+226|7056|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
Had the Bush administration backed the pro democratic Ahmed Shah Massoud in Afghanistan, they would of over thrown the Taliban, got Bin Laden & had democracy -  all without any US military intervention. Instead Washington Snubbed the man and he was murdered by the Taliban on his return to Afghanistan 2 days before 9/11.  History will show this to be the  biggest mistake made by the Bush administration imo and now they're stuck in the fucking mess that is that region..
I align and vote 99% republican.... Wallace got 0wn3d.

Can you imagine what would happen if Bush was hit with those kind of questions by such a hard line reporter?
* Dribble...............emmm......dribble.................."freedom!!!!!"...........emmmm........dribble......."my head hurts, can I have a cookie now Rummy?" At which point 2 aids come in and whisk him away.
At least Clinton has the brain power and is articulate enough to answer questions without saying "liberty, freedom or democracy" every third word without answering the questions.
Bringer of slight pain and mild discomfort.
political pro wrestling.
Cowboy from Hell
He totally owned that jerk with his ugly conservative face, and all I can say is every time I see President Clinton I have a bit more admiration for him.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

sergeriver wrote:

He totally owned that jerk with his ugly conservative face, and all I can say is every time I see President Clinton I have a bit more admiration for him.
WOW, so all the people who complain that Fox News, CW, asked him a "loaded, one sided question"  All he asked is why didn't you do more.  He didn't have to go on a whole spiel, Jesus Christo!  Chris Wallace is a veteran reporter with more experience outside of Fox News than with it, and I think most liberals and you guys on here aren't giving him enough leeway and credit.  I think Clinton has a reason to be mad, but did not have to be so rude to CW about it.  Its time to relax and stop the name calling, and the "wipe your smirk remark" was just plain disrespectful.

To Sergeriver: Nice job keeping it mature and not "one sided".  Bravo.  It's fine to have admiration for Clinton, you should, he did a lot of good things, but goofed up on a couple, big deal, everyone is making way too much of this interview, including Fox News, but more so the response from the left has been whimsical and talking point directed.

Last edited by AlbertWesker[RE] (2006-09-25 08:52:40)

I'm moving to Brazil
Clinton is an idiot he lied about the Monica and he did not admit under the oath that he had sexual relation, what the hell makes you think he is going to tell the truth now about Bin Laden, Clinton is very convincing about telling lies.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

blademaster wrote:

Clinton is an idiot he lied about the Monica and he did not admit under the oath that he had sexual relation, what the hell makes you think he is going to tell the truth now about Bin Laden, Clinton is very convincing about telling lies.
I think thats pushing it a little to far, believe me I'm as conservative as it gets (maybe lowing is more conservative than me) but you can't relate his untruthfullness with something so petty as that to something as serious as UBL.  Give credit where credit is due, Clinton did try, but he failed to mention a good many things in that interview that he failed to do.  You can't base Clinton's performance of handling terrorism with the Monica ordeal, albeit it shifted some attention away from some events regarding terror but it didn't make that much of an impact.
Baltimore Blowfish
I love how intellectual political arguments about George W. Bush and Bill Clinton always get turned into, "semen-stained dress", and "putting a cigar into some fat chick's nether regions"...  Everyone who says this needs to lighten the fuck up and go try it sometime, it's FUN!  Are you so naive to think that people in these kinds of positions don't like to do crazy sexual shit once in a while?  Maybe the pimply faced nerds should grow some sack, wander outside of their basements, and experience what the female gender has to offer.  It'll change your perspective on shit. 

And Clinton did get closer to killing Bin Laden than Bush ever will, he launched massive airstrikes against al quaeda training camps directly after the Cole, and if Bin Laden had gone to Khost (the CIA's best information) instead of deciding to go to a nearby town on a chance decision between him and one of his closest advisors, he'd be camel food right now.

Sure, both sides have had fuckups since the beginning of time, but the only way to improve upon society and advance the human civilization is to be able to see both sides of the argument, and to consider the best ideas for our advancement, and to point out the mistakes that drag us backwards.  People who take sides and spew out attacks against the "other side" when faced with debate are doomed for a repetitive circle-jerk getting us nowhere.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

Major_Spittle wrote:

Isn't bill clinton that president that got a blow-job from a fat chick???? I think he was the hill billy from arkansas that embarassed the country, but all the socialists in europe were in love with him?  well, that and he flew terrorists to the white house all the time.
Actually we embarrised our country by making a bigger deal out of it then it really was. But anyway Christian politics, I don't care how much money you spend on chasing ghost just make sure you catch them. Also on the way could you have some predated narrow minded morals, whoo hoo you can get my vote..

