First a Commander . What is he responsible for?
Lets see.. A commander is suppose to COMMAND the Forces on the map. I Dont know how many times ive seen commanders TEam killing for vehicles, Flying PLanes, Flying helicopters, Or running around like there a troop. DO YOUR FUCKING JOB. Find a place where YOU ARE SAFE FROM ENEMY FIRE. and Stay in your fucking screen! COMMAND THE SQUADS. Dont just tell them go attack this spot. That doesn't work. You need TO HAVE SUPPORT. If you have a squad of three people . dont tell them to bypass five flags tothis one spot because you want that one. (the enemy will just spawn around it and guess what your new position is Flanked at every end.
Have a squad move to a FLANKING posistion , Have another squad take the flag. this way the first squad can take the flag and the second can defend them, and attack inc's when the flag goes neutral. Oh and Another thing USE THE DAMM V key and talk to your squads. Tell them they are doing a good job, yell at them when they are not following directions and then stress to them the importance of the giving instance. "thats why you died!"

yesturday was prolly the worst day of my life playing this game.  I was team killed REPEATally by my fucking commander. ever time i ran to the jet , helicopter or whatever. he had -65 points. (shakes head) MUst be fun to be a dick i don't know. Then i was booted from a server because i got the helicpoter and the admin wanted it. being a gunner and being lined up for shots wasn't good enough.

Second taking flags,

If your on a map lets say Wake island. and the flag goes to the americans. FUCKING COMMIT Suicide and spawn there QUICK!! Stop worring about " but i wanna fly , I wanna fly" The task at hand is Seizing control of the island.If you wanna fly. go play single player mode,or play ace combat on the PS I DON,T CARE.This is a military simulation game. I realize that ever one playing this is a kid or someone that wasn't in the military but for us that were, we hold this as a true life situation. We try to pine corners. advance with squad and COVER or fellow men, Be the eyes in the back of the head of the guy in front of you. have guns ready to fire where you move.   WE NEED SUPPORT AFTER A FLAG IS TAKEN. Usually it's taken by two to three guys, and they are usally met by like twelve . do the math unless there superman(hacker that wants to cheat) the flag is gonna turn in less than four minutes.

Third Squad members.

LET ME THINK>. Are you in a squad? THEN FUCKING STAY WITH THEM. Listen to your squad leader! Stop being a lone wolf and in a squad it's useless. DONT YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVE STRENGTH IN NUMBERS?!!
If there are no medics or support in your squad BE ONE> IT"S CALLED TEAMWORK! Also if you wanna stay at a certain spot. Leave the squad and come back. that way you can spawn on who is ever left.

and last ADMINS.
JUST BECAUSE YOUR AN ADMIN> DOESN"T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BANN PEOPLE FOR FLYING A HELICPOTER WHEN YOU MISSED IT BY A HALF A SECOND , Or because you died against someone. BE A FUCKIGN MAN!. WOMEN what ever. JUST STOP BEING An asshole! what you get your kicks out of someone having to spend Ten minutes to start another server! Because your a POOR gamer!

That's it im done .. Thanks.

See ya in game.
loonitic a potty mouth
Having a bit of a rant?
Good post but it prolly wont help.... The people this is aimed at are fing moron 12 year olds that have no consideration for other people gaming experience.

Still nice Post.
yes Sir! *Salutes Smartly*
prince of insufficient light

saabrx wrote:

FUCKING COMMIT Suicide and spawn there QUICK!!

saabrx wrote:

This is a military simulation game.
I have a hard time taking it seriously when you spawn every 15 seconds.
Since then i stoppped playing on Huge maps. Base rapers, Team killers, and i commit suicide alot. LAG has a huge issue with my stats as well. I need a faster computer.
and for the past three months. For some reason i blow myself up alot trying to c4 vehicles. LOL

Last edited by saabrx (2006-08-08 06:33:03)

Nade Spammers Must Die
Dude your talking like you want every round to be a fully organised clan match. Its a pub server people will do WHATEVER they want and who the fuck are you to stop them?
+2,382|6983|The North, beyond the wall.

