
unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The "judge not" stuff may be one of the most befuddlingly abused biblical quips ever. It makes zero sense that the intent was to bar judgment from society. Isn't it supposed to mean only judge others by the same standard you would wish to be judged? And with humility? Book of Matthew wasn't big on hypocrites, I guess.

Out of necessity, a teacher like that should be judged.
public servants and people in roles taking care of children should be held to good ethical standards. i wouldn't want a pedophile teaching children and i don't want racists either. especially racists that tell young people that they are inferior because of their skin colour.

if i aired my kooky pseudo-scientific ideas about race in the office, i'd reasonably expect some consequences from HR. i don't know why this guy decided to blow up his own job prospects by spouting claptrap to students who were openly recording him. i think you really must have a screw loose if you're prepared to lose your livelihood over some crank racialist theory.

At the very least it could be categorized as psychological or emotional abuse. Any second chances should come with severe caveats.

There are jobs he could get still where he could safely (sometimes drunkenly) commiserate with other old white men about how society hates old white men. "It's us vs. them, brother!" Or maybe he'll just go straight back into teaching with the lightest slap on the wrist. The Washington coach who directed a christofascist mob to bowl into a bunch of teenage band members and cheerleaders or whatever got his job returned to him with legal backing. … court-docs
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i think you really must have a screw loose if you're prepared to lose your livelihood over some crank racialist theory.
Also there's literally no point trying to teach black kids anything.
Fuck Israel
yes well done, does polly want a cracker? aren’t you a clever mature adult?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I have a long and crazy education story from today.

The 26 year old at work is still being crazy. I don't think about her anymore. She was at a meeting I attended today though so I guess I can give an update/drama story.

The meeting was with our director. After we were dismissed, a bunch of people stood around afterward to get a moment with the director. She and her work best friend, a tiny dude that looks like Jeffrey Dahmer, stood around too. They were ahead of one other guy and me to talk to the boss. When she got to the boss, he said "maybe we should sit-down for this." And they all sat down.

I listened to bit and pieces of it from across the room while I waited my turn. Something about one of her kids being creepy, and looking up dangerous stuff in class and yadda. The boss, who I very highly respect, mentions the word "radicalized." Something like "he is clearly radicalized" (???) At least I hope this was a kid she was talking about. Anyway, she mentions how she "doesn't feel safe" and had to have Jeffrey Dahmer walk her to the meeting. She also mentioned she wrote an email to the local head of the union I am close with. And she must have emailed the boss she was talking to also if he knew what she wanted to talk about.¹

Anyway, she started crying. At that point, the other guy and me put on our coats and left together.

School started September 6th. It is Nov. 17th. In the 3ish months we have been in school she needed to go to the director twice, once to get her classroom moved down the hall because she made another teacher cry and now this. This is just the stuff that I know about. Who knows what else is going on. I don't get how you can create that much interpersonal drama. Over the summer she also made a report about something a kid said and it was a big deal.² It feels slightly like I dodge a bullet.

She roped the guy teacher friend into sitting with the boss to provide emotional support and witness to her probably totally unnecessary drama. If I had managed to steal her away from her man, I would be the one sitting with the boss going over that bullshit when I instead wanted to talk about a curriculum writing project today.
"He was listening to very scary music. Macbeth heard it too and said it was definitely Arabic."

5 minutes later
"Macbeth, how is the 9/11 project going?"

This girl does the exact opposite of my work MO of being everyone's friend and creating no paperwork. It wouldn't be professionally smart to fight this girl's endless battles. I have worked very hard to build up good will capital. It would be a waste to spend it on her. I am staying away from her as much as I can. I don't need her "feeling unsafe" or whatever with me and sending emails.
"Macbeth, I was looking through my old emails and found an email from a teacher made in 2025. She said you dicked her down during summer school 2023 and then turned the other teachers against her when she wouldn't let you dick her down again. Please remind me how that all went."


¹ Unnecessary paper trail. The SOP is to email a guidance instead of going to the directors. You aren't supposed to email the union head either. You are supposed to go to your local union rep before escalating things to head of the union unless you are close with the union and literally leadership like me. She is opposite of close with the union head. (She disagreed with him at a meeting about a statewide initiative. Then she never went to any union events afterward. But she still emailed the union head for help.) She could have emailed her vice principal but she might have a bad relationship with him since literally last week he needed to talk to her about sharing her room after school because there was no more space in detention. She got angry when the detention people tried to put kids in her room and eventually the VP needed to go talk to her and explain that the kids are going into the damn room. The VP's secretary, the gatekeepers to the VPs, probably doesn't like her either since the secretary is best friends with the other secretary she didn't have a good relationship with either. The two secretaries literally drive in together. A really bad show.

² Don't engage the teens in conversation or take an interest in their lives if you are the type of person who feels the need to report stuff.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
you don't need to read. go watch cars go in circles
you spend way too much time writing about this girl. she is a very typical unbalanced person who consumes way too much energy and spreads her problems around to everyone else. it’s extremely typical. the story here is that you let yourself become obsessed with her for a while, when she so clearly was not going to do you any good. she needs to get out of her pattern, living situation, etc, and fast, before this addiction to melodrama seriously affects her professional and interpersonal life.

some people come to a point where they can’t exist unless there’s some staged drama or emergency going on somewhere or other. like a compulsion to light and put out fires. some essential boredom with work/personal life just being … fine.

