
Do you think legalizing marijuana is a good idea?

Yes, but don't like the idea12%12% - 37
Yes, and I like the idea58%58% - 172
No, i hate the idea23%23% - 69
No, but i liker the idea5%5% - 15
Total: 293
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6805|Southeastern USA

golgoj4 wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

as a former smoker I'd say no, I've seen guys I work with doing some really dumb and dangerous shit while high and end up in the hospital, and the last thing I need is a stoned school bus or dump truck driver on I-75 in Atlanta, humans are dumb enough as is and sure can't be trusted to "use responsibly"
So what about drunkards?
oh that's right, I forgot about all those places where it's legal to drive drunk,
that's why i referenced anheuser-busch's "drink responsibly" campaign,
there's no quick on the spot test to find out if someone is currently high, and blood/urine tests only show if someone has used, not whether or not they are high at the time, which is arguable, because I've met people who have smoked so much that no matter how long they stay sober they'll still be dumb shits which I wouldn't want driving dump trucks
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6837|SE London

kr@cker wrote:

golgoj4 wrote:

kr@cker wrote:

as a former smoker I'd say no, I've seen guys I work with doing some really dumb and dangerous shit while high and end up in the hospital, and the last thing I need is a stoned school bus or dump truck driver on I-75 in Atlanta, humans are dumb enough as is and sure can't be trusted to "use responsibly"
So what about drunkards?
oh that's right, I forgot about all those places where it's legal to drive drunk,
that's why i referenced anheuser-busch's "drink responsibly" campaign,
there's no quick on the spot test to find out if someone is currently high, and blood/urine tests only show if someone has used, not whether or not they are high at the time, which is arguable, because I've met people who have smoked so much that no matter how long they stay sober they'll still be dumb shits which I wouldn't want driving dump trucks
There are on the spot tests to see if you're stoned. They've started being used in Britain recently. I think it's something to do with saliva. Although I don't think this test works if you've eaten it, just if you've smoked it in the past couple of hours.
if it is legalized, people don't need to go to a dealer in an alley. I've heard those dealers offer more than marijuana.
people come for marijuana and buy other offered drugs....

here in Holland it is legal and the amount of hard drug users is lower than in countries where it is illegal.....
thats something to think about

i have used it sometimes.... and people.....  you are not missing a thing.... stick with beer

Last edited by E1_ned (2006-09-26 10:41:39)

Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6805|Southeastern USA
I wonder if it still works if you brush your teeth, have to look it up

edit: @ the saliva test

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-09-26 12:44:19)

Why walk when you can dance?
seems like many ppl in here donĀ“t consider alchohol to be a drug? and also it seems like many ppl in here have been smoking shit....get the real stuff! HEMP HEMP HOORAY!!!
slow as you go
+124|6816|Canaduhhh.. West Toast

jonsimon wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

SuperSlowYo wrote:

legalization is wrong... then the government has control... DECRIMINALIZATION is the tickets otherwise well be stuck payin taxes to smoke some bunk government controlled weed

Shantibaba (Scott Blakey) FTW
What's wrong with that? Wouldn't you rather money from buying weed went to the government and got spent on things that benefit the country, rather than going to drug dealers?
Not to mention quality controls. Never worry about getting killed or hooked on some tainted weed.
no i wouldn't rather my money went to the government they get plenty from various other sources (spread the wealth lol)... drug dealers benefit the country they are consumers with cash to waste...

and wow jonsimon, i love people that dont have a clue... killed or hooked on tainted weed thats classic...

to all those who claim that smokin weed made them or a friend crazy... go see a psychiatrist/psycologist... its not the weed, your brain was most likely chemically imballanced to begin with

DesertFox423 wrote:

Also, about the driving thing.


This article supports the statement that it has less of an effect on driving. However, since many people are bad drivers to begin with, I trust you would not care for one to one thousand more bad drivers on the road. If you live in a place with a high school, you can see how bad people are to begin with at driving and if you get them on any drugs or even catch them tired, it's a madhouse.
That may be right, but biking high is difficult as hell, so I can hardly see why driving would be any different. Not that I'm against legalisation or anything, but I think driving under the influence of anything is a bad idea.

