Germans did 911
+427|6835|Disaster Free Zone

UnkleRukus wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

As for ethanol farming, the govt subsidising fuel production so dumbasses can drive everywhere in 10mpg behemoths is just as unethical.
There aren't as many of those "behemoths" as there are actual trucks that are a necessity.
You have got to be joking.
That Guy
+236|5190|Massachusetts, USA

DrunkFace wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

As for ethanol farming, the govt subsidising fuel production so dumbasses can drive everywhere in 10mpg behemoths is just as unethical.
There aren't as many of those "behemoths" as there are actual trucks that are a necessity.
You have got to be joking.
Nope, of all the trucks I see on the road, maybe 1/15 are those "behemoths" you guys keep talking about. The rest are just people who have trucks and use them as intended, regularly.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
The X stands for
+1,813|6260|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, all those people commuting to desk jobs in F150s need 500hp to move their briefcase from their driveway to the car-park at work.

And then there are the behemoths which were never even intended as utility vehicles.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2013-05-13 05:57:39)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
That Guy
+236|5190|Massachusetts, USA

Dilbert_X wrote:

Yes, all those people commuting to desk jobs in F150s need 500hp to move their briefcase from their driveway to the car-park at work.

And then there are the behemoths which were never even intended as utility vehicles.
You've never lived in a place where it can dump 2 feet of snow 6 months out of the year have you.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.

All the same, you don't need a H2 to navigate a snow-covered road.
That Guy
+236|5190|Massachusetts, USA
H2s are actually pretty shitty 4x4s. Most, if not all luxury SUVs are.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6891|Oxferd Ohire
someone doesnt watch top gear
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6844|Tampa Bay Florida

More of a pesticide/agriculture thing but its all part of the same cycle.  Kinda creepy.

Last edited by Spearhead (2013-05-13 10:33:52)

That Guy
+236|5190|Massachusetts, USA

RTHKI wrote:

someone doesnt watch top gear
If you're going to get a gas guzzling road legal monster truck. Get an H1.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Extra Medium
Wow guys, the world must look really small from your giant sky castles of fucking judgement.

"No reason for people to eat all this meat."
"No reason for all this ethanol usage."
"No reason for all these big trucks."
"No reason to have any guns."

Welcome to fucking CAPITALISM.  China is just to the north of most of you, go there and be happy.

You're still espousing reactionary viewpoints on this.

1) It is unnecessary and unhealthy to eat red meat to excess. To my knowledge, this thread hasn't ever called for banning meat products. It's also unhealthy to eat a box of donuts every morning, but I don't see anybody here campaigning for an end to pastry.
2) Corn ethanol is a disaster on multiple fronts, including logistics, efficiency and ethics.
3) There's no reason for you to drive around a big truck everywhere you go unless you actually do something with it. Almost all of these these pristine pickup trucks you see on the road with nary a day's work in all their time in service seem to be found with a pudgy, middle-aged man-child in the driver's seat.
4) Personally, I think there's plenty of reasons to have guns. But having guns gives us even more reasons to heavily regulate them and sponsor more safety training. This isn't FEMA and the FDA stepping in and telling your grandpa how many jelly beans he's legally allowed to consume per day. This is just common sense.
5) You can't just say "BUT CAPITALISM" and lump everyone who doesn't agree with questionable or harmful business practices with the communists and socialists. If you want a pure, libertarian paradise, go live on a boat in the middle of the ocean and make your own rules.

lol wtf. still, for china, that's pretty light.
That Guy
+236|5190|Massachusetts, USA
Wow, i thought war man had some ignorant posts. A+ you just posted on par with wo'man.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6829|Canberra, AUS
seriously why are people responding to extra medium's posts
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The X stands for
+1,813|6260|eXtreme to the maX

UnkleRukus wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Yes, all those people commuting to desk jobs in F150s need 500hp to move their briefcase from their driveway to the car-park at work.

And then there are the behemoths which were never even intended as utility vehicles.
You've never lived in a place where it can dump 2 feet of snow 6 months out of the year have you.
No of course not, the only place it snows is North America and I haven't lived there so no.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Spark wrote:

seriously why are people responding to extra medium's posts
I don't know. In this thread, he's been repeating the same thing ad nauseam, expecting different results each time.
That Guy
+236|5190|Massachusetts, USA

Dilbert_X wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Yes, all those people commuting to desk jobs in F150s need 500hp to move their briefcase from their driveway to the car-park at work.

