+5,233|6842|Global Command

T0rr3nt wrote:

ATG wrote:

I think experiments like this are dangerous.
They may create new elements, new blackholes and even shatter our dimension.

For what?

What does it matter what happened at the moment of the big bang.

Maybe they should spend all that money building schools and such.
why wouldnt you want these kinds of experiments, after how do you think we discovered so many of our elements, even if they exist for a fraction of a second?

thats the world of science, always finding new things, and for that im excited.
Because untold calamites could result that could tear our world in two.
Aint worth it IMOP.

They should focus the science on new energy and propulsion systems.

Again, they may discover or create something that could change the world for good, or bad, forever.
I'd suggest developement of monopole magnetics would be a better use of the funds.
Vacuum Sealed for Freshness
+26|7058|The Island of Carls Jr.
Well get to see another dimension...with another bf2?
I play at night... mostly
+47|6860|the best galaxy

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

* They hope to create tiny black holes or find extra dimensions in the universe.
A big black hole = a tiny black hole + time. Are they crazy? Someone explain this pls.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

stryyker wrote:

i can recreate it cheaper

i need an M80, a tactical Nuke, and a coke can
lol.......and a long ass wick.
Malloy must go
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
If one was to enter the black hole they would be gone forever (at least from our dimension), correct? And if so can I put my wife in the black hole, for a fee of course?
Malloy must go
+269|6897|Marlton, New Jersey.
Every one of us, regaurdless of what we think, will want to see what happens...
Curiosy killed the cat?  Except in this case, cat may be a metaphor for earth
+5,233|6842|Global Command

deeznutz1245 wrote:

If one was to enter the black hole they would be gone forever (at least from our dimension), correct? And if so can I put my wife in the black hole, for a fee of course?
+1|6749|right behind you with C4
lol i think the world will be killed bye... not the machine(exactly) but the machine will cause a gynormous earthquake causing 5000' hi waves and the sweetest hing that could happen is yellowstone finally erupting... for those of you who don't know yellowstone national park is a super volcano AND ITS STILL ACTIVE it was said to erupt every 160,000 years and its been 180.000 years since the last time it erupted

Last edited by halla77 (2006-09-21 15:12:45)

Stormin' through the party

ATG wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

If one was to enter the black hole they would be gone forever (at least from our dimension), correct? And if so can I put my wife in the black hole, for a fee of course?
Black holes don't put you through to "another dimension".  They just devour everything in sight with their massive gravitational pull.  And once they have sucked up everything within their pull, they implode leaving behind only photons.
+1|6749|right behind you with C4
so if they just pull us in then would we all be squished into eachother? if so can i reserve a spot next to jessica alba id really like a nice close feel of that
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York
Scientists [Mini Big Bang Generator] Earth
+488|6883|Portland, OR, USA
we're fucked anyways (earth) .... blazing glory


IntrebuloN wrote:

wombatman4 wrote:

all that to figure out how the world was made.  I wonder if when their attempt to make a "big bang" fails they'll realize that Someone made everything. and that when you smash things together really really fast a new universe is discovered. it's either that or they'll make up a new theory.
their theory at CERN is that that "Someone", was an entity of pure energy who clapped his proverbial hands and created matter, or the universe as we know it

what they're doing is the same thing on a relatively infintessimal scale

basically they only get  as much matter as the energy they put in

so they may create mini universes, but nothing that will have any effect on the sizeable universe that we know

they may in fact, in this research, essentially prove God exists, and that his energy was used to create everything

the church, methinks, denounces these experiements simply because they believe their ideas will soon be without much merit...

would it really be that displeasing to find out that we all are, in fact, a small piece of God in material form?

i personally don't think so

and trust me, their goal is not to disprove God, but rather what God really is...
What i was getting at with my post was not "denouncing" the experiment. i personally think it's pretty cool. but how much faith in my God would i have if i believed my ideas could have their merit stripped. in other words,, i wouldn't have very much faith in what i believe in if i thought it could be disproven. what i was really getting at in my post is the great lengths man will go to try to disprove that God created the universe. and by God i don't mean energy. i mean an ultimate ruler and creator of everything.
Aspiring Objectivist
so trollmeat I take it you don't like anyone mentioning God. You must have suffered severe trauma has a wee lad? And now your feelings of complete and utter inadequacy rule your every thought. Yeah it must suck being you... you have my sympathies.
+20|6776|Montreal, Canada

wombatman4 wrote:

IntrebuloN wrote:

wombatman4 wrote:

all that to figure out how the world was made.  I wonder if when their attempt to make a "big bang" fails they'll realize that Someone made everything. and that when you smash things together really really fast a new universe is discovered. it's either that or they'll make up a new theory.
their theory at CERN is that that "Someone", was an entity of pure energy who clapped his proverbial hands and created matter, or the universe as we know it

what they're doing is the same thing on a relatively infintessimal scale

basically they only get  as much matter as the energy they put in

so they may create mini universes, but nothing that will have any effect on the sizeable universe that we know

they may in fact, in this research, essentially prove God exists, and that his energy was used to create everything

the church, methinks, denounces these experiements simply because they believe their ideas will soon be without much merit...

