
SoC./Omega wrote:

I read that article last night. Im gettin a little pissed about our borders, last night i was so pissed i said that we should only let 1/10 families cross our border. Think back into the 1700s when America sucked compared to Britian, we worked and got to where we are today by working in our own country, the Mexicans got to do the same. I dont give a care about how poor their country is, if Americans didnt work way back in the past we wouldnt be where we are today, Mexico can be a great country, but it wont happen unless they find a good leader and start workin their ass off. They dont need to cross our border, go find work in your country to make it better.

I'd like to add this in even though its off topic, President Bush said this morning if we pulled out of Iraq it would be a extremely bad decision because it would give the terroists the mood to attack more, they could regroup and start up again. If we pulled out it would show the terroists that we wont do anything if they attack us again. We need to stay in Iraq til they can handle theirselves, President Bush could never be more right.
Wrong, wrong, wrong!!!  It is my belief that we have given the Iraqi's enough time to form themselves the way they want to be.  Bush this morning also said the Iraqi's will be the ones who want the democracy.  I believe this administration has put our country far enough in a hole monetarily with this farce.  If you'll recall we still don't have a definitive reason for invading in the first place.  WMD's, Al Queda training camps both proven false,  and the last but not least, Sadaam was an evil dictator.  Not denying that, but is it worth what we have paid for it.  We have enough problems here at home that need tending to.  Let's bring our resources back home now!!!
Pimpin aint Easy
As far as illegal immigration goes I feel the immigration laws should be enforce and stiffer penalties for those who break them.  There are immigration laws for a reason.  To keep out undesirables and welcome those who we see fit.  I too am all for immigration into our country, but if your going to migrate here do it legally like so many others have done before.

Its funny to me that Mexicans come to the U.S. and protest that we dont have 'fair' immigration laws, but I don't see them protesting in their own country to change corruption and poverty.  And I surely don't want my tax dollars paying for illegal immigrants medical, housing, etc. 

If they want to make a change, why not start at home?  If they are so upset about their government corruption and wages, why not protest and vote for changes within Mexico?  Finally, why does the Mexican government promote illegal immigration as part of Mexico's economy?

Connoisseur of Fine Wine
Solution: electric fence or great wall
Mr. Bigglesworth

Jusster wrote:

As far as illegal immigration goes I feel the immigration laws should be enforce and stiffer penalties for those who break them.  There are immigration laws for a reason.  To keep out undesirables and welcome those who we see fit.  I too am all for immigration into our country, but if your going to migrate here do it legally like so many others have done before.

Its funny to me that Mexicans come to the U.S. and protest that we dont have 'fair' immigration laws, but I don't see them protesting in their own country to change corruption and poverty.  And I surely don't want my tax dollars paying for illegal immigrants medical, housing, etc. 

If they want to make a change, why not start at home?  If they are so upset about their government corruption and wages, why not protest and vote for changes within Mexico?  Finally, why does the Mexican government promote illegal immigration as part of Mexico's economy?

Jusster … =cnn_world

They are trying. Remember Mexico one its independance from Spain in 1810. Give it time.
+122|6854|Omaha, Nebraska!

GATOR591957 wrote:

SoC./Omega wrote:

I read that article last night. Im gettin a little pissed about our borders, last night i was so pissed i said that we should only let 1/10 families cross our border. Think back into the 1700s when America sucked compared to Britian, we worked and got to where we are today by working in our own country, the Mexicans got to do the same. I dont give a care about how poor their country is, if Americans didnt work way back in the past we wouldnt be where we are today, Mexico can be a great country, but it wont happen unless they find a good leader and start workin their ass off. They dont need to cross our border, go find work in your country to make it better.

