Horseman 77
What's your occupation on a scale of 1 to 100   school counts
being Least 100 being most ( heh heh ) "there are quiblers here, you will see"

how Hard is it
how important is it
how fun is it
how long have you been at it
how long do you intend to
+0|7084|Northern Illinois University
Electrical Engineering Undergrad Senior/ Illinois National Guardsman/ ROTC Cadet/Security Officer by Night

Hardness : 80 - I could be getting a masters
Impotance: 90 - more important than those damm Poli Sci majors.
Fun: 50 - not fun having all of them at the same time.
Time - 5th and final year in college/ 6 years in guard/ 3 years as Cadet/ 3 years as security Guard
Future - No more college/ at least six more / final year as cadet/ last year as security guard
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA
Senior BIOS Engineer
Difficulty: ~80 I'd say
Importance: 75 - Without BIOS, none of us would be gaming!
Fun: 60 - Fun when developing new features, boring when fixing someone elses broke code
Time: 7 years
Intent: I guess until I retire.  The only other thing I could really do would be other firmware-related...

Horseman, where's your data?

Last edited by atlvolunteer (2005-11-15 12:56:18)

just nothing
Forum Moderator.

What? It's a job! Stop looking at me!
Jizz Mopper.
+66|7159|Missoula, MT
Hmmm...didn't someone already make a post about this? 
this is a funny post,,cause!??,,all the university grads postin

me am a university

Difficulty: 9 ( having to clean all ur S**T after ur most of u couldnt hit a waste basket the size of a,,,J/K  DIFF :3 most of the people i work for a pretty clean.
Importance: hhmm this one is a hard one,,depends on ur point of view ,id say,,,,7with out us look to above(NO Joke) lol.

Fun: 9,,i work with the coolest up an commin grads,an get to see all the newest TECh commin out,an i get to learn alot of new Cool s**t that i never new b4,(i work in civil/mech eng bldg),,an the Big BOnus ALL the sexist women ARE there an they stay the same look to playboy FEB or MARCH issue2006 to C Women From the school i work @) 8)--- side note ,,playboy was here a few wks ago lookin for univeristy students 4 photo,,my understanding is 3 were pick from this UNI,,
Time: 2yrs+

Intent: 4Life,,,hell check the benifits,,30 days Vaction a yr,,+ 2wk @ X-mas ( paid ),,11 fridays in the summer(work 4 day work wks,Paid for 5). 9 sick days(if u have a DR note for 3days + doesnt count against sickdays) 2 personals days,,long an short term disability,,So if i get drunk tonight an break my leg fallin down the stairs well am paid 90% of my pay for 6 months an then 80% for life,,plus in summer there barely an classes( i work about 6 mnths of the yr),,Xcept maybe night classes,,so there nothing to the university kicks in 7% to my retirement fund,,,An Best Of All i have Job security( Garrantied 4 life ),,An last but not least ALL THE GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS.!!!!,,,,plus 38hr work week,,plent of time 4 VID Games 8)

Last edited by jointop (2005-11-15 14:28:41)

New York City Social Studies teacher (9th Grade)

How Hard is it - 75
At teh beginning of the school year it is the most difficult because there is so much administrative BS to deal with.  Also, getting to know the students as well as modifying your approach to best suit them is a month break in time at worst.

How important is it - 98
Education of children is important not just for now but in the future as well.

How fun is it - 80
You have your really good days and your really bad days.  Good days are mostly everyday.  Bad days can be

how long have you been at it - first year

how long do you intend to - 5-6 years...
...minimum.  After that, i should be at the point where i choose to teach at the University level.
+-1|7075|Tucson, Arizona
Aircraft Armament Systems Technician.  Bomb loader.  Weapons system maintainer.

Difficulty - Varies.  Sometimes it's easy.  Loading bombs is the rain, snow or blazing heat sucks.  Busting knuckles on planes, cracking your head on antennas is always no fun.  Nothing in this careerfield is light.

Importance - Unlike in BF2, it's not a common practice to ram planes into targets.  Without the munitons, just another airline.

How fun - Loading missiles and bombs on planes real fast is a blast (so to speak)!  Get to mess with the highest tech weapons of any air force in the world.  Loading 20 nukes on a B-52 is the most awe inspiring experience EVER.

How long -  Started Sept 92.  13 years and counting.

How long to I plan - As long as the Air Force will keep me.
im in grade 10

like 40 cuz i only do important projects not homework(sry to the gr.9 teacher)
like 50 not really important but it could be in the future
100 its so much fun, parties every weekend, friends in every class
since i had to start school
i entend to go on to university and take some courses on the body because i want to be a physical tranier, gym teacher, or a football coach
Horseman 77
So far I am staggerd,

I was a Horse Breeder / Trainer

how Hard is it                            1
how important is it                     1
how fun is it                             90
how long have you been at it     20
how long do you intend to         Done
Bringing Sexy Back

MattCicioni wrote:

Jizz Mopper.
LMFAO don't diss it dude theres a TV series that had 100 worst jobs and some poor bastard has to clean out the booth's in the peep show houses in Amsterdam.
+0|7060|Wellington Nz
Network TroubleShooter for a University

how Hard is it     60 not too bad at times fault finding can be hell frustrating
how important is it   70 things break i fix them
how fun is it  70 i would rather be playing games,but there is many a girl to look at
how long have you been at it  2 years
how long do you intend to CCNA finished soon then want to get into security
Financial and estate planning.

