Uzique The Lesser
yeah i think it's fine for states to prohibit ritual/symbolic sacrificing of animals. i was mostly thinking about the main world religions though, not occultist/niche/syncretic stuff. it doesn't really seem to be a widespread problem.

I disagree. Religious freedom is important. I also support Native Americans using peyote.

whenever I hear about animal sacrifice I think of sublime
Uzique The Lesser

Macbeth wrote:

I disagree. Religious freedom is important. I also support Native Americans using peyote.
religious freedom is important, sure, and there's nothing stopping a religion from practicing out of state or in another country. this is the 21st century. political power should surely supersede religious doctrine nowadays. at least in cases where animals/humans are being harmed (i'm equivocal about things like banning the burqa).

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-05-27 11:08:21)


You criticized Jay's just move argument when it came to gays and other civil rights but you are okay with forcing people to move over religion.
Uzique The Lesser
no. not the same thing at all. a person can simply choose to not obey a religious rule. being discriminated against because of your sexual orientation or skin colour by society at large are not the same thing. if a religious belief doesn't suit you, don't follow it. issues of faith should not be legislated. you can't change your basic sexual orientation or skin colour like you can drop a faith that oppresses you.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-05-27 12:33:59)


But for some people, changing/abandoning religion comes at the cost of hellfire and damnation.
Uzique The Lesser
yeah that makes perfect logical sense. you want to opt out of a religion so you're going to fear the consequences put forward by that religion

Well of course if you no longer believe in it you won't be worried about hell. But if you still believe in it, you'd believe that abandoning or switching faiths would come at a cost, and would probably feel a bit put out by being pressured to move because of it.
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX

Macbeth wrote:

Should people be allowed to sacrifice animals if it is part of their religion?
Nope, unless they move to bumfuck Utah or Somalia.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Extra Medium

Dilbert_X wrote:

I wish you could be owned by a cat.
I fail to see the downside of this if they treated us like we do them.

So long as I wasn't owned by an Asian cat I guess.

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