
Do you think [most] weapons should be made more powerful in BF2?

Definatley28%28% - 17
Probably13%13% - 8
I guess so10%10% - 6
I don't know3%3% - 2
I don't think so23%23% - 14
Definatley not!20%20% - 12
Total: 59
+0|7056|United States
I think most guns should be more powerful and/or more accurate. The L85 for instance, is actually LESS powerful than the standard MEC medic weapon. Also, the M249 SAW, G3, MP5, and [don't know about this one] DAO-12 are ridiculously innacurate. It's unnrealistic. If you were a well trained woldier in the US armed forces, you would be very accurate with a rifle/machinegun. I think that all the unlockeable weapons should be better than the standard weapons. The Chinese Spec Opps gun is just as powerful and accurate as the G36C. The G36 should be more powerful. And, the G3 should at least be CLOSE to as accurate as the M16/203. So, what do you guys think?
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7037|The United Center
well theres your answer, fishbulb.  none of us are well-trained woldiers.  i dont ever remember going through woldier training before playing this game, do you?
+0|7064|the motherland uk
i dont think the guns should be made more powerful, they seem fine, i know some ppl get really pissed off when u unload a full mag into someone and they turn around and shoot u with a pistol,  and u die can piss ppl off, cos it does me but they are called cheaters.
+0|7056|United States

ThomasMorgan wrote:

well theres your answer, fishbulb.  none of us are well-trained woldiers.  i dont ever remember going through woldier training before playing this game, do you?
Well, guess what, dude. In this game, your supposed to be a soldier, not a couch patato. Come on, think before you spew forth foolishness, OK? Don't you think that the Unlockable weapon, the L85, should be more powerful than the default weapon, the AK-101? Come on. You work to unlock a gun, and then, umm, it's less powerful? What's wrong with this picture?
no...the unlocked weapons arent suppose to be better, theyre just suppose to be alternate choices
Dirtier than thou
If one more person whines about the guns being too inaccurate, or not powerful enough, or too powerful I think I might explode.  The game is still fun, let's see if we can't take a deep breath and move on.  I don't know about you, but I don't think getting shot once and dying would be a lot of fun for this game.  Go play America's Army.

Last edited by BiRdMaN829 (2005-11-13 20:48:26)

Instant Cereal

Rotter wrote:

ThomasMorgan wrote:

well theres your answer, fishbulb.  none of us are well-trained woldiers.  i dont ever remember going through woldier training before playing this game, do you?
Well, guess what, dude. In this game, your supposed to be a soldier, not a couch patato. Come on, think before you spew forth foolishness, OK? Don't you think that the Unlockable weapon, the L85, should be more powerful than the default weapon, the AK-101? Come on. You work to unlock a gun, and then, umm, it's less powerful? What's wrong with this picture?
I'm probably rusty as hell now, but I never had a problem with the infantry weapons. Perhaps it's you who needs improvement. Also, the unlocks are suppose to offer a variety for players' tastes, not a basic upgrade. If they were upgrades, they would be called upgrades instead of unlocks.

   Come on, think before you spew forth foolishness.

Last edited by Instant Cereal (2005-11-13 23:38:55)

+0|7034|Vienna- Austria

ThomasMorgan wrote:

well theres your answer, fishbulb.  none of us are well-trained woldiers.  i dont ever remember going through woldier training before playing this game, do you?
actually I AM, but for u meathead.. (i mean u are swearing and flaming others so i do with u)

Im Soldier in the Austrian army, in somewhat like a Force Recon Unit. Soldier training as u call it, is not needed for playing the game. but proper knowledge of weapons would help to improve gameplay sometimes.

and sure they are not that powerful or accurate than real life... if the m95 would be just 50% accurate than in real life u still coult rip the head of a soldier in 1300 m,... my thinking they should have choosed another sniper instead of the m95 model but ok.. they coulndt know that the barret family is a one shot one kill weapon.. even if u hit the leg of an "victim" its traumatised and dies mostly because of shock penetration. the m-24 is a very good sniping rifle, also does its credit in BF 2.. svd and pla counterpart are not that accurate as in real life, also they mostly got the same "damage" because using strong rounds.. also it always depends on the round tip u are using and which filling ur rounds are.

some weps are accurate as hell if u know how to use.. like the g36c.. (nah im not talking bout fireing all 30 shots on 3 metres and hitting 12 of em) im talking bout the normal semi automatic shooting. also as the standard m16a2 for medic and assault are MORE accurate than the enfield (L85) u just dont have ur zoom. try using semi and iron sights and it will help u more getting a shot than sometimes the m95. choose a class with which u can play and stick to it.. i just play sniper when in US, i dont even use the unlock.. and i honor the guys who can use the m95, really i do.. but i cant shot for shit with it.. but with the m-24 that another story.

so u see... its how u use these weapons.

