great, so you're about as marxist as i am, then. why do you accuse me of subscribing to waffle ideas?

you do realize everyone who is out protesting is also familiar with these ideas, too, right? there's something in your attitude that is very callow and a little bit stupid. the people who organize BLM and protests know that all inequality stems from economic inequality, larssen. it doesn't make any attempts at cultural influence or 'changing attitudes' fruitless; it doesn't make legislation and legal reform pointless.

you speak about these protests with a paternalistic disdain, as if the flawed children know not what they do. has it ever occurred to you that black people who protest are more familiar both with socioeconomic theory and the history of class struggle/protest than you? they've done the reading. you can leave out your school essay 'i argue that ...'s. they fucking know!

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-06 11:38:25)

And yet it is always race and identity which dominates the argument, which is front and center, and which is paraded by corporate boards, universities, governments in their policies to 'fix the issues'. Then they end up hiring some kid who hits the identity checkboxes but who may just have grown up in a stable home in silicon valley and who went to stanford. But hey, at least he's black/arab/chinese/pickyourminority. Meanwhile the actual target community in an area like compton still has shit schools, still has gangs, still has poverty, still is overrepresented in crime and police brutality.

Get to the root. If you're 'as marxist as I am' you should clearly be able to see that the identitarian rifts and emotional outbursts over perceived/overt/covert racism are a distraction to the problems that need fixing.
because police officers DO treat black people differently to white people. because black people really ARE pulled over, stopped in the street, followed around stores more often. because black people really ARE treated interchangeably in the media, captioned with the wrong names, treated with contempt. because organisations like the NFL DO make things like 'taking a knee' into huge controversies, when they don't need to be.

there are so many cultural changes that can be made on the level of human behaviour and basic fucking respect. yes, yes, economic causes are ultimately the reason for the asymmetry, and for black folks' subaltern position. they know.

do you really, really think with your seminar room photocopied sheets that you have a better grip on this situation than these people? go tell them how fruitless their efforts are because 'race should not matter in a multicultural society'. you are full of these moronic screeds. i'm sure they score very well on term papers. MEANWHILE, that's not how human beings interact in society and it's not the basis for everyday 'care' and conduct on an interpersonal level.

are you really going off about affirmative action? in 2020? when was that debate last relevant? have you just watched 'american history x' or something?

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-06 11:45:19)

people are gathering all around the world to protest the extrajudicial killing of black people and minorities, in policing departments and legal systems in which the officers in the overwhelming majority of cases walk away free ... and this guy opens up about his grievances about stanford college applications and appointments to corporate boards.

i can’t think of a more succinct outlining of the whole risible idea of ‘white privilege’. but wait! he really just has a very deep and nuanced understanding of the issue and sees that all disparity comes from economic inequality! he’s actually doing a better job than the protestors by urging the need for a post-racial society! the best way to stop white police from applying lethal force to black people isn’t to ban chokeholds, or retrain, or to change policing culture: it’s to pay everyone a fairer wage and reinvent the economic order!

Last edited by uziq (2020-06-06 12:01:13)

My last few posts expanded on an ongoing discussion that already veered off course from simply justice for george floyd. In this thread I've reiterated many times that his death was and is unacceptable and that I do see the issue at hand and sympathise with the black communities in the united states. Do I need to write and substantiate that underneath every post I make?

You say that everyone knows what I'm talking about, yet keep reconstructing your own version of my argument.
because your grasp of the issue is shallow and jejune and your high-minded take on protests is in-itself predictable and over-rehearsed.

we'd all love a post-racial society. we'd love a post-class society too. and a post-violence one. meanwhile ...

The police will have to stop intentionally shooting people in the face with rubber bullets before this country can have meaningful discourse with some of these departments. Are they capable of doing that for half a nanosecond?

Los Angeles police slammed for shooting a homeless, wheelchair-bound man in the face with a rubber bullet 6/6 … 50684d7928
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

You need to stop citing multicultural societies because you clearly don't understand multiculturalism. Multicultural societies celebrate, and encourage differences between groups. Multiculturalist are the ones supporting these protest. People who support assimilation generally oppose the protest.
You are confused. I am not opposite multiculturalism at all. I oppose tribalism. When identity comes to dominate people's politics, societal class, when people are pitted against one another based on their race or ethnic/cultural background. It is tribalism and multiculturalism which cannot coexist.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-06-06 12:53:20)


The bicycles are at it you guys!