SuperSlowYo wrote:

and wow jonsimon, i love people that dont have a clue... killed or hooked on tainted weed thats classic...
Didn't say it happens often, just sayin' it has happened.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6805|Southeastern USA

jonsimon wrote:

SuperSlowYo wrote:

and wow jonsimon, i love people that dont have a clue... killed or hooked on tainted weed thats classic...
Didn't say it happens often, just sayin' it has happened.
I have known someone to have sort of a cardiac arrest and quit breathing for a lil while, she said "oh shit i cant feel my heart beat" (you know how you alwars ignore it but if you sit still and look for it it's there), I and a couple others tried to find it to no avail, and then she started gasping for breath and was on her way to turning blue(it all took place in less than a minute or so), we were all in the "if we call an ambulance we're fucked" train of thought so my friend got the phone just in case as my roommate and I threw her in the tub with ice cold water and threw all our hunch punch (I had made several gallons, it was a shame, but quite funny afterward), and no she hadn't been drinking any of it, nothing but cigs and weed for her that night, it was probably just an extreme drop in blood pressure. Not really sure it was the weed, but that was the only thing we could think of as she had been hoovering it for hours. The shock sort of got her going again and after we all calmed down we had a good laugh, but not something you like going through.

and yes people get hooked on weed, it may be psychological but it's still a dependency

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-09-26 13:07:24)

slow as you go
+124|6816|Canaduhhh.. West Toast
yeah i wont argue that marijuana is addictive (physical and/or phsycological)... i know im grumpy as hell if im not high so i suppose that falls into phsycological... i was referring to his "tainted weed" comment that just makes me chuckle..
Ohh skeet skeet
+143|6726|New York

{uscm}Jyden wrote:

Legalize it,then tax it i would be happy to pay tax on weed as long as there is a constant supply.Then police can work on drugs that need to be off the streets.I would rather smoke a joint and relax after work and would prefer not to worry about the police knocking on my door.
Oh, that will solve all the problems, just tax it. Brilliant...

Here's the mind of a genious working.  Let's legalize something that causes...
    * Problems with memory and learning
    * Distorted perception
    * Difficulty with thinking and problem solving
    * Loss of coordination
    * Increased heart rate
    * Anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks
    * Respiratory related illnesses
    * Slowly kills immune system cells

[sarcasm]You should write a petition so I can be the first to sign it. [/sarcasm]

Now, I know someone is gonna say something along the lines of, "BUT EXPLICIT, THEN Y IS ALCOHOL LEGAL?? HUH DUMMY??"

Because there isn't anything to ban it, dipshit. As we all know, alcohol has done wonders to society, hasn't it? Drunken rages, domestic violence, liver disease, car accidents due to impaired judgement, (sounds like an effect of Marijuana, right?) being kicked out of college/high school/your own home...ect.

I really don't see why I'm spoon feeding the conclusion to you idiots. Does anyone else have common sense here? Geez...

Last edited by {XpLiCiTxX} (2006-09-26 19:26:04)


Bertster7 wrote:

Legalise it! Legalise it NOW!
lol and that's the reason they dont legalize marijuana
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7022|Cambridge (UK)

{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:

{uscm}Jyden wrote:

Legalize it,then tax it i would be happy to pay tax on weed as long as there is a constant supply.Then police can work on drugs that need to be off the streets.I would rather smoke a joint and relax after work and would prefer not to worry about the police knocking on my door.
Oh, that will solve all the problems, just tax it. Brilliant...

