In the U.S. I know that many athiests believe that religious people who believe we were created by a God are crazy. After all, the theory of evolution is a fact.
The theory of micro-evolution (survival of the fittest, or adaptation) has been proven over and over again. Macro-evolution (the idea that all life started as a single-strand amino acid in a pool of goo), however, has not been proven and is a theory that has incredible holes in it.
The odds of a spontanious amino acid surviving are almost infinitesimal. The odds of it turning into a protein are even worse. Then you have to consider the mutations.
Micro-evolution shows how a birds wings might get longer after a few generations, or how flowers get more colorful because bees pollinate the flowers they see. Macro-evolution is totally different.
Consider the series of incredibly lucky mutations that would have to spontaniously occur over and over and over again to produce things like a heart, a vein, or an eye. This doesnt just require time, it requires insane amounts of sheer, reoccurring luck. Huge mutations that were just right (we are talking X-Men sized mutations).
I'm not saying it is impossible. Of course it is technically possible. If the only way would could be here was by a God, that would completely defeat the purpose of faith. If you dont understand what faith truly is, then what I am saying wont mean anything to you, but once you understand the true importance of faith and the reasons for it; the whole plan starts to make sense.
If you cant tell, I do very much believe in God. However, I think that teaching things like intelligent design in schools is foolish. Religion is for personal life, bf2 forums, and sometimes church... not school.