Uzique The Lesser

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

it's a matter of what sort of respect/dignity we wish to accord our fellow beings.
So essentially what is and is not acceptable comes down to what a majority believes is tolerable/intolerable?
why are you acting so appalled by the fact that ethical norms and morality are made via consensus and majority opinion? wouldn't it be more of an outrage if social norms were made... by a small minority? a 'norm' mandated by minority? come on, think about it. you are going full retard here. most ethical standards and notions of 'the good' are conceived in the spirit of common agreement.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-05-24 17:13:31)

Uzique The Lesser
p.s. you look like such an awesome gangsta, posing with a dead bit of roadside vermin. i bet that made you feel really manly. rofl. not quite the british hunter posing with a dead elephant, is it? seems like a strange way to get kicks to me.
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

it's a matter of what sort of respect/dignity we wish to accord our fellow beings.
So essentially what is and is not acceptable comes down to what a majority believes is tolerable/intolerable?
why are you acting so appalled by the fact that ethical norms and morality are made via consensus and majority opinion? wouldn't it be more of an outrage if social norms were made... by a small minority? a 'norm' mandated by minority? come on, think about it. you are going full retard here. most ethical standards and notions of 'the good' are conceived in the spirit of common agreement.
Mostly because the people who advocate AGAINST the consumption of meat (of which the industry for pound for pound kills more animals than anything) are an EXTREMELY small portion of the population.

If the majority agreed, they would boycott the meat industry.

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

p.s. you look like such an awesome gangsta, posing with a dead bit of roadside vermin. i bet that made you feel really manly. rofl. not quite the british hunter posing with a dead elephant, is it? seems like a strange way to get kicks to me.
So you advocate the killing of endangered species but not local pests?

Also, super ganagsta with my cowboy boots and glasses.  You totally nailed the look I was going for.  Picture was taken because no one could believe I made the shot without hitting the feeder.

Last edited by Extra Medium (2013-05-24 17:25:23)

The X stands for
+1,813|6260|eXtreme to the maX

Extra Medium wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

But yeah 'sport' hunting is just another form of animal cruelty for kicks.

I shot this coon off the top of a deer feeder at 40 yards with a .40 Sig P226 in the dark using only headlights for visual.  I did this for no particular reason other than coons are destructive.  After the photo was taken, I threw the coons body into a ditch and left.

So you're right, it is just for kicks.  It does however control the population.
Vermin control isn't 'sport' hunting though is it? Derp.

Was it your deer feeder?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Extra Medium

Dilbert_X wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

But yeah 'sport' hunting is just another form of animal cruelty for kicks.

I shot this coon off the top of a deer feeder at 40 yards with a .40 Sig P226 in the dark using only headlights for visual.  I did this for no particular reason other than coons are destructive.  After the photo was taken, I threw the coons body into a ditch and left.

So you're right, it is just for kicks.  It does however control the population.
Vermin control isn't 'sport' hunting though is it? Derp.

Was it your deer feeder?
Coons are hunted for sport very regularly here.  I'm sure you've heard of coon hunting with hounds much like the Brits do with foxes?

Also, it was a family deer feeder, not exclusively mine.   And yes, we eat the deer we kill.
The X stands for
+1,813|6260|eXtreme to the maX

Extra Medium wrote:

Coons are hunted for sport very regularly here.  I'm sure you've heard of coon hunting with hounds much like the Brits do with foxes?
Nope, and fox-hunting for sport is illegal now.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Uzique The Lesser
my dad still keeps dogs for fox-hunting though. it's illegal but they turn a blind eye

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-05-24 18:38:01)

+2,382|6832|The North, beyond the wall.
Yeah it's still really popular, I used to work with a guy that would get up at like 4am on days off to go and do it. Tony Blair admitted he underestimated how big of an issue it would become, and how popular the sport was across all classes.
Extra Medium
But it's civilized because you guys were a fancy suit with polished boots and carry a bugle.  What a strange way to get your kicks.
Uzique The Lesser

Extra Medium wrote:

But it's civilized because you guys were a fancy suit with polished boots and carry a bugle.  What a strange way to get your kicks.
i'm not into it. people mostly do it for the pomp and tradition. for the social aspect. you'll very rarely meet a fox hunter who talks about the 'glory of the hunt', or the 'raw visceral feeling'. it's just a recreational pastime for poshos. much like playing sports on horse-back, or shooting clay discs. i don't think europe has as big a 'hunting' culture as the states. it's not a 'lifestyle' here.

Of course it would be cruelty to animals if someone shot this thing in the U.S.
Uzique The Lesser
seeing as it is someone else's property, it would be a crime yes. according to the very principles you rely upon yourself. goats are not cheap.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6777|Little Bentcock
If there was one more the owner could have traded them for a wife
The X stands for
+1,813|6260|eXtreme to the maX

Extra Medium wrote:

But it's civilized because you guys were a fancy suit with polished boots and carry a bugle.  What a strange way to get your kicks.
It used to be less about the actual hunt, more about reminding the plebs who owned the land they were renting.
So its not really something for Americans to hold up as a mark of civilisation - unless you wish the British still owned you.
Also, it was a family deer feeder, not exclusively mine.   And yes, we eat the deer we kill.
Do you mean family or family.
I understand the Police find DNA testing pretty well redundant in some of the more backwoods states.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2013-05-26 06:28:02)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Uzique The Lesser
every single farce and debacle that makes up american history can essentially be explained as history's biggest oedipus complex. they're just trying to break free from daddy's gaze. they want to impress their estranged father, more than anything.
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

every single farce and debacle that makes up american history can essentially be explained as history's biggest oedipus complex. they're just trying to break free from daddy's gaze. they want to impress their estranged father, more than anything.
My favorite part was when daddy was being strangled by his German cousin and his kids had to come help.  Twice.  The the kids basically dictated daddy's life for the next 60 years.

And so the animal rights thread disintegrates into American ego vs British ego.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6777|Little Bentcock
We aussies just lay in wait
Uzique The Lesser

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

every single farce and debacle that makes up american history can essentially be explained as history's biggest oedipus complex. they're just trying to break free from daddy's gaze. they want to impress their estranged father, more than anything.
My favorite part was when daddy was being strangled by his German cousin and his kids had to come help.  Twice.  The the kids basically dictated daddy's life for the next 60 years.
nonsense. the daddy was just testing his son, to see if he had come of age. evidently he still has some more growing up to do.

it's okay, granny elizabeth will welcome you back with open arms. just say 'when'.

I wish I could own a cat. I am very allergic.
The X stands for
+1,813|6260|eXtreme to the maX
I wish you could be owned by a cat.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Should people be allowed to sacrifice animals if it is part of their religion?
Uzique The Lesser
that's a good question. are there many religions that even still do sacrifice animals purely for symbolic reasons? i know jews beat the shit into a goat once a year or so.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5512|London, England
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

yeah. there was a supreme court case a little while ago about it. … of_Hialeah
tl'dr Florida was trying to shutdown a church that practiced santeria. SCOTUS said that the church had a right to animal sacrifice.

There are a bunch throughout South America.

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