I'm just reading a validation of all my cautionary advice against "work spouse, but-not-at-all-platonic." Maybe there are some happy stories about people getting hitched that way or whatever, but who the heck normally wants to balance their work life and dating/intimacy all in the same package. It sounds like a nightmare.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Yeah, I realized she wasn't worth the time or thought after getting into my other nonsense. She does seem like she would be a stressful partner to be with.

I really hope she doesn't do summer school. I already put it out there that I will be doing summer school and most likely I will be her supervisor too. I announced it specifically so she could NOT sign up. It will be really stressful for both of us I think. It will be very obvious, to her and the other teachers, when I don't shower her with attention and instead treat her like a subordinate. And if she tries to reinitiate the weird emotional affair thing we had last year, eventually I will ask her to explain why she went no contact after we got high together. I am not going to reinitiate anything with her unless she explains why she ghosted me. If she goes that route I will tell her how I feel (with redactions) and then what? I don't have the energy to redo last year with her either.

And the most messed up part of it, I expect her to actually take the summer school job. I would be very surprised if she doesn't.
I am all that is MOD!

I told you she was immature. Bathe me in karma!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Speaking of immaturity...the No Nut November and the Don't Shave November things are strange. The not shaving thing is not that strange. I see the appeal. But withholding sexual pleasure for an entire month for an internet meme...yikes.

Who the heck centers their sex life around internet memes.

The wiki:

Although No Nut November was originally intended to be satirical, some participants claim that abstaining from ejaculating and not watching pornography has health benefits.[3][1] An Urban Dictionary entry for No Nut November was published in 2011, and, in 2017, the movement started to gain popularity on social media.[2] It is associated with the NoFap community on Reddit, which encourages its members not to masturbate.[1] The Reddit community /r/NoNutNovember grew from 16,500 subscribers in November 2018[4] to 52,000 subscribers in November 2019.[3]

After some far-right public figures, including Paul Joseph Watson, promoted the campaign, E. J. Dickson of Rolling Stone suggested that the movement had been co-opted by the far-right.[3] Vice criticized the challenge in 2018 after adherents sent threats to xHamster on Twitter, similarily saying it had been co-opted by far-right figures.[5]

Very fitting concept though, innit. Incels on reddit get a whole month of challenge they can complete with no change of effort on their part.
it’s a stupid cult-like behaviour engaged in by the same groups of lost young men who spout a bunch of other pseudo-scientific crap about alphas/betas and chads/staceys, etc.

i see little point in forestalling pleasure for a month if you’re just going to fill your head with toxic social attitudes and rampant misogyny instead.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I hope Morocco wins the world cup. It will be the perfect way to cap this World Cup from hell.
not a chance in hell.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I hope the French crush the dreams of England.
could not give a salutary flying fuck about football. and neither could you, really, could you?

england v france play each other all the time in rugby. we really don’t carry deep national enmities towards one another. it’s so funny when you recycle these american-centric notions (“korea and china hate one another!”, “england and france are mortal enemies!”). maybe stop playing the nerd RTS games and actual travel some.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
Why not both

I don't really have a team to default to outside USA. Slightly more interested in local stuff.

"Soccer" accounted for more broken bones than any other sport among classmates when I went to school, even American football. One kid fractured his collarbone playing. The dads in that day still thought it was a soft sport.

I had a really good kicking aim back then and could run like the wind. If the stars had aligned differently, maybe I'd be retired right now with blown out knees.
I am all that is MOD!

I used to play in an adult soccer league here for a few years, but I quit because of the injury potential. Every season someone on my team snapped an ankle, tore an ACL, etc. If I were still in my 20s I'd be playing.

Now I get my competitive fix playing softball.
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
Really never cared about soccer, I hated playing it - sending kids out in mid-winter in shorts and t-shirt to stand in an often snow-covered field is a form of torture, never saw the point of watching it, bored rigid by morons babbling about the last match they saw.

Its a retrograde sport, human progress is largely thanks to manual dexterity, 22 adult men poncing about with their arms at their sides like riverdancers kicking a bladder with their feet is stupid.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-12-08 01:30:27)

Fuck Israel
lmao, of course you can't just dislike football because you were too soft for the frosty mornings.

no, you need to shoe-horn in some usual pseudo-scientific bollocks that sounds vaguely evolutionary. 'dexterity with hands ... unlocked the human genius'.

and what a coincidence! the only physical activity you ever do is shoot target pistols. isn't it funny how every fact in the world points to the same conclusion: dillbert is just brilliant!
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
I've played plenty of sports, do and done plenty of physical activity - apparently I played rugby for a couple of years but have no actual memory of it.
Soccer is moronic however.

As Ken pointed out, football is great if you want to get injured.
Fuck Israel
i played football through my childhood too, centre forward, goal hanging and taking all the glory. suited me fine.

i stopped, however, because i didn't like getting woken up on my weekend mornings to go shiver in a muddy field and be shouted at by a little league drill sergeant.

i preferred solo sports in adolescence. team sports can be fun but i got too frustrated with team dynamics.

mainly i don't follow football anymore because i can't stand all the 'fan' culture and the immense amounts of effort and time that gets wasted on football theorizing. there's a certain sort of university-educated hipster thesedays who takes things like football Very Seriously Indeed. they're currently rejuvenating half of the worn-out clubs in leafy suburbs of south london. it's 'cool' to like middling local clubs over the big premiere league billionaire's pet pageant.

world cup can be fun but people who take it seriously are weird. i can't imagine crying over the outcome of a spectator sport. something over which you have no control whatsoever. letting sports make or ruin your day seems pretty dunderheaded.

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