Death StatPadder
+228|7056|Human Meat Shield
Yeah, I'm bored at work, Forums all day baby!

Well tried my luck at engineer ..again.. and as I and all of us know -- we will be gauranteed a TK at sometime. Idiots punishing for being in a Mach 5 racing towards a base that has 10 reddies waiting to dig a grave for him, while he's singing the 80's song from "Great American Hero" he runs over you're Jolly Roger and punishes you for it, not only him -- but the other people in his suburban also punish you and the game just started you already have a -12.  Bringing memories to anyone? I think the engy is overrated and need better weapons, screw shooting long range you HAVE to be a tank-ho to survive as engy, basically you are the Commanders/Blackhawk bitch. Otherwise you will not survive. Just my opinion. I also think that if you run over Big Jolly, the idiot running over it should be punished. I did notice all the top players are whores of the Tank/Aircraft using the engy --  that says something. I will put the Engineer Kit in a class by itself, the TK Kit. Is there any good being a Engineer? Repair points suck.
Get C4, here!

imdead wrote:

Yeah, I'm bored at work, Forums all day baby!

Well tried my luck at engineer ..again.. and as I and all of us know -- we will be gauranteed a TK at sometime. Idiots punishing for being in a Mach 5 racing towards a base that has 10 reddies waiting to dig a grave for him, while he's singing the 80's song from "Great American Hero" he runs over you're Jolly Roger and punishes you for it, not only him -- but the other people in his suburban also punish you and the game just started you already have a -12.  Bringing memories to anyone? I think the engy is overrated and need better weapons, screw shooting long range you HAVE to be a tank-ho to survive as engy, basically you are the Commanders/Blackhawk bitch. Otherwise you will not survive. Just my opinion. I also think that if you run over Big Jolly, the idiot running over it should be punished. I did notice all the top players are whores of the Tank/Aircraft using the engy --  that says something. I will put the Engineer Kit in a class by itself, the TK Kit. Is there any good being a Engineer? Repair points suck.
travelling in a wolf-pack made up of multiple APCs or TANKS, and everyone is an engineer is DEADLY.  You get hit? no problem! your buddies' tanks will automatically heal you.
-oh, and you will automatically repair downed bridges if you get close enough too.  no more going around.

Last edited by beeng (2005-11-12 08:46:49)

The engy is good at close quarter combat. In a building or defending a flag take that jackhammer and go to town.
good good it all sounds good for you guys good
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|7032|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol
Teh pimp US and China shotguns-one shot =SH!TLOAD OF DAMAGE, and you can always shoot more if he dont die.
:]-[: El_Shiznit
I am beginning to love the engy kit.  I am a tanker, so it definitely helps there.  And as far as infantry combat, nothing beats the US and PLA shotguns in close quarter combat.  More effective than the C4 toss and n00b t00b at close range.  And I use the pistol at long range which I'm pretty good at.
+0|7057|Columbus, Ga.
beeng has a great point.
Shotguns suck, when the requirement to get in the top 10,000 users of a shotty is simply a positive ratio... something is wrong.

Engineers are serverly gimped compared to their infantry support counterparts.

- Short range primary weapon.
- Special Ability weapons that get you tk points more often than not. It seems enemies are more adept at seeing these HUGE mines than you're own teammates.
- Special ability utility with no "baggie" ability putting you at a severe risk of getting run over by your teammate or sniped
- No Armor

- Long sprint distance.

:]-[: El_Shiznit wrote:

I am beginning to love the engy kit.  I am a tanker, so it definitely helps there.  And as far as infantry combat, nothing beats the US and PLA shotguns in close quarter combat.  More effective than the C4 toss and n00b t00b at close range.  And I use the pistol at long range which I'm pretty good at.
I have something that beats it, a M16, either infantry or medic can trump the shotty no problem. One trip is usually enough to take down an unarmored infantry, two or three for armored and I can get off 4 bursts before you fire the shotty twice, so if you miss the first shot, you're hooped.
:]-[: El_Shiznit
I really dislike the M16 unless on single shot and at a distance.

And one good shot will kill the enemy with a shotgun.  I just make sure I find that well-place shot before shooting.  It's almost impossible to miss completely with those guns.
I used to hate the M16 until a friend convinced me of it's superiority so I tried it out for the last couple days, I had to change my mind, it owns short-medium range on burst, long range it owns on single, you truly can't get a much more versatile primary weapon. Add the 203 to it and you have crowd control as well (I hate it when noobs use it for 1 on 1 combat but they have to get kills somehow I guess.)
The shotgun is definitely an advantage on city maps, where most of the fighting is short range, around corners, in buildings, etc.  The large blast and the high damage of the shotgun allow me to keep moving, even while shooting, which helps my k/d ratio out a lot.  Even at medium range, you can kill someone in 2-3 shots, and the shotgun has a longer range than you would think. 

