I have sat down behind a crate or rock and saw a tank trying to take one of my armies Command Post(or outpost or whatever you wish)and fired an anti-tank rocket at it.The results don't come out like i would expect them to.I would expect either...
1)The tank to explode or be destroyed
2)The tank to be at least critically damaged(siren starts beeping and Armour decreasing).

The tanks take around 2 and 1/2 rockets to destroy;lets say 3
The APCs take 2 (I think or it maybe critically damaged at 2)
The FAVs take 1
The Transport hueys take 1 then critical (i think)
The Jets take 1
The Boats and Assault Hueys I'm not sure on.

I also want to complain on the blast radius of the rockets.
I was on WARLORD and a guy was camping by a building and as i fired a rocket i missed him and hit the ground 3/4 of a metre away.He looked around and eventually spotted me and run even though a rocket hit 3/4 of a metre away and nearly had a direct hit.I don't want to see like artillery blast effects or radius's because i know it is an anti-tank weapon but a more decent blast would do.
I hope that people agree with me

SGT. The.Nzambi
less busy
+586|6874|Kubra, Damn it!

+86|6581|Winterpeg, Canada
a few suggestions for you.

3.  THINK > Have you not noticed how many people use rockets against infantry instead of vehicles? ALOT.
i think the at rockets are beast as they just have to know where to hit with them, esp on tanks. a rear shot is best, can take it down to nothing in 2 hits, treds are 2nd best, taking it down in 2 1/2 hits.
U.S. > Iran
dude..........SEARCH, this has been covered many times before

I understand your new, but read the rules of the site...........if you are unable to search, here it is

You can also find it by the Rules link at the top of this page on the right
+35|6542|Leeds, UK
i hate playing AT for this very reason that it takes at LEAST 3 rockets to take out a tank/apc, which is far too unrealistic, and its highly unlikely that you end up with a decent score at the end of the round if u just play AT most of the time.

If, however you have a squad of AT's you can reek havok, but its hard enough finding a squad with ppl who actually want to play together.
this is the best we can do?

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

dude..........SEARCH, this has been covered many times before

I understand your new, but read the rules of the site...........if you are unable to search, here it is

You can also find it by the Rules link at the top of this page on the right
even with the ample directions, the search button continues to be extremly eluxsive
+35|6542|Leeds, UK

{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:

dude..........SEARCH, this has been covered many times before

I understand your new, but read the rules of the site...........if you are unable to search, here it is

You can also find it by the Rules link at the top of this page on the right
"DUDE", if ppl used SEARCH all the time there would be no more damn forums because most things have already been covered.  People sometime just like to get things off their chest - SO LET THEM AND SHUT UP!!
Missing, Presumed Dead

I love the AT class. How else are you supposed to take out armour on the non city maps? AT mines? Yes - at flags only. C4? Yeah, if you are jihad jeeping.

Try being spec ops and taking out a tank thats 100m away on open ground with only a building for cover. What would beat the tank? Spec ops or AT? Hmmm, I wonder.

Being AT in an APC is a tried and tested method for me. Ive been playing non city maps for the past few months and it works a treat. An APC TOW rocket into a tank, cannon rounds - hop out and put an AT rocket into the front tracks. Tank dead. Ditto with enemy APC's.

Same applies on Sharqi with the TOW rocket on the top hill looking down the road. TOW rocket into the tank, jump off and put an AT rocket into the tank. BOOM. End of story.

AT is legitimate, 1 rocket into the front of the tracks will get any armour whore very worried. 2 rockets will send an APC driver flying out of it.
1 AT rocket will make a tank driver very worried and get restless causing TK's and more likely to miss targets. 2nd rocket....he backs off. Problem solved.

Using the AT class requires skill. Running out from the side of a building, standing and firing will do you no justice - you will get mowed down. Thats the point of armour. Even worse if you decide to crawl out whilst prone (I laugh at people who try that - it NEVER works).
Use cover, dash in and out quickly and bend rockets around building edges. Hell, Move forward so you can see the front of the tank and not the turret - which is where the tanks POV is. If you cant see the turret - then he cant see you. Its pretty fucking simple.
If youve got cover, then fire and duck behind it, making a mental note of where the tank is and adjust the crosshair to suit, so it still hits the tank.