Last edited by [FIS]-Thor (2005-11-14 01:10:12)

+0|7056|United States
Thor:I have to agree. But, I'm sure you'll agree since you know more than I do about guns, that A L85 can easily be fired fully automatic at an enemy at thirty meters. In this game, you have to be at ten meters or closer to do that.

BirdMan: I agree with you, but please realize, I'm not terribly upset with the way things are in this game, I just realize it would be slightly more fun and quite a bit more realistic if the guns were more accurate.

Instant Cereal: Don't use the stupid "maybe you're not good enough" thing on me. You have a MUCH lower K/D ratio than me, and are a lower rank than me. You're obviously not that much better than me, if you're better than me at all. And, Remember, think be for you start spewing forth your ignorance.
About the ulockable weapons being second choices: I don't think they should be! lol.
just nothing
Why did you make the poll multiple choice?
+66|7132|Missoula, MT
definately (poor little mispelled word)...*sigh* 
Pay It Forward
No, with exception.

I'd like to see a handgun unlock. A .45 or .50 Desert Eagle.
I belive that weapons just must do have a realistic effect on victims in accordance to their real characteristics.
For exaple:
1)one torso hit with any powerful rifle = u're dead for sure.
2)one headshot with any gun or pistol = u're dead too.
3)armor or helmet will save ur life just in case of granade explosion, light mashingun, shotgun and pistol hit.
+0|7056|United States
In regards to the last four posts, I completeley agree with 'em all. I made a mistake in the poll, should have just made it yes/no, and I ALLWAYS spell [that word] wrong. See? Still can't spell it.
Instant Cereal

Rotter wrote:

Instant Cereal: Don't use the stupid "maybe you're not good enough" thing on me. You have a MUCH lower K/D ratio than me, and are a lower rank than me. You're obviously not that much better than me, if you're better than me at all. And, Remember, think be for you start spewing forth your ignorance.
About the ulockable weapons being second choices: I don't think they should be! lol.
Awwww, heh heh, I think I struck a truth. You're really proving yourself to be a resounding idiot. You may think they should be, but I don't, and many others don't either. Who are you, the God of BF2? What you say or feel must be set in stone?

   Again, as for the weapons' effectiveness, maybe you're just not good enough. There's a reason why the weapons are not upgrades, but instead unlocks.

Last edited by Instant Cereal (2005-11-14 22:44:31)

+0|7034|Vienna- Austria
its a pitty that u call people idiot just because they have a different meaning
rotter sorry to burst your bubble,but the sa80 is far from easy handleing on full auto an taking on a target at 30 metres is a no no special forces no idea but line infantry its not done,i only time ive fired full auto is fibua an trench clearance any other times single fire.
ps 5yrs british army 2RGJ infantry.
Nope, just make the LMGs more accurate and I'd be happy
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7042|Toronto, ON
No it's fine.
Alpha as fuck.
+1|7035|Turku - Finland
My opinion:
1. All us rifles are over powered and too accurate. (worst gun in the world) exept the M203 it's under powered.
2. Sniper rifles are a mess. How come the M95 does the same damage as the M24 (M95 should kill with one shot allways) and why the dragunov is so inaccurate (one of the legendary rifles in russia and IT's realy accurate).
3. MP5 is a machine pistol so it should do the same damage as the pistols
4. Grenades should do more damege. Or does US have some toy grenades in their arsenal?
5. Machineguns should be more accurate and way more accurate if you shoot only once.
6. All AK based weapons should be more accurate and should do more damage.
7. Dont know much of the shotguns so i dont say nothing of them.
8. Knife should be thorwable

generaly more damage for china and mac and less accuracy and damage for US

Last edited by Hakula (2005-11-15 08:35:42)

+0|7056|United States

ferryman5330 wrote:

rotter sorry to burst your bubble,but the sa80 is far from easy handleing on full auto an taking on a target at 30 metres is a no no special forces no idea but line infantry its not done,i only time ive fired full auto is fibua an trench clearance any other times single fire.
ps 5yrs british army 2RGJ infantry.
FerryMan, what I meant was in a prone position firing fully automatic at 30 meters. With a weapon such as the G36C which does have decent recoil, but not tremendous recoil, while lying down a trained US soldier would be able to hit probably ten rounds out of a thirty round clip. (Not just holding down the trigger, but doing 5-7 round bursts.) In BF2 it's more like 3-5 rounds in BF2. But, I'll admit, you probably know more than I do, if you truly were in the British infantry.