Well, I make decent money so I guess fun wise...90.  Plus, I get to take some breaks during the day to play BF2!!

Importance...100, I assist in planning people's future and retirement, their livelyhood.
Difficult...95 - getting clients isn't the easiest to do, especially those will $$millions...they're tough to break.

Well, I'm 24, I've already done the whole college crap.  I only plan to do this for another 5 - 10 years, then I retire and do nothing but day trade to build my assets.  Seriously, I turn 50 - 100% gains per year using stocks and options.  Not too long before I have enough to retire and just invest and live off the interest.  You engineering fellas, once you start making money, fund the crap out of your ROTH IRA's and invest.  Just based off the average of the market, you'll be a millionaire in less than 30 years.  In 40 years, your'll be worth over $3 million.

Been at is for a couple of years.
Moving Target

MattCicioni wrote:

Jizz Mopper.
I actually know a guy that does that.  He loves his job, no dress code, no customer service, no body cares what he looks like, and he makes pretty decent money at it too.
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire

pfcilng wrote:

Electrical Engineering Undergrad Senior/ Illinois National Guardsman/ ROTC Cadet/Security Officer by Night

Hardness : 80 - I could be getting a masters
Impotance: 90 - more important than those damm Poli Sci majors.
Fun: 50 - not fun having all of them at the same time.
Time - 5th and final year in college/ 6 years in guard/ 3 years as Cadet/ 3 years as security Guard
Future - No more college/ at least six more / final year as cadet/ last year as security guard
I'm Mechanical Engineering Undergrad Senior, and I was gonna give myself a hardness rating of 90-95, but I can testify that EE is just as hard if not harder than ME, so Ill just say 80:

Mechanical Engineer

Hardness: 80
Importance: 95 - cant run those computers without power plants, or build those buildings without machinery
Fun: 1-100 - Depends on how much of a nerd/tech freak you are.  I love building and designing things.
Time: 3.5 years so far, and counting.
Future: Life senetence without parole.
Horseman 77

redfoxster wrote:

pfcilng wrote:

Electrical Engineering Undergrad Senior/ Illinois National Guardsman/ ROTC Cadet/Security Officer by Night

Hardness : 80 - I could be getting a masters
Impotance: 90 - more important than those damm Poli Sci majors.
Fun: 50 - not fun having all of them at the same time.
Time - 5th and final year in college/ 6 years in guard/ 3 years as Cadet/ 3 years as security Guard
Future - No more college/ at least six more / final year as cadet/ last year as security guard
I'm Mechanical Engineering Undergrad Senior, and I was gonna give myself a hardness rating of 90-95, but I can testify that EE is just as hard if not harder than ME, so Ill just say 80:

Mechanical Engineer

Hardness: 80
Importance: 95 - cant run those computers without power plants, or build those buildings without machinery
Fun: 1-100 - Depends on how much of a nerd/tech freak you are.  I love building and designing things.
Time: 3.5 years so far, and counting.
Future: Life senetence without parole.
Horseman 77
I was in School for Radar Systems. A company here in NYC that was since absorbed by Martin Mariatta SP ?
Then Reagan Fucked it all up By slapping the U.S.S.R.  down hard and for good. Had to come up with Something new. I worked on the Model Test curcuits ( re engineer into Std. componets ) for Card Reader locks you see at hotels and Caller ID. When they were showing it to us and What it did, "I said no more prank phone calls" and all these guys looked at me like
I had two heads, I SWEAR they never considered it. I was the only one with a 9 year olds out look.
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire

Horseman 77 wrote:

I was in School for Radar Systems. A company here in NYC that was since absorbed by Martin Mariatta SP ?
Then Reagan Fucked it all up By slapping the U.S.S.R.  down hard and for good. Had to come up with Something new. I worked on the Model Test curcuits ( re engineer into Std. componets ) for Card Reader locks you see at hotels and Caller ID. When they were showing it to us and What it did, "I said no more prank phone calls" and all these guys looked at me like
I had two heads, I SWEAR they never considered it. I was the only one with a 9 year olds out look.
some people just have no joy in life, I still prank call my friends all the time, well, when im drunk anyways, well really its not a prank, I just call to yell at ex-girlfriends, well really its just one ex-girlfriend, stupid bitc......wait a minute, thats a little too much huh?
+0|7068|Vancouver, WA - USA
Well I'm currently a technical artist and 3d animtor for a multimedia company, although I plan on getting into game development as soon as I polish up my portfolio.