I'd like to add this in even though its off topic, President Bush said this morning if we pulled out of Iraq it would be a extremely bad decision because it would give the terroists the mood to attack more, they could regroup and start up again. If we pulled out it would show the terroists that we wont do anything if they attack us again. We need to stay in Iraq til they can handle theirselves, President Bush could never be more right.
Wrong, wrong, wrong!!!  It is my belief that we have given the Iraqi's enough time to form themselves the way they want to be.  Bush this morning also said the Iraqi's will be the ones who want the democracy.  I believe this administration has put our country far enough in a hole monetarily with this farce.  If you'll recall we still don't have a definitive reason for invading in the first place.  WMD's, Al Queda training camps both proven false,  and the last but not least, Sadaam was an evil dictator.  Not denying that, but is it worth what we have paid for it.  We have enough problems here at home that need tending to.  Let's bring our resources back home now!!!
(no offense to anyone but i got to say it.)  just wait til a liberal takes the office, then you ppl will realize that Bush was right.
+102|7015|New York

rawls2 wrote:

ATG wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

Well I do live close to the border. And its not what you claim. All these illegals are trying to get a better life. Why do they come here? Maybe because on the Statue of Liberty it says :
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
See Mexicans come hear for a chance to live the dream. The same dreams that so many of us take for granted. Look at the news and tell me the US isn't the greatest place on Earth to live and raise a family. The Us has become what it has due to all the different ethnicities coming together and forming a great nation.

Sure, now were all concerned about the terrorists sneaking in (by way of Canada last I checked) and wreaking havoc. But punishing the poor migrants and lumping them together with the 19 9/11 bastards is wrong.
BTW: Mexicans really do share the same ideas and goals of us here in the good old US of A. So more Mexican immigrants doesn't mean the death of the west. On the contrary it will infuse this country with people who are HUNGRY for a piece of the dream.
So, can you explain to be how having an open border policy will better serve the survival of our nation over th next 100 yrs?

Do you reject all laws or just those concerning the border?

Can you tell me if you are willing to sacrifice whatever social security you might have had so that illegal alien Mexicans can continue to receive benefits?
The United States has always had an open border policy. Thats why its such a great place and why everybody wants to be an American.

I recognize all laws, however some more than others. When it comes to my ancestral people, I tend to want to bend the rules a little.

I tend to think the current state of morals in this country is a greater threat than millions of of illegals from Mexico.
Sorry But its That kind of thinking thats going to sink this country. " I tend to want to bend the rules"? Would these be the same kind of folks that want us to HAVE 2 languages and the same type of people who are prouder of there own country that they fly THAT flag instead of the One from the country thats GIVING them this Great life they wanted?
+105|6791|Lutenblaag, Molvania
I have a friend who lives in Miami. He's been there for almost 10 years and he still barely speaks english. He says even the TV shows he watches are in spanish. And his portuguese is now a strange mix of spanish and portuguese.

The US is changing, soon these spanish-speaking imigrants will have alot of power. They will start electing oficials, if they are not already doing so. And before you say they can't vote, its not their votes that will elect oficials. Its something much more powerful, their money.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
You US guys should really bite the bullet and start taking Spanish classes. It's quite an easy language to learn. Otherwise fix up your blatant disregard for your own rule of law and throw the illegal immigrants back where they came from!!! Elect someone who will or quit complaining!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS
It's like whining over patches made by EA - it's not going to solve anything. Get off your ass and do something. Too intergrated into your economy? That's your fault, go fix it.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
PR Only
+70|6957|United States - Illinois
NO offense but i have no fucking pity for Mexicans.  I do admit you need at least one legal legitimate family member over in the U.S. and you will have no problem getting in legally.  I know this from first hand experience. 

My wife is from Canada and we just recently got everything squared away after a long process of paperwork and money.  But a) you don't need a lawyer, and b) you don't need a lot of money.

I'm 22 live on my own and I'm in college.  My wife is 24 finishing her GED and then will be going to college soon.  I'm dirt poor and i could afford to bring her over.  I'm not gonna lie it's  about $1600 to fill out the paperwork and get everything correct but that's everything.  All and all it only took little over 1 year for everything to get processed.  And now my wife is a legal Permanent Resident.  Until 3 years from now she can decide whether or not she wants to become a citizen.  But you can remain a Permanent Resident for your entire life.  As long as shes married to me and fills out the paperwork when it due.