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

Dude your talking like you want every round to be a fully organised clan match. Its a pub server people will do WHATEVER they want and who the fuck are you to stop them?
Why aren't you a general?
I did NOT mean to come across that way. Im just tired of playing on servers where this is all kinda bullshit. It would be a better experience for me too.
Wheres the trigger?
+34|6949|Wangaratta, Australia
i agree with OP, nothing worse than being in a side that is fooling around & the other side is organsied. maps finish way to fast that way.
Nade Spammers Must Die

jord wrote:

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

Dude your talking like you want every round to be a fully organised clan match. Its a pub server people will do WHATEVER they want and who the fuck are you to stop them?
Why aren't you a general?
Because i have to play for another 250hrs and get vet heli
You have been blessed... with my rifle!
+43|6901|Bellmawr, NJ, US
What's worse than being TK'ed for a jet on the carrier of Wake Island?  Being TKed by your commander just before entering a Jet, and respawning to see the Jet still there.

Sin-nisterMinister wrote:

What's worse than being TK'ed for a jet on the carrier of Wake Island?  Being TKed by your commander just before entering a Jet, and respawning to see the Jet still there.
OOOOHHH yea or he jumps into the AA and blows everything up along with the boats going out from underneat the carrier...seen one guy with -160 on one server.
So... basically you want everybody to be like the real military and do what they're supposed to?


Well good luck with that!
Philosopher King
+16|6900|New York State, USA
Third Squad members.

LET ME THINK>. Are you in a squad? THEN FUCKING STAY WITH THEM. Listen to your squad leader! Stop being a lone wolf and in a squad it's useless. DONT YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVE STRENGTH IN NUMBERS?!!
If there are no medics or support in your squad BE ONE> IT"S CALLED TEAMWORK! Also if you wanna stay at a certain spot. Leave the squad and come back. that way you can spawn on who is ever left.
Too True. I agree 100%
+1 to you
Im sorry but i cannot totally agree

at first. for commadners is right on servers with lets say 12 player and more on EACH SIDE. here youve enough man to protect your flags and engage the enemy withou commanders help as a fighter

on 64 player games and maps it often make sense to send a small sqad to take an importan flags

lets say inf only 64 karkand. if all your sqad spread out to engage other flags than hotel the enemy will do same shortly
first :defenders always in an big advance.
second special in IO server: the ways are long and take time. so you cannot alow to try same move 4 or 5 times. if youre not able to get all flags in time youll be 50 tikets behind the enemy and totally shure youll loose. really seldom a team can win when they are lets say 230 to 180 behind

here is one of the tactics 2 sqads in different directions for an far away key flag,.. sometimes the sqads shoud tile and single engage a flag here is the chance big to catch one of them. often only 2 or 3 enemy try to catch them so spread up try to take 4 flags.. in worst case 3 man get catched at the flags but one survive (hopefully the sqadleader lol)
while that happen the rest of your team holld pressure on the hotel flag. if their team spread up (and the commander isnt able un such big servers to controll how many of his team now leave the main defense position and try to hunt your 2 sqads) without enough man youll get a flag behind enemy lines..
if to many comes behind your 2 sqads youll get the main defense pos and thats enough

anohter thing is smal server like a 4-4 game or 8-8 or something else here its a MUST FIGHT for the commander and its a MUST HAVE COMMANDER

dont hide and wait in your bunker. take a tank or apc stay little bit in the backl to backup your infantry use the ingame commanders (thats why a commander have this... he have it for fights)
the one man on this servers is too important to waste him for command only

never fly with one exceptioor  n lets say big map in an 8-8 or 10 to 10 game. its a waste to have 2 iplots (special with bomber 60 % of your team in air in choper 2 jets needs 5 people) on sqadleader shoudl take the SU and be a mobile spawnpoint and backup
commander wait in the mig