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

hey ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ   Fuck off...   the terrorists are losing... the animals are being dealt with... 

The Democrats plan is pretty interesting though...  Oh wait... the only plan they have is blame Bush for everything... pathetic...

and i bet all the scuslims are hoping for a Democrat win...
Odd that you say that becuse that is exactly what BushII is doing.  Blaming Clinton for not getting Bin Laden
BF2s Frat Brother
Ha ha , the only President to suck and get sucked...........lol

Major_Spittle wrote:

Isn't bill clinton that president that got a blow-job from a fat chick???? I think he was the hill billy from arkansas that embarassed the country, but all the socialists in europe were in love with him?  well, that and he flew terrorists to the white house all the time.
That's because he can complete a sentence all by himself.  Unlike our current President.

If you'll look past your nose Bush I and II have invited terrorist to the Whitehouse.  Not to mention that the invasion of Iraq could be called a terrorist act.

ATG wrote:

Why is it that only former democrat presidents go around talking shit?

Whatever happened to having some class?

I don't hear Bush 1 talking shit about Clinton, or Ford talking shit about Carter, yet there these clowns are, bashing Republicans every time there is a camera around.

It's called self-defense.

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

Cammc wrote:

Amen on the dis-information campain!! What did any of those question have to do with the price of fish in China?? (the Clinton Global Initiative). That interviewer was a ball bag and he did get owned!! He knew that was going to happen.

Clinton is a good man. He shits on that ass jockey Bush!!
This is why America is so great.

"Clinton is  good man." 

Let me translate the liberal gibberish into laymans terms.

"I'm a raving idiot that has no clue about politics.  I support Democrats and liberals and Clinton is our shining white knight because he's the only guy we can find to defeat Republicans because our ideas over the last two decades have been completely shitty.  Thus, I'm going to totally ignore simple facts like Clinton lying to my face AND to a Grand Jury so I can continue to think of him as "a good man".  Just a good man that has no qualms about lying to suit his needs or commiting adulterly....."

Yep.  I think i hit the nail on the head.
Let me translate this .. thing.

+122|6854|Omaha, Nebraska!
i wouldnt call that owned. clinton no matter what is just a fucking moron

blademaster wrote:

Clinton is an idiot he lied about the Monica and he did not admit under the oath that he had sexual relation, what the hell makes you think he is going to tell the truth now about Bin Laden, Clinton is very convincing about telling lies.
I find it interesting you use the work "idiot".  Either you do not comprehend the meaning of the word, or you are just a Republican with blinders on.  One word that does not fit Bill Clinton is idiot.  He is one of the smartest Presidents we ever had.  The shame is he didn't always use the right head.

Last edited by GATOR591957 (2006-09-25 10:22:40)

It's halarious how 10 years later all right wingers can talk about is Clintons cock and where he put's it. You should really fuckin get over his cock in what I can only percieve is some latent homoerotic obsession. My suggestion would be to stop thinking about his cock which is none of your busniess and stop looking for a father figure for president. Instead of looking for someone to spread religion and "morals" you should be looking for the best most intelligent person to do the business of a president.

It's also halarious that a right winger can focus strictly on his cock while completely ignoring the retarded corrput king of liars that is the current president. Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld are the most corrupt bag of liars to hit DC ever. Bush and croanies lie and to date more than 60 thousand Iraqi's die and 3 thousand Americans. Don't give me that bullshit he says about getting the same intelligence becuase its publicly known that Bush sought out negative intelligence on Iraq as soon as he was in office. If you have a brain you know this war had nothing to do with WMD's and everyting to do with money and power with a side order of ideology.

Also anyone who thinks 8 months isn't enough time to address Bin Laden is ignorant as hell. Bush 2 wants to make a scape goat out of Clinton and he ain't having that bullshit. Bush 2 got several reports about imminent attack by Al Qaeda and ignored them.. 9/11 was under his watch and it's his failure. He's had 6 years to catch Bin Laden and failed Bush is a total fuckup and only the most stubborn blind right winger who buys into fear politics would support a dumbass like Gdub. It's ok tho cuz America is sick of this retard and in November the Republicans are gone..
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7044|Peoria, Illinois

ATG wrote:

Why is it that only former democrat presidents go around talking shit?

Whatever happened to having some class?