"I had been protesting peacefully since approximately 4:30pm CST starting at the Milwaukee police headquarters. Aside from a couple individuals shouting comments at officers, everyone was respectful of police and even offered them water. The march remained peaceful as we were turned back from 794 and moved back through downtown. While at the intersection of 6th and McKinley We noticed several officers on bicycles approaching the edge of the group, and a faster rate of speed than I thought safe. As the path narrowed the officers bunched together. Two collided and fell. Almost immediately other officers began grabbing protesters, striking them indiscriminately. The video was started approximately 8 second after a bicycle police officer – within a group of bicycle officers – collided with another officer and fell. This event is what triggered the start of the unrest on June 2."
“Chief Morales released a message via YouTube encouraging Milwaukee to comply with the ‘Safer at Home’ orders issued by Governor Tony Evers on March 25. Morales mentioned that Milwaukee police officers ‘will be in the community working to educate everyone and reduce the confusion’ that might arise from the orders,” the LIT statement said. “MPD officers do not have the relationships, leadership, or mentality to be a safe resource to Black and Brown people in Milwaukee. An anonymous resident added that communities throughout Milwaukee do not trust the police, or Chief Morales.”
They're in such a hurry to educate people that they're tripping over themselves to get there.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Larssen wrote:

You are confused. I am not opposite multiculturalism at all. I oppose tribalism. When identity comes to dominate people's politics, societal class, when people are pitted against one another based on their race or ethnic/cultural background. It is tribalism and multiculturalism which cannot coexist.
I understand you are not opposed to multiculturalism. I am saying you don't understand the concept of the word you use. Multiculturalism is all about creating spaces for different identity groups and allowing them to maintain their identity. Identity and culture is closely ties with race.
You're not understanding anything I've written if your interpretation is that I argue for the abolishment of identity and plead for monoculture. God no.

Larssen wrote:

You're not understanding anything I've written if your interpretation is that I argue for the abolishment of identity and plead for monoculture. God no.
you want race to not matter and to be an interesting 'facet' of identity, lending local colour; but you are telling this to people who are treated differently every fucking day because of said race. to them race IS an operative part of their identity that determines the entire course of their lives, most drastically in the way that police can take that life.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

Larssen wrote:

And yet it is always race and identity which dominates the argument, which is front and center, and which is paraded by corporate boards, universities, governments in their policies to 'fix the issues'. Then they end up hiring some kid who hits the identity checkboxes but who may just have grown up in a stable home in silicon valley and who went to stanford. But hey, at least he's black/arab/chinese/pickyourminority. Meanwhile the actual target community in an area like compton still has shit schools, still has gangs, still has poverty, still is overrepresented in crime and police brutality.

Get to the root. If you're 'as marxist as I am' you should clearly be able to see that the identitarian rifts and emotional outbursts over perceived/overt/covert racism are a distraction to the problems that need fixing.
No, race and identity are just a tool. The goal is to use their race, and white guilt, to overthrow democracy and replace it with an oligarchy in which they will have an unequal share of power wholly in their favor.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England
What black people should really do is become political free agents. Being a pet demographic of the democratic party for the last 90 years hasn't done them any favors. They get taken for granted, told they're not really black or an uncle tom if they don't vote Democrat, and get ignored otherwise. The white people that run the democratic party really don't give two shits about them. So change it up. Vote Republican and see how many people come running to see what you want. Be Ohio or Iowa. Be the swing vote.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

Larssen wrote:

And yet it is always race and identity which dominates the argument, which is front and center, and which is paraded by corporate boards, universities, governments in their policies to 'fix the issues'. Then they end up hiring some kid who hits the identity checkboxes but who may just have grown up in a stable home in silicon valley and who went to stanford. But hey, at least he's black/arab/chinese/pickyourminority. Meanwhile the actual target community in an area like compton still has shit schools, still has gangs, still has poverty, still is overrepresented in crime and police brutality.

Get to the root. If you're 'as marxist as I am' you should clearly be able to see that the identitarian rifts and emotional outbursts over perceived/overt/covert racism are a distraction to the problems that need fixing.
No, race and identity are just a tool. The goal is to use their race, and white guilt, to overthrow democracy and replace it with an oligarchy in which they will have an unequal share of power wholly in their favor.
This is some Helter Skelter stuff. I don't think Mexican high school students lobbying for Taco Tuesdays in their school's cafe have an end objective of white genocide.

You sound like a crazy person.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6998|United States of America
Now, now, Mac. A lot of people have such views.

Last edited by DesertFox- (2020-06-06 16:44:01)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
You guys can burble all you like about political theories, the people protesting don't care, all they know is they're poor and the police are against them and for the 1%.