would it really be that displeasing to find out that we all are, in fact, a small piece of God in material form?

i personally don't think so

and trust me, their goal is not to disprove God, but rather what God really is...
What i was getting at with my post was not "denouncing" the experiment. i personally think it's pretty cool. but how much faith in my God would i have if i believed my ideas could have their merit stripped. in other words,, i wouldn't have very much faith in what i believe in if i thought it could be disproven. what i was really getting at in my post is the great lengths man will go to try to disprove that God created the universe. and by God i don't mean energy. i mean an ultimate ruler and creator of everything.
We are the creators of our own fate... it's pretty obvious.

And if this experiment does rattle your faith... well, you shouldn't have put faith into something you've never seen.
You people seriously have a lack of imagination.  What happens if for the .00000000000000000004 seconds the portal to other dimension is open, the denziens of that dimension, which are small infintesimal gaseous killing machines escape into our world? 

Seriously. . .headcrabs are the LEAST of our worries.  What about 20 eyed floating beholders that use magic to hold the portal open and expand it letting their brethren onto Earth?  I'm super serial. . .I'm going to get my tinfoil hat and start digging my hole.
+4|6894 is it obvious that we create our own fate? do you have control over a fatal car accident? or the person that breaks into your home, robs you and shoots you? or do you know your future and know that nothing out of your power will take place? there are things in life you have absolutely no control over

and what i meant about my faith is that it doesn't rattle it the least bit.

and yes, i put faith in something i have never seen. i have never seen God. i didn't see Him create everything. but you weren't there when everything "appeared" either. really the idea of God AND the idea of no God is having faith in something. faith in Creation or the "Big Bang"

Last edited by wombatman4 (2006-09-21 23:42:48)

Aspiring Objectivist

Sgt.Zubie wrote:

so trollmeat I take it you don't like anyone mentioning God. You must have suffered severe trauma has a wee lad? And now your feelings of complete and utter inadequacy rule your every thought. Yeah it must suck being you... you have my sympathies.
I don't mind the mention of God, its the insipid comments that follow... thanks for the sympathies but I have no need for them.
It's great to be me because I have a great love for life & love living it without being blinded by what someone tells me to believe in with no proof.
I would suggest to keep your mind open to every possibility in life & never to be afraid to change your views, but I fear that it would be wasted words on someone that cannot hear.
Dr . Cox (Teamkills) Earth
Dr. Cox has been banned for excessive teamkilling or an admins decision

You have been punished for a teamkill

TrollmeaT wrote:

Sgt.Zubie wrote:

so trollmeat I take it you don't like anyone mentioning God. You must have suffered severe trauma has a wee lad? And now your feelings of complete and utter inadequacy rule your every thought. Yeah it must suck being you... you have my sympathies.
I don't mind the mention of God, its the insipid comments that follow... thanks for the sympathies but I have no need for them.
It's great to be me because I have a great love for life & love living it without being blinded by what someone tells me to believe in with no proof.
I would suggest to keep your mind open to every possibility in life & never to be afraid to change your views, but I fear that it would be wasted words on someone that cannot hear.
I can hear and I do think for myself. I was only hard on you because I have noticed a trend in your response to anyone of faith. I believe in God but I also respect and believe in science.

Who created God?

How did matter just come to exist?

Where did the energy come from?

something had to be created whatever you subscribe's mind boggling and even our brightest scientist's admit they don't understand.

So is it easier just to believe in God and go about your merry way? NO you say? I can understand that also.

Just a few of the questions I ponder.
I play at night... mostly
+47|6860|the best galaxy
Everything God created can be destroyed with enough C4... or 1 black hole.
So if the scientists create a black hole they must be satanist.
I wish God was real though.
+50|6799|United States - Ohio
If the theories are correct, the machine will create tiny black holes that evaporate and possibly even find particles that offer evidence that the three dimensions known to mankind are just a fraction of those that exist.

how can black holes evaporate when they SUCK UP matter?
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

All I gotta say to this: … uac-12.jpg

If you don't know what that means, you need to seriously re-examine your gaming history.

[edit]For those not in the know: … /doom2.png[/edit]

Interesting excerpt from the Safety Instructions:

Accident: Event occurring on the CERN site and resulting in bodily injuries, having consequences for the environment, or causing significant damage to property belonging to CERN or third parties.

Some commentary on the CERN facility, here.

Pictures of the facility.

LHC Homepage
I saw the UAC logo before scrolling down to see the DOOM box and I imedeatly knew what you ment, I will have lots of fun fighting zombies and deamons, who nows maybe one of us will be the next DOOM-GUY.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6855|Texas - Bigger than France
There's actually a cheaper way to make black holes.  Go to Compton or Harlem, find an African-American streetwalker.  Force her to eat and eat and eat.  Eventually she'll gain critical mass and become a black ho.

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