Back from the Dead.
Progress kyle?
aka Nekrodamus
+52|6886|Germany, near Koblenz
Since you leetkyle seam to have SF you should give Warlord a try:

- Wait for a palace fight and then run around just with your knife out. (miserable K/D, but very easy badge)

- Play AT or Assault to get a grappling hook. Check out the UAV to identify snipers laying on roofs. Enter the roof in their back using your hook instead of stairs to avoid their claymores. Get the knife out before throwing the hook so you'll switch back automatically, can attack faster and avoid the loud metallic noise.
+1,352|6647|N. Ireland
Unfortunately not much progress - and I've just watched my KDR go down and down. I won't give up though! All the advice I've been given has been helpful and has got me closer - I appreciate it! It's my last badge, and I already have over 50 kills with it, ready for veteren!
Germans did 911
+427|6835|Disaster Free Zone

leetkyle wrote:

.. is too damn hard to get! I've taken most people's advice for going 64 man Karkand with about 20 people in it so the rounds last for really long, and a 64 Kark with 64 players in it! Best I have ever got is 6.. In which, I got awarded the Purple Heart for the SECOND time lol ^__^ had like 30 deaths because even the snipers saw me a'comin'!

How'd you get yours? I mean, vet and ex. will be easy, as there is no IAR requirements..

edit// reason why I need this is because I don't want to become a Master Gunnery It's the only thing left that I don't have in basic.. also need it for Combat Infantry as I've done about 100 hours already..
I'm not going to say its the wrong advice because it works for some people. Me personally (who got the 18 IAR requiremnt for expert back in 1.12), feel low populaton servers are no good. I got my basic/vet (same round) on devils perch in the dark after many tries on many maps. Zip line came in very useful to get behind people without them knowing, but its really not a map where you could get many more then 12 knife kills.

After getting Vet knife (and thinking that was imposable) I needed 18 IAR for expert. With about 2-3 weeks of knife training I found the best places to knife the best tactics to use and the timings of swinging right. Never could I come close to getting the kills on empty servers because you can't use deception, confusion or stealth. The only kills you will ever get are those people not paying attention and getting behind them while they 'camp'.

The best map I found to do it on was Sharqi. I got 16 and 17 on Karkand but I found rounds are too quick and there's not much cover. In Sharqi there's long grass, trees and more buildings to hide in, around and on top of. Also I found anywhere upwards of 45 players is good. I eventually got my expert on a full 64 player sharqi map with 30 tickets to spare (in which time I got a 19th kill).

I used the USMC sniper kit most as its guile suit is darker then standard USMC uniform and can cause then enemy to mistake you for a teammate for half a second (time enough to stab them). Also its easier letting them come to you and setting up ambushes then you attacking.

Allot of people go prone in a corner when trying to capture flags, this is the perfect time to strike. Make sure you come from a side, behind or above and get an easy kill and possible flag defend. This works best at City Entrance, Alleyway and Surveillance Post. Hide on top of buildings and drop down on people, make sure you keep your stamina in reserve for the 'chase', there's nothing worse then having someone just in front of you looking the other way and you not being able to catch him.

Construction Area and TV Station offer great knifing opportunities with snipers on the top levels and very confined space making it easier to surprise a victim coming round a corner or up the stairs. make sure your always moving and be aware of other people, don't always go straight for them, work out where there going and try to get around behind them.

Don't be scared to take on multiple targets at once, just make sure you get in the middle of them before they see you. If there's a group 4 or 5 people and you rush them and start stabbing there are a few things which happen. There's someone good who shoots you straight away (bad luck). You create enough confusion people will either shoot randomly getting TKs and maybe you or they wont want to get TKs and will look for the clean shot (you should get a few kills but in the end you will die). Or they wont know whats happening and after you kill one of the medic (like all whores do) will pull out his paddles reviving him giving you another easy kill as well as making the medic somewhat defenseless so you can kill him to. With enough confusion you can get 4 or 5 kills from people not noticing you and reviving there team mates. As unlikely as it sounds this scenario is all to common and with the added guile suit (and the fact you right next to them) people mistake your identity.

The only other piece of advice I can give you is if you've got 1 kill and 5 deaths with 100 tickets gone in the round, give up for that round and start shooting people. There's no way your going to get what you want and you will only get frustrated that nothings going right. There's allot more tactics and Luck involved then skill, so your badge giving round wont happen all the time. If things are just not good at the beginning have some fun for the rest of the round with guns. Practice, patience and the right round and you'll have your basic in no time.