We did immigration through marriage and it is really tough to do it this way.  There are many other easier ways to do it you just have to be eligible for them.  But i know for sure that 1st priorities goes to petitioning for family members.   Be it children, parents, or siblings.  And there are many lawyers if you choose to use one that work "pro bono"(sp) i quote that because its not free just cheaper.  My lawyer fees making little over 18g's a year at the time would have been 500 dollars.  They do the whole process for you.  A regular firm lawyer would cost about 2000g and that doesn't include paperwork fees.

All and all i have no problems with immigration but it must be done LEGALLY(period)

edit: and for all you canadians out there my wife does not like Bush.  So it makes for interesting dinner time chats.  See sig for how i feel

Last edited by Colfax (2006-08-22 06:40:13)


CameronPoe wrote:

You US guys should really bite the bullet and start taking Spanish classes. It's quite an easy language to learn. Otherwise fix up your blatant disregard for your own rule of law and throw the illegal immigrants back where they came from!!! Elect someone who will or quit complaining!
Actually, at least in Michigan, Spanish is one of the Big three languages offered in high-school. (I'm not counting arabic)

Frankly though, there's no form of enforcement that would solve the problem. A more comprehensive solution would allow for more legals and adjust to compensate for the immigration.
PR Only
+70|6957|United States - Illinois

EVieira wrote:

I have a friend who lives in Miami. He's been there for almost 10 years and he still barely speaks english. He says even the TV shows he watches are in spanish. And his portuguese is now a strange mix of spanish and portuguese.

The US is changing, soon these spanish-speaking imigrants will have alot of power. They will start electing oficials, if they are not already doing so. And before you say they can't vote, its not their votes that will elect oficials. Its something much more powerful, their money.
If your illegal you can't vote.

Making English the official language needs to be passed in to legislation soon.

Last edited by Colfax (2006-08-22 06:44:33)


Colfax wrote:

EVieira wrote:

I have a friend who lives in Miami. He's been there for almost 10 years and he still barely speaks english. He says even the TV shows he watches are in spanish. And his portuguese is now a strange mix of spanish and portuguese.

The US is changing, soon these spanish-speaking imigrants will have alot of power. They will start electing oficials, if they are not already doing so. And before you say they can't vote, its not their votes that will elect oficials. Its something much more powerful, their money.
If your illegal you can't vote.

Making English the official language needs to be passed in to legislation soon.
Colfax FTL. He just said it didn't matter if they could vote. And he has a point, the growing demographic of spanish and portugese speakers influences the government greatly, legal or not.
PR Only
+70|6957|United States - Illinois

jonsimon wrote:

Colfax wrote:

EVieira wrote:

I have a friend who lives in Miami. He's been there for almost 10 years and he still barely speaks english. He says even the TV shows he watches are in spanish. And his portuguese is now a strange mix of spanish and portuguese.

The US is changing, soon these spanish-speaking imigrants will have alot of power. They will start electing oficials, if they are not already doing so. And before you say they can't vote, its not their votes that will elect oficials. Its something much more powerful, their money.
If your illegal you can't vote.

Making English the official language needs to be passed in to legislation soon.
Colfax FTL. He just said it didn't matter if they could vote. And he has a point, the growing demographic of spanish and portugese speakers influences the government greatly, legal or not.
I guess he doesn't understand why illegals come over then.  This money they have goes back home and the remainder of the little money they get goes into living.  If they were legal they could make decent wages and send that back and then make a difference by paying taxes and being a law abiding citizen.  If i can do it with the money i have they can too.

Last edited by Colfax (2006-08-22 07:02:24)


Colfax wrote:

jonsimon wrote:

Colfax wrote:

If your illegal you can't vote.

