It'll just be our little secret
calling Dell for computer help only to be connected to some incomprehensible Indian guy for 2 hours.
+18|7015|Swing and a miss
People with blu tooth head sets
+5|6311|USA, Central.
Gears that CONSTANTLY grind while I'm trying to concentrate....
Dutch Delight
BF2 Server down for maintenance?
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6787|6 6 4 oh, I forget

delta4bravo*nl* wrote:

BF2 Server down for maintenance?
You can't get to BF HQ either?
Dutch Delight

Ultrafunkula wrote:

delta4bravo*nl* wrote:

BF2 Server down for maintenance?
You can't get to BF HQ either?
no cant login, get stuck at connecting to server.
2 hours ago it was ok.
Beep bep.
+85|6684|Stealth on Grand Bazaar
TK'ers in BF2. All of them. And idiots on BF2.
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6787|6 6 4 oh, I forget

delta4bravo*nl* wrote:

Ultrafunkula wrote:

delta4bravo*nl* wrote:

BF2 Server down for maintenance?
You can't get to BF HQ either?
no cant login, get stuck at connecting to server.
2 hours ago it was ok.
Chuy prolly tripped on a powercord and got the whole thing shut down
+250|6724|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Having the same issue. Stuck connecting to the server.
Pony Slaystation
+343|7022|Charlie One Alpha
Holy hell this thread is old. It was started by the infamous triggerhappy himself. Posting here is nostalgia. Anyway, erm, people who can't drive piss me off. Mostly women and old people.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
+127|6658|Twyford, UK
Assholes who make a determined effort to hunt down the enemy commander, namely ME, when I'm not doing anything except commanding.
In some cases, with a goddamn APC.
Most often, the only warning I get is a knife to the gut, or red blips heading for me. I am NOT just a cheap kill.

Nadespamming. It's virtually statpadding. Person inside too skilled to confront? Throw grenades. Spawnpoint? Throw grenades. Defended position? Grenades grenades grenades.

Fucking sniper nubs. You have a rifle. You have a pistol. You are not just stuck throwing grenades and claymores while wearing a bush.
You are not meant to spawncamp pointlessly, or lurk in towers shooting people. You're not helping anything, just upping your kill count.

Bad pilots. Don't kill me with a ramming attack, quit flying like you're drunk before I hurl on my keyboard, and get the goddamn nose down so I can SEE. Or at least see something other than the damn cockpit display.

Baseraping. It's not funny, you're meant to give the other team a chance to gain a foothold, and it's just cheap fucking statpadding.

Family Guy. It's meant to be funny. Half the time it isn't. No, they don't like Meg. Yes, you go over that EVERY EPISODE. Yes, you sing. I get it. Shut up. Yes, that was funny once, but not the tenth fucking time. Write a decent goddamn script, instead of a thinly-veiled ripoff of the Simpsons.

Winter. It's cold, dark, depressing, and WET.

Potholes. The front wheel goes in without a bump, then the back lurches alarmingly on the way in. FIX the goddamn ROAD, we pay enough in council tax, is some damn tarmac too much to ask?

Job interviews. Awkwardness, being forced to project, and I'm probably not gonna get it ANYWAY. I'd be perfectly happy playing videogames all day, but I'm going broke and it's just so goddamn BORING after a while.

AI cheats. Micromanagement, no fog o' war, exact knowledge of ranges, no view restrictions, and so forth. Cheap fucking tactics.
On a similar note, terrible unit AI. Don't just stand there and get shot! Retaliate! MOVE, dammit! Don't keep stopping! Don't stand in people's line of fire! And quit bloody autotargeting when I tell you to hit something else!
The necessity for micromanagement of every little thing in order to get an edge.

Bluetooth. It should not be blocked by my feet, yet it is. If this keeps up, I'm moving the fucking box on top of the desk,
The guy I was just playing against who called me a pussy for using an unlock (the F2000), before taking me out with the M95.

getting kicked by an admin for suspected cheating (no, I DONT cheat)


AT guys in infantry only (sigh..)

people who complain about unlocks


squads where every squadmember spawns at another flag

Winter sucks, as said above..

Medics only think about themselves while you scream and beg for a medpack or a revive (thats a big one..)


Teams that are totally unbalanced, yet no one gives a "§$" about it..

I think thats it..
+127|6658|Twyford, UK
Psycho jet pilots. They keep trying to bomb me, get pissed when they fail, and keep on going. One guy freaking RAMMED my tank at the end of the game earlier. Last thing before the score screen was an F-35 coming riiiight for me as I reversed and jamming under my tracks.

Flag defense. You stand around for AGES, then when you decide to leave, the enemy mounts an assault.

USB 1.0. SO FUCKING SLOW! I am so buying a better USB drive when I get some cash, and ditching that crappy old MP3 player except for emergencies.

The cat wanting feeding halfway through a firefight.

In fact, that damn cat period. He even knows when I'm typing about him because he's memorised the sound of me typing 'cat'.
There is a problem with your connection.
Wiki Contributor

Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6904|Reisterstown, MD

This is from my latest blog on my myspace page..