Instant Cereal: Perhaps I shouldn't disagree with you too much since you're so much better than me, and obviously know more about the game, but remember, I'm NOT saying my opinion should be set in stone. I'm just suggesting somthing. It does not mean I demand that EA fixes everything in BF2 to my liking, it just means: I WOULD PREFER IT THIS WAY. It does not mean stubornly saying that it has to be my way. It's just an opinion, and try to remember that.

Last edited by Rotter (2005-11-15 08:45:37)

Rotter, please remember that since this Cereal fuck has a higher K/D ratio than you, that must mean that he gets laid 6 times a day and has a 20 inch cock.


I'm so tired of these pathetic worthless pieces of shit that think they're so cool because they have a better K/D ratio or because they might be better at a game than someone else.  All it proves is that they are indeed just a worthless waste of life.
+0|7056|United States
No, MetalChris, I'm just admitting that he might know more about the game than I. I'm not saying he's the best thing since sliced bread. You guys are takin' me out of context.

BTW, Instant Cereal, when I said 'you had a much lower K/D rating' I was mistaken. I was looking at another person. lol, this is nutty.
Moving Target

Hakula wrote:

My opinion:
1. All us rifles are over powered and too accurate. (worst gun in the world) exept the M203 it's under powered.
2. Sniper rifles are a mess. How come the M95 does the same damage as the M24 (M95 should kill with one shot allways) and why the dragunov is so inaccurate (one of the legendary rifles in russia and IT's realy accurate).
3. MP5 is a machine pistol so it should do the same damage as the pistols
4. Grenades should do more damege. Or does US have some toy grenades in their arsenal?
5. Machineguns should be more accurate and way more accurate if you shoot only once.
6. All AK based weapons should be more accurate and should do more damage.
7. Dont know much of the shotguns so i dont say nothing of them.
8. Knife should be thorwable

generaly more damage for china and mac and less accuracy and damage for US
I agree with point one and two for the most part.  The M16 and variants are not known for being world class weapons, they are just really cheap to make (if it's mattel it's swell!)  And all the sniper rifles are crap, especially the M95.  All the grenade weapons should do more damage.  But I have to disagree with you on the AK's.  The AK platform has never been accurate at all, ever.  You can't expect stamped steel parts that are ment to be able to be thrown into mud and pissed clean, ready to fire afterwards to be anything but spray and pray.  But heaven help you if one of those huge ass slugs hits, because you are done. The shotguns should do more damage, also.

But we are talking about a game here, if all the weapons acted like they do in real life, none of us would be playing the game, because it would be boring as all hell to spend 1/2 to 3/4ths your time looking at the waiting to spawn screen.  I mean face it, of all the rifles, the M4 has the cleanest wound balistics and even that would put you down for the count with just a couple of slugs placed center of mass.
+1|7035|Turku - Finland

Burning_Monkey wrote:

I agree with point one and two for the most part.  The M16 and variants are not known for being world class weapons, they are just really cheap to make (if it's mattel it's swell!)  And all the sniper rifles are crap, especially the M95.  All the grenade weapons should do more damage.  But I have to disagree with you on the AK's.  The AK platform has never been accurate at all, ever.  You can't expect stamped steel parts that are ment to be able to be thrown into mud and pissed clean, ready to fire afterwards to be anything but spray and pray.  But heaven help you if one of those huge ass slugs hits, because you are done. The shotguns should do more damage, also.
Every one tell everyday that AK based weapons aren't accurate where does everyone get this information. True that when you use AK weapons on full auto the rifle get out of control and is hard to use due the hard recoil. But when used one single shot and with normal (I mean good manufactured ammo not cheap home made something bullets) ammo the rifles are more accurate than M-series. I could tell you much much more of the benefits of this rifles but it also hase some disadvantages.

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