
the terrorist are giving a wrong image. 99.9% of the muslims don't agree with the violence. Even the majority of the Imams (sp?) don't agree with it.

Just a few of the fundamentalisme 'division' think it's correct.

It's like saying all americans are bad because the president is a fool. Not everyone in USA agrees with the war in iraq etc... (not trying to bring this discussion up, just wanted to compare with something)

It's not good to generalize people into a group. Those who 'bombed' your country are NOT the muslims, just a bunch of terrorists. But somehow people think all muslims are bad and will kill you. Wrong. Start reading things first, hear the story from both sides before you start judging people.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

Tetrino wrote:

James-m wrote:

were all allowed different views. the trouble is, i get arrested now for this racism bullshit. its almost like im not allowed to hate the people who bombed my country, and the usa. it must be the left wing community who call me a muslim hater....
Hello there, I'm a Muslim. Hating me yet?
I know it sounds harsh when I say stuff like that, truth is I get along quite nicely with muslims when I meet them, I've just decided to take a hardline stance socio-politically to try to push them into bringing down the extremists, just as every other major religion has, it is, after all, the most powerful ayatollahs and imams of the faith that are spearheading the supposed minority, it would be the same as if the vatican were to reinstate their crusading policies, and if the rest of the faith would cut them off politically and financially, and (allah forbid) you actually turn one of them in once in a while, they would turn impotent pretty quickly

and since when the fuck are the crusades the sole responsibility of the christian faith anyway, even if you deny the fortification of kerak and such being in response to the thousands of murdered pilgrims a year on their way to jerusalem, it still takes two to tango
Remember people

A)Muslims = good
B)Crazy evil violent Muslims = bad

The vast overwhelming majority of Muslims sit in box `A`

Also the story `Muslim doesn't even give slightest s**t about pope`s comments, scratches head, goes and makes a sandwich` doesn't sell many newspapers.

De_Jappe wrote:

the terrorist are giving a wrong image. 99.9% of the muslims don't agree with the violence. Even the majority of the Imams (sp?) don't agree with it.

Just a few of the fundamentalisme 'division' think it's correct.

It's like saying all americans are bad because the president is a fool. Not everyone in USA agrees with the war in iraq etc... (not trying to bring this discussion up, just wanted to compare with something)

It's not good to generalize people into a group. Those who 'bombed' your country are NOT the muslims, just a bunch of terrorists. But somehow people think all muslims are bad and will kill you. Wrong. Start reading things first, hear the story from both sides before you start judging people.
Its probably closer to 90% of muslims dont agree with it when pressured by the public. Most muslims are good people but there is still a huge minority of them who hate the west and are radicals.

Stingray24 wrote:

Nyte wrote:

Harmor wrote:

Don't get me wrong here, but why do Muslums say they are not a religion of violence if they use violence to protest that are not violent?

Muslums accross the world are calling for the Pope to be we see Christians rioting or killing their leaders?

Seems to me that Muslums need a Reformation to moderate their religion.
Same with the Christians... 1000 years ago.  Crusades = over 40 million people got owned.

This World Trade Center crap is blown out of proportion, only 3000 killed.  I don't see anyone complaining about the 40 million killed.
Try again.  We're talking in modern times, not 1,000 years ago.  Christians do not call for the death of people who rip their religion.  Many in Islam do and go even further in calling for the death of those who will not convert to Islam.  Islam has not moderated except for a small segment in westernized areas and is stuck in the mindset of 1,000 years ago.  No, no, no!  You can't kill people who rip on your religion or won't convert!  It's not how we do things now!
[Cough] KKK [/Cough]
Cowboy from Hell

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

Nyte wrote:

Same with the Christians... 1000 years ago.  Crusades = over 40 million people got owned.

This World Trade Center crap is blown out of proportion, only 3000 killed.  I don't see anyone complaining about the 40 million killed.
Try again.  We're talking in modern times, not 1,000 years ago.  Christians do not call for the death of people who rip their religion.  Many in Islam do and go even further in calling for the death of those who will not convert to Islam.  Islam has not moderated except for a small segment in westernized areas and is stuck in the mindset of 1,000 years ago.  No, no, no!  You can't kill people who rip on your religion or won't convert!  It's not how we do things now!
[Cough] KKK [/Cough]
And you missed those bastards molesting children in churchs.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
kkk=has been, they are impotent, and can no longer function as anything more than a meeting house for idiots, not to mention the rest of christian society has shut them out and actively works to shut them down, something islam could take some notes from
Calmer than you are.

Harmor wrote:

Don't get me wrong here, but why do Muslums say they are not a religion of violence if they use violence to protest that are not violent?

Muslums accross the world are calling for the Pope to be we see Christians rioting or killing their leaders?

Seems to me that Muslums need a Reformation to moderate their religion.
It seems that you are only looking at the faults of "Muslums" and disregard those of the Christuans. All religiuns are the same in their practice of not following what they themselves preach. Religion is a tool used by governments to better manipulate the people.

