry pal, that's politics for you. One side does something wrong, they huddle up and circle the wagons. The other side jumps on it. Sucks when it's your guys, but that's just how it works.

Stingray24 wrote:

Foley resigned, so should every other Republican, Democrat, or independent who gets caught doing things like this and/or gets caught lying about it.  If you support that stance, Clinton should've been gone and Kennedy needs to be tossed out. Period.
You definitely have a fair point that Clinton should have been gone. Kennedy - not so sure you're going to get very far with that given MA's statutes of limitation.

In any case, I fully support the Repubs' blathering about Clinton and Kennedy until their faces turn blue. It just reinforces that they're out of touch with what's going on in 2006. Period. Exclamation mark.

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