Last edited by DrunkFace (2006-10-10 06:06:12)

+1,352|6647|N. Ireland
thanks for this! i think i'll go try sharqi now i appreciate it.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6839|Espoo, Finland
I got my expert badge when it used to require something. Back then it was 17 kills with knife IAR.
I did it on a full 64player karkand server.

Gawwad wrote:

I got my expert badge when it used to require something. Back then it was 17 kills with knife IAR.
I did it on a full 64player karkand server.
Back when a man's word was good as gold and people left thier front door unlocked.
+30|6730|Herts, UK
I got mine on Wake island and flanking around behind the enemy and coming up behind them that way.

I was China and the USMC had the 2 northern flags and were attacking down one access route. I ran down the side of the island (i.e. right down by the water away from the round), got right round by the bunker and then started knifing all the AT and snipers that were trying to hold off the other China players. My brother did something similar on Sharqi between the first two flags; City Entrance and Surveillance post i think it is.

Keep low and wait for your victim to run past and then splat 'em!! Use the UAV to clue you into which way people are looking as well. Hope you get it soon!

Last edited by Jainus (2006-10-10 09:13:07)

Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6816|Groningen, The Netherlands
yesterday I knifed 6 people in a row, stupid medic that revive first look/shoot later
gotta love them

TIP leetkyle, bodycamp on a karkand server --> shoot someone and wait for the noobie medic to come and give you 2 easy knife kills
+1,352|6647|N. Ireland
thanks for the tips again. i find it best to knife the commander as he rarely finds out where I actually am.. still with 6/7 as my PB ;( Almost got 2 in a row today but a sniper pinned me to the ground.
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
Remember to use the uav at all times.. easy ten-twenty knife kills in a round
+1,352|6647|N. Ireland
Can I be a commander and still get the badge? that's as low as i'll go.
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6773|inside the recesses of your...
The key to getting ANY BADGE:

Low man Warlord server. 

Got my expert repair, expert pistol, expert medic heals, so many expert kit combat badges....

WHY?  On a 16 man server you have MANY more one-on-one opportunities.  The problem with a full server is unless you are a freaking god you always have 3 or 4 enemies taking shots at you before you even reach your "target" victim. 

On the low man server, its just you and him.  Sneak up, knife him, repeat.  Plus the rounds last much longer usually so you dont have to be impatient.

Have a nice day.

Last edited by URE_DED (2006-10-10 10:00:04)

BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6773|inside the recesses of your...

leetkyle wrote:

Can I be a commander and still get the badge? that's as low as i'll go.
You pretty much get credit for all actions you perform as commander except you don't get any team points.  You can get badges, awards, etc.
+1,352|6647|N. Ireland
well, managed to get 1/7! will keep trying all the same, thanks.
I like pie
+29|6631|San Diego, CA
Got mine on sharqi, knifed an entire squad hanging around on the roofs and then some. Sharqi is probably a good map, specially 'round the construction site since it tends to be close quarters, or knife the people trying to capture the surveillance post. Hope this helps.
Bullet Magnet
+14|6716|A good vantage point...

DerGraueWolf wrote:

Since you leetkyle seam to have SF you should give Warlord a try:

- Wait for a palace fight and then run around just with your knife out. (miserable K/D, but very easy badge)

- Play AT or Assault to get a grappling hook. Check out the UAV to identify snipers laying on roofs. Enter the roof in their back using your hook instead of stairs to avoid their claymores. Get the knife out before throwing the hook so you'll switch back automatically, can attack faster and avoid the loud metallic noise.
Hey leetkyle,
DerGraueWolf has some sound advice, but in addition to this if you want to give Warlord a go (preferably 32 or 64 player), then you can also take Sniper or Spec Ops and play on the MEC team (either one, but you need the zipline).
1. Spawn in at TV Station.
2. Get to the roof - pronto.
3. Zipline across to the tallest building you can see - (it's West I think) - shoot your zipline into the little building on it's roof, but don't shoot it too high and make sure you can retrieve it.
4. Zipline down to the building above Plaza flag.
5. Now, assuming you don't have a fleet of pick-up trucks, tanks, and APC's there drilling every SAS unit that parachutes in, you'll be in a good position to knife anyone that 'chutes in to land on that roof to kill your troops trying to cap Plaza - I've found that usually they're either Assault, AT or Snipers there so use your UAV wisely and make sure you pay attention to which direction they're facing (oh, and make sure you're not spotted while they're dropping in cos the element of surprise is the key here...). This is why I recommend 32 or 64 player cos I've found that there are more victims 'chuting in onto the roof on these.
6. Using the ladders on the roof of this building above Plaza, you can get to the highest point of the building and then you can also zipline onto the roof of the buildings overlooking the main road from Construction to TV Station Plaza and stab any Snipers which might have parachuted in over there.