Here's the mind of a genious working.  Let's legalize something that causes...
    * Problems with memory and learning
    * Distorted perception
    * Difficulty with thinking and problem solving
    * Loss of coordination
    * Increased heart rate
    * Anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks
    * Respiratory related illnesses
    * Slowly kills immune system cells

[sarcasm]You should write a petition so I can be the first to sign it. [/sarcasm]

Now, I know someone is gonna say something along the lines of, "BUT EXPLICIT, THEN Y IS ALCOHOL LEGAL?? HUH DUMMY??"

Because there isn't anything to ban it, dipshit. As we all know, alcohol has done wonders to society, hasn't it? Drunken rages, domestic violence, liver disease, car accidents due to impaired judgement, (sounds like an effect of Marijuana, right?) being kicked out of college/high school/your own home...ect.

I really don't see why I'm spoon feeding the conclusion to you idiots. Does anyone else have common sense here? Geez...
So basically you're saying that we should make alcohol illegal. They tried that in America. It didn't work. The crime rate went up, by a staggering amount. They quickly changed their minds.

Why did that happen? Because people take drugs. Making it illegal doesn't stop them from taking them. In fact it causes more problems than it solves.
+252|6960|Sextupling in Empire

I think that all drugs should be legal. Buuuuuuuuuuuuttttt.........I think it should also be legal for me to put a bullet in the head of anyone that causes harm to my friends or family while under these mind altering substances(this includes alchohol).
Ohh skeet skeet
+143|6726|New York

R3v0LuT!oN wrote:

12 reasons to legalize:

1.  Legalizing drugs would make our streets and homes safer.
2.  It would put an end to prison overcrowding.
3.  Drug legalization would free up police resources to fight crimes against people and property.
4.  It would unclog the court system.
5.  It would reduce official corruption.
6.  Legalization would save tax money.
7.  It would cripple organized crime.
8.  Legal drugs would be safer. Legalization is a consumer protection issue.
9.  Legalization would help stem the spread of AIDS and other diseases.
10. Legalization would halt the erosion of other personal liberties.
11. It would stabilize foreign countries and make them safer to live in and travel to.
12. Legalization would repair U.S. relations with other countries and curtail anti-American sentiment around the world.

See the source for more info on each of the reasons.
Good research, I can't argue that. Wouldn't it just be more effiecient to crack down on organized crime? Doesn't this sound like where the problem is coming from. Honestly, by crippled organized crime, it would defeat the main source, that is, where the marijuana is coming from. I'm going to hypothesize here, say 50% of the organized crime were to end. This would yield half of the trafficing (given all suppliers grow/traffic the same amount). I know this isn't the case, but I would have too many variables and this idea would be foiled, so bear with me. Now, with half of the pot gone, the price would fucking skyrocket. In this case, many people would stop buying making #1, 2, 6, 7 correct in their own uniqe way.  So right there that's almost half of your reasons to legalize turned around. No one is going to buy it (only extreme potheads) for such a high price, say $40 a gram, or something of that nature.

This gets me to the idea of taxing it, everything is taxed these days. We get raped daily by tax on gas prices and income tax and any other tax you pay. Why would you want something else taxed? If you're rich...well fuck you.

I must comment on #9, I find this one to be the biggest of horseshit. Ok, so there are less infected needles to inject themselves with. Is that the only way AIDS is passed? I think they should outlaw unprotected fucking then along with the restriction of needles then, right?

I can't go on this rant anymore, I'm getting too irritated with the stupidity of people. I'm going to try something less painful like disect my own penis.

Last edited by {XpLiCiTxX} (2006-09-26 21:05:15)

only legalize medical mariquana
or get a license to smoke pot
Ohh skeet skeet
+143|6726|New York

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:

{uscm}Jyden wrote:

Legalize it,then tax it i would be happy to pay tax on weed as long as there is a constant supply.Then police can work on drugs that need to be off the streets.I would rather smoke a joint and relax after work and would prefer not to worry about the police knocking on my door.
Oh, that will solve all the problems, just tax it. Brilliant...