No-one wants multiculturalism, they want people to assimilate or fuck of, they don't even want assimilation really, if people don't have tribalism they'll create it out of thin air.
You can write as many essays and reference as many circular sources as you like, just don't hold your breath unless you plan on holding it for about 500,000 years.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Jay wrote:

What black people should really do is become political free agents. Being a pet demographic of the democratic party for the last 90 years hasn't done them any favors. They get taken for granted, told they're not really black or an uncle tom if they don't vote Democrat, and get ignored otherwise. The white people that run the democratic party really don't give two shits about them. So change it up. Vote Republican and see how many people come running to see what you want. Be Ohio or Iowa. Be the swing vote.
Yes, blacks should vote Republican, that'll fix it. I'm sure they'll make themselves really popular becoming another selfish minority group.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-06-06 16:47:09)

Fuck Israel

Jay wrote:

Larssen wrote:

And yet it is always race and identity which dominates the argument, which is front and center, and which is paraded by corporate boards, universities, governments in their policies to 'fix the issues'. Then they end up hiring some kid who hits the identity checkboxes but who may just have grown up in a stable home in silicon valley and who went to stanford. But hey, at least he's black/arab/chinese/pickyourminority. Meanwhile the actual target community in an area like compton still has shit schools, still has gangs, still has poverty, still is overrepresented in crime and police brutality.

Get to the root. If you're 'as marxist as I am' you should clearly be able to see that the identitarian rifts and emotional outbursts over perceived/overt/covert racism are a distraction to the problems that need fixing.
No, race and identity are just a tool. The goal is to use their race, and white guilt, to overthrow democracy and replace it with an oligarchy in which they will have an unequal share of power wholly in their favor.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

Dilbert_X wrote:

Jay wrote:

What black people should really do is become political free agents. Being a pet demographic of the democratic party for the last 90 years hasn't done them any favors. They get taken for granted, told they're not really black or an uncle tom if they don't vote Democrat, and get ignored otherwise. The white people that run the democratic party really don't give two shits about them. So change it up. Vote Republican and see how many people come running to see what you want. Be Ohio or Iowa. Be the swing vote.
Yes, blacks should vote Republican, that'll fix it. I'm sure they'll make themselves really popular becoming another selfish minority group.
Just for an election cycle. Maybe more than one if necessary.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Jay is right on this. In identical circumstances blacks will achieve less and be poorer.
They aren't interested in being part of a 'vibrant multicultural community' or whatever the white apologists call it.
Given the chance they'd be wholly dominant and be treating the whites and hispanics far worse than they were ever treated.
Look at pretty well any african country to see what I mean, blacks will cheerfully slaughter fellow blacks from other tribes, then sit on their arses complaining about their low achievement.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

Jay wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Jay wrote:

What black people should really do is become political free agents. Being a pet demographic of the democratic party for the last 90 years hasn't done them any favors. They get taken for granted, told they're not really black or an uncle tom if they don't vote Democrat, and get ignored otherwise. The white people that run the democratic party really don't give two shits about them. So change it up. Vote Republican and see how many people come running to see what you want. Be Ohio or Iowa. Be the swing vote.
Yes, blacks should vote Republican, that'll fix it. I'm sure they'll make themselves really popular becoming another selfish minority group.
Just for an election cycle. Maybe more than one if necessary.
I'm sure throwing their weight around and demanding special treatment will help the situation.

I thought that was what you were complaining about here.

Jay wrote:

No, race and identity are just a tool. The goal is to use their race, and white guilt, to overthrow democracy and replace it with an oligarchy in which they will have an unequal share of power wholly in their favor.
Once again I think you're just parroting things with no coherent thread or thought.
Fuck Israel
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay wrote:

Larssen wrote:

And yet it is always race and identity which dominates the argument, which is front and center, and which is paraded by corporate boards, universities, governments in their policies to 'fix the issues'. Then they end up hiring some kid who hits the identity checkboxes but who may just have grown up in a stable home in silicon valley and who went to stanford. But hey, at least he's black/arab/chinese/pickyourminority. Meanwhile the actual target community in an area like compton still has shit schools, still has gangs, still has poverty, still is overrepresented in crime and police brutality.

Get to the root. If you're 'as marxist as I am' you should clearly be able to see that the identitarian rifts and emotional outbursts over perceived/overt/covert racism are a distraction to the problems that need fixing.
No, race and identity are just a tool. The goal is to use their race, and white guilt, to overthrow democracy and replace it with an oligarchy in which they will have an unequal share of power wholly in their favor.
This is some Helter Skelter stuff. I don't think Mexican high school students lobbying for Taco Tuesdays in their school's cafe have an end objective of white genocide.

You sound like a crazy person.
You, who brag about affirmative action giving you an advantage? I'm the crazy person? The point of intersectionality is to flip the existing dynamic on its head, with straight white males on the bottom. How does one achieve this under the existing power structure? One vote is one vote, no? They're outnumbered, always. If they vote as a racial bloc they will be out voted. All of this comes back to power, and the club they are currently wielding is harnessing white liberal guilt and calling people racist until they fall in line. This only works on their own side, and its power will eventually fade. Certain elements have been agitating towards power realignment as a form of reparations. Black people's vote would be worth more than one vote, and their justification is the Dred Scott decision.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

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