Even an "advanced tactic" is to fire a rocket just off to the side of the tank, giving him no warning tone. When the rocket gets near, bend it into the fucker. He will get a tone and then an explosion. He thinks its an AT guy who is very close to him and will not look beyond his immediate CQ area. Thus, you have the advantage. Another rocket - with this method or not, and hes backing off to repair.

1 AT trooper rarely succeeds versus a tank. Why? In terms of fairness and balance - NOT realism. Who the fuck would ever drive a tank if you could take them out with 1 AT rocket every time?
The only exception is if the AT user is very skilled and resourceful - which is easy to do with a bit of common sense.
2 AT'ers is another matter though....most tanks wont stand up to it. 3AT'ers will rape any tank/apc.

Also, can you name me any other class which can also engage helis?? No. Not one.

Quit whining, practise and get some skill with it. Its VERY easy. Well, for people with an IQ higher than 10.
Deal with it and adapt. Then again, that would be a first for this game. Ive never seen a game full of so many whining bitches about such small and petty things.

Last edited by Snake (2006-09-06 14:41:46)

+163|6686|Odessa, Ukraine
AT is ok as it is .
They should upgrade the SRAW and everything to the new Javalin (sorry, can't remember how to spell it). It can take out tanks easily in one hit.
Mouse315 Junkie

maestrium wrote:

They should upgrade the SRAW and everything to the new Javalin (sorry, can't remember how to spell it). It can take out tanks easily in one hit.

Just use cover, tank drivers will think you disappeared.

Don't shoot from the same spot twice, they are watching it.
Yes, but isn't the point of the game supposedly to mimic the modern battlefield?
what it takes me 4 at rockets to kill a tank
GR34, it depends where you hit it.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6717|Middle of nowhere

jamie_v1.1 wrote:

i hate playing AT for this very reason that it takes at LEAST 3 rockets to take out a tank/apc, which is far too unrealistic, and its highly unlikely that you end up with a decent score at the end of the round if u just play AT most of the time.

If, however you have a squad of AT's you can reek havok, but its hard enough finding a squad with ppl who actually want to play together.
dude, your complaining about 3 rockets to kill a tank? what do you want? a tank to die in 1 shot like in the intro movie? sorry bud, but that would suck

as an avid tank whore, i know that the AT rockets to PLENTY of damage already, as long as you can fire, and duck right after you fire, it will be next to impossible to kill you as long as you don't have a wall behind you
Make Love and War
+303|6517|Communist Republic of CA, USA
Actually the tank in the intro movie is smoking already.  But yeah how could you say if a game's realistic or not?  I highly doubt any of you have fired AT rockets at a real tank in a real combat environment.  Modern Tanks are Armored.  They are meant to survive.  Any Videos you have seen are of Old Stationary tanks if you haven't noticed.  ANd like it's been said, This Game is much more Arcade like, and the most "Realistic" it gets is it has modern equipment.
+35|6542|Leeds, UK

genius_man16 wrote:

jamie_v1.1 wrote:

i hate playing AT for this very reason that it takes at LEAST 3 rockets to take out a tank/apc, which is far too unrealistic, and its highly unlikely that you end up with a decent score at the end of the round if u just play AT most of the time.

If, however you have a squad of AT's you can reek havok, but its hard enough finding a squad with ppl who actually want to play together.
dude, your complaining about 3 rockets to kill a tank? what do you want? a tank to die in 1 shot like in the intro movie? sorry bud, but that would suck

as an avid tank whore, i know that the AT rockets to PLENTY of damage already, as long as you can fire, and duck right after you fire, it will be next to impossible to kill you as long as you don't have a wall behind you
Thats a fair point, i have spent a fair be of time in tanks/apc's too, so i know how difficult it is against a squaud with mostly AT, but still, i rarely play AT because of the above.  Perhaps its just down to playing styles.
The only change i think that would could be fair is, when u shoot a tank track, it become emobilized. Therefor tank still lives and shoots but cant move,  it would have to be a direct track hit.

Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6702|Groningen, The Netherlands
Yesterday a single eryx shot my attack heli once, and it exploded

I was like "WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BRB HAXOR....or could it be the patch...NOooooo just bad luck i guessssss "
+5|6482|Baltimore MD
i figured out with the anit rockets you can kill a tank in 2 hits everytime. if you hit the treds near the front of the tank twice it will blow up. but if you hit it on the leftside then the right side it wont work.. both shots have to be on the same tred..

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