And then there are the behemoths which were never even intended as utility vehicles.
You've never lived in a place where it can dump 2 feet of snow 6 months out of the year have you.
No of course not, the only place it snows is North America and I haven't lived there so no.
Sarcasm is lost on the internet, good try.

The point is, they are quite necessary. In my area, and in many other areas. Especially when the majority of people (Out in the sticks and the countryside.) heat their homes with firewood or wood pellets. Trying to fit any reasonable amount of either of those fuels into the back of a station wagon or a hatchback has been tried, and you end up ruining y6ur shocks.
Or when you live 15 miles away from the closest store, or gas station and the municipalities don't exactly take care of the roads. Prius's and electric cars don't fare too well when the pot holes are a foot wide and four inches deep. Which also tends to happen on the main roads due to the amount of ice we get.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
The X stands for
+1,813|6260|eXtreme to the maX
Don't delivery companies deliver? Don't trailer rental companies rent trailers?
It seems stupid to be driving a truck all year for the one day you need to pick up logs.
I think its an excuse really, like Sh1fty planning to buy a truck in case someone asked him to move something someday.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Dilbert_X wrote:

Don't delivery companies deliver? Don't trailer rental companies rent trailers?
It seems stupid to be driving a truck all year for the one day you need to pick up logs.
I think its an excuse really, like Sh1fty planning to buy a truck in case someone asked him to move something someday.
There's shifty trying to compensate for something and then there's living in rural Finland.
I think that there are situations in which people really need a bigger and heavier vehicle, although too many people think they are in this kind of situation

Last edited by Kampframmer (2013-05-14 14:54:31)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Extra Medium wrote:

Wow guys, the world must look really small from your giant sky castles of fucking judgement.

"No reason for people to eat all this meat."
"No reason for all this ethanol usage."
"No reason for all these big trucks."
"No reason to have any guns."

Welcome to fucking CAPITALISM.  China is just to the north of most of you, go there and be happy.
This post is ironic on a few levels.
That Guy
+236|5190|Massachusetts, USA

Dilbert_X wrote:

Don't delivery companies deliver? Don't trailer rental companies rent trailers?
It seems stupid to be driving a truck all year for the one day you need to pick up logs.
I think its an excuse really, like Sh1fty planning to buy a truck in case someone asked him to move something someday.
Delivery companies deliver, but it costs more. Rental companies rent trailers but that also costs more. Why not spend the money on a vehicle that you can skip the middle man with.

It's not just that one day either, it's many days. Picking up fertilizer (huge market for that, the whole everyone needs a perfect green lawn thing. Not to mention the multiple dozens of large and small farms in my area.) Say you need to pick up a new piece of equipment, lumber for the deck or addition you're doing. Building supplies in general. A lot of the time material suppliers wont deliver unless you purchase a certain amount. Purchasing furniture is another thing having a truck is beneficial for.

Thanks to Craigslist, one can find hundreds of ads per day for free or cheap things that you cant go and pick up without using a truck.
A lot of people in my area comb Craigslist and the thrift stores for cheap hardwood furniture, or antiques which they fix up and resell for a nice profit

This argument is silly really, as I do agree that those who purchase obnoxiously large trucks for no reason at all (ronin Patton is a good example of doing this) Is a waste of money and resources. The potential one has of owning a truck is great. Frankly there is more versitility in owning a smaller second hand truck such as a Ford Ranger, or a Chevy S-10 than owning a crew cab GMC Sierra with chromed out rims that the owner spends a day washing when there is a spec of dirt on it.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
+572|6813|BC, Canada
Yeah dils whole truck rental argument is stupid. Yeah it applies to a good amount of truck owners, especially in a urban environment,  but not everybody, like he seems to think. I remember him telling me I should rent a truck every weekend to cart a snomobile around, as if that's reasonable.
That Guy
+236|5190|Massachusetts, USA
After about a month or two you would have spent enough money to buy a used truck.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6777|Little Bentcock
Can't you get smaller trucks? I think the F150 is the biggest you will find here, and I've seen like 2

and I live in the country

Last edited by Adams_BJ (2013-05-14 16:02:19)

+572|6813|BC, Canada
You can, used now. All of the small trucks besides the Tacoma have been pulled off the market this year I believe. I hear that they are going to re-introduce them in a year or so though. The only option for a small truck that would really work for me right now is a Dodge Dakota and Toyota Tacoma, and the Tacoma is priced way to high for what you get. Besides the GMC Sierra and Chevy Silverado 1500 get the same mileage as a Tacoma anyway. And I think the new f 150s are supposed to be better.

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