Primacord, 95% of my Mom's right breast was "good people".
The other 5% was a bunch of "violent outliers, not representative of the community as a whole". Probably really it was more like 2%. So, in an effort to save the 95%, it was determined that we should just try to get the 5%, and save those "good folks".
Unfortunately, after trying a "surgical strike" that didn't get every single last "violent cell", the "5% that didn't represent the community as a whole" made a comeback. Pretty soon they were spreading throughout the 95%, impossible to distinguish from the good people from a distance, hidden throughout, and spreading, and becoming an increasing problem for the areas outside "Right Breastville".
The whole Right Breastville community was going to die, and not just that little area, it was going to spread to "Mother Earth".
So the decision was made that unfortunately, in order to save Mother Earth, and the completely neutral areas like "Braintown" and "Leftlegton", all of "Right Breastville" had to be completely wiped off the map, and replaced by a new, non-violent, admittedly culturally quite different, "New Right Breastville".
I'm happy to report that some time later, though I'm sure Mother Earth laments the loss of Right Breastville, New Right Breastville is getting along swimmingly with the rest of the planet, and there are no longer any worries about the violence in that small region fucking it up for everyone.
It's a shame the 95% couldn't control the 5%, but since that's the story, and the surgical strike was clearly (1) risky, and (2) generally ineffective, complete destruction of all Right Breastville cells was what had to happen to save everyone else.
Last edited by Dersmikner (2006-08-15 07:30:40)