Difficulty= 30-90 (From the mundane to the very complex. It ranges from project to project.)
Importance= 10 (I'll face it. Animation is somewhat inspirational but not crucially important.)
Fun= 75 (Would be a 110 if I was working on games right now)
Time= I've been in 3d for about 8-9 years now.
Future= Like I said I hope to get into games soon as a level designer, environment artist, and eventually a creative director.

Last edited by AnD-MasterMatt (2005-11-16 16:16:51)

+1|7054|Temecula, CA
Computer Programmer, Web Designer, Security Consultant

Difficulty= 89.3
Importance= 98.1
Fun= 90
Time= 6.5 Years
Future= World Domination proceeding the fall of AOL(optimised)
+0|7084|Northern Illinois University

redfoxster wrote:

pfcilng wrote:

Electrical Engineering Undergrad Senior/ Illinois National Guardsman/ ROTC Cadet/Security Officer by Night

Hardness : 80 - I could be getting a masters
Impotance: 90 - more important than those damm Poli Sci majors.
Fun: 50 - not fun having all of them at the same time.
Time - 5th and final year in college/ 6 years in guard/ 3 years as Cadet/ 3 years as security Guard
Future - No more college/ at least six more / final year as cadet/ last year as security guard
I'm Mechanical Engineering Undergrad Senior, and I was gonna give myself a hardness rating of 90-95, but I can testify that EE is just as hard if not harder than ME, so Ill just say 80:

Mechanical Engineer

Hardness: 80
Importance: 95 - cant run those computers without power plants, or build those buildings without machinery
Fun: 1-100 - Depends on how much of a nerd/tech freak you are.  I love building and designing things.
Time: 3.5 years so far, and counting.
Future: Life senetence without parole.
What School are you at?
I considered increasing the hardness level since the whole military thing on the side.  But thought getting a masters at the same time would be harder.  Yeah, I hear that from some ME's here, that EE is at times harder, damm I hate using MathLab.

Website: Design, Programming, UI

Difficulty: 95
Anybody can take HTML and make a website, but it takes A LOT of skill and practice to actually be good. Not to brag, but of all the web folk I know, there are only a few that come close to my skill set.

Importance: 60 
... and rising. As the net becomes more and more important in our lives, my oportunities for employment simply rise. Awesome.

Fun: 100
I fucking LOVE what I do. (Take that with at least 20 points of bias.)

Time: 4 years
Since senior year in highschool ;)

Intent: I have no intention of ever leaving this line of work.
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire

Pig_Fooker wrote:

Computer Programmer, Web Designer, Security Consultant

Difficulty= 89.3
Importance= 98.1
Fun= 90
Time= 6.5 Years
Future= World Domination proceeding the fall of AOL(optimised)
Alright PFCilng, Im bumping your hardness up to 99, and mine 95.  I have much love and respect for all jobs computer science, but I have to be moderately fluent in C in addition to the full understanding of newtonian physics and thermodynamics and dynamic modelling, any of which would and does rival the hardness of a CS major, and I have compared work loads and difficulty with my bud zach at the University of Texas.  MEs have to master all 3 of those aswell as have the basics of chemistry, material science, and programming.  EEs have to cover a few more difficult Math classes than MEs and intro to circuits will destory like 99.9% of anyone who tried to take the class.  In my not so humble opinion, Engineers, especially EE and ME are the two most important professions behind farmers, the 2 most difficult professions period, and prolly the 2 least fun jobs. 

Begin the flaming from everyone....
+0|7084|Northern Illinois University

redfoxster wrote:

Pig_Fooker wrote:

Computer Programmer, Web Designer, Security Consultant

Difficulty= 89.3
Importance= 98.1
Fun= 90
Time= 6.5 Years
Future= World Domination proceeding the fall of AOL(optimised)
Alright PFCilng, Im bumping your hardness up to 99, and mine 95.  I have much love and respect for all jobs computer science, but I have to be moderately fluent in C in addition to the full understanding of newtonian physics and thermodynamics and dynamic modelling, any of which would and does rival the hardness of a CS major, and I have compared work loads and difficulty with my bud zach at the University of Texas.  MEs have to master all 3 of those aswell as have the basics of chemistry, material science, and programming.  EEs have to cover a few more difficult Math classes than MEs and intro to circuits will destory like 99.9% of anyone who tried to take the class.  In my not so humble opinion, Engineers, especially EE and ME are the two most important professions behind farmers, the 2 most difficult professions period, and prolly the 2 least fun jobs. 

Begin the flaming from everyone....
Redfoxster, I completly forgot about all the programming I do.  Yeah C++ was easy compared to waht I am doing now.  Us EE's have to learn and use Assembler, I heard from the CS department that it was pretty tough.  We have to learn the code on our own pretty much, so we could us it in classes that require it.

Yeah, our Intro to circuits class has like a 50% fail rate, a professor graphed the results from the exam, most of the grades where in the F region.  ME could be pretty fun, if you get involved in the Mini Baja competitions.  We dont have fun projects like that.

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