Making English the official language needs to be passed in to legislation soon.
Colfax FTL. He just said it didn't matter if they could vote. And he has a point, the growing demographic of spanish and portugese speakers influences the government greatly, legal or not.
I guess he doesn't understand why illegals come over then.  This money they have goes back home and the remainder of the little money they get goes into living.  If they were legal they could make decent wages and send that back and then make a difference by paying taxes and being a law abiding citizen.  If i can do it with the money i have they can too.
Illegals don't come over for a solitary reason. You can't lump them all into one line of thinking, esspecially when you have no experience as an illegal.
+44|6908|Europe and goddamn proud of it
The West will never die!
PR Only
+70|6957|United States - Illinois
I have no experience as an illegal and yet i have illegals living next to me.  How do you know what experience i have.  I have experience with the immigration process(seeing as my wife is a LEGAL immigrant) and it isnt that complicated.  Nor is it that expensive.  So why is it so hard to not be illegal.

i bet of 80% of illegals that don't bring all their family over send money home.  And since its not inexpensive to live in the United States and they don't get paid much as it is their living costs and money they send home is the majority of their income.  I think its a safe bet to that most illegals do not have a huge disposable income.  So no money isn't power in their situation.  I know what its like to live on one income having a wife and such.  She couldnt work for the first year of our marriage and is still having troubles finding jobs because she is a immigrant (a LEGAL one).  So how about you don't tell me who has experience in what.

Unless your an illegal and then i ask whats your address so i can send INS over.

Last edited by Colfax (2006-08-22 10:03:13)


Colfax wrote:

I have no experience as an illegal and yet i have illegals living next to me.  How do you know what experience i have.  I have experience with the immigration process(seeing as my wife is a LEGAL immigrant) and it isnt that complicated.  Nor is it that expensive.  So why is it so hard to not be illegal.

i bet of 80% of illegals that don't bring all their family over send money home.  And since its not inexpensive to live in the United States and they don't get paid much as it is their living costs and money they send home is the majority of their income.  I think its a safe bet to that most illegals do not have a huge disposable income.  So no money isn't power in their situation.  I know what its like to live on one income having a wife and such.  She couldnt work for the first year of our marriage and is still having troubles finding jobs because she is a immigrant (a LEGAL one).  So how about you don't tell me who has experience in what.

Unless your an illegal and then i ask whats your address so i can send INS over.
Because you made it pretty easy to assume you were an American citizen.

Okay, so now you're betting. Meaning, you're guessing. You stated you don't have any experience, so you have little evidence. And disposable incomes do not matter, jobs are money, and illegals get jobs. Money is power, therefore, illegals have power.

I'm getting bored of this.

SoC./Omega wrote:

GATOR591957 wrote:

SoC./Omega wrote:

I read that article last night. Im gettin a little pissed about our borders, last night i was so pissed i said that we should only let 1/10 families cross our border. Think back into the 1700s when America sucked compared to Britian, we worked and got to where we are today by working in our own country, the Mexicans got to do the same. I dont give a care about how poor their country is, if Americans didnt work way back in the past we wouldnt be where we are today, Mexico can be a great country, but it wont happen unless they find a good leader and start workin their ass off. They dont need to cross our border, go find work in your country to make it better.

I'd like to add this in even though its off topic, President Bush said this morning if we pulled out of Iraq it would be a extremely bad decision because it would give the terroists the mood to attack more, they could regroup and start up again. If we pulled out it would show the terroists that we wont do anything if they attack us again. We need to stay in Iraq til they can handle theirselves, President Bush could never be more right.
Wrong, wrong, wrong!!!  It is my belief that we have given the Iraqi's enough time to form themselves the way they want to be.  Bush this morning also said the Iraqi's will be the ones who want the democracy.  I believe this administration has put our country far enough in a hole monetarily with this farce.  If you'll recall we still don't have a definitive reason for invading in the first place.  WMD's, Al Queda training camps both proven false,  and the last but not least, Sadaam was an evil dictator.  Not denying that, but is it worth what we have paid for it.  We have enough problems here at home that need tending to.  Let's bring our resources back home now!!!
(no offense to anyone but i got to say it.)  just wait til a liberal takes the office, then you ppl will realize that Bush was right.
I hope this thread is around long fot you to eat your words.
+149|6861|USA bitches!
The border is an enormous problem. Yes, there were walk outs and demonstrations, pointless as they were. They were basically, but not all, illegals illegally protesting about being illegal within our country.