I don't hear Bush 1 talking shit about Clinton, or Ford talking shit about Carter, yet there these clowns are, bashing Republicans every time there is a camera around.

Because the Dems have no political platform to stand on so they need all the help they can get in bashing the other side.
+122|6854|Omaha, Nebraska!

M1-Lightning wrote:

ATG wrote:

Why is it that only former democrat presidents go around talking shit?

Whatever happened to having some class?

I don't hear Bush 1 talking shit about Clinton, or Ford talking shit about Carter, yet there these clowns are, bashing Republicans every time there is a camera around.

Because the Dems have no political platform to stand on so they need all the help they can get in bashing the other side.
Thank you! Clinton was an idiot, you Dems think he was so great when he was shit. The definition of a democrat = brainwashed by the media weirdo. What ever happened to the old dems, the Kennedy or Rosevelt dems?!
Cowboy from Hell

Aenima_Eyes wrote:

Cammc wrote:

Amen on the dis-information campain!! What did any of those question have to do with the price of fish in China?? (the Clinton Global Initiative). That interviewer was a ball bag and he did get owned!! He knew that was going to happen.

Clinton is a good man. He shits on that ass jockey Bush!!
This is why America is so great.

"Clinton is  good man." 

Let me translate the liberal gibberish into laymans terms.

"I'm a raving idiot that has no clue about politics.  I support Democrats and liberals and Clinton is our shining white knight because he's the only guy we can find to defeat Republicans because our ideas over the last two decades have been completely shitty.  Thus, I'm going to totally ignore simple facts like Clinton lying to my face AND to a Grand Jury so I can continue to think of him as "a good man".  Just a good man that has no qualms about lying to suit his needs or commiting adulterly....."

Yep.  I think i hit the nail on the head.
Certainly America isn't great for statements like yours.  It is a great country for the freedom of speech, which you are neglecting.  And get over it, he had a blow job and lied to a Grand Jury, big deal.  GWB lies every day to 270 million people.  At least, Clinton's doing something great now he does not need your vote, he's doing it for free.  Future answer to this, BS he's doing it for Hillary.  Insulting liberal people only makes you look like the raving idiot who has no clue about politics.

PS: Did you break your nail?
Cowboy from Hell

SoC./Omega wrote:

M1-Lightning wrote:

ATG wrote:

Why is it that only former democrat presidents go around talking shit?

Whatever happened to having some class?

I don't hear Bush 1 talking shit about Clinton, or Ford talking shit about Carter, yet there these clowns are, bashing Republicans every time there is a camera around.

Because the Dems have no political platform to stand on so they need all the help they can get in bashing the other side.
Thank you! Clinton was an idiot, you Dems think he was so great when he was shit. The definition of a democrat = brainwashed by the media weirdo. What ever happened to the old dems, the Kennedy or Rosevelt dems?!
Name the last Republican president who did well.  Give proof.  I must have been brainwashed by the media coz I think Clinton was a great president and he is doing a great job right now.  Yeah, I'm not American, if you want to bash me about that I couldn't care less.
+122|6854|Omaha, Nebraska!

sergeriver wrote:

SoC./Omega wrote:

M1-Lightning wrote:

Because the Dems have no political platform to stand on so they need all the help they can get in bashing the other side.
Thank you! Clinton was an idiot, you Dems think he was so great when he was shit. The definition of a democrat = brainwashed by the media weirdo. What ever happened to the old dems, the Kennedy or Rosevelt dems?!
Name the last Republican president who did well.  Give proof.  I must have been brainwashed by the media coz I think Clinton was a great president and he is doing a great job right now.  Yeah, I'm not American, if you want to bash me about that I couldn't care less.
Ronald Reagan for 500 please?
Cowboy from Hell

SoC./Omega wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

SoC./Omega wrote:

Thank you! Clinton was an idiot, you Dems think he was so great when he was shit. The definition of a democrat = brainwashed by the media weirdo. What ever happened to the old dems, the Kennedy or Rosevelt dems?!
Name the last Republican president who did well.  Give proof.  I must have been brainwashed by the media coz I think Clinton was a great president and he is doing a great job right now.  Yeah, I'm not American, if you want to bash me about that I couldn't care less.
Ronald Reagan for 500 please?
Could you back that with some facts?  And we must assume for your answer that GWB is doing bad.

Last edited by sergeriver (2006-09-25 11:06:33)

+122|6854|Omaha, Nebraska!
If you were American you would know he was a hell of alot better than Clinton.


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