
Who is the greatest guitarist of all time?

Joe Satriani6%6% - 19
Steve Vai7%7% - 23
Yngvie Malmsteen3%3% - 11
John Petrucci2%2% - 7
Eddie Van Halen5%5% - 17
Alexi Laiho1%1% - 6
Jimi Hendrix32%32% - 99
Jimmy Page6%6% - 21
Kirk Hammett5%5% - 16
Someone Else, Who?27%27% - 85
Total: 304
+4|6889|Melb, Australia

Eric Clapton, Santana


Earl Klugh




Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6679|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
Tom Morello Over All
Bruce Springsteen
and Jimi

Last edited by Wojo97civic (2006-09-29 19:36:45)

got any popo lolo intersting?

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

For all you non guitarists out there who play the name game I will let you in on a little secret. Hendrix is not the best. Excellent....yes. Innovator........yes. Original......oh yeah. The most skilled.....nope. By the way I'm not saying Dimebag is the best but he should be in the race.
Poll is for 'greatest' not technically best. It's more about achievement than technical ability IMO.
Your opinion is exactly my opinion. That's why I took Hammett..
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg

-botivix- wrote:

Vai ftw!

Dimebag should be there.
Mass Media Casualty

Lindsay Buckingham. He's of "Fleetwood Mac" fame, and is a legend. He even sings at the same time.
Here, look at this one. This is the song I'm teaching myself at the moment and it is HARD. My blistered, sore hands say that Lindsay Buckingham rules.

Shame about the animal noises at the end.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
biggie smalls
+72|6602|Ontario, Canada
Zack Wylde
"you know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it'd be nice if you just take it"
+252|6854|Sextupling in Empire

d4rkst4r wrote:

Zack Wylde
Gotta love BLS! But seriously, Zakks stuff all sounds the same.
Joe Satriani all the way he taught Steve Vai, Kirk Hammet, and Alex Skolnik from Testament. ( also a kick ass guitarist)
Raiders of the Lost Bear

We missing a certain Paul Gilbert?

And JRV/SRV ftw.

Robert Fripp
Jimi Hendrix
Jimmy Page
I need around tree fiddy.
insert clever title here
SRV, I would also say Trey Anastasio deserves mention.  Jeff Hanneman/Kerry King also deserve mention for longevity and keeping metal alive for a lot of years and being able to keep their sound fresh album after album.  IMHO, Kirk Hammett should not  even be mentioned in the same breath as the rest of the guys on the list, unless he decided to take up a new career as a roadie.

Last edited by d3athwi5h4 (2006-10-01 22:43:44)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6698|Southeastern USA

seriously though, cut to about 2:40, and 4:00 on this one, most people don't know about this kinda charo

it's way too hard to pick one though, steve vai and clapton are equally talented, yet their styles are so vastly different
zomg there is no question Jimi Hendrix. A better question would have been who is the second best guitarist of all time. I would say Jimmy Page, but that is debatable. What is not is that Hendrix is god.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6698|Southeastern USA
hendrix had no tonal control, a bunch a squeachy squeachy

good thing I can't be negged anymore

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-01 23:03:07)


kr@cker wrote:

hendrix had no tonal control, a bunch a squeachy squeachy
Thanks to that quote, we now know that you know absolutely nothing about playing guitar. Hendrix was famous at being a master of tonal control.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6698|Southeastern USA
I never claimed to play, but I know that most of his stuff that I hear literally makes my ears hurt, im referring to live performances (I usually go by live shit when talking about artists), mastered songs were ok (like wind cries mary), but when he was onstage it was all a bunch of wandering/scraping/heavy attack shit, it just seems that it became fashionable to praise him to be "in" with counterculture, like those hippies from widespread, hendrix just seems to have an overblown reputation, but then i guess it had alot to do with the equipment he had, distortion is one thing, but attacking the hell out of something, damn

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-01 23:21:05)

Banned - for ever.
+231|6858|Wilmington, DE, US

Emil_the_Slayer wrote:

Iam glad somebody said him well done m8 he should be in top 10 and Crossroads was awesome the dual owned it
Have a nice day!
Jan Akkerman!!  ;  Brainbox,  Focus,  Kaz lux,  .

Joe Satriani
'CLICK JOIN NOW'... OK lets go... BOOM!!!! =FFS=
+120|6711|Cheshire, UK
I believe the greatest guitarist would be Jimmy Hendrix just for his natural ability, Technically it would have to be Steve Vai who was taught by Joe Satriani (I think I'm Right). Steve Vai can do things with a guitar that seem impossible (with out the use of about 10K worth of effects).
Jimi had no effects, just talent (ok and a wah pedal)
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

Thank god. I was fearing i'd see a poll full of people in punk rock bands and crap, but when I saw Satch, Vai, 'Halen and Yngwie... nice to see some people who share my taste.

As for replies....

J3ST3R wrote:

There are to many guitarists to name and the list doesn't have some eg. Micheal Angelo Batio. Ps: Malmsteen's first name is spelt Yngwie and pronounced Yingvé
Thank you so much for mentioning MAB. I've got 2nd row tickets to Yngwie in November too, it's gonna kick ass. I bought my tickets straight after I went to see Billy Sheehan, Stu Hamm and Jeff Berlin in Bx3, the bassists' G3.

Smaug wrote:

Forgot Steve Morse
Good taste, man.

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Hmmm, I'm thinking maybe Randy Rhodes.
Rhoads. Randy Rhoads. Randi Rhodes is a talk show host. But yeah, he's great. Although around the Kirk Hammett level of fame but less technicality, he's awesome.

Rygar wrote:

I voted for Satch.
As a matter of opinion, I would have put Eric Johnson, Eric Clapton , Ottmar Liebert or Mike McCready on the list before Kirk Hammett.
Definately. Hammett may be famous but he's definately sub-parr when compared.

TeamZephyr wrote:

Tom Morello Over All
He's innovative, unique and a pionerr, and definately is one of my favorite, but his lack of technicality lowers his position a bit.

doc. josh wrote:

Tim McIlrath is the best. He is the lead in rise against he pwns all others
I'm still waiting for that invention which allows me to stab you in the face over the internet.

Who here is going to see G3 2006? I know there are a lot of Aussies here... I would go myself as the plane ticket ain't too much but it's early and I'd have school.
got any popo lolo intersting?

Oh BTW I voted for Petrucci. He IS a kickass guitarist. If someone doesn't know him, get a song called "Stream of Consciousness" to your hands. nuff said...
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Cowboy from Hell
In that list are missing:

Last edited by sergeriver (2006-10-02 06:02:31)

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