So ok have you noticed an influx of reality tv shows that make you say...wtf?  NBC is prepared to have 5 choirs battle each other with the help of 5 superstar recording artists to see who is the best.  Apparently, individuals embarrassing themselves via American Idol isn't enough.  They want a group of people to go out and embarrass themselves so they can get more money.  I'm all about people being able to do something to get attention or whatever but come on.  Actually, I really am against people doing silly ish just to garner attention.  Seriously, what the hell is the point?  Next, you will see a broadcast station trying to see who is the best preacher so they will have a competition between different faiths...A "preach off"...Just silly.

So NBC's Clash of the Choirs.....wtf???
Grow up, or die

General-Idea wrote:

Gears that CONSTANTLY grind while I'm trying to concentrate....
This made me nearly piss my pants...
Serial Jay-Walker
+52|6297|Perth, indian ocean
People who stay on the carrier in Wake, either get in the Black Hawk after you've missed the jet (which gets killed by the J-10 anyway) or jump on a boat and come fight with the rest of the team instead of standing around and doing nothing for 5 minutes.
90 % of the time logging onto a server and see that the sides are stacked.... you know what I'm taking about all the high ranks peeps one side and all the peeps with just their chevrons on the other... then you ask them why they stacked the sides and the always play dumb " what do you mean"?
I know what you guys are gunna say, so save it " Rank doesn't mean anything".... then i ask you then on all the servers that I've been that this happens too the higher rank side has always wins.
Dutch Delight

PapaTango69 wrote:

90 % of the time logging onto a server and see that the sides are stacked.... you know what I'm taking about all the high ranks peeps one side and all the peeps with just their chevrons on the other... then you ask them why they stacked the sides and the always play dumb " what do you mean"?
I know what you guys are gunna say, so save it " Rank doesn't mean anything".... then i ask you then on all the servers that I've been that this happens too the higher rank side has always wins.
I have seen this many many times lately..
Its good to be on the winning site but it sucks to be on the poor site.. you maybe a good shot but 6 vs 1 gets boring quick.

Last edited by delta4bravo*nl* (2007-12-18 06:12:36)

Serial Jay-Walker
+52|6297|Perth, indian ocean

General-Idea wrote:

Gears that CONSTANTLY grind while I'm trying to concentrate....
Hahaha +1 Karma for you

New Gear Grinder (for me anyway)
People with way too much time on their hands and way too much skill with the C4
it's not noob i suppose it just bugs me when I'm chasing someone and they blow me sky high.
+5|6294|Worcester, MA

threekillerz wrote:

getting kicked by an admin for suspected cheating (no, I DONT cheat)
AT guys in infantry only (sigh..)
Medics only think about themselves while you scream and beg for a medpack or a revive (thats a big one..)
Teams that are totally unbalanced, yet no one gives a "§$" about it..
I think thats it..
dude bunnyhoppers are my worst nightmare. n00bs are the worst, jet whores the same, and f***ing medics that stare at you while you are wounded. o and admins that everytime you kill they call you hacker or cheater, and some goddamn CO's that dontdo shit.

that's is that really grind me gears.... Tom...
+303|6307|The pool
Claywhores piss me off the most. And by claywhores, I dont mean people who just use a clay to defend the top of a ladder, or small area where theyre sniping, but the retarded assholes who use them for their only source of points; never taking out their rifle or pistol.

Following that, snipers who would rather chuck a nade at you and run than take out a pistol and shoot you.

Then, people who bitch and moan about bunny hopping because their aim blows, ESPECIALLY when theyre in an APC or tank.

Then the really dumbass medics who dont know how to heal and revive you. And same for supports who wont give you ammo after you scream at them for 5 minutes

EDIT: New things I hate now that Ive been spending time in jeeps more (for a badge)

Rubber cars. You go to run someone over and all they do it bounce off your car or go through it. Then theres rockets that go through cars... Another is hitbox lag on vehicles, I strapped all of my c4 to the front/underside of an APC today, run away and hit the trigger, the APC doesnt die, rather, it takes no damage and goes flying backwards. Wtf is that shit?

Last edited by Wallpaper (2007-12-29 23:50:52)

+127|6658|Twyford, UK
- Claymores period. SO ANNOYING.

- Vehicles that explode and kill me.

- Transport-on-transport combat; head-on ram followed by spraying away with the mounted gun for a headshot or explosion. ALWAYS ends up as MAD.

- Suddenly finding I'm leading a 4-man squad that's determined to work together, and having to actually give orders and listen to the commander.

- Being seemingly the only one in the server interested in winning over padding my score, and getting the undivided attention of the commander. Sure, it's NICE to hear 'go squad go!' or 'you're the finest squad I ever laid eyes on!', but every time I do anything? And a vehicle drop every time I go for an outlying flag on foot? Supplies on demand? BACKUP?
Has the guy got nothing better to do than follow me around like a police chopper?
And why does he know what I'd like before I even want it?

- My rightclick button sticking.

- Spawncampers. Spawn, die. Spawn elsewhere, die.
- Lag. Find someone, open fire, lag, die.
- Lag in combination with spawncampers. Click spawn, lag, die without getting to even see.

- Demanding squads. Supplies! UAV! Backup! SHUT UP AND LET ME DO MY JOB ALREADY!

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