Here's the mind of a genious working.  Let's legalize something that causes...
    * Problems with memory and learning
    * Distorted perception
    * Difficulty with thinking and problem solving
    * Loss of coordination
    * Increased heart rate
    * Anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks
    * Respiratory related illnesses
    * Slowly kills immune system cells

[sarcasm]You should write a petition so I can be the first to sign it. [/sarcasm]

Now, I know someone is gonna say something along the lines of, "BUT EXPLICIT, THEN Y IS ALCOHOL LEGAL?? HUH DUMMY??"

Because there isn't anything to ban it, dipshit. As we all know, alcohol has done wonders to society, hasn't it? Drunken rages, domestic violence, liver disease, car accidents due to impaired judgement, (sounds like an effect of Marijuana, right?) being kicked out of college/high school/your own home...ect.

I really don't see why I'm spoon feeding the conclusion to you idiots. Does anyone else have common sense here? Geez...
So basically you're saying that we should make alcohol illegal. They tried that in America. It didn't work. The crime rate went up, by a staggering amount. They quickly changed their minds.

Why did that happen? Because people take drugs. Making it illegal doesn't stop them from taking them. In fact it causes more problems than it solves.
Yep, you read my mind. Now, before I have people on my ass, I'm gonna say that I'm a hypocrite. Do I drink? Yep. Do I like it? Yes. Do I think that it's the most harmful substance on Earth? Yes. Does it make me a bad person to think that something that kills an unheard of amount of people yearly should be illegal? Most likely, but yeah, we could also argue guns, but I'm not going to go there. My hands would fall off by the time I finished my rant. I'm comparing marijuana to another known drug, alcohol, in regards to how dangerous it is.

So, if they were to legalize marijuana, then people who wanted to smoke but were too pussy to try it could go buy it from the local gas station. Now what do we have? We have double the amount of people smoking and most likely driving, parenting, (perhaps) people in school, maybe doctors and people in elective office smoking pot. Wonderful, now the entire population is soaring above the clouds. All to do what? Help the countries debt and maybe help out the prision system? -_- You have to be kidding me right?
The topic is legalising marijuana, not legalising all drugs, discussing both only serves to confuse the issue and have weed seen in the same light as drugs that are actually bad (eg. meth, heroin).
+252|6960|Sextupling in Empire

Alcohol is legal because society wants it. Prohibition anyone? If most of our society wanted to eat human fetuses, then you could be certain that it would be made legal.
Ohh skeet skeet
+143|6726|New York

Volatile_Squirrel wrote:

Alcohol is legal because society wants it. Prohibition anyone? If most of our society wanted to eat human fetuses, then you could be certain that it would be made legal.
That's a good point. Society doesn't want pot legalized because they know what alcohol does to you. Now, imagine pothead-alcoholics in society. There are some already, of course, but now think of hundreds of times that number. Society wouldn't allow this combination to be legalized. Sorry.
Legalize it.  Doesn't hurt anyone and the gov wastes billions trying to get rid of it.

I've never touched the stuff, and have no desire too, but it doesn't affect me if someone wants to go get high, so I don't have a prob with it.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7022|Cambridge (UK)

{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:

Oh, that will solve all the problems, just tax it. Brilliant...

Here's the mind of a genious working.  Let's legalize something that causes...
    * Problems with memory and learning
    * Distorted perception
    * Difficulty with thinking and problem solving
    * Loss of coordination
    * Increased heart rate
    * Anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks
    * Respiratory related illnesses
    * Slowly kills immune system cells

[sarcasm]You should write a petition so I can be the first to sign it. [/sarcasm]

Now, I know someone is gonna say something along the lines of, "BUT EXPLICIT, THEN Y IS ALCOHOL LEGAL?? HUH DUMMY??"

Because there isn't anything to ban it, dipshit. As we all know, alcohol has done wonders to society, hasn't it? Drunken rages, domestic violence, liver disease, car accidents due to impaired judgement, (sounds like an effect of Marijuana, right?) being kicked out of college/high school/your own home...ect.

