thanks for the responses, this thread has really got moving.
First of all, it wasn't a 747. It was a 767. There is a difference. If you want to get technical over the plane.
We can talk physics if you like, I went to school for 4 years to learn it.
I agree with Jusster regarding the UN, good post.
I played the race card because that's what's fasionable in this thread.
The seperatists in Spain are Basques and have been trying to get recognized for a long time. They have been terrorized and unrecognized by the Spanish govt. That conflict goes back much further than the war on terrorism.
A better analogy for tha palestine situation is this. You are Israel, your neighbor is Palestine. You think your house is too small so you decide to build a garage in the neigbor's yard. He has a problem with that, and tries to get help from the city. The city council are all your buddies who get you cheap goods through inside deals. Your neigbor gets laughed at, you build your garage. Then, since your garage is too small, you inform your neighbor that you will be bulldozing his house in order to pave a driveway. He can't do shit. If he decides to fight you, it's terrorism. On his own property.
Just because they want juristiction in their region doesn't mean that they want Sharia law all over the world.
Just because people attend scenes where effigies are burned does not mean they will all commit terrorist acts.
And as conspiracy goes, I heard all of the evidence (scrap metal) was incidentally shipped off before any conclusions could be made. We'll be left to our own imaginations as to what really happened. Great investigation. That being said, I trust the judgement of homeland security about the same. They can say what ever they want and you have to believe it.
That sounds conspiratory to me.
I never once said fuck America, I said the west is the root of the problem that includes Canada.
Here's what we do: we set a GOOD example and DEMAND proper CONDUCT
we don't occupy land, destroy homes, kill civilians, or perform any other form of terror for the sake of fighting terror. We use the same scrutiny that we pass on others, on ourselves.
We don't excuse unconstitutional or unjust acts.
We don't harbor offenders.
We let people be innocent until PROVEN guilty, and if that means one douche gets through and hurts people, at least we had the RESOLVE not to stoop to their level, we stayed the course of our own law.
We don't lie so we can start wars.
We COULD work something out with Venezuela (good idea)
We COULD decide to COOPERATE with the UN, if we're so worried about muslim takeover in those 'other' countries.
We could put away double standards.
We could ask Israel to get the fuck out of Palestine. * the june 1967 borders
We could stop using covert actions and agencies to manipulate other governments and terrorize citizens.
We could lift the sanctions on Cuba.
We could improve relations with Indonesian muslims, since they aren't polarized the way the ME is.
We don't allow vote fraud. We vote on paper, just like we always have.
We use our military strength as a last resort, not as our right hand.
We recognize that everyone is an individual, and is granted the benefit of the doubt until there is EVIDENCE to prove they are terrorists.
We prosecute leaders, western and otherwise, for crimes and terrorism.
Yeah I like sentence fragments, but I think you fully understood me so what does it matter?
You can't have cake and eat it too.
Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-08-15 19:03:39)