As far as mines and TK's, you cant blame everything on the guy that ran into them.  Running around spamming mines will only get you more TK's.  In a dynamic environment where spawns are changing and strategies change, it helps to be smart with mine placement (i.e. direct enemy vehicles along a certain route to be ambushed, block vehicles in a small area, im sure you can think of others). 

As far as more open maps, i find the engineer to be pretty useless as a ground pounder, which is probably where a lot of the cons of the kit come into play.  In my opinion, certain maps are tailored for certain kits, so it helps to be proficient with a couple different kits.
Death StatPadder
+228|7056|Human Meat Shield

S=Unit92 wrote:

Shotguns suck, when the requirement to get in the top 10,000 users of a shotty is simply a positive ratio... something is wrong.

Engineers are serverly gimped compared to their infantry support counterparts.

- Short range primary weapon.
- Special Ability weapons that get you tk points more often than not. It seems enemies are more adept at seeing these HUGE mines than you're own teammates.
- Special ability utility with no "baggie" ability putting you at a severe risk of getting run over by your teammate or sniped
- No Armor

- Long sprint distance.
This is exactly what I'm ranting about!! They are useless, unless you're a tank whore or Commander/Blackhawk bitch, In close quarters use the DAO! At least you have a long(er) ranged weapon. Ha! I was being a tank-ho and was fixin' my ride when almost got done and some b00ger stole my shiny new tank. Bastard! Useless I tell you!
the engineer can also be effective at long range, provided you learn how to use your pistol. its surprisingly accurate. anyone who tries to use the shotgun from more than 20 feet away, yes, is a moron. the shotgun is for self defense only
Mass Media Casualty

It's a tough call. I like going engineer but I do hate people runnig over my mines and punishing. It's not like I did it on purpose!! People are just assholes.
On the other hand, it is nice getting mine kills - odly satisfying. It's also great to blow people away one shot, or go nuts on the MEC semi-auto. Repair points are a bit stupid, they take way too long to get.
[Blinking eyes thing]
193d Klink

nzjafa wrote:

the engineer can also be effective at long range, provided you learn how to use your pistol. its surprisingly accurate.
The great thing about doing this is being that it is a pistol it does not let the enemy know where you are at for at least the first clip. 
I have layed down and taken out a few guys this way.  They get hit and then look around usually for a sniper up high.

As for laying mines.  I learned to quit dropping them and leaving them.  I will drop them for defense when I see there is no Friendly vehicles around.  If the area is clear of enemy and I do see a friendly coming I will run out in front of the mines and start to pick them up.....if they hit me then they will TK me and then be TK'd by me if I don't get the mine up in time.  (Then I can wait to see if they punish me.....if they do then I will Punish back, if not, then we're even) If I do drop some I will pick them up when I am about to leave the area of operation.

193d Klink wrote:

nzjafa wrote:

the engineer can also be effective at long range, provided you learn how to use your pistol. its surprisingly accurate.
The great thing about doing this is being that it is a pistol it does not let the enemy know where you are at for at least the first clip. 
I have layed down and taken out a few guys this way.  They get hit and then look around usually for a sniper up high.

As for laying mines.  I learned to quit dropping them and leaving them.  I will drop them for defense when I see there is no Friendly vehicles around.  If the area is clear of enemy and I do see a friendly coming I will run out in front of the mines and start to pick them up.....if they hit me then they will TK me and then be TK'd by me if I don't get the mine up in time.  (Then I can wait to see if they punish me.....if they do then I will Punish back, if not, then we're even) If I do drop some I will pick them up when I am about to leave the area of operation.
agreed. the way to avoid getting TKs for AT mines is to only place them if you know something is coming. if it is destroyed, or goes another way, pick the mines up so there is no danger of anyone else driving over them. or you can just use them like c4 and throw them on top of a tank. the only difference is that c4 needs to be detonated by you, AT mines do it by themselves.

the pistol fires extremely fast if you can click fast enough too. most people don't have time to aim at me if get a clear shot. there is also no difference in accuracy if you're standing, crouching or prone, so you don't need to lie down at all.