if someone needs help or on of the keyflags is emtpy .... power to the engines,.. just use he jet as transporter
one good commander with the right tactics is able to get the keyflag while the team hold the enemy under presure

so you can use the command as the teamspec op.
see in smal servers support your team with suplies uav transpport and arty is good but sometimes (sometimes not the hole map) its better to have an unsupported team and one superpower specop with his own instant uav arty, everywhere transport and suplys
is he is good he can work as 3 mans. while the one or 2 enemy defenders wating for their uav request at the key flag your arty is on way

while they search you they run into your mines that gives you time to take the flag alone. if in an 8-8 game the enemy makes the mistake and mor than 2 people spawn at their flag YOUR team is in an 7-5 or 7-4 advantage ... they got you without getting that flag ?
ok NP ,.. youll need 15 sekonds to resupport your team but they 3 man hunted you need much more time to get back to the front
now youll have the key flag or an 8 -5 advantage on the other side of the map

do not missunderstood. while in big servers fighting commanders mostly nonsense (except keep the base clear and repaired)
in small servers its more tan important to have an fighting commander. use less time to scan and orders. communicate by speech and use your  TTTTTT for arty suplys and everything else

in infantry only servers smal maps 8-8 its good to have one sniper (not more) this is the ideal commander position.. be in the fight support the team and if nessesary youll be able to run long enough to pikup some more powerful kit and get in action

remember bevore youll engage the enemy place the uav and arty
THAN go in the fight ,.. if you get killed nothing happend arty and uav still recharging

so small server command are much different. on bigger servers one man isnt often so powerful so its more a waste to use the commander as an spec op or backup sniper. here is more important to have the overview over the many players on the map
here i can totally agree with the thread author

PS: one common mistake krakand 64 player US side. once your team got a flag do not try to get all flags
DEFENDERS are in the better position. if the teams are even skilled and the tikets are even. NEVER ENGAGE ALL FLAGS thtas nonsense. it just helps you if your team is much tikets behind. in this case your only way to win is to get the hole map

better hold one or 2 flags and let them engage. here you are in the better position. they will run mostly into the clays and nades if youl be able to place your nadespammers in the right position and they will never be able to get the flag back if your team protect this one

the difference is MEC has to protect all flags so they have to spread up and make holes. you can bunker into one and sit it out
ok many will say now this sounds lowskilled and boring and so ,.. hmm
first i think its more boring for your team to run hundreds of feeds
second as the author said. its an warsimulation so what you wanna do in a war?
loose in spectulatary way or win simple?

win and skills are more than running jumpiong and aiming its also tactics
many think these clay noobys should be banned and so ok its not an fine way and i also hate people only placing clays and nothing else
but lets say you place your clays change kit and now engage the enemy as assault or rehive someone ... it isnt low skilled noobyius

its a effective tactic,.. not really fair in some minds but its a wargame,.. the factor fair is made by the weposn you have use all tricks you think they help your enemy would make this too if he is smart enough

just rying to be "highskilled" by using one class and perfect aiming is CS like bullshit. in bf2 we have many options so use it ALL

now im thinking about an sniper guide for inf only servers including hided mines and so but noooo i would be the most hated person i think lol

Last edited by bofh999 (2007-07-16 21:32:51)

less busy
+586|7140|Kubra, Damn it!

bofh999 wrote:

