To buy BF2 and play IO, is idiocy. Go play CS:S - here is a hint: THE ENTIRE GAME IS DESIGNED TO BE INFANTRY ONLY. Yeah, that.
BTW, there is a way to play BF2 IO: its called "unranked servers". Have fun with that.
If IO mode is basically 32 player maps with no vehicles, then just play unranked servers; they can do that. In fact, its not even really that hard. Oh, and have fun walking *alot*. IO I would assume means no vehicles; I assume like every other "I bought battlefield 2: strike at karkand coz i didnt know they had other maps" player, you just want strike at karkand without vehicles. Maybe Sharqi too.
If you want to play IO on a ranked server, I call BS. The whole idea of medals and awards is they show you put the time in * on a normal, ranked server where everybody has access*. If you play pistol only just to get your pistol badge, I feel sorry for you. You did not earn your badge, you cheated the system (and I personally would like to see your badge taken away). Part of the reason I dont have so many awards is that I dont try for them. The only time I use the pistol is when a: my main gun doesnt have the accuracy at range, like a shotgun or b: my main gun is out of ammunition and i dont have time to reload.
Regardless, all the IO BS is idiotic. Go play on a modded, unranked server, where people took the time to make the servers IO; dont waste DICE's (and my) time by asking for IO version of ranked servers. They need to spend as much time as they can on what matters: getting the core game that they designed called BATTLEFIELD 2 (not infantry at karkand 2, not infantry shooters, not I R GI GUYZ) to work right.
BTW, there is a way to play BF2 IO: its called "unranked servers". Have fun with that.
If IO mode is basically 32 player maps with no vehicles, then just play unranked servers; they can do that. In fact, its not even really that hard. Oh, and have fun walking *alot*. IO I would assume means no vehicles; I assume like every other "I bought battlefield 2: strike at karkand coz i didnt know they had other maps" player, you just want strike at karkand without vehicles. Maybe Sharqi too.
If you want to play IO on a ranked server, I call BS. The whole idea of medals and awards is they show you put the time in * on a normal, ranked server where everybody has access*. If you play pistol only just to get your pistol badge, I feel sorry for you. You did not earn your badge, you cheated the system (and I personally would like to see your badge taken away). Part of the reason I dont have so many awards is that I dont try for them. The only time I use the pistol is when a: my main gun doesnt have the accuracy at range, like a shotgun or b: my main gun is out of ammunition and i dont have time to reload.
Regardless, all the IO BS is idiotic. Go play on a modded, unranked server, where people took the time to make the servers IO; dont waste DICE's (and my) time by asking for IO version of ranked servers. They need to spend as much time as they can on what matters: getting the core game that they designed called BATTLEFIELD 2 (not infantry at karkand 2, not infantry shooters, not I R GI GUYZ) to work right.
Last edited by blacksheepcannibal (2006-08-25 07:23:31)