and a midget in spirit. i've never seen someone so mealy-mouthed in all my life.
the NHS is hugely understaffed, a large proportion of staff members who fill in the numbers are highly-qualified, polyglot, happy-to-pay-net-contributions europeans.
UK academia is staffed with the cream of the crop of researchers across europe and the world, rightfully so, who contribute to our leading research and intellectual life.
for all the scaremongering about cowboy rogue traders from abroad wiping out the good honest british stock, british tradespeople have had nigh on two decades of wage growth, they now make significantly more than university graduates and many other sectors who have experienced wage stagnation. so much for the predatory undercutting of chippy polish firms.
non-european economic migrants come here and have the gall to take jobs as taxi drivers and office janitors, no doubt robbing the good honest british stock of their opportunity to get off the couch, turn off the daytime television, and work for below a living wage on a zero hours contract. no doubt no british businesses, schools, universities, offices, etc. can possibly be benefitting from this exploitation in all but name.
apparently your parents wanting to sell-up their semi in kettering and move to australia is a-OK, but a migrant who works for 20 years and wants to return to their homeland in their own retirement is 'robbing' the country blind. but oh wait, the ones who don't retire and move back are doing wrong, too, because after a working lifetime of paying national insurance contributions and income tax to a second, adoptive home, then they're going to have the
gall to retire and, obviously,
break a hip at some point.
is there any scenario in which you'll accept someone from another country – and we're talking same-race, same-religion, same broadly european culture, here – moving to another country and contributing, becoming a member of that society, joining a local community, being part of its civic life and continued existence? any, that is, except for your own royal prerogative, because obviously you were nothing but a blessing and a boon to australia (how could it be otherwise?) and, besides, english people emigrating abroad aren't having any impact on local economies anywhere, they're just the best thing to ever happen.
you are so poor in spirit and imagination that i honestly pity you.
Last edited by uziq (2020-02-27 01:48:26)