Im sorry but i cannot totally agree

at first. for commadners is right on servers with lets say 12 player and more on EACH SIDE. here youve enough man to protect your flags and engage the enemy withou commanders help as a fighter

on 64 player games and maps it often make sense to send a small sqad to take an importan flags

lets say inf only 64 karkand. if all your sqad spread out to engage other flags than hotel the enemy will do same shortly
first :defenders always in an big advance.
second special in IO server: the ways are long and take time. so you cannot alow to try same move 4 or 5 times. if youre not able to get all flags in time youll be 50 tikets behind the enemy and totally shure youll loose. really seldom a team can win when they are lets say 230 to 180 behind

here is one of the tactics 2 sqads in different directions for an far away key flag,.. sometimes the sqads shoud tile and single engage a flag here is the chance big to catch one of them. often only 2 or 3 enemy try to catch them so spread up try to take 4 flags.. in worst case 3 man get catched at the flags but one survive (hopefully the sqadleader lol)
while that happen the rest of your team holld pressure on the hotel flag. if their team spread up (and the commander isnt able un such big servers to controll how many of his team now leave the main defense position and try to hunt your 2 sqads) without enough man youll get a flag behind enemy lines..
if to many comes behind your 2 sqads youll get the main defense pos and thats enough

anohter thing is smal server like a 4-4 game or 8-8 or something else here its a MUST FIGHT for the commander and its a MUST HAVE COMMANDER

dont hide and wait in your bunker. take a tank or apc stay little bit in the backl to backup your infantry use the ingame commanders (thats why a commander have this... he have it for fights)
the one man on this servers is too important to waste him for command only

never fly with one exceptioor  n lets say big map in an 8-8 or 10 to 10 game. its a waste to have 2 iplots (special with bomber 60 % of your team in air in choper 2 jets needs 5 people) on sqadleader shoudl take the SU and be a mobile spawnpoint and backup
commander wait in the mig

if someone needs help or on of the keyflags is emtpy .... power to the engines,.. just use he jet as transporter
one good commander with the right tactics is able to get the keyflag while the team hold the enemy under presure

so you can use the command as the teamspec op.
see in smal servers support your team with suplies uav transpport and arty is good but sometimes (sometimes not the hole map) its better to have an unsupported team and one superpower specop with his own instant uav arty, everywhere transport and suplys
is he is good he can work as 3 mans. while the one or 2 enemy defenders wating for their uav request at the key flag your arty is on way

while they search you they run into your mines that gives you time to take the flag alone. if in an 8-8 game the enemy makes the mistake and mor than 2 people spawn at their flag YOUR team is in an 7-5 or 7-4 advantage ... they got you without getting that flag ?
ok NP ,.. youll need 15 sekonds to resupport your team but they 3 man hunted you need much more time to get back to the front
now youll have the key flag or an 8 -5 advantage on the other side of the map

do not missunderstood. while in big servers fighting commanders mostly nonsense (except keep the base clear and repaired)
in small servers its more tan important to have an fighting commander. use less time to scan and orders. communicate by speech and use your  TTTTTT for arty suplys and everything else

in infantry only servers smal maps 8-8 its good to have one sniper (not more) this is the ideal commander position.. be in the fight support the team and if nessesary youll be able to run long enough to pikup some more powerful kit and get in action

remember bevore youll engage the enemy place the uav and arty
THAN go in the fight ,.. if you get killed nothing happend arty and uav still recharging

so small server command are much different. on bigger servers one man isnt often so powerful so its more a waste to use the commander as an spec op or backup sniper. here is more important to have the overview over the many players on the map
here i can totally agree with the thread author

PS: one common mistake krakand 64 player US side. once your team got a flag do not try to get all flags
DEFENDERS are in the better position. if the teams are even skilled and the tikets are even. NEVER ENGAGE ALL FLAGS thtas nonsense. it just helps you if your team is much tikets behind. in this case your only way to win is to get the hole map

better hold one or 2 flags and let them engage. here you are in the better position. they will run mostly into the clays and nades if youl be able to place your nadespammers in the right position and they will never be able to get the flag back if your team protect this one

the difference is MEC has to protect all flags so they have to spread up and make holes. you can bunker into one and sit it out
ok many will say now this sounds lowskilled and boring and so ,.. hmm
first i think its more boring for your team to run hundreds of feeds
second as the author said. its an warsimulation so what you wanna do in a war?
loose in spectulatary way or win simple?