1. They are here illegally.
2. They don't have the right to protest against our country because they're not citizens.
3. Just them being present in our country at the time of the protests was illegal.
4. Should I go on?

I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING against immigration. Nobody is debating immigration. Americans just want it to be controlled. How hard would it be, if the program was in place, to apply for a work visa, get it, and renew when the time came? In that time, they could take the citizenship test and not have to worry about going back... or claim amnesty.

The kids that protested did it only to get out of school. Here in Dallas, some dumb shits flipped their car, because a 13-14 year old was driving to the protests, and the dumb whore hanging out of the window had her arm severed. She deserved it too, and no, that isn't harsh.

The dumbest thing I saw about the protests were:

1. An American of Mexican decent was holding an American flag in the middle of a hazing crowd (as captured in a picture in the Dallas Morning News). She wasn't doing anything but saying she loved this country.

2. A group of white people had objects thrown at them because they were protesting the illegals that were illegally protesting. Cops had to freaking evacuate and protect them. Sure, they were only getting bottles and small objects thrown at them, but they weren't doing anything but holding signs and protesting, just as the immigrants/Mexican-Americans were doing. Were we throwing shit at them? Nope...

3. Everyone holding Mexican flags, showing their pride in their country and how much they love it.... in downtown Dallas. If you fucking love your country so much, go back and leave us alone so I don't have to read about it in the newspaper. Idiots.

4. Kids skipping school to protest, when all they were doing was playing around. Free day! Let's protest!!

5. People bitching and complaining that when they went back to work the next day, they got in trouble for not showing up to work. No fucking shit! If you have a job and just leave, you must face the damn consequences.

6. What if millions of Americans moved to Mexico and started demonstrating against their government? They'd all be killed, that's right, killed.

This is what we need to do:

1. Build a wall and put manpower on it. Invest in technology that can detect tunneling and such (seismic readers) to catch people trying to tunnel under.
2. Create a decent work program that would let non-criminals into the US with a work visa for like, say, 5 years.
3. Give ALL illegals within the country that haven't been convicted of a crime work visas and go from there.

It's not all that hard. Politicians just want votes, and they need to be beaten. Mexican-Americans who say they won't vote for a politician that has a strong border policy should be shipped back to their homeland. If they don't want to protect this freaking country, they don't need to be here. When the a-bomb goes off in a major city and they trace it back to the border (somehow, however they'd do that), we're going to go beserk on everyone. I'd rather prevent that.

That's it for now. No sense arguing with me, for I'm right, and you all know I'm right.

Again, I'll say it, we're not going off on immigration, just ILLEGAL immigration. Deeeeerrrrrrrrrr!1

Last edited by Jenkinsbball (2006-08-22 13:09:56)

iPod is broken.
+1,048|6978|NT, like Mick Dundee

As Fancy suggested, the Great Wall worked for China...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
fuck it

jonsimon wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

You US guys should really bite the bullet and start taking Spanish classes. It's quite an easy language to learn. Otherwise fix up your blatant disregard for your own rule of law and throw the illegal immigrants back where they came from!!! Elect someone who will or quit complaining!
Actually, at least in Michigan, Spanish is one of the Big three languages offered in high-school. (I'm not counting arabic)
I was also offered Spanish in high school. I took French instead and ended up with 3 years with 3 useless teachers, one of which was actually fired for incompetence. Some of the phrases I was taught don't even translate to english.

Reaxzion wrote:

The West will never die!
we wish it will never happen.... BUT

u there on west got a big troble! this big truble called DEMOGRAPHY!!!

while west got 2 kids per family - east got 9...

500 years and there is no gonna be white peoples on this planet!

stop useing condoms, and start making kids!
The Lizzard

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

my question is why the heck do people come here in droves and some risk their lives...  its the greatest country on earth...  CB
By that logic Australia is the greatest country on Earth.............
+5,233|6842|Global Command

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