Like I said - surprise is the key - approaching from behind is best, so if it's near the start of the round and you can infiltrate Construction Site from the side or from the back over the fence, then you can come in behind spawners and catch them off guard. Make sure you pick a kit with decent sprint endurance if you're going to do this though...

But I wouldn't advise just running around the whole round with your knife out cos your K ratio will suffer - remember to shoot first and knife the sucker only if and when you can, but not at the expense of your own life - your death in a gun vs. knife battle doesnt help your stats or your team if you can;t be revived.

Good luck dude !!

Srs lurker
+25|6646|Oklahoma City
^ Another good tactic for warlord is to defend the insurgent hideout by hiding behind the dumpsters in the alley.

People will run past you without checking, and then you can knife them since they often pause on the stairs.
(that's how I got my badge)
+1,352|6647|N. Ireland
Thanks for the tips! I will head over to a Warlord server soon enough
aka Nekrodamus
+52|6886|Germany, near Koblenz

-TL- wrote:

^ Another good tactic for warlord is to defend the insurgent hideout by hiding behind the dumpsters in the alley.

People will run past you without checking, and then you can knife them since they often pause on the stairs.
(that's how I got my badge)
Not bad, but don't forget to check out position and direction of friendly claymores!
Bullet Magnet
+14|6716|A good vantage point...

DerGraueWolf wrote:

-TL- wrote:

^ Another good tactic for warlord is to defend the insurgent hideout by hiding behind the dumpsters in the alley.

People will run past you without checking, and then you can knife them since they often pause on the stairs.
(that's how I got my badge)
Not bad, but don't forget to check out position and direction of friendly claymores!
True true to both.
Another tactic for Insurgent Hideout is to take AT or Assault (need a Grappling Hook) and get onto the roof above the Hideout flag and sit near the corner above the flag. Wait for unsuspecting units to move in under the flag (they usually go prone and face the stairs) jump down as close as possible, go prone and stab away !!! If there are multiple units there, start from the rear-most victim and work your way towards the stairs as that's usually the way everyone watches...but don't get spotted as they're coming up cos it makes things a bit trickier. Stay away from the stairs if you can cos like DerGraueWolf said there's usually a Claymore waiting there for you...
Units usually move there after capping TV Station Plaza or Palace Security Office (if there are bulk units at Palace Security, they generally split between Hideout and Palace if these are still not owned by them, so once either of these flags go down, move in and use your UAV to your advantage.

Progress report ?? How's it going ?
+1|6662|houston texas
lol just do it XD
took me bloody ages to get mine, then i just kept going and got all my badges for knife, my k/d went for shit but i didnt care i was not going to stat-pad to get it, they have made the game to easy for awards these days, as a lot of the lads will prob tell you, it used to be a lot harder, so all i do now is spend about 1 hr or so a day running around with a pistol as thats all i need now, dont see nothing wrong with going into a knife and pistol server as long as everyone is doing the same, then no one is to any advantage, apart from the odd hacker out there(U KNOW WHO YOU ARE 1337)
+1|6738|New York City
knifing is easy once you get the hang of it. Not only is karkand good for knifing but also maps with snipers. Just run at them and knife them. They be too busy with their scopes to usually see u.
Yes, I am Queeg
I got mine on Karkand by going for groups of 3 enemies at a time.

Found that if I could dive among a group of 3 close together enemies I could dive at their ankles and stab away until there was 1 left - then I'd get shot. The rationale here is that while your among them and stabbing, they can't shoot for fear of TKing their buddies, also they tend to panic when they see the knife and dance around on tip-toe going "ouch - ouch - ouch!". When it gets to 1 on 1 the last man standing can shoot again.

I got 3 lots of 2 kills this way then snuck up on a bloke on his flank and shanked him in the right ear hole for the seventh.

In summary dive into a group of enemies and stab their ankles for all your worth.

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