win and skills are more than running jumpiong and aiming its also tactics
many think these clay noobys should be banned and so ok its not an fine way and i also hate people only placing clays and nothing else
but lets say you place your clays change kit and now engage the enemy as assault or rehive someone ... it isnt low skilled noobyius

its a effective tactic,.. not really fair in some minds but its a wargame,.. the factor fair is made by the weposn you have use all tricks you think they help your enemy would make this too if he is smart enough

just rying to be "highskilled" by using one class and perfect aiming is CS like bullshit. in bf2 we have many options so use it ALL

now im thinking about an sniper guide for inf only servers including hided mines and so but noooo i would be the most hated person i think lol
I realize this is a long response, but it really took you from August 9th of last year to write it all?

(next digit in one hour)


lol no i just read it and why beginning a new one when there is an old one?
special these days where teamplay often getting less skilled then a year bevore i think a good topic
special commanders skills are often rare

PS: sorry for my english i gues its hard to follow,...
just try to translate it in real english,.. *lol*

Last edited by bofh999 (2007-07-16 22:12:36)

99 Problems . . .

Fighting Commanders.

It depends on the situation.  I've spent a Lot of time commanding and it really depends on the situation.

If there are less than 12-14 players on the server I'll fight and command, someone HAS to.

If there are 18 players or more I'll find some where nice & safe to hang out and rarely take my head out of the command screen unless a threat presents itself.

When "just" commanding I will move to cap a flag if I see no enemies or firendlies are anywhere near it.  If a friendly shows up I'll move away from the flag to given him the Capture points and me points by osmosis.

I'll ask if anyone wants to repair before I drop a crate on an asset.  If I'm repairing asstes and a player stats helping, I'll stop, make sure he gets the repair points, again giving me the command point.

When fighting & commanding I give the UAV to whoever is under threat or trying to cap flags and don't use it for myself, I have scan after all.

Whether active or not I try to keep supply crates ahead of an advancing squad.
thats nice pike i hope i see you on any server ill take enemy command lol

no really.. aksing bevore you drop assets aaaaahhh dont do it..  the assets repair slowly anyway but if the engeneer get killed your tank is down
asses often in amored fight real important,.. dont care about points of your team if you risk the life of 2 or 3 sqads
also this thing with the flag first you get points (but not so directly but you get some more points when you cap flags) second
never take a risk... friendly comming to late thine he should tak the assist point and be faster next time and dont let you do all the work *g*
because i dont wanna honor people which let the commander make their work. second  i dont wanna risk to loose that flag

enemy commanders often drop arty when they see neutral flag.. arty comes mostly to late but if i leave flagrange to let him scoring i take the risk we take it to slow ,.. get both killed by arty and loose the outpost

no really i think everybody care to much bout scores... just try to work as hard, as fast , as good as you can,.. the score will be just a bunos of the result
+1,230|7148|Alberta, Canada

Maybe they should have a little room for the commanders to sit in the whole round and lock the door so they can't get out of their command station.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6453|San Antonio, Texas

Ryan wrote:

Maybe they should have a little room for the commanders to sit in the whole round and lock the door so they can't get out of their command station.
It'd be tough to hold it in.

I agree wholeheartedly with the OP, especially about squad members running off on their own. Sometimes on the BF2s EU server, we keep together to cap flags and dispose of threats. I always check what kits my squadmates are using, so I can fill the void. No support? Next respawn I'm a support. It's simple, and balancing.
lol ryan but then we need an execution wall
for some dump idiots

last time iwas commander and my half team !! (32 player tem) sitting on the airfield waiting for the su
addition 2 su pilots one mig and 2 chopper pilot
another 6 !! people sitting at helipad so 27 of my 31 man sitting at the base

i bid our enemy to attac my own base ..... and send my on arty there

one of my team mean he dont wanna try to win just to give me points so hes just stitting there and wait for the jet

at the end the top player on other side has more kills than my hole team lol

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