Last edited by nzjafa (2005-11-12 20:09:34)

Mass Media Casualty

What is it with New Zealanders and pistols? We all seem to be incredibly thorough in using them, and we all have our vet pistols on low global scores.

[Blinking eyes thing]
haha, first vet badge i got was pistol.
its my second most used weapon, and second in kills too.
i dunno, maybe it is a kiwi thing lol
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|7032|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol
Ok, just so you guys stop dising the shotties, when i went for my vet engy, i kept getting like 3 or 4 kills one after the other, and when i actually got the badge, had to stop when i ran otu of ammo. And you say the M16 beats at close range? U say that if we miss the first shot were fucked? Well we probly are but you learn to not mis with the first shot. And holy hell WTF it does NOT beat at close range. THE US AND PLA SHOTTIES PWN J00!!!!!!!11!!11!oneone

PS- Everyone who thinks the shoties magically stop workign at a set range? NO. If somone is at short-medium range from you, and you empty a dao at them, thats twelve shots, each shooting 8 projectiles. thats a fll round and a half of hits from real clsoe range.

Last edited by n1nj41c l337ne55 (2005-11-13 18:37:40)

Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7034|The United Center
i love the engineer actually.  someone made a point about it repairing bridges...and its great if youre in a tank or apc.  just get up close to the bridge, wait a minute, BAM, fixed.    what i really like to do though is get to the enemy's main base and plant AT mines on top of all their vehicles.  then when someone gets in and moves, BAM, their head asplode. 

the best is i'll do my AT mine whoring trick, then leave the base...then five minutes later "ThomasMorgan[AT Mine]Nub" and then i'll remember.

hahaha, stupid nubs.
Radioactive Glo
+130|7125|A Small Isle in the Tropics

I simply love the way the pump-action shotgun goes.. click-clack, boom.. click-clack, boom..Makes feel like Arnie in Terminator, one hand action..
soup fly mod

There's two ways to assess the engineer kit.  First is from a stats point of view and second is from a team point of view.

STATS: if you're an engineer then you need to sit your ass in a tank or apc.  buddy up with another engineer in armor and you are healing each other without any effort.  if you are solo then retreat when you are damaged and repair.  this is the most useful special ability that there is in my opinion.  if you're worried about being hit then go prone and crawl underneath the tank from the front.  constantly spin around as you are repairing under the tank to make sure that nobody is approaching your vehicle.  its so much fun when i see an enemy approaching the tank and wait till he's real close and then magically appear inside it!  anyways, an engineer will get lots of kills if he is spending time in armor like he's supposed to.  however, he will not get lots of points.  why? because you will get a ton of tk's for running people over and for using mines.  also, the repair ability, while awesome when using armor, doesn't get you very many points.  so if you like to have a high k/d ratio and mow down lots of foot soldier then this is the way to go.  if you want points then become a medic.  As far as engineer foot soldier capability: they can run alot which to me is much more important than body armor.  Usually if a guy puts 4 bullets in you its not that hard to put in another two.  Everyone talks about the pump-action shotgun but to me the jackhammer is incredible.  I almost never lose close encounters with it.  Ultimately the engineer is a mixed back as far as stats are concerned. 

TEAM: From a team point of view engineers are one of the most critical elements.  Personally, I don't find it all that useful to be revived by medics when I die.  Usually if I die there's a reason and that reason usually kills me almost as soon as I am revived.  However, to be repaired by an engineer is essential for team success.  Why? Because armor, while not as effective a killing machine as the jets, is the most important element to capturing flags and defending them.  Think about it, how often does MEC win in Karkand when they lose their main base where the armor spawns?  Almost never.  Teams that properly use armor always win (the only exception is if the other team has great pilots and yours suck).  Therefore keeping your armor alive is crucial and hence my opinion that the repair ability is most important.  Also, the engineer is the only one that can repair your assets.  Again, very hard to win if you don't have UAV/Sattelite/Arty.  So from a team point of view the engineer is the most important as far as achieving victory.
Plus, if there was no engineer class, between short range weapons, tank whores, thin armour and mine TKs, there would be so much less for people to bitch about, and where's the fun in that?
Mass Media Casualty

Hah, your head asplode. Strong Bad rules, (man have I been typing "X Rules" a lot today.)

Engineer's great. I love being the handy man. Everyone's like "My oh my, what is to be done" If there's like a down bridge or a tank is damaged, and then I come along saying "Never fear! I'll save you!"
[Blinking eyes thing]

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