I really don't see why I'm spoon feeding the conclusion to you idiots. Does anyone else have common sense here? Geez...
So basically you're saying that we should make alcohol illegal. They tried that in America. It didn't work. The crime rate went up, by a staggering amount. They quickly changed their minds.

Why did that happen? Because people take drugs. Making it illegal doesn't stop them from taking them. In fact it causes more problems than it solves.
Yep, you read my mind. Now, before I have people on my ass, I'm gonna say that I'm a hypocrite. Do I drink? Yep. Do I like it? Yes. Do I think that it's the most harmful substance on Earth? Yes. Does it make me a bad person to think that something that kills an unheard of amount of people yearly should be illegal? Most likely, but yeah, we could also argue guns, but I'm not going to go there. My hands would fall off by the time I finished my rant. I'm comparing marijuana to another known drug, alcohol, in regards to how dangerous it is.
Except, as has already been pointed out, by several people, and for several reasons the dangers of marijuana do not compare, in anyway, to the dangers of alcohol.

See: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=37531

{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:

So, if they were to legalize marijuana, then people who wanted to smoke but were too pussy to try it could go buy it from the local gas station. Now what do we have? We have double the amount of people smoking and most likely driving, parenting, (perhaps) people in school, maybe doctors and people in elective office smoking pot. Wonderful, now the entire population is soaring above the clouds. All to do what? Help the countries debt and maybe help out the prision system? -_- You have to be kidding me right?
That's bollox - the vast majority of adults that want to smoke pot smoke it now (in this country at least). Nothing would change.

And think about all those tax dollars that will be saved by ending that small part of the war on drugs - those tax dollars that could be used to build better schools to educate your children well enough to make their own informed decision about wether or not they wish to partake of any drug. Is that not a good thing?
+488|6826|Portland, OR, USA

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

It would be a good thing just because getting in trouble for smoking marijuana is a joke.  Marijuana is actually good for you and other than short term memory loss has 0 side effects. . .except maybe weight gain and laziness.  The researchers here at the University of Texas did some major studies and proved marijuana doesn't increase your risk of getting cancer and is actually pretty good for you.

If it ever does become legalized the government will tax the bejeesus out of it and we could prolly pay off the national debt with the proceeds.  Same thing with gambling too but w/e.
Yeah, breathing in smoke sounds "pretty good" for your lungs doesn't it?

...lung cancer away!!!

Probably the dumbest thing I've read today, congrats..
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7022|Cambridge (UK)

{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:

Wouldn't it just be more effiecient to crack down on organized crime? Doesn't this sound like where the problem is coming from. Honestly, by crippled organized crime, it would defeat the main source, that is, where the marijuana is coming from. I'm going to hypothesize here, say 50% of the organized crime were to end. This would yield half of the trafficing (given all suppliers grow/traffic the same amount). I know this isn't the case, but I would have too many variables and this idea would be foiled, so bear with me. Now, with half of the pot gone, the price would fucking skyrocket. In this case, many people would stop buying making #1, 2, 6, 7 correct in their own uniqe way.  So right there that's almost half of your reasons to legalize turned around. No one is going to buy it (only extreme potheads) for such a high price, say $40 a gram, or something of that nature.
A large proportion of the cannabis market in this country is not supplied by organized crime - it's supplied by individuals with lofts full of weed.

Completely ending all organized crime the world over would not stop the growing, selling and smoking of pot. Just as prohibition did not stop the making, selling and drinking of alcohol.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7022|Cambridge (UK)

{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:

Volatile_Squirrel wrote:

Alcohol is legal because society wants it. Prohibition anyone? If most of our society wanted to eat human fetuses, then you could be certain that it would be made legal.
That's a good point. Society doesn't want pot legalized because they know what alcohol does to you. Now, imagine pothead-alcoholics in society. There are some already, of course, but now think of hundreds of times that number. Society wouldn't allow this combination to be legalized. Sorry.
You've never smoked pot and you don't actually have any real knowledge of the effects of pot do you?

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