There are plenty more cases where christiunity has made use of force, but you choose, in the frenzy of our times to turn a blind eye, and focus only on the "enemy". Well next time think again before critisizing the Muslims selectively, because you are probably part of the most violent religion in the history on man.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
god I'm sick of saying it, I'll just try to squeeze it into my sig
you have to stop and think about what you are talking about.. religion has been a motivator for good and evil for eons.. even if not for their Muslim views on the west I'm sure those radicals would find some other reasons to Carry on so....

not that I'm making excuses... something needs to be done in the Muslim community... i mean come on... if it is such a small portion of Muslims why then are most of the radical terrorist groups Muslim?? why isn't the "majority" calling for peace???? and you say its in the media?? dont piss down my back and tell me its raining..
+35|7070|UK - England

kr@cker wrote:

god I'm sick of saying it, I'll just try to squeeze it into my sig
I don't give a shit about your sig. What concerns me is BUSH. American forces are apparently already active inside Iran. Some guy has seen the light

(Septemeber 23 2006)"Army Lieutenant and candidate for Congress in Vermont, Dennis Morrisseau, today called for the arrest of President Bush and Vice President Cheney by the American military "if necessary" to prevent an unauthorized attack upon the nation of Iran."

I hope they fck him up the arse
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

DaZeD863 wrote:

you have to stop and think about what you are talking about.. religion has been a motivator for good and evil for eons.. even if not for their Muslim views on the west I'm sure those radicals would find some other reasons to Carry on so....

not that I'm making excuses... something needs to be done in the Muslim community... i mean come on... if it is such a small portion of Muslims why then are most of the radical terrorist groups Muslim?? why isn't the "majority" calling for peace???? and you say its in the media?? dont piss down my back and tell me its raining..
qfe qfe qfe qfe qfe qfe qfe qfe qfe qfe qfe qfe qfe qfe qfe

even worse they gotta run out and protest the tools used to shut down the extremists

candidate for congress hmm.....couldn't possibly be a cheap publicity stunt

edit: Morrisoreloser on Rove "This architect, a gay man, has designed a weird church"
yes, referencing someone that uses sexual orientation as an insult, great, how about some quotes from Robert "Sheets" Byrd D-WVa next

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-02 08:03:25)


--->[Your]Phobia<--- wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

god I'm sick of saying it, I'll just try to squeeze it into my sig
I don't give a shit about your sig. What concerns me is BUSH. American forces are apparently already active inside Iran. Some guy has seen the light

(Septemeber 23 2006)"Army Lieutenant and candidate for Congress in Vermont, Dennis Morrisseau, today called for the arrest of President Bush and Vice President Cheney by the American military "if necessary" to prevent an unauthorized attack upon the nation of Iran."

I hope they fck him up the arse
I have seen you on DPG's server.  Hi.
Calmer than you are.
how about christianity's ugly as hell present kr@cker?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
how about christians (I'm not even one, for christ's sake) seem to be the only ones working to shut what little there is down oug?

edit: for christ's sake, lol

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-02 08:07:16)

+5,233|6842|Global Command

Ikarti wrote:

ATG wrote:

PRiMACORD wrote:

You are just a victim of the media. I assure you, 1.5 billion Muslims are not raising hell because of what the Pope said.

For the record, the Pope is a dumbass for saying what he said. Why the fuck would you poke a religion that has a decent sized extremist population knowing full well they would overreact and raise hell. Would you prod a lion? (yes the extremists are insane and should be terminated, i'm not excusing them, i'm placing responsibility on whats suppose to be the more intelligent party)
Maybe the Pope was trying to point out that insaneislamofacist have been starting shit for centuries.

He was foolish to think these people have reasoning skills.
ATG, I know you're better than using the term "Islamofacist." And I know you know it's just not the Muslims starting shit either.
1) Its  Insaneislamofacist
2) I use it because I believe it.
3) What other religion says "convert or die"

Thats facisim, and its insane.
Calmer than you are.
I just don't see that... All I see is GWB killing in the name of the Lord. (that's jesus cause he's a christian). If you can cite any examples proving your point it 'be nice.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
actually the pope was reading from a centuries old text for the sake of debate, it was the lib press that tried to pass it off as his own words, note how he hasn't detracted his statement, all his "apologies" have been attempts to explain what the hell was going on
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA

oug wrote:

I just don't see that... All I see is GWB killing in the name of the Lord. (that's jesus cause he's a christian). If you can cite any examples proving your point it 'be nice.
you been living under a rock?

sergeriver wrote:

Is it a deja vu or the same topics appear once and again here?
People, you must understand this:
Some extremists are Muslims
Not all extremists are Muslims
Not all Muslims are extremists (in fact is a small part of them)
Not all Christians are good people
Not all Jews are good people
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France

oug wrote:

how about christianity's ugly as hell present kr@cker?
Like what?  You mean like the Pope ordering the masses to rise up and assassinate other religion's leaders, glorifying strapping dynamite to your chest and blowing yourself up in markets, car bombing, and destroying mosques?
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
now i'm confused
Calmer than you are.
yeah kr@cker maybe I am... so

oug wrote:

If you can cite any examples proving your point it 'be nice.
And Pug, no. I mean the fact that the American government and its supporting governments in a lesser extent, are calling upon our christian feelings in order to conduct a  bloody war and kill thousands of innocent people. Because our religion is part of that famous way of life which is supposedly being attacked.

And once again, next time you are going to use the suicide bombers as an example of terrorism and "bad behavior" think about what it entails. I mean, it's not exactly what an attacker would do is it? Imagine the desperation of those people. It's not an easy thing to kill yourself in any context or religion. The fact that they are doing it should have us westerners thinking... not condemning them all at once. A more peaceful reaction is this for example...
which nobody ever opposed to... on the contrary.
fuck it
It's not the religion, it's the extremists of the religion. Just like not all christians shoot abortion doctors.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
maybe because that monk is truly committing suicide, as opposed to trying to take out a busload of college kids on his way out, I don't care why the fucks hate us, I only care that they do

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