Because untold calamites could result that could tear our world in two.T0rr3nt wrote:
why wouldnt you want these kinds of experiments, after how do you think we discovered so many of our elements, even if they exist for a fraction of a second?ATG wrote:
I think experiments like this are dangerous.
They may create new elements, new blackholes and even shatter our dimension.
For what?
What does it matter what happened at the moment of the big bang.
Maybe they should spend all that money building schools and such.
thats the world of science, always finding new things, and for that im excited.
Aint worth it IMOP.
They should focus the science on new energy and propulsion systems.
Again, they may discover or create something that could change the world for good, or bad, forever.
I'd suggest developement of monopole magnetics would be a better use of the funds.