Because we are no longer in the age of wars. Decimating people never gained us anything, and it wont start helping now. Maybe they should target you, wherever you are, and wipe a cruel bastard off the face of this earth.King_County_Downy wrote:
And just for argument sake, why shouldn't Israel, (or any other nation for that matter), target civilians? Hezbollah does... as well as all the other terrorist organizations. Why does "the civilized world" have to have it's hands tied behind their backs when there are no rules, only Allah's virgins, for the militants. And you all of these people try to defend these actions. If we could open our can of whoop-ass, we'd pwn anyone, anywhere. It'd be game over for the arab nations.one_of_ten wrote:
You're right about the uniform but they should try to avoid civilian deaths by any means unless they make south Lebanon a free fire zone and blow up everything that moves.Canin wrote:
I have a question. Everyone keeps talking about Lebanese civilian casualties, and how the Israeli Army is targeting civilians with arty and air strikes rather than using ground troops in conventional style warfare, but has anyone actually seen a Hezbollah Military uniform???? I've searched for some time, and I just cant seem to find a picture of one. So I am curious how the Israeli Army is supposed to differentiate between the civilians and Hezbollah when the are apparently dressed the same and the Hezbollah are using civilian areas as bases of operations????
And what about the patriot anti-missile thing, does it work ???
And yeah, I bet the patriots work pretty good.
As for the patriots, everyone seems to overlook the fact that the US has been providing Israel with the firepower to SHOOT DOWN ROCKETS for years now. But they neglect to use it.